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John Edward Dimaculangan


• The device which converts the Mechanical Energy into Electrical Energy is called
• There are Two types of Generators
1. D.C Generator:- The Generator which converts the Mechanical Energy into D.C Form
of Electrical Energy is called D.C Generator.
2. A.C Generator:- The Generator which converts the Mechanical Energy into A.C
Form of Electrical Energy is called A.C Generator.
• Both of the Generator Works on the Principle of Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic
• In 1831, Michael Faraday, an English physicist gave one of the most basic laws of
electromagnetism called Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

• Important Parts of D.C Generator
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

• Yoke is also called as frame. It provides
protection to the rotating and other parts of
the machine from moisture, dust etc.
• Yoke is an iron body which provides the
path for flux • It provides the mechanical
support for the poles.
• Materials used for yoke are cast iron,
silicon steel, cast steel, rolled steel etc.

• Pole produce the magnetic flux when the field
winding is excited.
• Materials used for Pole is cast steel or cast iron.
• Pole is a Part on Which Field Winding is Wound
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

• The field winding is also called as exciting winding.
• Current is passed through the field winding in a
direction ,to magnetize the pole.
• The metal is used for the field conductor is copper.

• All these slots are parallel to the shaft axis.
•Armature conductor are placed in these slots.
•Armature core provides a low reluctance path
to the flux produced by the field winding.
•Cast steel or cast iron are used for the armature
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

• The commutator converts the alternating emf
internally in a D.C. voltage .
• It collects the current from the armature conductors
and passes it to the external load via brush.
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

• The Rotor is the moving part of a D.C. generator.
• The rotor rotates because the wires and magnetic
of the motor are arranged so that a torque is
about the rotor’s axis.
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan
Working Operation of DC Generator

• The Dc Generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

• In this DC Generator the single turn alternator is used.
• The coil can rotate in clockwise or anticlockwise direction.
• The commutator brush is connected to the Coil.
• Commutator is divided into two parts A and B.
• The coil is suspended between the Field Poles.
• The coil is given the mechanical energy which results in the rotation of it.
• As the commutator segments A&B is connected with conducting coil ab and cd
respectively they rotate together.
• Due to which the flux is produced resulting in the generation of electric current.
• As the commutator has the property of converting the bidirectional emf(AC) into
unidirectional emf (DC) .
• The DC Current is generated by the DC Generator.
• Which can directly used by connecting the Output across the load or it can be stored
inatteries and can be used Later on.
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan
• As Shown in Fig the Coil is in
Rotating Form.
• The EMF is generated by rotation of
• In this Fig A,B,C and D is used to
describe the position of the coil.
• When the coil is stationary the EMF
generated is null.
• When the coil rotates at 90 Degree as
Shown in Fig B.
The flux is generated resulting in the ac
voltage at Output.
• When the coil reaches at C the half
cycle of the rotation is complete .
• When the coil rotates further another
half cycle of sine wave is generated .
• The efficiency of the DC Generator
can be Increased by Combining two or More Number of Coils at Same Time .
• which will result in attaining 360 Degrees at only one rotation of the coil
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan
• Separately Exited generator:
The application of these generator have limitations , because they need a separate
excitation for the field winding. Some of the application are electro-refining of materials
or electro-plating.

Types of Armature Winding

Lap winding – it forms a loop as expands around the armature core.

Where Yb – back pitch(must be an odd number); the number of elements that the coil
advances on the back of the armature core
Yf – front pitch(must be an odd number); the number of elements spanned on the
commutator end of the armature
m – multiplicity factor
1 for simplex winding
2 for duplex winding, etc.
+(sign) – for progressive winding(winding expands from left to right)
-(sign) – for retrogressive winding(winding expands from right to left
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

Wave winding – it forms a wave as it expands around the armature core.

Where Y – average pitch (must be an integer)

Z – total number of winding elements on the surface of the armature core
P – number of poles
Minumum number of elements or conductors per slot(if not specified):
Types of Elements
winding per slot
Simplex 2
Duplex 4
Triplex 6
Quadruplex 8

Total number of elements or conductors(Z)

Z – elements/slot(total number of slot)
Number of brushes(if not specified)
N(lap) - P Nwave – 2
Number of commutator segments
N = Z/2
Number of armature current paths(a)
alap – mP awave = 2m
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan
Coil pitch
𝑐𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠
Ys = 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑒

Generated EMF Equation of a DC Generator

E= = kNØ

Where: E = generated emf (volt)

P = number of poles
N = speed of armature core rotation (rpm)
Z = total number of elements or conductors
Ø = flux per pole (Weber)
a = number of armature current paths
k = proportionality constant
Note: 1 weber = 1 x 10^8 maxwells or lines of flux

Types of DC Generators according to Excitation:

Separately- excited – the field windings of the generator is excited from a separate
source usually a battery.

Self- excited – the field windings of the generator is supplied or excited from its own
generated emf.
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

Shunt Generator

The armature coils and the shunt field coils are connected in parallel.

Series Generator
The armature coils and the series field coils are connected in series.
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

Long –Shunt Compound Generator

The series field coils are connected in series with the armature coils while the shunt
field coils are connected across the series combination.

Short-Shunt Compound Generator

The series field coils are connected in series with the load while the shunt field coils are
connected in parallel with the armature coils.
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan
Where Ra’ – armature equivalent resistance
Ra’ = Ra + Rip + Rcw
Ra = armature winding resistance (ohm)
Rip – interpole winding resistance (ohm)
Rcw – compensating winding resistance
Rsh – shunt field winding resistance
Rse – series field winding resistance
Ia – armature current (Ampere)
Ish – shunt field current
Ise – series field current
IL – load current
E – generated emf in the armature(volt)
VL – terminal voltage or load voltage(volt)
PL – power delivered to the load (watt)
Pg – power developed or generated in the armature (watt)

Voltage Regulation – percentage rise in the terminal voltage of the generator when the
generator load is removed.
% VR = 𝑥 100

Power Losses and Efficiency

Plosses – Pa’ + Pb + Pcore + Pf + Pfw + Pstray load Pb = IaVb
Pcore – P eddy + P hysteresis Pa = Ia2Ra
P eddy – ke(NBmt)^2 Watts Pf = Ish2Rsh + Ise2Rse
Physteresis – khNBm^1.6 Watts
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan
Pa – armature circuit loss
Pb –brush-contact loss
Vb – brush-contact drop
Pcore – core loss
Pf – field circuit loss (shunt field + series field)
Pfw – friction and windage loss
Pstray load – stray load loss
Pe – eddy current loss
Ph – hysteresis loss
Ke and kh – proportionality constant
N – speed of armature rotation
Bm – maximum flux density
t- thickness of armature core lamination
w – weight of core
n – efficiency
PL – output power or power delivered to load
P losses – power losses

Efficiency – ratio of output power (power drawn by load) to the input power(power
generated by the generator).
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan
Maximum efficiency – occurs only when the constant or rotational losses are made
equal to the variable losses.

Note: In a DC generator, the constant or fixed losses are the ff. friction and windage
loss,core loss,brush contact loss and the stray losses while the variable losses are the
armature copper losses and the field copper losses. Sometimes field copper losses are
constant,dependent on the type of DC generator.Also,unless otherwise specified brush
contact losses are assumend constant.
Sample Problems:
1. A four pole,DC generator with lap winding has 48 slots and 4 elements per slot.
How many coils does it have?
2. The armature of a four-pole shunt generator is lap wound and generated 216
volts when running at 600 rpm. The armature has 144 slots,with six conductors
per slot. If this armature is rewound,wave connected, find the emf generated at
same speed and flux per pole.
3. A shunt generator supplies a load of 5,500 W at 110V through a pair of feeder
conductors having a resistance of 0.02 ohm each. The armature,shunt field
resistances are 0.15 ohm and 50ohms respectively. Find the emf generated.
4. The field current of a 180 kW,250 Volts DC shunt generator is 6A when running
full load at rated terminal voltage. If the combined armature and brush resistance
is 0.02 ohm, solve for the electrical efficiency of the generator.
5. A long shunt compounf generator has the following parameters: ra = 0. 1 ohm,
Rse – 0.05 ohm and Rsh – 120 ohms. This machine supplies a power aggregate
load dc load of 10kW. At this load the armature generates 246 Volts. Determine
the terminal voltage.
Engr.John Edward Dimaculangan

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