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A documentary can only be successful if there is a clear purpose and goal. Producing a
documentary is like writing a letter. You must know the audience, your key message, and the
desired outcome. Answering the following questions will help you clarify the direction of your

1. What/who will your documentary about? How does this topic or person relate to your
previous research this semester? My document will be about sex trafficking and will be about
all the women who are not able to speak about it.

2. What is the MAIN purpose of your documentary? Examples: to persuade the audience to
________, to inform the audience that ________) The main purpose of this documentary is
to persuade the audience to speak out more on sex trafficking and tp inform the audience
about what sex trafficking causes.

3. Who is your target audience? Anyone who has been convicted or is a victim of sex

4. What are the three most important points this documentary will make? The effect of sex
trafficking, the punishment of sex trafficking, and the case numbers that are rising.

5. When the documentary comes to an end, how do you want the audience to feel? (use an
emotion) and what do you want the audience to do? (call to action) I want the audience to
feel better about discussing sex trafficking and more confident if you are a victim.

6. What is the one thing, if they get nothing else, you want the audience to remember after
viewing/listening to your documentary? I want them to remember that they are not the only
ones, and they are not going through it alone.

7. How do you think you can best illustrate your message? Website, podcast, or video? Website

8. Is there existing footage that can be utilized for this project? If so, please list items here (Use
the link from the reading this week and do an image/video search for websites or videos and

adapted from Desktop Documentaries

an audio search for podcasts) There is existing footage of documentaries of sex trafficking
victims, but I have yet to look for some.

adapted from Desktop Documentaries

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