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Custom Mech Rules

Mech Type High (+1) Avg (+0) Low (-1)

Man Powered Crew HD, Fort STR, DEX, Ref, Spd, Maneuver

Steam HD, STR, Fort Speed, Crew, DEX, Ref


Undead Fort HD, STR, DEX, Ref, Speed, Maneuver, Crew(Very


Animated DEX, Ref, Speed, Fort HD, STR, Crew


Clockwork HD, STR, DEX, Ref, Fort, Crew

Speed, Maneuver
HD: Xd10, 5.5/ HD
AC: 10 + Mech Size + Pilot Dex(Mech Dancer)
Hardness: Acts as DR
Critical Threshold: Green 100%, Yellow 50%, Orange 25%, Red 10% of HP
+0/+1/+2/+3 To crit range on mech, easier to damage. Critical Damage Ignore Hardness
Base Mech Traits
Size PU Height Size Mod Hardness Firing Ports Unarmed DMG

Large 3 10 ft -1 +0 100% 1d6

Huge 5 15 ft -2 +0 100% 1d8

Gargantuan 10 25 ft -4 +0 100% 1d10

Colossal 16 35 ft -8 +1 80% 1d12

Colossal II 32 50 ft -8 +2 65% 3d6

PU: 1 PU hold 1 Medium sized creature/ weapon. 1 PU Space to live, 1 PU to work, usually 2
PU to live comfortably. Mech = 2x PU size, 1 PU = Med, 2 PU = Large, etc…. 1 PU = 6x6x6 or
1,000lb material.

Good: Large/ Huge
Average: Gargantuan/ Colossal/ Colossal II
Poor: Colossal III/ Colossal IV/ Colossal V
Clumsy: City-Mech A/ City-Mech B/ City-Mech C/ City-Mech D/ City-Mech E/ City-Mech F
+1 Mod: Clockwork, Animated
+0 Mod: Steam
-1 Mod: Man Powered, Undead
Clearance = How High mech can step.
Perfect Good Average Poor Clumsy

Reverse Free -10ft No No No

Turn Any 90/20ft 45/20ft 45/20ft 45/40ft

Turn in Place Any 90/-20ft 45/-20ft No No

Max Turn Any Any 90 45 45

Trip +4 +0 +0 -4 -8

Climb Yes -4 No No No

Jump Yes -4 -8 No No

Clearance ¾ Height ½ Height ½ Height ¼ Height ¼ Height

Material Flesh Clay Wood Bone Stone Iron Steel Mithral Admantine

Hardness 1 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 20
Mixing Materials.
%X +%Y = Hardness, ex 50%10 + 50% 20 = 15 Hardness
Improving Mech
Can Increase Any Attribute by +1 Mech Size or -1 Mech Size, except Hardness(Material + Size),
Firing Ports(Size), and Crew(Power Source).

Special Improvements:
Armor Plating: +2 Hardness, -10ft Speed, City Mech-B+ -20ft, +20% Base Cost
Combat Spikes: +1d6 dmg unarmed combat. +10% Base Cost
Extra Weapon Mount: +2 PU/ +10% Base Cost. Max +50% Base PU
Fast Legs: +10ft Speed, +20ft Colossal Size+, +5% Base Cost, Speed Demon Stacks
Gearwright Maintenance: 5% critical threshold reduction. +20% Base Cost, +1% yearly
Hangars/ Mech Fleet: Can Store smaller mechs inside. Mech = 2x Base PU. +5% Base Cost
Heavy Payload: Carry 2x PU, cargo only, +50% Base Cost, Stacks with Weapon Mounts
Linked Weapons: 2 Weapons fire same time, aim at same target
Magical Effects: To affect mech, 2x caster size can’t, need multicast. 2x Huge, 4x Gargantuan,
etc… Spells simultaneously + Combine Spell or consecutively
Secure Crew Quarters: Door, 10 Hardness, 60 HP, DC 28 Break, Lock from inside, 1 PU + 500
gp, +1 PU + 100 gp per medium crew member to secure. Can have multiple doors
Steady Feet: +4 Bonus Trip, Safe Trample Size +1, +15% Base Cost
Steam Powers: Can add Steam Powers on Steam + Clockwork Mechs, need to stack for size.
Mech Pricing
Craft Magical Mech or Craft Powered Mech
Skill Craft(Mechcraft)
Planning Time: 2x DC Mechcraft in days, can be reduced by ranks in Craft(Mechcraft)
Designer spends time only, 8+ hrs a day to oversee mech construction
Planning Time must be spent once, either to make or review blueprints.

Labor Time/ Material Cost/ DC: Depends on Size/ Power Source, pg 87/88 Table
Material Cost is only Materials not transportation etc…
Base Material multiple Cost by 10 for Iron to build mech, 9x Cost for Clockwork 1lb iron = 1 sp
Steel = 1.25 sp Iron. Mithral = 20 x 1.25 (2.5 gp/ lb). Admantine = 50 x 1.25 (6.25 gp/ lb)

Labor: XHrs required to build mech

Physical labor can work 8 hrs/ Day.
1 Overseer/ 10 Laborers
No overseer -25% Useful hours for that group. Assume 1 Overseer/ 10 Men usually
Overworking Labor: 3x Wages, 2x work, 14 Days must make DC 10 Fort or -1 HP nonlethal.
15days + -2 HP non lethal. ½ HP as non lethal, productivity drops ½
Only 10% Population be above average. 1% Experts
Only 25% Hours For Mindless Undead/ Constructs.

Skill lvl Daily Wage Man Hours Qualification

Average 1 sp 8 Able Bodied

Above Avg 1 gp 10 5+ Ranks Profession Engineer/ Similar

Skilled 2 gp 12 10+ Ranks

Expert 3 gp 14 15+ Ranks

Undead - 12 Mindless Undead

Construct - 30 Mindless Construct

Overseer 3sp/10 Men - Leadership 3+ = lvl + Chr

Use Dedicated Wright, from Eberron Campaign Setting
2,100gp, + 160 xp, Craft Construct + Arcane Eye + Fabricate. DC 14 Pottery + 100gp to make
body. Craft +7, Craft +4, Skill Focus Craft +2. Total +9 Craft. 40 Man Hours can be used to make
100% of Man Hours due to function.
Fabricate Spell: 5th lvl Sor/ Wiz,
Affects 10 ft^3 feet material or 1 ft^3 per caster level. DC Craft for complex shapes.
10th lvl Wizard/ Sor can make a 10 ft^3 section of mech. DC = Mechcraft DC
Improving STR, DEX, Fort, Ref, Speed, HD
1. Divide Base Labor/ Material Cost by 6 = Base Incremental Cost
2. Find difference between Base Attribute and Non Standard Attribute
3. Find difference between Base Attribute and +1 Size Base Attribute
4. Divide Non Standard Difference by Standard Difference get %
5. Multiple Base Increment by % above
6. DC = average of Base + Size +1
Fixed Costs:
Man Powered: 750 gp
Undead: 10,000 gp
Steam Powered: 2,000 gp
Animated: 20,000 gp
Clockwork: 4,000 gp

Animated/ Undead Mech Additional

Size Casting Time

Large 1 Day

Huge 2 Days

Gargantuan 3 Days

Colossal 4 Days

Colossal II 5 Days
Creator Requires Craft Wondrous Item. If Built in Magic Items need relevant craft feat.
Geas/Quest + Polymorph Any Object + Limited Wish/ Wish(City Sized)
Magic Immunity: +30,000 gp, +2x Ritual time, can’t have inbuilt magic items
Creator Requires Craft Wondrous Item. If Build in Magic Items need relevant craft feat.
Animate Dead + Animate Objects + Bane + Geas/ Quest + Resurrection

Final Check
Mech Craft Check must be made when everything is completed.
Fail by 5 or less = Inoperable +20% Cost + 1 month Later Check to repair
Fail by 6+ = Fails, Spend ⅓ Labor time to recover material resources
Take 10/20 but 10x 20x Labor Cost

Making the Check

Divine Insight: 5 + CL max +15 Insight Skill Check, Personal
+ Imbue with Spell like Ability, 5HD to imbue 2nd lvl spell.
Guidance of the Avatar: +20 Competence Skill Check for 1 minute
Heroism/ Greater Heroism: +2/+4 Morale Bonus Skill Check
Moment of Prescience: + CL Insight bonus, Max 25, Personal only
Improvisation: 2 Luck points/ CL, Spends, max ½ CL as Luck Bonus, Personal only
Magecraft: +5 Competence on Craft. Personal
Fox Cunning: +4 Enhancement Intelligence,

Cog Layer: +CL to Craft
Gearwright: Take 30 on skill check, 30x time
Apprentice(Craftsman): +2 Competence Craft, -10% Material Cost
Exceptional Artisan: -25% Time to produce
Extraordinary Artisan: -25% Base Price
Magical Artisan: x75% Base Price
Skill Focus: +3, Ask for Pathfinder bonus +3 -> +6 at 10+ Ranks in Skill
Masterwork Tools: +2 Circumstance
Knowledge(Steam Engines): +2 Synergy if 5 Ranks
Engine Insight: +4 Synergy from Knowledge Steam Engines, +4)(+1 Per 5 Ranks Knowledge
Steam Engine) .requires Gear Stride + Skill Focus(Knowledge Steam Engine)
Magic Item: +10/ +20/ +30 Competence = 10,000 gp/ 40,000 gp/ 90,000 gp, Ask for Sacred/
Profane Bonus/ Insight Bonus/ Luck Bonus/ Morale Bonus

Apprentice Craftsman + Extraordinary Artisan + Magical Artisan: 50.625% Monetary Cost or

Generous Addition -60% Price

Modifying Mechs
Can Add new Trait or Change Attribute Similar to Above Method.
If removing Trait or Weapon Cost ⅓ Labor Cost.

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