How Gravity Works p1-8

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How Gravity Works—and related matters by Maurice Cotterell © 2007-2016 Meusice Contre! uw Maurie Cotterell com Sanspotl Ka. com Abstract: How Gravity Works—a Unified Field Theory ‘This explananion ef the gravinational mechanism provides causal ‘mechanism that reconciles physical phenomena with Newtor's ccquation for the foree of Gravity. It shows how electricity and ‘magnetism work together to produce the force of Gravity and in so ‘doing represents the frst Untied Field Theory. It explains the reason ‘why the gravitational force is. proportional to the masses of the attracting bodies and why the force decreases in accordance with a square law scale. The Gravitational Constant is defined. The reason ‘hy objects accelerate o Farth in accordance witha square law scale is explained, The architectae ofthe atom is explained—the resson why clectrons orbit the atom in up to 8 shells/sub-shells; why the shells, ‘contain the number of electrons tea they do; and why the shells are offsetby at east 43°, are allexplained, ‘Conelusion; The hydrogen atom [and helium atom] generate helically polarized electromagnetic radiation (gravity radiation) from polar regions thot bombards neighbouring atoms drawing them towards the source ofthe radiation, Grav iy radfavion then causes dhe nucleus ofthe neighbouring atom to spin zxially (the 'motor effec’) and, at the same time, synchronizes the spin of the electrons in both atoms, The neighbouring atom then, in tum, generates helically polarized cleciromagnetic energy (te generator effec’). Both atoms spin axially inthe same direction. Hence, the gravitational forces from both atoms pullin the sume direetion andthe forces are adtive. The gravitational Constant Gis showa to be the iniantancous alternating magnetic force Detween any two eleciton-magnets in neighbouring atoms and, hence, the gravitational force F is proportional toG x mI x M2 (whereml and ‘M2 representthelectron count of neighbouring atoms). Contents How Gravity Works: ' The cepted mode of the stom So, hat mikes the Complen atom stabe? Whats the natane ot the force? How could sn atom give-off radio waves? The Iniictanse Cycle “The Capacitance Cycle 3 How do corkssxew'style electromagnetic waves affet ‘other acm? 4 How Gravity Works 5 Derivation of Newien's equation Why objects accelerate Earth in roporionto dG Proof thatthe lection isa coilshaped clecron-maznet 7 ‘What makes te wom sable? 8 electricity gravity and magnetism Ghia, “T1h Mee sides of the same coin How Gravity Works Orthodox Seignce does not understand the Force that causes atoms tare each other because seietists donot understand the nature of the fore, orthe nature of theatom, ‘The accepted Model ofthe Atom The secepied model ofthe stom (right) recognises that complex atoms are made of sletic postive chars, pres (chown in ol), éleetrie negative charges (ach) and neurons (ue). The neutons fave no overall elecircal charg butare known t be made of! of 8 proton, “ofan electron and aneutal partes sometimes refered {he aninctn Bu ths el eam be eet bocte Faises hive erucial questions Why-—-ahver that postive repels pase do the poe charac Simp no jus speinw dpa Given tht positive attracts negate, wha stops th iting neal ‘changes irc being sUched-in othe postive charges he nasi? fang, Whatstops the protonand he Velceton inside the neuton from beingdravntogethorandannihilating each other? ‘So what makes the complex atom stable (1) "the mew atom -- x 1B) Hece, th, son «Hee he dice bliar-al- ‘gsthefariseisshows Stic pales hme. becn --- Teparatee fromthe supscel mia ty poste én this thoriva «chime the lon an hetiron-pothe particle baer symor aNé atny protne ae kept apart by We spicednetrns by the neuwowneural negative ateryike symbol The pestive fle of each spledsneainn Denice heaninean) ths awe hex spat bythe rbetad ine man of pos snip re Me bled seh acing Sele he wets ps ph sSjlesomention sew wpreoniton fst the pose ton prevening tem frvcmcn Ricknas Hest spa aa The Ros neae epee" FG tits scm hn ron Supporting evidence: Rerearchers. at the Hakn-Metiner Inviruae, SEUME, Ch 1 the nucleus. The spiked- berlin rmivmce tat ‘neuen behave tke compare neds: Metts at Ks, snes. foreing-out the (Sclence Dat 3 2008) What's the nature ofthe force? Issac Newton éefined Gravity G Before the creation of the Univers, atime zero no physical atoms existe, (© ‘Ther, amomont later, atin insral the tse atom, stom mums mst hays [atoms|—although he never s¥PeweC. Understood what caused it hot me Worked, oF Where {came ¢> frome) However, when we | Aime ory om ea recognise that the Universe 1 time 2 Newuni bevy the ore Segin with jst | stm, it Sesomes cleat thal fhe force of cay mut al This mee Sar Gan tom must gvectt Some form af ene. he only nuigy knowmto evel trough een "wo as, ii Atime-2 etom-2 appears andarvity exists. Ys, grevitational force mus ae! tem ace tostomF ad rom tom 2t0aem-1, boeen ume mer as Jd. 1) Us eneans ae gravity mat ral ta establish tlt bebscenth ain But how could an atom give off radio waves? In 1831, Michael Faraday demonstrated that when acoil is sviped through amaznetc fel an electric fel [a voltage] is produced across the cai. The corollary is also rue: whenever a coils ssiped through an electric Field [a voitaze] 2 magnetic fel is produced [induced] into the coil. it order to make the atom sible, it was firstly necessary to change the shape of the neutron. In order o enable a gravitational mechanism we must 20% changetheshape of he electronica acal-shpe Soe care eee ee ® fer dbogen tse + Sepa MI 2. soe il as hence ing nozatve clon. andthe postive poten The fincunt of irc Held comtaned i the space Boveen the parle fs hrown as ts Capaciahe™ e ws ete Fiweaewceramcte Se iUiiseetntts attra aterots Sere ASSnanIGD pa Ae mamta ate tite A ePn oi ie as hit ft dea mee Genet Sedtetty Oi Hee: ae, tt tg edt the electric field during quadrants 3 and 4, thus the associated magnetic field around the electron-magnet SoM Simao aes a aerogenes epee toatl ‘nec [yeh dab ikethe pong bade awn crag sch oboe prota ‘Sysnd dante een tha the acbon magnet aces hel ponies (soiece fiawre2. Sus) omgnet energy ton be eqstoral puto th pout eiensc) adaaicn fom thenerbemsscuris dis ‘rom ntation ee the sahern stor ry ‘The Capacitance Cycle But where does the capacitance energy come from? Gm Sven eras @ eens Peete it ee te sees Ch + lieu genet mister ty Bake adver eSunen a sergio fe mi are Ria ee thar onal tnlierebaroeen bce displaced and, being forced away fiom the sphere, radiates denasn lye ae ont lees Re boge Ber oakigie Becntiee dnp i oh. figure. Kapacitance ©) As the clctrommagnet suchsein eneny fem the proton the. proton rapidly Sompresses (shrinks) and cools, as the induced magnetism rises in the electro Imaghet Wen the elecron-magnet becomes vertical and stopssucking-imener. the proion caps compressing. As soon ay Cat happen the supercold miniature prton Fucks. ambient heat (dbove -273.13° C) causing the proton heat-up and expand raps. The surface aren othe proton thus ges Taree an smaer a the eletron- magnet orbits the prot, so the amoure of electric fick (capacitance) between the particles mast vary in oyclical way fbsceuse Capocitanoe is proportional & the Surface atea between the particles]. Below -273 15 C the electron cannot access Scurces of beat to stain elecromaunetic oscillation and te electron starved input ‘energy, ceases to orbit the proson. Ossillations cease. The atom ceases radiating orkscrew-stvle electromagnetic energy and the atom ceases to aliract other atoms, (to evil), Whenever theelecron absorbs energy, tdrainstheeleciricie\dof seme {nerzy and th tension bergen thotwo panclss diminishes allowing the eletron to Increase the sizeof its orbyt Whenever energy srelumed he renewed stronger fel Dus the eleston back a postion inside the original obit, momentarily, before ‘eturningioiisoriginalorbit, efit) ande(ei), Tiere the election How do corkscrew-style leetromagneti radio-waves affect other atoms? Gravity requires that every stom attracts every other atom in every diferent diretion. Henge for a gravitational fcehuniam to be ensbled hy. corkssrewetple Falling wones three corlivons must be mc TAIT hydrogen alors chout the Universe must be randomly orientated. 3. Corkssrew-styleradi-waves from hyGogst atom must ot Interfere with corkserewatyleracko-waves trom oer Aydogen atoms, and 4 i enrkserewsiyle radio-wnves rom the hydrogen atom ate the prime-mver Inthe wavitalonal meckantsn then Oe [oon-w drogen] ars ma be alfectad [ty stove way iced fy he oars era nave rom he yarn aon order fo sais News ‘Shssvatfons ha bodes alignment liethe Sn ad Mon, pull nthe sane ration) ese ®@ SS tydiooen - so ‘crs AP Reomeyricaity s Deena ase ser inh eureka = “led fincaiacsronaae ws mapede ©) In this theoretical scheme the electrons and nee per aicsounte aces ane ole of each spkcioneton s cmbeldedindaemss ol pols conned ‘Reh Theta stn mes ck ifr priming spa Te Antromrceine poles ope the Clodzons preven hem Ao tig chncrothenaSen espe ctonsendtoeinetinde pons aneaiincrs sie era ee ae oad pee tree eee ee cee ne mm oases lhe Pee nae ot Re ‘hence the ‘torque on the pee otnsememeetintene fe Seat sunceemmraclcteke Gonos © mR ackienet cee SSSI “p) ‘radiates {rom the atom, The power ouipat of nn Hineeir, ere - aenenuaseas shoe atSiagcatantstna nore cetomapnetic cet wha pulls eightourine feracm® fy e- Ss Sea WB oe ee are angen moredeutmenteroit. | \ SORTS Salta. | = SY / Supporting evidence: "when 2X / etki re" bombard) ek CNC late old rat th Ss tees end les tne coker io he ve [Nota 200 BS ABs cline ios ome iperssennsinhels “The nsghtourng cts now Ruietes eles: polarized Elscfomegncte radiation hat feimbaree! other “netsbouting ‘fom nslignmen figure fama cleston-magnetazimath a ee ee | fits the hydrogen protan it changes from a purely rely mazy {Gsep bile) At these imei reites lially polarized eletromagnet Energy nt” space that avin them to spin—Tke ‘Windssteen wipers rotating through "sols [Seven the. slectrommagnet ‘rhuing the asdregen Proton ateshown' met Sr wsond “iy Fe), Fn (@) Be gangs QA Mia csc of Moms flecromagnetcextay (et shown here) ee the bards ext atom with 3 r * samifvans eset Ssochronveng the spn chit sSorumagnets wah nat, fof the Iydeepen‘lecwon magnet the th kstoromagnts th Silly and Fast helically Polar cleromagree (ation at hota adjacent atom with 3 emer tons shen ey ‘alt "pl tlsiromagnotie enemy te ie'can be seen then 8 Polarized. electromagnet Fadiation rom the Hydrogen ftom syectrenizes the spen ‘all electrons tn alors hydrogen am Imgzielié moments of Comes bing electron ma eneade of atom atract of praviy. The electron magnetic Moments altemae fr ach rbtal eee a ‘sdragen electton- magnet, Hence. gravity anno! hemessured cascade of atoms cares to gravity when _slesron-magnctc feselarat hen decronegnts foce ray ris MO ruc thonsomel) "ar eric figures. ey 14, “te tm, o meaccan Constant [6] uN 2 Teper ora cota ‘changes in the amount of electric sari amet ea cnr oot eae aad eo ca et Secon b) A theoretical stom radiating a theoretical gravity wave €)Atheretil tm aang 2 eon gravy nave fujasted to. aecommodate Soh oer ne tome disance melee (0) Bubs {)Astiereal paviy Werte ridhie Fon Moms “they” must dcerease in fleld Strength Iper mete fered Feeney on satan veld he Tadtated ‘energy des prosetedy Satelit igh Saute of the disarce irvted() tacsed runes Sige bones Show the Blt srenth orihe raciatiag Aleeuotngacic cag far velte per meee Scared (Sues are eed hore ve Schomancay rae Teter aisebging rave. te denuatly ‘conical Witcat ou once Isaac Newton's equation for the fore of praviy: where the force ' proportional to the F=GmM/d? masses (m © M) of the 180. attracting, bodies. and. the Strenpth of the force decresses ersely with the square the Astancebetween them GisNewton’s graviutional Constant 6672x 10) Nm ke” the instantancousaliemmingmognetic force berween any mocteciron-magnels Inneighbouringatoms Derivation of Newton's ‘Themagnetc ce tween ay Ro maga prion the magnetic foree of one magnet mule by he mate re Gitle setond net The magnetic furs, Bete, Wo fda can tnerefore be calculated by puting the ‘Sectonsmagt fn one electro cae net Gy RS rato ons Ser acral alo (sproportor of te mac cofaiom 1, m1) multiplied by the mumbr of elecwen mages th fom) cpap temas eto Per as Newton Studs the” fore (8) can he tla yang Ke mage Rowe PT ttn tag} multpid by an x M2 (yea explain wi the ret myst be dled by the dance (Between the two aroma) Stared Why objectsacelerate {0 Earth in proporden m ne @ rie termey ce fet ed SQ) atte Foe eam Signo) However. asm Epprosches M- the Shibling. EN radiation sseleratesthedtirnta ration etyeen cach Stomis nucleus ‘an flecon cage of which Smmede. Ar a rv the ‘elave’ aomicfrequenc ‘neresoe an hone the utpat of the atoms generator’ increases, Fheteasing uniformly the attracting EM Toree ewween ny and Min fovordanos witha square Taw scale as m proceeds slong the TM spiral NM thus attracts, with square-aw (°] uniform aceeraticn fm is shown sprain fevers AP ene ES wane tay aa ‘acai: mapreacies ina trtght lane the Meavespiratsacrossn) tens [6] ne electron isa coil-shaped electron-magnet—andclestron-shell architecture explained 4) Schematic bowing the ort asim ours oF econ fl Ee ene ® eee em aera buna of sottons ering a om i wun "ld fut nares ete area ee aig eerie ree Sowny Ths aso meare ta hve ae alma of enya cee oer oe Tojo) laste the cleae— mangas ping pont of dco cleerormagnet (EM at 48" nerves by) om 3°90" (Lotte fine) the amet HAG oF he FA ses [apd Hs more mares in ‘dower tu) From Oot-— 13° fae oe al ors ape: Ea ‘esi Bonn) Th amc thing happens beeen 225° 2 ond froma" 31s"bucwlthopposteagte paar y 0-9 APN wim la oP FEDS cle oF A S orhodo Sctnce doesnot linden toms tiractired he way Soe “ | wal wes tsarme | {) mena sy creas tame (eee Eee ere poe Poe Ma LnSiein te 2 us iso" — is) hana nohsouth N.S] iM mectsanorbscuh I EM he to ope each oe dnd hens nso [SS Us wares ee uc te tock oe a ‘Sth hoa shel ese uso prtien acre) gv {Gaui to avoid amihlaton and EM fo ome sell at be @ ed by a en 43 rm hn haji shel ene Tost 0r-2, ‘BEsonsra oruplo EME per sad (Ba 43°~ 60] ous so Septet eo et hae o soit eaen at pnatansc Sunecrer Annie Wasnrcpees SSESGScL ac peed Ais Scns ghee naaat ets SUING vet ie ae SEMEN nae ere, (let) to arto barote the relationship bemscen ‘ag minima Edi accra thot erantate yell 90m sll yrater t Sell ovarunie 4% isa bye "Incl 6b ‘srt SS aa all> baron 90a be sen he manne erie econ ouch a scheme cn tthe? Euan te arc) ingens te anc ome of, ‘ie shel ad a he a sl aap} ‘more bts (aren) ton general posible Tie dfned [Rrucre cons sha cece st be cout hae and MDE aceinmmgeet porte schema only—Elts ae actaily synchronized by rote ase and fete the ncaa of each figure Sell bushelssprognecanet fer ar shown indt-1). Circular orbital ‘motion oF the ‘Moon i fosepet te cencera oe eneaet a eer ores reese renee ce octal ‘Why atoms wit spiked-neutrons are stable path rote: heloun, like Indrogen. 1s electrically cand {geomercally syrencincal and hence spins sally ind onomosih end rads helical polarced lectromagneric energy, however helivn is Subordinate to hydrogen beeznse hydrogen as no Spl eons ond there wnt a Newtonreasoed thi the Moon continu falling towards ‘th Earth ith the sims foc an acclratien a8 Tang dic cage tne vas tbe cr “poss The routing taottn saptures jon nar srt (het y then kenchulr © elec ar east : Q ‘feria mune electrons are purclymagrene ayazay punt “Malloy g & Oe oO fans are minioum sce and protons are mainuan sie and rN nanan cect macomien lecine lan view ofa heluan atom with 2 eletrons, nwo proconsand? spied-neurons The eecwon-margnet alternately possess gninannganddsweanby magnons ltr mats wihon moran and deat aon stance Thao fbrcestonte self susianedenctiaion. The ypkec-aeuronsprevert he elcom-elecronsitem crash toe oe Figure Se) showed how the electron behaves asa permanent magnet at 9° and 270° from is starting psition andhow itdoes nol possess a megnsticFildat 0° and 190", Thoclecron is magnetic therefor during only hal ofthe ime tore dvenucicus Nene further thal, because a purely magnets Held andapurely elect eld Se displaced ty 90” apartcle canny e both purely eit and ptely magnetiesimuiansoasy, the to a Inu excive i lows hat up elgctally neal kc poessce mete wali fy lf the me iteannot be simukencouss closeal daring tat same parol Une eysle. The electron, thocclor, can ‘only bs considered as Reving eleetieal properties for hallo the time. s) Shows the elecri and magnets possiiliies in plan view of tao cleirone ae hey orbttheaacleus of aheiumatom. d) When teelectrons are Eten purely manetithey eae beatratedo an electric parle ihe proton) Hence the magneticelecton Dot arated towards the nucleus dung the quadrans shaded i blue.) 90° late, the elccston is maximum ‘ati, but the charpe on the nearby neutronsnegaive proven them moving closer lo dh nucleus. Thus, the ccrorscanot be sickedcnot he nucles.b) We ako oe ha daring the bits quadrant protons, rained ‘otenewy, physically shrink. carnpresrapil release heat and cool Hence ths capacitance heoncen @ econ ‘and proionsreduces during the Flue quadravsfbecause epastance varies wi distance between pariciesand the Rirface area of each particle. I regard to The protons during the blue quadrants, when the sietron tmanimutn-mageti, the postive clectrical charge of each proton and the force of repulsion betwen protons) i®minima hence th: profonstuwe le propensity to move spar during the bli penranse) Asthe ctr move ito the prey quadrants the proton Pepi wo sucks ambient hea a aly expand. As the OHS xpand the distance between then andthe eketnons reduces a thet surface area increases, tetease te ‘anount of capacitance betweon them It ean tnis be soon that when te electric partie s maximums, {he proton dio maximum-siccncandatracton between the cletrons and probs macimua, he protons are thus Sreiched between the pairofekecronsan have no propensity to spring apart: Which explains Why the nun, and minim, ruber of electrons in Ux Hist orbital shes of domts conan spthed-neurons aselgaed wove fe]

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