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Keaton Lundie

Professor Diehl

HUMN 2010

January 28th, 2022

Analog Paper # 1: the Beetles “Julia”

Julia is a song written by the Beatles. Upon first hearing this song it gave very

much depressing vibes. The song sounds very sad as if this Julia is resulting in him being

depressed and losing himself. The Beatles are typically known for writing love ballots and

expressing themselves. In fact, that is one of the reasons they were really popular and did not

have to survive off of touring. Furthermore, listening to this song I felt regret or as if I did

something I really wish I could go back in time to fix. Basically the instrument and tone of their

voices make me feel that way, but upon further listening to the lyrics it tells another story that

seems like a mystery. Who is this Julia? Where is she? What happened to her? And Why does

she matters this much? Reading the lyrics carefully then re-listening to the song definitely

changed my perspective of the song.

From the seven Greek loves I think Pragma serves the best out of all of them. Pragma is

more of a mature love and one that typically is molded overtime from different experiences. It

seems to come of as aged like wine, and it will be better overtime. It definitely deals with

compatibility and understanding in a compatible way. The lines he use to describe her are very

particular and gives evidence to a strong passion of love and history. Like when they write,

“When I can not sing, I can only speak my mind” speaks a lot because they were world famous

singers. What do you mean when you can not sing? That is literally what you are known for. So,
when they follow up with I can only speak my mind gives some type of context that there was

some deep connection between this Julia girl and possibly John Lennon. This signifies the

human experience of love through the Beatles because they are showing a side beyond the music

and fame which is feelings for another human being.

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