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Educational Service: SNR Sons Charitable Trust
Autonomous Institution, Reaccredited by NAAC with 'A+" Grade
[Approved by AICTE and Permanently Afiliated to Anna University, Chennail

Degree& Branch BE Mechan ical Engineerins
Subject Code &Title |16mE2|4 Total ualit Manage ment

Date& Session loo2)22 FN

No.of pagesused For Office use Only

Subject Code& Title 1ME4 Total quali t Mana9emen E

Date&Session io 02 22FN
No.of pages used For Office use Only



Question Marks Marks Marks

Question Question
No. No.
No. Total




14 Grand Total


Total Total Total

Grand Total in Words

Name &Signature of the Examiner with date Name&Signature of the Tabulator

Read the instruction given overleaf carefully before filling up the title page
Regiseer number :
|q 0413 Subject c ode' 16ME2-1 4

Name :S.sivaprasath. Subi cct Name Total Quaiy managgu


l b) Customer Saht act on

)c) both a b

S) c b o th a b

A) a Maleolm

Sy dy batch detecss

6 ay woe elace

7 a P-ch art

)b) Cus tome r Vo Ca

both a b

10j a Summah ve


16) Deming 's 4 Points manag9emenb

Deming he tather Japan ece

op m a na ges Seve ral
Demin add re se ed the dapanese

+he )9so He 3ave the 1t Poin ts oY FP



4. c rea e consE ane4 PUYP ose 6or m provemant o PYoducts

serVi ce s

The top m a n agema0t must

belreve har therr busineRs w

o o2 a2 Sivaprasat
Pegis Eer Number 1a0 4|33
Subec code 16ME2 \4
Name S s\ Vaprala th Subjece name' To tal Guality Management
Conti hue oY 10o yea rs Cuah a Con fidence w fi mo HvaFe hem

aim lon- ter m SuceA ot eusc onst an & qest o

ts and
'onov ahon ImpYOVe rme nt PTOCes es ,Produc cesvic e

Pr o u c t s and
They ofI anvet in reareh hnov ate De

+he eax O6 ( 0 si ng
wtl train Hheir employ wtthout

Yetterate ther Dtenhon

hem Constanly
The have

and and Service

p r c h ce T@m T mpto ve PTDdnatg

2. Adapt the New phi losop hy

rac ce +he Tapahese CWa
The ne philosop ha
Mch (ater The new
whi ch renamcd

means wOs a , à ela
phlo SOphg
wOrle CLtuSLZ,
The 9ew philo Sopby
adicall ch angns the
Poss i b a with
TusE - ln -

Ti CJIT) mah ubactuuing


zero deece.

Oh Mas IDspechon
|3 Cease

ouight and dot ng right the tYSE me

Doin thin
Tn taaE 1E would
Teduce +the dep e n d e n lo o ths pech OD
w ould
on i
eu'm h q t e d TA M u afme à ac olt minqh na thSpecth
Hhro ugn PT even i o h .
the ( onA

A warding u s i ness on the basics O

4 Ed +he PY a c h c e

alon e
PTiCe Ta5
addYeses supplicer paTthe v çhip. The sup pli er should
Thú Pone
be basc8 O6 he
sclect ed on +e

to 02 22 $Sivepras at
Registex humber 11O4 |33 Subjec Code l6ME2.14

Name S.suVaPra cath

Subjece name To tal QualiMancgermanE
* ualt
* DellVeYY

Thexe6o Ye pnce aulone shoutd Dot be he crTEerien gT

Sdechon Supp ier.

S Copstant y Improv c +he Sysee m o Pr oduc h on aund Se Tvices

the proces in Hhe Organfzai n hecd continuo s TmProvement,

kai zen in J a p a n es TQm amed cenio uou tmpTOVeant

o5 PT OLOmea
+h at the qualt a 06 product Cun d ser vices

imp rOve con nnuoug

b. InsHtute

The albrlihi ob eme oyes 3hould be

1raproved and harh e m d

4rot n ng Dem ng advo cabes, manaaemanE nads

on y Hhroug
o (eak n abouE the organizahon all the wa
6ro m In coming mateT L Fo+he cOustohmex, Todaug ever

r e c e t ves Stx weebs O 4rain ing evexy ear.

Tapanee em plo

7. Ad ope ahd In s h u u t r leader ship

pemin urge the s eni o employ mus sondetee

them 5el yes Aeade rs rahev han man agers. The

ound eharacter ishCs,

be tw ean Leode man o g r axe
Leoder M Oun O g e r

PYO aCkt ve ReaatiVe

Co aches inds 6aLlb

Unders Hands DoesE caru Fo unders tend


Moves arouno sitc in bis eDai

Im prove PYo ces maAn bcul ns

Io/0222 SivaPYastk
nuumbex | a oAl33 Suoject Code' T6MEa A

Nam Ssivapr a Sathh Subjece nam Total Gualib Managermant

Dri ve Out Fear

Empl oyees sbouLld be en couvag ed &uS3e qmp ro remaS

and he ea 9ues hons abo ut 4he exi shin prroce

freed om exprc new tdeas CLAYEaled Hh en r

Ora doin5- Thu

employt wl Co nti nue do eohat

Stant improeman Fear detmmenEal fo Improvemen


9. Brea le Down (3arness between stafe Areas'

Quite Ferms Tn the OrganiS a i on stop

often the asiows

Co mmunicatng wth e ach othet The Fea mS, ove the yeau

becomne water i g h E Com part mint,6veky teom may prove

Hhat the bet Gue org a n i s a h o n s c hole mas

du o cee
06 cOmimunica hdns bewean
do tna Poor


to.Etinminate c(ogans Exhor teah ons And teargeti t o the


Here Dem n +alles elbo u

8logans eLnd target

Tncreauing prodlneHv . He gaa hat baYTieYS Fo qualt ta and

withth the org ahi 2ahon t&es P ene

produ chvity ectgs

Segste mhous
pxoduchvi the to be tmproed
Fo arehie v2
Cdnieh Man aame n espoh9Ie The bst sttes ts
o r ecE defecs not slo3anS dFr pesker

tt. a Eliminate hUumencal the

loo o
Settin turge e produ choh, Sa produ ct ng
sbi ft CE ma afect the qual 0 worn cmanshs
poalLS per
lo 0a-/22 i v a Prs a t
Reg Stev humber: 190A l35 Suote cé cod e' 16ME21A

NameSsIVapras ath Subjece Nama ' Total avality Mancgemanb

This the OYe er 13nore qualitY Cund con centra t e

quoLnh ty Th de te riment the organi 2ato. on +he

conttaYS S tandards Tuality worm anship ete. could 6c


b) Eliminate umerîcal 1oals 6oY people Tn manoGemenE

Set ne 3ocds withaut +he n esar here w thel locs no

worle aoals Sueh rOuo+h buus th es by SPer cen t or

Yedueh on quaty os by 5 ven in De ub

9ca day wtlt end Iee heu 9eo p rom Se sueh mprOVmN

mauld CTlCe Out

fmprOVn PrOceseb and hot b
(2. Pemove barners
Hhat o peo pla 6 PTi de CU ore
mauna hip
OTgan Satton
The Ahou laa establsh he ProcOM and
PrOpe Cstem munae memE ho oiM lead

carrytng out obe coYKecFUa ver employee sbould be

Muueh as h ean Pemo t 'ng Ma obstaate to thù

purs iE he responsiíbiu& O P maunaganant

(3. ncourge EducoL on and seff

improvement orevery one
mployes houuld be en CoUrag eed Pursu hesner edueatio
oLnd Araining cwhile in servt ce, For Tmprovihg the seil4 0

enooledg e OAh emel o underS S educa oH

Upd a n g

i wiu 7mpro ve hi s abli by îlbe beniic al

or+cuinhs ,

O 3 a n sa h o n .
Accomplish +he r a n foTmaHoh:
14 Ta lee Achon

the above S points

The top ma naqemunt shou ld h der cfan

1ol022 Sive PTagay

Regi ster nuumber 190a13 Subjece Code: l6ME 214

Name S.sivaprasatk Subject Name: To tal Qualiby Managrmun

and +he n the Y
enable employes to onderctand fheo
brea ha
They &hou d have

cund mpVe Hher Proca 9stem

and thene y thefr Produota conHnmay They shoul

den h es all PrO cese

orgahisa Hon an d improva

eaah tne m

Japanen managua
Thu the lat ed

9ol ev a n t aven o d cuy


20) Var (ouS eleme nts

enviroime nta
manogemene 9yttevm
and rspoh sibtlit

The Yespo nstbit

overa ett ecAve hes
sheuld be ass ta ne d
manage ment ePTaent attve
p Sent ov
level ex ecuiVe tiee generrel manager, exeuuh
dtrecO eEC.Tne tmple me ntai on
res onsibility 8houl d lie
operatmio nal manger cte aa u
The monagemene hould PYOvde e Our ce EmS
imple menEahon tey Ahau ld Providle Visibl BupP OYE
Me or E MS eimian ho QMS.

Tyaining Arusa rhe ss and ComPekence

PrO mS 6 se d envtroImantal
ProFeChDn and tho se requte o mple menHna EMS
should oe Oranized re cor ds mcunt atn ed, Te
Cehtor m a n a e m o nt
shoud nd e k9o
eke cuu Ve se mtnats
Sta&egie impotan D EMs Everu emplo yee sbou ld
toloa| 22 Sivapr asatk
eisr nu mbe Y O4|33
Subjeck Code 16 MG214
Nama S.svapr as ath Subje ce Nae: to tal
QuaHy Managermen
be provide d awane Pr ogaum on EMS Thge sno OwO
tmplem en hin 6MS ona nose usponsr ble Ems

Comaaunce shou l\d n de tSO detut led 4r cutn ing Pro r a m

Communicah ons

Oxg oni2aHons should m e ment PT Oce d u s a

bor ceivín
don ment Png and
TesPoding elaNanE Tnfor mah0n and
S1eq uests brom otexest ed Parhes. PTOe edurz mo

fnclu d e wth
taloua Pnteres Led Panhe and Lonsldmut-
thetr alevaunt concU. In Some cirunm3tounLos responses o
tnteveied pc-ies CoDeetns fnolnde Tel even E to meh on
abo utt ne envro man tal fimpo ck asou ut ed
Ora n i2aho n's operauhon.
PPrOPria te mte t a l and ex fernal
communicah'o ns wtth a aTd to
enviroimenbl os pe c
Ems De es & abl t she d and maine uined
Ems pounMentahon

Org anizations oerti eied vnd er So oOO Stn d erd

f1e esFobl1sh hierarc hi ce EmS
d ocunmen taton eonsús hng


EM s Pro cedous

Enviroimenea recor ds oorle in s4 ruuch ons Stand n ds ,fovm
shou ld be alescribe
The leve O aouMant ah'on Suchoen t

he ChUi roy man t ol man ageman E S en

the CoVe elementu

ond thetr TnteracHob aard PTOvide d i re Ch gh On oheua

obtan nOe de t+aled în for mqhi on ha

on spe c t e
paxt he enivi ro me nEa l management

1o/02|22 SSivapTakat
R@gtser humbes: 1904133
Subjece Code l6ME 21 4

Name : S svaPYaS a fh Subjece nam Tobal

Gualiy Manaogman

fnalud e .
RelatedA douumentaho may

a) pY Oces n for mahon;

b) oroanizahonal eh oora

CC) to ternal e t a n dan da and ope voHo na prOced u a s

d ote emeigenc PlahS.

DOC mênt ConETol

SD qo0 o Mbre hon Sahs Ses

The guid ance gTven

+he Yequemant

O pexacthonal contr ol

The Organ Sah'on Ahoud tde n 4 enviroi mantal apec

acivihes produc Cand geiVCeS that can Cenfro|

and Over Suah a s e C sheuld

cohi ch t has 7n fuLeno
mpcef on
have PTOTn t a l have sTSnh'caht

envitot ment Few O6 hese

Emicer'on s Tnto
e pi schar e Toto

Usee naturl res our ta, sueh a pulp Paper,ol w e L r die

*Use ertoun materau or me tau eEe

ln oYdex to PrO tec envi rotmenE an d Save naturOL

Hhe org ani gaton sho ul d 1den h +ho se

Ye c u r Ce s

Operaohs and achviies that QUs o ated with the

as pects. he organi 2aion

fdenh fied ehvi roimen tal &houl d

that wil add reM meth ns enviroiment

6DYmlate Pred

poti a and objec ti ves fhe OTgdn saHon (n tha ach t h u .


tol0(22 SSivaptat
eegistek num bes 104133 Subject Code l6 Me 2A

Name S SVa pra Sath Subje ct name Total

auali t4 Manaemunt
Emergenoy prepor Bd aes and repoD Se
Emergency STtuaHons ueh acci dentg &hold have bean
an i a pat ed aahd Con ting cn y an ror them doupnenle d
emgeng situat ons

Accidental Pot sOnou

s e o u maukenal
*Acctd ent al dt sehasas O6 tumy Polluuted waer.

Accidental rel e a u e unplabne d ud 4 0

solid ether through utr ater O and

The o r g a n i San on av ef lab

shou maleZ poce duue

tor h and l'ng suah emn u es They 3hou l addres

tollo ot ng

Emero en cy tecc

TheT auth ori by and esponsib}li

perouts emeren c erVices

ComOmuunica hon dlama ec

Treunina equermenaE on d Sleil de ter mi nqt on,


Qual hy Func hon de ploy mene;

FD W deve toped Fo bTing the per sonal intert a

mo den rrn duuLitT In moTd en In duu +T
Supplers misht not knoo Usn oo he end wer ase

aFP he nce dy Cous u me r ith

desih en 31nLrin e odueh'on an d ser va tuunei ons n

1o 02 22 Siveprasatk
Regiser numbeT q0413 Subyec Code 6ME 2) A

Nam S.svapra sa h Subjeet name Total uali by Manacemant

the eupp1 ler Organisaton

Product Part

characteríchics eh aracter (sh'c s

Pres u ch on
co ntYonls,
eharact erisnCs

The Tustrates OAMeTCanS SupplNCE i Euah ve

our phase aPPo ach deuise d Oh h bas's O6 D

The FD Teamn Cous tomey

6nd ProduCE choraater tsHC

2 Then PTOce
designed make th POtE The

PTO c e s chanacterishesb de i d e
he cn a atexfeFes ok

manufacturuna CAohieh ot l deli ve produCts menHn

C p u to mer
ea r Mants

QFDD thus Tmprove he enti re

PrOduet lefe ccle
this Fechiniqu that tha orsani s ah'o
bo th Hhe Ctate d and
7 plied heeds o6 he Cus rom.
oneP O6 +he achi e Veme ns
ProduLE dev elo pe n t Cos Fs by 6 7. all du o AF D

8 enei QFD

Reduce produc developmant+ me b so'

be sig n y ete thme shovtene d by 3o - so'

Redue es ti me maon lee t

( 02 2
Registe Number. 1a0433
Subje ct cod e 16ME\ A

Name S. sivaPYasa th Subje ce na'To tal Guali ty Manacemane

Desi9n qualt mpro vC

Redu ces


There ve pes FMEAA ven belouo



Sotw ae

Sy stem FMEA

nten ded to thvechgate an enti re system

checle whefhe t all Ot te tndt vdu al eom Ponens uotthib
tDge+er coTrecEtg

Ach'oS can be d e i ved trom the anatsu Thee

a c h ons ohen m p e mented Oe n tende d Fo Tncre a e

SysEem Securi Syste m reltabi tg an d

ste m aved laali

Desigh FmEA

The desigh FmEA On

analycal tec hrni ued bD
F ME A team S ro ens u +hat the exte nt
Poten hal m od es ther cas
an d e
machon icu
considewd a dd r e e d
nd be-gore dus ah

to 02| 2 i verayath
Registev Duumber q OA|B Subject code 6ME14
Name S.gvapY asath Subject NameiTobal uali Hy 0anageman
Pro ce FMEA

The PYOCess FMEA tnie iall Tdenies pY Oce ss

funchon s, Fatlure mades +her e f e ces on +ha pro e @

+hene are design neuts spectal charac eri ie

tect end uer aluo thcudod

Service FmeA
A Servi ce EME A StYu ct TCd Proce d wu
Tdenti fin and
Pxevenn Service r e l a t ed
The PUTPOse os servicee
FmE A to enswe
+hat Service wlu
to ols Perorm as te quire d

SoPA e Fme A

Soft warke FmEA 1s a

type D desi gn FmER that
aanay zes he eleme oEs t to csi na On

potent'al S o t t Ua elat6ed de cences, oi th emph a

mproing +he ct dasi gD and an S h

Pr oduCt Operahon
Sa aand neltao la
Thi s
oainy on
sobt a n aRons

These Hoe tpe O Fot tuwu mode aad

Analy 4u

to o2-2 Siva prasate

Registex number' \qo4l33 Subjece code: 16 MEa4
Name :S.Sivaprasa th
Subjec Name Total
aual( b ManagarenE
19) Seven manoge ment tools soT quality

A Pfini by i a gram:

orani2es o lax ge numbe Tdeas inho +hefr natural


nterYela ien ship dKag ram

shouo cous e - and e ffe c l
9elatOn shiPs and help S

analu 2e natural lin bs etuwecn dTefer ent pects

O6 co nmplex situation

Tree di oo ar am

Beales dd uon broad

Cate gories tnto ner ond tiner

levels O det at helpina movee step l o Fep +hinet ng

3ener aall Hes

speci t' Cs

Matnx dtcg ram

sh ow he Yilati on ship betw een wO hY ee X

3TOup s n for mati on Ond Can ve Tntormahoh

sulahonsh e Sueh as 1t atren 9h

roles Play ed by Ocu o 7ndi v i dual s

Matrx data analys ù

A complex hm
atheman cal echnique anaa2tn a
Mat ces O ten eplaces ha t m i Cor p o t 2ah ob

1 622 Sivaprasatk
Register num ber 17oA|33 subjece Code, lbME2|4

Name S siyoaprasath Subjece ham total Qualiay Monae ma

mahx pori i 2 a 6 on wmamx matrt 4
uan s h oLp ed
hat POcl rtuISe Co mp a s t so u atis Oph oa
O set
Cxitexîe n ora h o oJe tha ba

AYrO ta9ram

h o us +he aquu e d OYdo cub h a

PTOce the best se hecduulo
the enti e
and poten h al 3 che duuu n and res o u a
PToble mu and

sotui ons,

Procev cle et'son PTOgr m ch ant

Systematical Td enti ies cun misht

plon n d er
develo pMunt

17) Focus on
em plo y Ce Catis fac h on

lo o le a fter
our Staef hey (oo le after
ce usto metss
Get yOUY feam
oge ther video

Con feYerenen
804thw qre O r n pet on maeHn ound nd
Out ho w hey Ye
Neue uss
Oppo rfunib

fo PrOu se and
ob weu don
undeY s t e n d c u to mer
Y our OuLdkena +he ce n t e

o Proba b y ave ood dea o6 toho thes b u t do

to02| 22
S vaP rasrth
PegisEr number 1041 33 Subject Code 6ME 2| 4
Name S SivaPr asath Subjec t nae: To ta \
Qualiby manag man
choW ohat hey cUnd ohen Co m o

mankeh na we heed co h a o 'nd

f we're nocddtng YouTube the plat form amo GO

atrachra aa
audtencoma u ncrea

Paby Boomus Ound hen x ser S Over Hhe laat genn

UWe heveX DO ot p o

Se malce Scra
wn Ri w e vse loD lee d at Hhe d uta

s udy E

3. As r beed bacle
simpl asein9 Our cugto me rS evie w O ur
busi nas

will Polnt i g ht devechOh Con eid e r all 6 tha

eedDaak r ecei ve aand maee Chan 9 s oCcorai ng.

m aybe we're otng every +hina Perfect y alrea dy
ei ther tsor 6edboe e 2hows we

a bour OULY s Fo me r'ss P 'ons.

t.PrOd uct bund (es ;

P roduct bun d lK a great D45 gv'na

Customurs more valu b highfta 6Hna more rte ms
mught be otre Fe d 10 Thrs ca be re allu
C u Fo m
w l 2ave cltce r3 h r o u 3h

au pTD du ce on Our eite.

tolo2 ivo prausath

Regster number ', laOA133 SubjecE Code 16ME 2|4

Name :S.swapraia th Subjece Name To tal auali y mo nacemen

S. Provide outseand in Cus to m e r

The world has move d co mplaui mtu

Y O mn postal

lon telephona quees 2exyone exp ecf t

Commuunte ah on uhentE ComA o deain ot4h

Thin l aboue
the leind Csto mor SupporE

If we cane do this tn-houuc ,+bin abouut OutCO u r t n s

tausk CUnd (o o k aall center So u h o ns

Uwe Could tbi nlee

aly o abo u t s o ol madu

Our Cs o mers /1 basè.

Providde multi chamel Sup porE

MulH chann e Suppor*E meaaS Our

choo sse how

hey wan b Ce mmn u n i c a t t wth .

The Ove a e ime taake fo am emak

es Pond

mueh (ongr +than IRve ehat Or outa

mesa most peop la done engoy being stu e

even re we
Pr6er u m an,

Supp oE Loilt yeduCo

Mult r - c h a n n e l wahng Hmes

Cu homer Sah'sta oh'o h

1: OPfev free +ratn>'na and &uppo rt

Dont ave 3od be C to me ODde he de al

(olo 22 i v a pras ath

Pegistes Num ber: 1q6413 Subjece Code l6ME214

Name S.gtvoPrasoth biect Wom To tal

@uali tu managR-mank
done Our nex E cltton Cshat caue a cuuu F o m U
retex O
frien d, Le ave Te ute an d

Come bacl basineA

beyound L n al aboUe o hen it POs

PUX chcse Cuus r o m e r

e ProducE

and ee ervCo o ProducE,

Benehmar le CLsto mer SatsfacRon:

i m p r o Ve
6verone Cpuomer CaaS6 aaton
and re tehon but noE
man mon ori na-

thee num betS m a lc

sahstal hia
and eRp Faub s
1oa l Cus Fo may

SexV Co


11) Dimension
Quali ty
Per for m an ce


Con for mance

Reltabi ity

Durai ti

Sevvi co
Pespo nse

Aestheh cS

olo2 22 SSivaprasath
Registe humberilaoa132 Subjece Code: L6MEa4

Name :
S.SIVaprasa th. Subjece NamaTotal ualiu manaog man

2eputaati on.

1 SPpIte POrE ner ship +he dtset pl ne

planniS foY man g n all i'n tercLeHon S with

hird PCt oraani2ahio ng that 9uppg andor

exgani2afo n ordev maxii za

ne vaus b ole
Tntera eions.

Tme lt nes

3.P<aduet evauluaioO

moni tor Cus to m e r Co mplaint

S Auo onenes Os P o duct \tabi uty awg3

ensuoue necesaJy st OU do

7 Dovt de de pendabla roauca

s AnH u pate ehan a n a Me ds aund

chn3 o tham
co MOitrment

lo Co mpltaDLO o t th mand a hory stondau d

1Commuuucan ob

Plan cuhea d recals,

lo 222 S.aivapraath
Number 1qo4t33 SubjecE Code6 ME14
Nau'S.s(Vaprauath Subjec name lota
Guali manogmenE

managemen &

co mmi Hec

Co ordtna to

Focilit tor


No n
ac MLmb erS

emaA orsoP 6to emplo s
do'ng Simila uono volu Otai meet
tog e fhan
regulO as d
tndenfu trmpro Uema 4
their Yes pecAve wOT OeaS

is one the employa pOhcpat'on t h o de

t t mplie ha deve ( opmen

aelt&, capabr(he,
C o n f d e nu CLn d
ereath vib People +hsongh
wwmm ai e
PToces edLcanoh )trou nina,wole
expe iena and
PeUTi pafon.

14) Ty pes bench

mar eing

PYO Less bench mark Compa res Operoh on s woxC

prach'ce s
busine b

1o/0 |22 Sivapr as t

a0A133 Subjece Code' l6m E 214
Namme S. sIvaprasath.
Suojeck Nam Total
Qualr Manaoeman
Product bench mar lc om
p S ProdueE r SerríCa

S+Otegic beneh m OSi o pe S r a h s atonou

StTac tus
manaRMonE prAchas
amd bui nw
strategi es

Ih ter nal be nch maui le )

lompne tmRlan produ cts
Serv co
St mileU
Co m peh H ve bendn mai
l )
ompoou pekO mame coth a

di re ct Compe htors

1SI models Ob Ems

Manag ment
Snvi roiment
r v i e uw.
Po lt c

CoDtinu al
mprove m en t Plannins
Enviroi me nEal
A spects

mpleman tahoh *invtToi ma ntol

monmto ring, neas Lo1n
man g e n u n t

EmS docu menteh 0) pTo qm

E m S AudiH Do uuunt Contr o)

peahon Contx o

a v a P ras a th
lol 02)22

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