Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Score

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Rubrics for Reporting

Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Score

Content Introduction is attention- The presentation The content is
getting, lays out the was a very good inaccurate or
problem well, and summary of the overly general. The
establish a framework for topic. presentation was a brief
the rest of the Most important look at the topic but
presentation. information many questions were
covered; little left unanswered.
irrelevant info.
Organization The type of presentation Good Some organization;
is appropriate for the organization; points jump around;
topic. Information is points are beginning and during
presented in a logical logically are unclear
sequence. ordered; sharp
sense of
beginning and

Presentation Speaker maintains good The speaker The audience was not
eye contact with the spoke to engaged.
audience and is majority of Majority of presenters
Appropriate, animated audience; steady spoke too quickly or
(e.g., gestures, moving eye contact. quietly making it
around, etc.). Delivery is The audience difficult to understand.
poised, controlled, and was engaged by
smooth. the

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