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At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

✓ Talk about the functions of some electrical tools;
✓ Describe some tools in terms of material, shape and color;
✓ Give instructions for repairing simple electrical fixtures with tools.
Tools Parts of tools
• Diagonal cutters (n) • (Drill) bit (n) /bɪt/
/daɪˈæɡənl ˈkʌtər/ • Blade (n) /bleɪd/
• Drill (n) /drɪl/ • Handle (n) /ˈhændl/
• Electrical tape (n) /ɪˈlektrɪkl teɪp/ • Jaw (n) /dʒɔː/
• Flashlight (n) (us) /ˈflæʃlaɪt/ • Shaft (n) /ʃɑːft/
= torch (n) (uk) /tɔːtʃ/ • Tip (n) /tɪp/

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• Hacksaw (n) /ˈhæksɔː/ Functions

• Saw (n) /sɔː/ • Bore (v) /bɔːr/
• Hammer (n) /ˈhæmər/ • Clamp (v) /klæmp/ = grip (v) /ɡrɪp/
• Magnifier (n) /ˈmæɡnɪfaɪər/ • Drive (v) /draɪv/
• Measuring tape (n) • Hit (v) /hɪt/ = strike (v) /straɪk/
/ˈmeʒəriŋ teɪp/ • Insulate (v) /ˈɪnsjuleɪt/
• Pliers (n) /ˈplaɪərz/ • Insulation (n) /ɪnsjuˈleɪʃn/
• Scissors (n) /ˈsɪzərz/ • Loosen (v) /ˈluːsn/
• Screwdriver (n) /ˈskruːdraɪvər/ • Tighten (v) /ˈtaɪtn/
• Soldering iron (n) • Twist (v) /twɪst/
/ˈsəʊldərɪŋ ˈaɪən/ Adjectives for evaluation
• Utility knife (n) • Adjustable (adj) /əˈdʒʌstəbl/
/juːˈtɪləti naɪf/ • Flat (adj) /flæt/
• Wire strippers (n) • Hexagonal (adj) /heksˈæɡənl/
/ˈwaɪər ˈstrɪpər/ • Sharp (adj) /ʃɑːp/
• Wrench (n) (us) /rentʃ/ • Slotted (adj) /ˈslɒtɪd/
= spanner (n) (uk) /ˈspænər/ • Wedge-shaped (adj) /wedʒ ʃeɪpt/

S + want(s) to do sth/ need(s) sth do sth
Functions Questions • What + to be + the function(s)/ use(s) + of + tool?
• What + to be + tool + used + to/ for?

Answers/ • S + to be + used + to + V-inf

Statements • S + to be + used + for + V-ing
• S + help(s) + V-inf
• S + enable(s) / allow(s) + to + V-inf
• The function(s) of + tool + is/are + to + V-inf

E.g. • What is the function of the hacksaw?

• It is used to cut metal pipes.

Materials Questions • What + is/are + S + made of?

Answers/ • S + is/are + made of + material

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E.g. • What are pliers made of?
• They are made of metal and plastic.
Shape/ color Questions • What shape/ color + is/are + S?
Answers/ • S + is/are + Adj (related to shape/ color)
E.g. • What shape is it?
• It is rectangular.
Order of Opinion ➔ Size/ weight ➔ Shape ➔ Color ➔ Origin ➔ Material
Adjectives E.g. It is an easy-to-use 20-centimeter rectangular blue Japanese plastic


Online learning tasks Task focus Completed
Vocabulary Words and phrases related to tools
Presentation Pronunciation, meaning and spelling …………...
Task 1 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Task 2 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Task 3 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Pronunciation …………...
Task 4 – Ordering Words and phrases – Pronunciation …………...
Task 5 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Task 6 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Section test: Self-assessment Words and phrases – Meaning & …………...
Grammar Structures of functions, materials,
shape – Order of adjectives
Presentation Review structures of functions, …………...
materials, shape – Order of adjectives
Task 1 – Multiple choice Structures of functions …………...
Task 2 – Gap filling Verb forms …………...
Task 3 – Reordering Order of adjectives …………...
Task 4 – Multiple choice Structures review …………...
Section test: Self-assessment Error correction …………...
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Online learning tasks Task focus Completed

Listening Conversations/ talks about tools
Task 1.1 – Gap filling While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 1.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 2.1 – Yes or No While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 2.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 3.1 – True or False While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 3.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 4.1 – Short answers While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 4.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 5.1 – True/ False While-listening – A talk …………...
Task 5.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 6.1 – Short answers While-listening – A conversation …………...
Reading Passages about product reviews
Task 1.1 – Multiple choice While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 1.2 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 2 – Short answers While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 3 – Multiple choice While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 4 – Multiple choice While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 5 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 6 – Short answers While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 7 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 8 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Writing Email of Inquiry
Task 1 – Rewriting Sentence rewriting …………...
Task 2 – Writing Sentence writing …………...
Task 3 – Reordering Sentence arranging …………...
Task 4 – Writing Email writing …………...


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Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to give instructions to fix a device
with certain tools.
Warm-up: Toolkit

• Listen to a man introducing some tools in his toolkit.

• List the tools in the correct order they appear.

Activity 1: Guessing tools

• Work in 2 groups.
• Two leaders of two groups go out.
• The rest have 5 minutes to remember the tools given by the teacher and discuss their
• When the leaders come back, the members of 2 groups take turn to talk about the
functions in 3 minutes so that the leaders can guess the tools.
Activity 2: Role play
• Work in pairs to make a conversation.
• Student A: You are a shop assistant. Your customer is an apprentice and she/ he
wants to buy a toolkit, but she/ he does not know much about some tools and their
functions. Give him/ her some information about these tools (name, functions), the
toolkit’s price, discount and complimentary products. 1-Measuring tape is used to
measure distance.
• Student B: Turn to page 119.
2-Diagonal cutters enable to cut
E.g. 3-Hammer is used for striking
……………………………….............................. or hitting nails.
4-Wire strippers help remove
Customer : What are they? (point at tools)
the insulation off electrical wires
Shop assistant: They are screwdrivers. without damaging the interior
Customer : What are they used for?
5-the hacksaw is used for
Shop assistant: They are used to tighten and loosen the screws.
cutting iron and wood
………………………………................................. 6-The functtion of drill is to bore
a hole
Customer : Can you give me a discount? 7-The screwdriver is used for
Shop assistant: No …… but you’ll get …… tightening screws

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Activity 3: Reading
• Read the instruction for fixing underground wires.
• Answer the questions below.
• Underline the connectors of sequence and the structures expressing functions in the

Fixing Underground Wires

Fixing underground wires sounds difficult. But it’s actually simple. You just need
a set of tools to splice some wires.
To begin, switch off the electricity. Accidental shocks are always a risk when
working with electricity. Next, use a wire tester to test the electricity to make sure

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it is off. Push a button on the same circuit. If it is safe, dig into the ground. You
can use a flashlight to inspect the wires, and find the damaged part. Then cut it
off by a pair of diagonal cutters. Next, a utility knife should be used to remove
the insulation from the wires. Use a pair of long nose pliers to twist the ends of
the wires together. Then, pull on them to make sure they are joined. If they are,
bind the ends together with electrical tape. After that, you will need a pair of wire
strippers to install waterproof insulation plastic covering on the wires. Finally,
connect the electricity.
Adapted from articles in Botana

1. What are the instructions mostly about?

A. why it is important to replace wires
B. how to fix a damaged wire
C. what insulation is made of
D. how to inspect an electric circuit

2. Why should the electricity be switched off?

3. What can we use to pull the insulation off the wires?

4. What can we use to attach the wires together?

5. What is the last step in the instruction?

Activity 4: Mono talk

You are a professional electrician. Your apprentices have to replace the plug because the
cord has been broken, but they do not know how to fix it and which tools should be used.
Give them some instructions for this situation. Use various structures to express the
functions of tools.

• You can use the following cues as suggestion.

1. screwdriver/ loosen/ screws/ open/ replacement plug/ so that/ see/ terminal
screws/ inside
2. wire strippers/ cut off/ damaged plug
3. utility knife/ remove/ 0.75 inch/ insulation/ from the end of the cord
4. take care/ not/ cut/ three wires inside

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5. wire strippers/ remove/ 0.5 inch/ insulation/ from the end of each wire
6. attach/ each section/ wires/ suitable/ terminal screw
7. screwdriver/ tighten/ screws
8. reassemble/ replacement plug
9. screwdriver/ tighten/ screw/ that/ hold/ it/ cord
• Use the connectors of sequence (first, next, then, etc.) to give instructions.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

Now I will tell you how to replace the
plug when the cord is broken. First, use
a(n) … to …

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Objective: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about tools
and describes different types of tools.
Warm-up: Find it out
• Work in 2 groups.
• There are 12 numbers, associated with 8 questions (different points), 2 lucky stars
and 2 unlucky numbers.
• Each group takes turn to choose a number and answer the questions.

Activity 1: Reading
• Read the article.
• Match the tools (1-7) with their functions (A-K). There is one more option than


Potentially very dangerous, fixing wires and electrical fixtures requires a lot of care and
proper tools. Investing in basic tools is beneficial, as they help ensure long-lasting
electrical connections and protect against electric shock. The following tools help
electricians handle any electrical work timely and safely.

1. Channel lock pliers

Channel lock pliers have several tasks to perform. They are useful when
tightening Romex connectors in electrical boxes, removing knockouts
from the boxes, and adjusting expansion-type ceiling fan boxes.

2. Screwdriver

Every electrician should have a set of screwdrivers. They are useful when
driving screws in electrical fixtures, or screwing the outside plates onto
the wall or ceiling. Many screwdrivers also feature insulation for safe use.

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3. Hammer

A hammer is a necessary multifunctional tool for electrical work. It

helps secure boxes that come with nail-on brackets. You’ll also need
it to drive Romex straps when adding new Romex wiring.

4. Wire strippers

Wire strippers remove the insulation off electrical wires without

damaging the interior wire. They are equipped with different sized
cutting teeth for various sized wires. They also have a cut-off portion
in order to cut the wire.

5. Utility knife

A utility knife cuts through many materials and serves as an

essential for any electrical work. This knife is needed to cut the
insulation off wires. You will also need to open boxes when doing
the installation and this tool will come in handy.

6. Measuring tape

A measuring tape helps when it comes to fitting new electrical

fixtures and centering lighting fixture boxes. Measuring wall height
and depth as well as wire length represent just some of the
common electrical works.

7. Wrench

An adjustable wrench becomes handy when loosening or tightening

nuts and bolts. Moreover, wrenches with interchangeable bits also
prove useful. Sometimes, a vise grip wrench is required for an
electrical works as well.
Adapted from articles in Scribd and Quizlet

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A. Take knockouts out of the boxes

B. Turn screws in electrical fixtures

1. Wire strippers C. Remove the insulation off wires

2. Wrench D. Measure the length of wires

3. Utility knife E. Open boxes when fitting new electrical fixtures

4. Hammer F. Loosen nuts and bolts

5. Channel lock pliers G. Secure boxes equipped with nail-on brackets

6. Screwdriver H. Center lighting fixture boxes

7. Measuring tape I. Cut the wires

J. Tighten Romex connectors in electrical boxes

K. Drive Romex straps in case of Romex wiring

• Work in pairs.
• Ask and answer questions about functions of the above tools.
• Use the given cues in the table and various structures to express the questions and
Activity 2: Listening
• Listen to a conversation between a professional electrician and an apprentice.
• Complete the table with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
Kind of tool Allen (1) ……………………. / Hex key
Brand Patton
Functions (2) …………………….
Material (3) …………………….
Size (4) …………………….
(5) ……………………. head
a pair of (6) ……………………. with
Other tool needed
(7) ……………………. handles

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• Go to the tapescript on page 119 and practice the conversation with your partner.

Activity 3: Role play

• Work in pairs to make a conversation.
• Student A: You are a professional electrician. You need a screwdriver but you left it
in the toolkit in the garage. The apprentice agrees to get it for you. Give him some
information so that he can get the right one.
• Student B: Turn to page 119.

Photo credit to

Kind of tool Flathead screwdriver

Brand Greenlee

Functions Install straight slotted screws

Material ✓ Mainly steel

✓ Handle: plastic

Size ✓ Long, easy to use

✓ Medium blade

Shape ✓ Single slotted head

✓ Blade tip: wedge-shaped

Color ✓ Handle: green

A: Looks like I need a screwdriver, but I left it in my tool kit in the truck.
B: Do you want me to go get it?
A: Yes, please, I really need it.

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Activity 4: Mono talk

✓ You are a salesman of Klein Company, which is famous for electrical tools. Your
company has just launched three different types of screwdrivers/ pliers/ wrenches.
✓ Prepare a short talk to introduce the types of one tool to your customers based on
given cues.
✓ You may add some more information about it (if possible).

✓ Parts of tool: Handle, shaft, tip
✓ Shaft: steel
✓ Handle: metal or plastic/ square or oval in cross-section
A. Flathead Screwdriver
✓ single slotted head
✓ blade tip: wedge-shaped
✓ drive straight slotted screws

B. Phillips Screwdriver
✓ cross slotted head
✓ blade tip: look like a plus sign (+)
✓ install Phillips-head screws

C. Stubby Screwdriver
✓ smaller than normal screwdrivers
✓ short blade and handle
✓ tighten and loosen screws in small

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✓ Parts of tool: Handles, head with gripping jaws or cutting edges

✓ Handles: be insulated

A. Long Nose Pliers


✓ grip and cut wires

✓ make terminal loops of copper wires


✓ another name: needle nose pliers

✓ can reach tight space or small areas

B. Wire Strippers


✓ remove insulation from wires


✓ be equipped with different sized

cutting teeth for many wire sizes

C. Diagonal Cutters


✓ cut medium and big wires

✓ remove screws, nails or bolts


✓ length: from 4 to 8 inches

✓ another names: diagonal cutting pliers,
side cutters

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✓ Parts of tool: head, adjustable jaw, handle
✓ Material: steel / Have various shapes

A. Allen Wrench
✓ L-shaped
✓ hexagonal socket in the head
✓ turn screws and bolts with hexagonal
slotted heads

B. Socket Wrench
✓ different sizes of socket to fit the
heads of nuts and bolts
✓ tighten and loosen nuts and bolts

C. Combination Wrench
✓ double-ended: an U-shaped opening
and a ring-shaped opening
✓ grip two opposite faces to turn nuts
and bolts

Good morning ladies and

gentlemen! On behalf of Klein
Company, I’m going to
introduce our new products. We
have just launched three

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Look at the objectives specified at the beginning of the unit and write down what you
have (not) achieved and what you need to do to improve your English.

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