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the country, the British flag was, on the 11th of September,

governor-generalship of the Steppes in Asiatic Russia, formerly

AMAZONAS, a northern department of Peru, covering a

would promote its welfare, which Abd-el-Aziz had earnestly

Aymara ponco, meaning a door. The Pongo de Manseriche

carbonate and heated. By this means, sodium aluminate is

may, however, require the whole cargo space of the vessel to

6/0 Ras Alula died February 1897, aged about 52. He had

Wolverton, 23,200; July 11, Crystal Palace, 6623; July 21,

eminence, and particularly the height above the ground or above

of which he devoted a great deal of time and energy, and

office of experiment stations which represents the department

political and religious character which it ultimately bore.''

cases, but it remained for his pupil, Lewis (Ludovici) Ferrari,

that alloxan combines with thiourea in alcoholic solution,

was concluded on the 15th of May 1902 between England and

those taken from beneath the soil near by. The archaeologist

direct tenure from Jehovah, their sovereign, was in theory

the Minengani river, a stream a short distance south of the

The rate at which the trade in imported frozen mutton

developed in its full beauty and variety. Shrubs are not

Dane, and Alexei Chirikov, a Russian, in the ships ``Saint

Cicero, De Divinatione, i. 37; pro Sestio, 56, 58;

of ninety-seven vessels in all, of which eleven were of the

See Leuschner, Commeutatio de A. V. Vita, Moribus,

displaced positive and negative intrinsic charges in the

parts being cut away to allow of additions in marble, and the

by cooling, and the gas is now passed upwards in the ``Solvay

this must differ from Integralds/V by terms not depending on the

direction was begun that series of voyages of exploration

perhaps the climax was in 1837, when Adams presented a petition

of an index needle near the mouth of a coil. When a current

the law does not qualify aliens for any office or any municipal,

of woollens and calicoes, silk-weaving, paper-making, oil and

historian Lambert van den Bos, were published successively

grains, is common (epidote-amphibolites), and in these rocks

Alpen-Zeitung (Swiss A. C.), besides those of the smaller

the nitro-hydrocarbons, the reducing agents used being either

appears to have been due in the first instance to Albert Girard

into the car and drawing his sword declared his determination

geographical scope. It must suffice to say that the weight

provide that where a sample of milk (not being milk sold as

and the fertility of the soil is less. But Lorraine possesses,

council. Uncle and nephew soon differed, and in March 1402

ALL SAINTS, FESTIVAL OF (Festum omnium sanctorum), also

distress, as in the Abyssinian campaign of 1867-68 and the

studied law at Bologna, and after his uncle's election he

Veneno and the Historia de mis libros, both issued in

Sir James Simpson was the first to apply anaesthesia by

purposes, as it causes less, if any, pain. It is a valuable

occurs in germlings from the tetraspore, and also in the

He was sent to Rome for trial (A.D. 52), but was acquitted

d e f z kgw h i j @@ p r s t u l m n th o. As neither

cargo. Again, in a storm at sea, it may be necessary for the

Anthony Hope's Prisoner of Zenda and Rupert of Hentzau;

to the study of the natural sciences, and in particular to a

of arsenic in sodium-phosphate or in various iron preparations,

lead. He was an emancipator of the mind. In his Poems

In Egypt the result of the abolition of the Dual Control

returning from the wedding they narrowly escaped assassination

together with iron or copper rivets, and the decay of other

result of the examination of exposed sections leads to

fears culture. Elsewhere eating the fruit of the ``tree of

spring. On farms of moderate size it is usual to hire steam

his relations with the Indian government. An invitation

southward, were for the most part planters producing tobacco,

order to prevent its ``stripping,'' or being forced through

Christopher Coriolanus of Nuremberg. It has been said,

33 deg. to 35 deg. N., a conclusion which is not invalidated by the

of limited companies, put much graver responsibilities on

Egypt. After much indecisive fighting, Ali found his position

a text, by some corruption, or, in the case of a writer or

Total . . . . . 4,118,182 1,225,228

1692. To the west is the narrower and also dangerous channel

examples. Merino sheep bred at the Cape of Good Hope have

with power to grant degrees to women only; but in 1861 the

and people, and, by the advice of Jesuits and other wicked

as it is a frequent occurrence for buyers for export--to

common pains and penalties of nonconformists, -- e.g. he was

for 900 in the shape @ According to Herodotus (i. 139), San

uses of his genius; but many of the details are pleasing;

contemplated marriage, the House of Commons unanimously voted

and when Van Dorn, boldly marching right round Rosecrans,

velocity then diminished to zero pari passu with the loss

into mesitylene C9H12 (symmetrical trimethyl benzene).

facial or trigeminal neuralgia. The best method of application

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