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1 Easton

Zack Easton

Mrs. Eckman

English 102

February 6th, 2022

The picture I will be writing about will be about littering. My picture represents picking up trash

on the beach. There are many things to describe in the picture I have chosen. The very first thing I will

point out in my picture is that they are using a tray to separate the sand from the trash. With plenty of

trash sitting up on the top of it. It seems to be that he scoops it off the sand and just shakes it to get the

sand off of it.

There is also a trash can sitting on the beach. That is so that it doesn't get to the point where they

have to use the trays. To get all the trash off the beach. Some people are just sitting around watching the

guy do the work. If you think about it in my opinion. It should have never gotten to this point in the world

where there are still things in the ocean from years ago. Instead of being so quick to realize the product

why couldn’t the people that made it make it to where it dissolves.

When I personally think about nature and how much pollution has affected us it gets to the point

where it has been killing so many animals and many other things. Nobody ever noticed it until that video

came out about the straw in the turtle nose. Nobody took notice how much trash is actually around the

world until then. Many people around the world have told us that the littering side of everything is only

going to get worse until we end up getting to the point where everything either dissolves.

Maybe everyone will stop littering. You never know anymore there could have been so many

solutions to this but nobody seems to care but some people. When really everyone needs to show that they

care and just pick up a couple pieces of trash when you see it or something. Showing respect to the world

will have good karma.

Some people just sit back and think that we will find another world and just try and mess up this

one to try and get to the other world. For some odd reason I have talked to a couple people about this and
2 Easton

some of them say that it doesn't matter to throw something small out of the car. When all little things add

up to be the biggest problem. It all started with something small and then it got to be a big piece of trash

going out.

Whenever some people sit back and just let everyone else make their own decisions on whether

or not they're going to litter. If you don't make the change nobody else will. I've noticed that youtubers

and other bigger platforms are starting to use their popularity. To show people that they need to try and

make a mark in the world instead of letting everyone else try to decide it. Try to put more trash cans

everywhere. Try to add more recycling bins everywhere.

There are many things wrong with the picture but there are some that are also very good. The bad

thing is, there is plenty of trash in that shaker that he had. Then there was probably even more to pick up

to put inside the shaker. Then on the good side of the picture is that there is a trashcan in the background

of the picture but it is focused on the trash inside of the shaker. There are also a couple trash bags right

behind the shaker. Also another shaker.

There were also some people who seemed to have a picnic on the beach. Let's hope that they did

not plan to litter after the fact when there are trashcan. Some people will end up eating on the beach and

hide it under the sand and make it seem like nothing is there. Even though at night the tide comes up and

soaks up the trash that is under the upper layer of sand. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to be told

about the world having those problems. If they see it on social media they might not believe it until they

see it. The word of mouth goes a very long way. Everytime you’re around anyone that you know, litters

just be like they just killed a fish. I usually say there goes any other animals. Saying something when you

see it happening can make a huge difference.

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