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Unit 9 Lesson 7

Name(s)_______________________________________________ Period ______ Date ___________________ 

  Project Guide - Tell a Data Story 

Computing tools allow people from all different fields to learn from data. By transforming and visualizing data we can
find patterns that help us learn about our world.

For this project you will

● Select a dataset from the Data Library

● Use the Data Visualizer to make a visualization that helps us learn something interesting about the data
● Write a response that explains:
○ what your visualizations show
○ new insights or decisions that can be made based on this visualization
○ possible problems with your analysis including potential bias in the data or your interpretation

Tell a Data Story 

Data Analysis Written Response


Select a dataset from the Data Library. Read the metadata to understand what information is
available in the table

Dataset Name: US presidents

Short Description: A list of US presidents from 1 to 44 with dates from when they were
voted into office and when they left, also this has their home state and what party they
are from (Democratic, Republican).

Did you filter or clean the data? Why or why not?

Not needed because it was already in a list form. You can clean and filter data but if you do too
much it can easily become much harder to understand. This is already in list form and is very
simple to understand.

Create a visualization. Copy/paste the chart below.

Computer Science Principles 1

Unit 9 Lesson 7
What information does your visualization show:
It shows all the parties and how many presidents were in office with that party. For example,
there were 15 democratic presidents and 18 republican.

This shows a list of

How many presidents for each party in a bar graph.

What new insights or decisions can be made based on this visualization:

Many decisions can be held in the future in the political system and it is a normal day
conversation. Insight being, what are the republicans doing to win this many, was it the
time they ran or was it the president? A lot of insight can be seen from here because this
is such a huge topic and can have so many different answers.

What are the possible problems with your analysis including potential bias in the dataset
or your interpretation:
Problems can happen such as if certain political people see this it could cause more
division in the country or that may be too extreme, it may just cause people to not want to
talk about politics as much. In the political world, there is a lot of bias so this can easily
cause problems. In the database itself, many problems can come up such as people not
agreeing and deciding whether this is true or not such as a democrat that sides more
with Republicans. Problems in making this come up, for example, if the maker was a
one-sided partied person making this could have been solely based on bias. I am a much
more democratic person so looking at this I could have different interpretations as
someone as a republican.

Computer Science Principles 2

Unit 9 Lesson 7


Extensive Convincing Limited Evidence No Evidence

Evidence Evidence

Collect or Choose Data Dataset is correctly Dataset is correctly Dataset is correctly Dataset is not
identified and identified and identified and identified or
description is description is mostly description is description is
complete. complete. somewhat missing.

Clean/Filter Data Explanation for Explanation for Explanation for Explanation for
cleaning and/or cleaning and/or cleaning and/or cleaning and/or
filtering is complete filtering is complete filtering is somewhat filtering is
and reasonable. and mostly complete or incomplete.
reasonable. somewhat

Visualize and Find Visualization is Visualization is Visualization is Visualization is

Patterns readable and mostly readable and somewhat readable unreadable or
includes a title, and includes a title, and and/or is missing a missing.
citation. citation. title or citation. .

New Information: The visualization is The visualization is The visualization is The visualization is
Interpreting the thoroughly mostly explained. somewhat not explained.
visualization explained. explained.

New Information: Insights or decisions Insights or decisions Insights or decisions Insights or decisions
Insights or Decisions are reasonable and are mostly are mostly are missing.
effectively linked to reasonable and reasonable and
information effectively linked to somewhat
displayed in the information effectively linked to
visualization displayed in the information
visualization displayed in the

New Information: Possible problems Possible problems Possible problems Possible problems
Bias with analysis or with analysis or with analysis or with analysis or
potential bias are potential bias are potential bias are potential bias are
reasonable and mostly reasonable somewhat not addressed.
thoughtfully and thoughtfully reasonable and
addressed. addressed. addressed.

Computer Science Principles 3

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