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Garcia 1

Jenifer Garcia

Mrs. McCann

English 1302.203

20 February 2022

Essay 1 Reflection

Something that I was taught from English 1301 that I used in my first essay of 1302

would be giving more details and not using personal pronouns, especially because in this first

essay we could not use personal pronouns at all even though we are the ones conducting the

experiments. Elaborating in every paragraph has been essential to provide a clear image about

my statements. Some other things that I used from other classes aside from English 1301 was the

use of strategies during the essay. For example, while writing the essay, I would go back to read

the paragraph to see of it made sense. There were also some things that were not useful from

English 1301. For example, the usage of analyzing quotes, this is because the experiment that I

chose was just about music and the feeling that it gives. As for something that is not applicable

from another class, it would be the analyzing of images, since I did not use any images in my


I learned how to replace personal pronouns with other words. It is much smoother to talk

in a third person point of view, this could be used for any other essays for different courses that

also do not allow personal pronouns. Something that could not be used for other courses can be

the experiment since it does not relate to any other classes. This experiment will help with the

reading of peer-reviewed sources. Approaching writing tasks will be much easier because of the
Garcia 2

amount of elaboration that had to be used in the essay, it will be much easier to explain steps and


Some of the writing strengths that I had, according to my peers would be the hook

sentences for the paragraphs. They also stated that I had a clear thesis, and it correctly showed an

overview about what the essay was going to be about. Some of my writing weaknesses would be

placing the comma incorrectly in the sentences. The strengths are the same from 1301, but the

weaknesses are not. My weaknesses definitely decreased from 1301.

The most challenging aspect of this essay would be the amount of elaboration that had to

be done. Especially in the analysis part, every detail that I did during the experiment had to be

added to the essay. The least challenging part of the essay was gathering the materials needed. It

was simple finding different songs with different genres.

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