Use Data Analytics in Everyday Life

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Give the example(s) of such real-life situation

where we use Data Analytics and link it with
the data analytics process in form pdf and
submit it in the below assignment tab.

example 1 how to complete this mini-

project assigned

plan process share

how and when do i on what software I'm save the pdf and
complete this mini- going to use to download it in a form
project complete this pdf. eg- attachable in the link
Canva , word , pixart provided

prepare analyze act

come out with the process of making finally press the
ideas that I'm going the pdf stand out , submit button after
to put in this pdf the selection of completion of all the
colors , pictures to steps
example 2 1. plan when to listen to the songs

get mentally prepared to

2. prepare relax, groove and
contintue with activities
music selection 3. process
selection of the music
app, wynk spotify etc...

what type of music to

4. analyze
listen to , type genre,artist

5. share share the type of music

preferance with the app

6. act relax and groove

example 3

going out to meet friends

plan prepare process

let your friends know you determine the money plan the date and time.
want to meet. needed, and how to get it

analyze share act

deciding where to meet , finalize and discuss with hop in an auto and meet.
whether it will suit the your friends.
occasion and purpose.

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