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Executive Summary
1. The purpose of this marketing plan is to determine the potential
income earned through a successful collaboration with popular
artists. This is intended to gain more investors in order to make the
plan succeed. This is no way a concrete guarantee as a source of
income, but a risk to make the company’s revenue bigger.
II. Study Background
a) Brief History of the Company
i. In this marketing plan, Coca-Cola was
chosen as our product which is being
manufactured is produced by Coca-Cola
company. The refreshing beverage Coca-
Cola was born on mar 8,1886 and sold its
first glass by Dr. John Pemberton at Jacob’s
Pharmacy in downtown Atlanta. (https://www.coca-

b) Mission and Vision

i. Mission: Satisfy our beverage consumers with
ii. Vision: Become the best global beverage leader,
generating sustainable economic, social, and
environmental value by managing innovative,
winning business models with the best employees in
the world. (


c) Product/ Service Offerings

- Products - Suggested Retail
- Coca-Cola - 50.00Php
- Coca-Cola - 18.00Php
- Coca-Cola - 11.00Php
- Coca-Cola - 7Php
- Coca-Cola - 50Php
- Royal 1.5L 50Php
- Royal Kasalo - 18Php
Royal Mismo 11Php
Sprite 1.5L 50Php
Sprite Kasalo 18Php
Sprite Mismo 11Php

Sprite Solo 8Php

Wilkins Mineral 25Php

Water 1L

Wilkins Mineral 85Php

Water 6L

III. Macro Environmental Analysis

a) Economic
i. Inflation rate as of 2021 is 3.4% and is expected to
increase to 3% by 2026. (
ii. Coca-Cola products are distributed to hundreds of
countries. These countries have different customs,
cultures, taste, and desires. Coca-Cola has changed
and updated how it handles its products by creating
new flavors to accommodates these customers.
They have $80+billion worth of equity. The
majority of that comes from the beverage industry.
And their income (roughly 70%) is from countries
outside the United States. (

b) Political-Legal
i. Coca-Cola products are at the mercy of FDA. They
must meet regulations, given by the government, to
put products on store shelves. Changes in
established laws may prevent Coca-Cola from
distributing drinks. Accounting, taxes, internal
marketing, and changes in labor laws can affect
Coca-Cola this way. (

c) Sociocultural
i. Coca-Cola distributes majority of its products in
cultured countries. In Japan, they created 30
alternative flavors to appeal to Japanese
consumers. In China, they are making similar

But in America, people focus on their health.

They’re swapping sugary drinks for water and teas.
Because these drinks are better for their health.
Coca-Cola needs to respond to these needs by
creating a product the healthy American public will
respond to. (

d) Demographic
i. The demographic groups most likely to drink soda
included young adults ages between 18 to 29
(50% said they mostly drink regular soda), people
who aren’t white (46% said they mostly drink
regular soda) and people with lower incomes.

e) Technological
i. Machinery have helped Coca-Cola manufacture
products better and higher qualities. Coca-Cola
has factories in Britain with top of the name
machinery to ensure fast delivery times and
quality product improvement.

Coca-Cola has used social media technology to

connect with audiences. When they launched their
name campaign – putting real names on their
bottles – customer lines up to take photos of
bottles with their names on it. These photos
trended on social media sites like Facebook,
providing social proof and encouraging Coca-Cola
sales. (
f) Natural
i. Coca-Cola is affected by water accessibility.
Water is necessary for soft drink development.
But should something happen, like climate
change, the company may be under fire.

This affects their competitor, Pepsi, as well. But

since Coca-Cola’s products are primarily soft
drinks, with a water accessibility issue, the
company will suffer losses. Coca-Cola has to
adhere to environmental laws as they manufacture
their products. If anything is amiss, it can affect
how they distribute products – or stop production
completely. (
IV. Opportunities and Threats
i. Opportunities: developing countries are still being
introduced to the delight carbonated drinks and
soft drinks. Countries like India which are
developing and have a hot summer, find the
consumption of cold drinks almost doubled during
summers. Thus the higher consumption in
developing environments can be a good
opportunity to capitalize Coca-Cola.

ii. Threats: water is the only threat to Coca-Cola. The

weakness of Coca-Cola was the suspected use of
pesticides or vast consumption of water. However,
the threat here is that water scarcity is on the rise.
With the climate changing, and regions within
various of countries facing scarcity of water,
sooner or later someone might raise finger on
beverage companies. (
V. Micro Environmental Analysis
a) The Company
i. Coca-Cola is one of the most valuable companies
in the world, Coca-Cola is valued around 79.2
billion dollars. This valuation includes the brand
value, the numerous factories, and assets spread
out across the world and the complete operation
cost and profit of Coca-Cola. (

b) Suppliers
i. Coca-Cola gets a wide range of ingredients from
agriculture raw materials such as sugarcane, sugar
beet, corn, fruits, coffee, tea, and soybeans from
complex global supply chains and an expanding
range of new ingredients like nuts, herbs, and
dairy. (



c) Marketing Intermediaries
i. Coca-Cola intermediaries consist largely of their
bottlers. Coca-Cola has constructed a worldwide
bottling network; consisting both privately and
jointly owned bottling operations. Banks and
insurance companies are critical intermediaries.

d) Customers
i. With such strong products, it is natural that Coca-
Cola has a lot of customer loyalty. The products
like Coca-Cola and Fanta have a huge fan
following. People will prefer these soft drinks
over others. Because of the good taste of Coca-
Cola, finding substitutes becomes difficult for the
customer. (
e) Competition
i. The Coca-Cola Company’s top direct competitors
include Pepsi, Keurig Dr.Pepper, Tropicana
Products, Britvic, Redbull, Fever-Tree, and Monster
Beverage. While coffee chains like Starbucks, Café
coffee day, and Costa coffee as indirect
f) Publics
i. The target audiences are all potential consumers and
existing ones with the channels used being
television, pictures, videos, pictures and the
internet. Coca-Cola company’s strategy for
community relations is redirected at creating a form
the consumer base of the company. (
VI. Strengths and Weaknesses
i. Strengths: Coca –Cola is present in 200 countries
across the world. Chances are, any country that you
go to, you’ll find a Coca-Cola present in that
market. This vast global presence of Coca-Cola has
also contributed to the building of the mammoth
brand name.
ii. Weaknesses: Competition with Pepsi. Pepsi is a
thorn in the flesh for Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola would
have been the clear market leader had it not been for
Pepsi. The competition in these two brands is
immense and we don’t think Pepsi will give up so

Pepsi has made a smart move and

diversified into the snacks segment with products
like Lays and Kukure, Coca-Cola is missing from
that segment. The segment is also a good revenue
driver for Pepsi and had Coca-Cola been present in
this Segment, these products would have been an
additional revenue driver for the company.
VII. The Market
g) Market Size
i. Our target market is 40,395,800 between the ages of
10-30 years. This could generate up to 500+ million
pesos if all of them purchases Coca-Cola mismo at
the same time.
 Market Needs
i. In the current generation most of the youth loves
sweet stuffs like coke. Cold beverages to drink in
this tropic country is indeed in high demand in our
 Market Trends
i. Currently the collaboration of McDonald’s PH with
BTS (a well-known K-Pop group) increased their
sales up to 1000% percent all over the country
according to Mr.Torres the McDonald’s PH
Managing Director and sold close to 3.5 million

VIII. Marketing Objectives

i. The marketing objective is to increase the sales up
to 35% in the end of the year.
IX. Marketing Strategies
i. Creating new flavors that suits to the taste of the
market and pursue a collaboration with the biggest
names in the local and international industry such as
Ben&Ben, BTS, BlackPink, Taylor Swift and etc.
ii. Adding from 20-30% more content in every bottle.
iii. The pricing of the product won’t change.
iv. The product will be distributed to any accessible
areas of the Philippines.
v. Social Media, Television, Radio, Newspapers, and
even YouTube will be used to promote the product.
Inviting the collaborated artist/s to invite their fans
to patronize the product will also help to increase
the sales.
X. Tactical Implementation
Establish an To ensure and August 2021
agreement between determine the range and
the company and the limits of the
artist/s for the collaboration and the
collaboration. responsibilities of both
Hire and search for a Hiring must be September 2021
graphic artist to localized and should
design the label of require a high level of
the product experience for the
designer for better
Create an This is to inform the September 2021
advertisement to public for the coming
promote the collaboration and
collaboration and the convince them to buy
product itself. the product
Manufacture and This is to determine if October 2021
distribute the the product is a success
collaboration or a failure.
products for the soft
Product Launching Officially launch the November 2021
XI. Marketing Budget
Marketing Budget 2021
Collaboration Offer ₱ 448,465,500.00

Advertising, expenses which includes the following:

Television ₱ 7,500,000.00
Radio ₱ 1,950,000.00
Newspaper ₱ 1,500,000.00
YouTube ₱ 25,000,000.00

Total ₱ 484,415,500.00

XII. Feedback and Control

Action plan: Conduct a survey a week after the launch of the


Timetable: November 2021

By the 2nd week of November 2021, the survey will be given to the
random number of people from the market and gather some data and
feedbacks from them. At the latest this should be completed by
December 2021. If there is no enough participants the survey will be
conducted online and will give some reward such as a 300ml Coke
mismo that’s claimable via a voucher code at any grocery and
convenience store partners of the company.
XIII. Financial Projections

The expected amount of the revenues is around ₱ 1-10 Billion. If sold

worldwide, the total sales of 2020 may be doubled this year and will
benefit the company a lot. Om the other hand, with the excise tax of
6% per liter or 10 pesos per liter in the Philippines. Meaning that the
10 Billion revenue will be deducted by 6% per how many liter we’re

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