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Name: Morgan Thompson Date: 02/02/22

Title: Orff Lesson (Alligator Pie)

Grade Level: grade one
Standards (List specific SOLs that pertain specifically to YOUR objectives).
Virginia Standards: (SOL)

MU: Pr6.1.Ka “With guidance, perform music with expression.”

K.3. The student will sing a variety of songs of limited range alone and with others, including 1.
Singing two-pitched (sol, mi) songs, using echo and ensemble singing.

K.6. The student will demonstrate a steady beat using body percussion and voice.

K.7. The student will respond to music with movement including 2. Demonstrating expressive
qualities of music.
Objectives: (List specific, assessable items you want students to KNOW and BE ABLE TO DO).
As a result of the instruction, students will be able to: (observable skills- action verbs)

1. Perform Alligator Pie with 90% accurate rhythms

2. Perform 3 different ostinato patterns with accurate pitches and rhythms with 90%
3. Chant and perform ostinatos simultaneously

Materials (List the instructional materials you will need or use for the lesson. Why? I will know that you know
what you need to teach the lesson and will not be running around the room to find something you forgot.)

I will need the PowerPoint slides and a way to display them for the class. I will also need three
pieces of paper to display the different ostinato patterns to the group.

Modifications: (List any modifications in the instructional setting or room that you must make for any child
who has special needs. Could be child with a broken leg. It could be using a microphone for a child with a hearing
deficiency. Has anyone encountered this yet?)

If there is a student who is unable to ambulate around the classroom, I will place them in a central
local and allow them to perform different roles from that place in the room.

Steps in Teaching: (List your instructional strategies. Specifically, how you plan to teach the objectives. What
teaching will you use? Are you prepared to approach it in several ways-verbally, visually, and kinetically? Consider
learning theories as you introduce your lessons and build each future lesson).

1. Teach the Chant (3 minutes)

 Begin by asking the class questions relating to the chant they will learn. What is your
favorite type of dessert? Does anyone like pie? What is your favorite type of pie?

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2021


Transition into teaching the chant. Perform the chant for the class two times.
Break the chant into small sections and teach it one phrase at a time. Allow the class
to echo the chant back and put the small sections into larger ones until the class is
performing the entire chant at one time.
2. Teach the Three Ostinato Patterns (7 minutes)
 Ostinato 1: SG
o Display the appropriate ostinato chant card displaying the rhythm and words that
the students will use to learn the ostinato.
o Perform the ostinato using words several times and then have students perform
the first ostinato with the chant.
o Have the two performing groups switch and repeat before moving on to the next
ostinato pattern.
 Ostinato 2: SX/AX
o Display the next ostinato chant card that contains the rhythm and words that the
students will use to learn the ostinato pattern.
o Perform the ostinato several times on its own before splitting the class into three
groups to perform the chant and both ostinato patterns simultaneously.
o Have the groups switch parts until all groups have performed all different parts.
 Ostinato 3: Rhythm Sticks
o Display the final ostinato chant cards and have the students repeat it back using
the words displayed on the card. Repeat this several times until students are
comfortable with the final ostinato pattern.
o Divide the students into four groups and have them perform the chant with all three
ostinato patterns they have learned.
o Have the groups of students switch parts.
3. Transfer Everything to Orff and Classroom Instruments
 Begin with ostinato 1. Display the PowerPoint slide that corresponds and check to
ensure all students are playing the correct pitches. Have all other students mimic
playing an instrument during this time.
 Repeat this process with the other two ostinato patterns, ensuring that each group can
perform their ostinato pattern on the instruments.
 Perform the chant with the ostinato patterns and then have the students stand up and
switch groups. Ensure that the students have something to do when rotating between
Assessment: (The question of assessment is “How well do the students know the objectives or how well can they
do/apply/use the objectives?” Go back to the top of this format- your assessment starts here.)

Overall Outcomes: Assessment for Each Outcome:

After learning the pieces, each student will… I will document individual student achievement

Perform a chant with 80% accuracy. This will be assessed by listening to the
performance of the chant before ostinato
patterns are added. [informal]

Learn three different ostinato patterns and This will be assessed during the final
perform them with 90% accuracy. performances when all ostinato patterns have
been added to the chant. [informal]

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2021


Perform a chant in addition to three different The assessment of this outcome will be
ostinato patterns accurately. (80%) observed during the final performance.

** Use various assessment tools (e.g., rubrics, rating scales, checklists, short quizzes, self-reflections, etc.) and various
types of questions (e.g., multiple choice, short answer, matching, etc.)

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2021

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