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Name: Morgan Thompson Date: 02/02/22

Title: Raindrops
Grade Level: grade one
Standards (List specific SOLs that pertain specifically to YOUR objectives).
Virginia Standards: (SOL)

MU: Pr6.1.Ka “With guidance, perform music with expression.”

K.3. The student will sing a variety of songs of limited range alone and with others, including 1.
Singing two-pitched (sol, mi) songs, using echo and ensemble singing.

K.6. The student will demonstrate a steady beat using body percussion and voice.

K.7. The student will respond to music with movement including 2. Demonstrating expressive
qualities of music.
Objectives: (List specific, assessable items you want students to KNOW and BE ABLE TO DO).
As a result of the instruction, students will be able to: (observable skills- action verbs)

1. Sing Raindrops, a simple nursery melody, in a gentle head voice with 90% accurate
pitches and rhythms
2. Tap the beat of the song consistently and accurately
3. Create and apply motions to Raindrops that demonstrate expressive qualities

Materials (List the instructional materials you will need or use for the lesson. Why? I will know that you know
what you need to teach the lesson and will not be running around the room to find something you forgot.)

I will need print outs of the pictures that will be used to help students visualize the lyrics of each
line of the song, as well as something to rest them on or hang them with.

Modifications: (List any modifications in the instructional setting or room that you must make for any child
who has special needs. Could be child with a broken leg. It could be using a microphone for a child with a hearing
deficiency. Has anyone encountered this yet?)

If there is a student who is unable to ambulate around the classroom, I will have all students
perform the motions at their seats or seated in their chairs. Due to the size of the class, I will also
ask the students in Lab Ensemble to remain at their seats while we complete this lesson.
Steps in Teaching: (List your instructional strategies. Specifically, how you plan to teach the objectives. What
teaching will you use? Are you prepared to approach it in several ways-verbally, visually, and kinetically? Consider
learning theories as you introduce your lessons and build each future lesson).

1. Warm Up (1 minute)
 Lead the students in simple movements and stretches to allow them a chance to move
around and prepare to listen

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2021


2. Context (1.5 minutes)

 Begin by greeting the students. Ask questions about different types of weather: What
are the students’ favorite types of weather? What weather have we been
experiencing recently?
 Explain that we are going to be learning a song about rain. Ask about things they do
when it rains. If anyone mentions an umbrella, make sure to emphasize that answer.
3. Learn Raindrops (5 minutes)
 Have the students gently pat a beat and sing the song all the way through two times.
 Split the song into four phrases or two measures each. Sing each phrase and have
the students repeat it back twice.
 Combine the beginning two phrases and the last two phrases so students are now
singing half of the song each time they repeat it back.
 Finally, have the students listen and repeat back the entire song.
 Begin introducing movements into the song. Begin by asking what the first line of the
song is about. Follow up with the question of what movement matches the lyric.
 Continue in this was until all four unique phrases of the song have an associated
4. Assessment (2.5 minutes)
 Sing the song with all the motions incorporated into it.
 Divide the room into halves, have one side of the room tap the beat while the other
half of the room sings the song with motions. Have the two sides switch to ensure both
groups are able to sing, do the motions, and tap to the beat of the song.
 If time allows, rearrange the pictures being displayed and have volunteers come up to
the from and put them back in the correct order.

Assessment: (The question of assessment is “How well do the students know the objectives or how well can they
do/apply/use the objectives?” Go back to the top of this format- your assessment starts here.)

Overall Outcomes: Assessment for Each Outcome:

After learning the pieces, each student will… I will document individual student achievement

Sing the melody of the song using a head This will be assessed by listening to the final
voice with 80% accuracy. performance of the song by the two groups of
students. [informal]

Consistently and accurately tap to the beat of This will be done by listening to and
the song (90%) observing the students during the final
performance. [informal]

Apply motions to Raindrops (80%) The assessment of this outcome will be

observed during the final performance.

** Use various assessment tools (e.g., rubrics, rating scales, checklists, short quizzes, self-reflections, etc.) and various
types of questions (e.g., multiple choice, short answer, matching, etc.)

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2021

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