MR-J4-TM-EIP Ethernet IP AOI Trubleshooting Manual

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MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC General-Purpose AC Servo :RVO-J4 Servo Amplifier Instruction Manual (Troubleshooting) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Please read the instructions carefully before using the equipment ) ‘To use the equipment correctly, do not attempt to install, operate, maintain, of inspect the equipment until you have read through this Instruction Manual, Installation guide, and appended documents carefully, Do not use the equipment until you have a full knowledge of the equipment, safety information and instructions. In this Instruction Manual, the safety instruction levels are classified into "WARNING" and "CAUTION". Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in ZAWARNING | geatnor soveronury AX CAUTION | [%isatee that incorect handing may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in minor or moderate injury or property damage. Note that the CAUTION level may lead to a serious consequence according to conditions. Please follow the instructions of both levels because they are important to personnel safely What must not be done and what must be done are indicated by the following diagrammatic symbols. © Instestos what mus not be done. For example, No F's inated by &) @ | eacsts what must don. For example, grounding is inci by In this Instruction Manual, instructions at a lower level than the above, instructions for other functions, and so on are classified into "POINT? ‘After reading this Instruction Manual, keep it accessible to the operator. [To prevent electric shock, note the following] Z\WARNING © Before wiring or inspection, turn off the power and wait for 15 minutes or more (20 minutes or more for converter unit) unti the charge lamp turns off. Then, confirm that the voltage between P+ and N- (between L+ and L: for converter unit) is safe with a voltage tester and others, Otherwise, an electric shock may occur. In addition, always confirm whether the charge lamp is off or not from the front of the servo amplifier (converter unit). © Do not operate switches with wet hands. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock [To prevent fire, note the following] A\CAUTION @ When you use an MR-J4 multi-axis servo amplifier, connecting an encoder for wrong axis to the CN2A, CN2B, or CN2C connector may cause a fire. [To prevent injury, note the following] ZA\CAUTION © The servo amplifier (drive unit), converter unit heat sink, regenerative resistor, servo motor, etc. may become hot while power is on or for some time after power-off. Take safety measures, e.g, provide covers, to avoid accidentally touching the parts (cables, ete.) by hand. [Additional instructions] “The hlewing instucons shoul leo be fly noted, Inuroct haring may caves a matancion inn, eects shor, ot. [Wiring] A\CAUTION © Wire the equipment correctly and securely. Otherwise, the servo motor may operate unexpectedly. @ Make sure to connect the cables and connectors by using the fixing screws and the locking mechanism, Otherwise, the cables and connectors may be disconnected during operation © To avoid a malfunction of the servo motor, connect the wires to the correct phase terminals (UIVIW) of the servo amplifier (drive unit) and the servo motor, © Connect the servo ampiiier (drive unit) power output (U/V/W) to the servo motor power input (U/VIW) directly. Do not connect a magnetic contactor and others between them. Otherwise, it may cause a malfunction. o| : "HOSP : o§ SP ZA\CAUTION ‘© Configure a circuit to tum off EM2 or EM1 when the main circuit power supply is turned off to prevent an unexpected restart of the servo amplifier (drive unit) © To prevent matfunction, avoid bundling power lines (input/output) and signal cables of the servo amplifier (drive unit) and the converter unit together or running them in parallel to each other. Separate the power lines from the signal cables. [Usage] A\CAUTION ‘© Before resetting an alarm, make sure that the run signal of the servo amplifier (drive unit) is off in order to prevent a sudden restart, Otherwise, it may cause an accident. © Use the servo amplifier (drive unit) and converter unit with the specified servo motor. © Wire options and peripheral equipment, ete. correctly in the specified combination. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock, fire, injury, etc. © Ifthe dynamic brake is activated at power-off, alarm occurrence, etc., do not rotate the servo motor by an external force. Otherwise, it may cause a fire, [Corrective actions] Z\CAUTION ‘© Ensure safely by confirming the power off, etc. before performing corrective actions. Otherwise, it may cause an accident. @ Ifitis assumed that a power failure or product malfunction may result in a hazardous situation, use a servo motor with an electromagnetic brake or provide an external brake system for holding purpose to prevent such hazard. © Configure an electromagnetic brake circuit which is interlocked with an extemal emergency stop switch. Contacts must be opened when ALM. Contact ‘must be opened with (Watuneton) or MBR (Electromagnetic fhe emergency stop switch, rake interlace tus of ey se Servo motor \ oe voc Electromagnetic brake © When an alarm occurs, eliminate its cause, ensure safety, and deactivate the alarm to restart operation. © Ifthe molded-case circuit breaker or fuse is activated, be sure to remove the cause and secure safety before switching the power on. If necessary, replace the servo amplifier (drive unit) and converter unit, and recheck the wiring. Otherwise, it may cause smoke, fire, or an electric shock. © Provide an adequate protection to prevent unexpected restart after an instantaneous power failure. © After an earthquake or other natural disasters, ensure safety by checking the conditions of the installation, mounting, wiring, and equipment before switching the power on to prevent an electric, shock, injury, or fire ABOUT THE MANUAL Tris Instruction Manual covers the folowing models. These include servo amplifiers (drive units) which have optional units. MR-J4-_AMRAJ4-_AA/MR-J4-_A/MR-J4-_A-RJIMR-J4-_A4-RJIMR-Jd-_A1-RU MR.J4-_BIMR-J4-_B4/MR-J4-_B1/MR-J4-_B-RJIMR-J4-_B4-RJIMR-Jd-_81-RJ MR-JAW_-_8 MR-J4-_B-RJOTO/MR-J4-_B4-RJO10 MR J4-03A6IMR-J4-03A6-RJIMR-J4WW2-0303B6 MRJ4-_GFIMR-J4-_GF4/MR-J4-_GF1/MR-J4-_GF-RUIMR-J4-_GF4-RJ/MR-J MR.J4-DU_AIMR-J4-DU_A4IMR-J4-DU_A-RJIMR-J4-DU_AG-RU MR.J4-DU_BIMR..J4-DU_B4/MR-J4-DU_B-RJIMR-J4-DU_B4-RJ/MR-J4-DU_B4-RJ100 MR-CV_ MR-CRESKMR-CRESK4 _GFIRI ‘The symbols in the target column mean as follows, TA) | MRAJé._AIMRJé-_AAIMR-Je-_AYIMR-J4-_A-RUNIR-U-_A4-RJMR-4-_AT-RUNIR-M-DU_AI MR-J4-DU_AA) MR-J4-DU_A-RJIMR-J4-DU_A4-RJIMR-J4-03ABIMR-J4-03A6-R [B) MJ BIMRJé-_BAIMRJ4~_BI/MR-J4-_B-RUMR-J4-_64-RUMR-J4-_B1-RU/ MR-J4-DU_BIMR-J4-DU_B4) MR-J4-DU_B-RUIMR-J4-DU_B4-RJIMR-J4-DU_B4-RJ100 [WB] | MR-J4W_-_B/MR-J4W2.030386 [RUO10] | MR-J4-_B-RUOTOIMR-J4-_B4-RJO1O [GF] | MR-J4-_GFIMRJ4-_GF4/MR-J4-_ GFIIMR-J4-_ GF-RJIMR-J4-_ GF4-RJIMRI4-_GF1-RJ [Othe] | For manufacturer adjustment CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. 1 ABOUT THE MANUAL «6... cee o cee . cece CHAPTER 1_ TROUBLESHOOTING FOR SERVO AMPLIFIER (DRIVE UNIT) 6 41 Explanation for the lists . 12 Alarm lst 1.3 Waming list. a7 1.4 Remedies for alarms. 30 1.5 Remedies for warnings. 103 1.8 Trouble which does not trigger alarm/warning. 128 1.7 Network module error codes. 139 CHAPTER 2 TROUBLESHOOTING FOR MR-CV_POWER REGENERATION CONVERTER UNIT 140 24 Explanations of the lists. 22 Alarm list 23° Warning lst . 24 Romedies for alarms. 25 Remedios for warnings.........cssscsccsesessseseecesesesessseseeseersesssesesseeeees 146 CHAPTER 3 TROUBLESHOOTING FOR MR-CR5S5K(4) RESISTANCE REGENERATION CONVERTER UNIT 147 3.41 Explanation for the lists 147 3.2 Alarmiwarning list. 147 ‘Alarm . 147 Waring. 148 33 Remedios for alarms. 148 34 Remedies for warnings. 153 CHAPTER 4 DRIVE RECORDER 155 44 How to use drive recorder 155 42 Howto display drive recorder information 162 APPENDIX 163 ‘Appendix 1 Detection points of (AL. 25], [AL. 92], and [AL. $F] 163 REVISIONS. 165 WARRANTY . 02000 0ce ccc ceceeeeeeeeseesteetecteeettrectsterrestees cece ATA TRADEMARKS... cess coves i ceveeeeeeeeee cee tT2 1 TROUBLESHOOTING FOR SERVO AMPLIFIER (DRIVE UNIT) + As soon as an alarm occurs, tum SON (Servo-on) off and interrupt the power. + [AL. 37 Parameter error] and warnings (except [AL. FO Tough drive warning)) are not recorded in the alarm history + [AL. 8D.1 CC-Link IE communication error 1] and [AL. 8D.2 CC-Link IE communication error 2] are not recorded in the alarm history, For MR-J4-_GF_(RJ), these alarms are recorded by setting [Pr. PNOS] to + When an error occurs during operation, the corresponding alarm or waming is displayed. When an alarm occurs, ALM will tun off, Refer tothe following and take the appropriate action, > Page 30 Remedies for alarms When an warning is displayed, refer to the following and take the appropriate action. [> Page 103 Remedies for warnings 1.1. Explanation for the lists No./Name/Detail No/Detail name Indicates each No./Name/Detail No /Detall name of alarms or warnings. Stop method For the alarms and warnings in which "SD" is writen in the stop methad column, the servo motor stops with the dynamic brake after forced stop deceleration. For the alarms and wamings in which "DB" or "EDB" is written in the stop method column, the servo motor stops with the dynamic brake without forced stop deceleration. Alarm deactivation ‘After its cause has been removed, the alarm can be deactivated in any of the methods marked © in the alarm deactivation column. Warnings are automatically canceled after the cause of occurrence is removed. Alarms are deactivated with alarm reset, CPU reset, or cycling the power. MIMR-J4-_A_(-RJ)/MR-J4-DU_A_(-RJ) ‘Nato eet 4. Taming on RES (Reset wits input device 2. Pushing the "SET" btn whe ho selay of ho sow ampli isthe curant alam ale status 83. Chek Oceaning Al Reset the Ala Digly” window of MR Conia {ating the power “Turing the power ofan then turing tan aga MIMR-J4-_B_(-RJO10)/MR-J4W_-_B/MR-J4-DU_B_(-RJ)/MR-J4-_GF_(-RJ) ‘lam ret 4. Reset corimand fom contra 2. Chek “Decanting Alm Reset the Alam Display” window of MR Configurator? (ating he power Turing te power of ahah uring #08 aga Processing system (only for MR-J4W_- B_) Processing system of alarms is a8 follows. Each axis: Alarm is detected for each axis. ‘Common: Alarm is detected as the whole servo ampli. Stop system (only for MR-J4W_- B_) This means target axis to stop when the alarm occurs. Each axis: Only alarming axis will stop. Al axes: All axes will stop. Alarm code (only MR-J4-_A_(-RJ)/MR-J4-DU_A_(-RJ)) To output alarm codes, set [Pr. PD34] to "___ 1” when using an MR-J4-_A_(-RUMR-J4-DU_A_(-RJ).Alarm codes are ‘outputted by on/ot of bit 0 to bit 2. Warnings ([AL. 90] to [AL. F3]) do not have alarm codes. The alarm codes in the following table will be outputted when they occur. The alarm codes will not be outputted in normal condition. When using an MR-DO1 extension 10 unit, you can output alarm codes by setting Pr. Pot] to" __ 1". Alarm codes are outputted by on/off of bt 0 to bit 3. 1.2 Alarm list Underage ‘olage sop in ‘he conra set power ‘atage op in ‘ne main crest power = Common ‘Sw ating stinger Stab mnber sting oror Common ‘alanes Dissbina sting eror cy ° ‘common ‘lax Memory ever (Rant wa RAM ror 08 common ‘Ales 22 RAM oror? 08 ‘common ‘axe 23 RAM oror3 8 ‘common ‘axes common ‘Common 28 RAM ror 8 ‘Goce 34 ‘ck or 8 emmon ‘Alans 22 loc or 2 ry cemmon ‘Alaxes 38 lock aor 8 « process evar “4a ‘onal process sort ry le[elolelo/ololofe ‘common ‘Alaxes crs (Conva rocess ore? ° emmon ‘alaxes a3 ‘Conta process rte 08 ‘common ‘axes 4a (Conve process red 8 emmon ‘Alaces vas Conta process sre cy ‘common ‘taxes 48 Conta process 0a common ‘Alaxes Conta rocess re? 48 ‘ona process sires 8 ‘common ‘Alaxes 4a (Conve rocess eo ba emmon ‘alaxes waa ‘Conta process sro t0 08 common ‘axe “8 (Conta process ba ae ‘ona process soe 2 40 ‘onal process 0a 6 Memory enor (EEPROM) 164 EEP-ROM error power on 8 ‘Common | Allaxes EEP-ROM enor turng operation ‘Common | Axes ea Hors poston Inara ead 8 Enooder nti communication ono 621 | Encoder inal | DB ‘nen ais | Eneh ammunition ae Receive dats 162 | Enooder inital | BB Each ane | Each sommnieaton is roe? 363 | Encoder inital | DB neh ans | Ench communication ie Receive data 6A | Encoder inal | DB Each ane | Each rommninton is ‘Encoder rancor? 385 | Eneoderinitat | 0B Each ans | Each communication oe Transmssion eta amor 488 | Ender inital | BB Each ane | Each ormuntion is “ranemasion in enor? V8 | Encoder initat | 08 Each ans | Each communication ue Transmssion sta eror3 768 | Enoderiat | BB Each ane | Each rorsnunetin ais neompatbla reader TEA | Encoder iia! | 0B Each ais | Each communication ie Process oat 4 $68 | Enoderiniar | DB Each ans | Each cernusiaion as Process aot 2 38 | Encoder inital | 08 Each axis | Each communcaton as Process eat a TED | Encoder ina! | 0B Each anis | Eneh Process aot 4 communeaton as 5 SEF | Encoderintat | 0B Even axis | Eneh Process oor WT Boardemor 17.4 | Boaeror | D8 Common | Alaxes 97 [Bow ere? | 08 © Common | Aaxos 7a [Bowderee3 | 08 © Common | Atanas 75 [Bowweroré | 0B © Common | Araxes 575 |Bowderers | 08 © Cenmen | Alraxes 7 [Bow evee? | 08 e- = 178 | Boe eraré® | EDB © Common | anes 178 [Bow erere | 0B eo - 10 | Memeryeror 19.1 |FiasmaoM | 0S © Common | Alraxes 23 (laeh.ROW) et 782 | FiasnROw | 08 © Common | Aaxes error? 483 |FloenROM | 0B eo - F sees TR | Servomotoe TAT | Senomater | 08 Each | och combination cemainaton ie eran eet TA2 | Sever | 0B © Gash | Esch contol mage ene rorsinaten Yaa | Sevometor | 0B © Enea | Esch rorsinatan sais rroe2 | Converareror 18.1 | Convener unt | DB o - TE | Eneoderintal 7-7 | Encoder 0 © Eaavans | Eoch comminiestion rancton is omer TE2 [Lesaseo | 0B © Eaves | Esch ratncton TF Erendorinat 1 [compatible | 08 © Eacvanie | Eneh ‘oror3 12 |ncompetbie | DB © Ean ens | ech loses ais encoder 20 | Enesdsr 20.1 | Encoder nomal | ED8 Each | Each comuricaion Receive data 202 | Eneoder normal | EDB Foch ate | Eech rommuneaton es Recetve data ror 703 | Eneodornomal | EDB och is | Evch communeaton ss Rocoive data ores 205 | Encoder norma | EDB Eacv ae | Esch remmmuriaton is ‘ranameion Gata oor 708 | Encoder normal |EDB ocr | Each communcaton us “ransision ta err? 207 | Eneoder omar | EDB Eocv as | Esch rerrmuraton ais ‘Tanamasion Soin oor} 703 | Eneoder normal | EDB Foch as | Each communcaton us Receive data ore OA | Encoder normal | EDB oon | Esch rerrmuriation ais Receive data rors BI | Eneoder 244 [Encoder dela | EDS oar ons | Esch roma ort 0 enmaieaton 35.2 | Encoder dia | EDB Each as | Esch ore pate oor is ‘savor ero aes 214 | Eneoder none | EDB Enchant | Each signal enor is 7215 | Eneoger | EDR Eacv ae | Exch hare ores is 4 28 | Eneoaer | EDR Fecha | Esch haaare ore ais 2 Encoder deta | E08 Eocn xt | Each rrr? ais 26 | Waincroat 24.1 | Ground tut | DB Each wis | Axes enor ectocs by harmo tact eros 242 | Groundfauk | 08 Fac ant | Alas seteces by rotware Stecson ‘uncton 25 ABeohio 25.4 | Senomotr | DB ‘Enemas | Ench poston erased reader oe ‘oso poston arsed ‘52 | Seale be Each axis | Each rmaasurment is coder Asche poston arsed 27 iittmageatie | 274 | tatmagnete | 08 Each ans | Each oe dtecton pol detocton is feror ‘Aenea temnaation 272 | hialmagnote | 08 Enchant | Ech ole detection ee “ime out ert 273 | Iittmagnotc | 08 Each ans | Each ole detacion ie Unit ster 214 | intatmagoetc | 05 Each ais | Each poe detation is Estat aor 27 | intaimagnetc | 08 Each ans | Each poe detection as Postion sevaton arr 276 | Itt magnetic | 08 pole getocion ‘Speed deviation 277 | Intatmagnstic | 08 Each axis | Eech poe detection ae Curent ror 28 | Unearencoder 28.1 | Liearencoder= | EDB Each axis | Ench 2A Linearencoder 2.1 | Linear encoder | EDB ‘Enenanis | Ech enor! stor ie ‘2 | Linear encoder | EDE Each ans | Each ror? ie [AB | Linear oncodar | EOB Each axs | Eech stort ie AA | Linear encoder | EDB Each ans | Each orto ss "AS | Linear oncoaar | EDB seh ror 8 ie "AB | Linear encoder | EDB ‘Enchanis | Eech ono 7 is AB | Linear oncoder | EDB Enehais | Ench ror ee 28 | Encoder 28.4 | Encoder ee Each ais | Each counir arr untr ear + ss 282 | Encoder FB Enchanis | Each countr aor 2 one 0 Roperaratve Regeneration hea enor D8 common ‘Alaxes Regeneton sana ror cy oF ‘Common ‘Alans generation ‘tesdboc signal 08 oF ‘common ‘axes a ‘Overpod ‘Abroad melee speed Foch one Esch 2 ‘Overaent vercient ete a heroware etcton et (eure peration) ba Each ans ‘exes (vere etc at sottware setocton funtion (dung operation) “alors COvercuent ote at heroware etection cet (dug a sco) 8 Each ans ‘Alaxes ‘Overeunt oto a serware fetection function dures sop) ba Each ane ‘Alaxes = ‘Overvotage aa ‘ote eror common ‘SSCNET a ‘SSCNET recoive date sow common ‘Alaxes m2 ‘SSCNET onnecton enor a common ‘Alaxes 'SSCNET fin oror = Even ale Eee Hardware eror signal detacion a ‘common ‘axes ‘SSCNET recoive data ror (ety sbsoration tunclon) ae ‘SSCNET formation eta ror (catey observation funtion) ar % ‘Gonmand stequeney aor 37 Command requency enor = Enc axe Esch ae 38 ‘SSCNET 364 Contauous ta ror sof neh ais 32 ‘Contos ommuneaton fs ror (eatey observation funn) oF Paramater Parameter setingrange be Each axis 2 Parameter samsinaton be Each axe Pvt abl ating oro cy » roam e7or 3 Progam oor 08 382 Trsrtion sgument stor enor 8 RegitorNo, Non: crrespondorce Instruction enor 8 Inrah ore suppression seater aA Inns erent suppor ‘ci err 08 common ” Paraater setergerartor ower Parametr froctor are onsive 8 Paremetr foster ere sarsnuncatn ry = ‘Operaton mode ere ‘Operation ede 08 Each ane (Operation made ston oror be RDO cemainaton 08 2 Senocontsl 42. | Senocental | DB © Ewcrans | Each err erty poston ous (eros Sevaton senomeion [23 [Senmconol (EDR |™ (| __ Ewhanis [Each and sret enor peed os enema Sovaton 25 | Senocowat [FOB |= | __ Each | Each rer by au os rst dvion Folycosod 428 | Futyeosea EDS |* —*—~|OEaai [Each sop conto top cont us oe ror poston (ortayaoses |__| coven tepcontod 29 |ruyaovea [eds | [O Eamaun | Each too cont is ere speed Sevan WA |Fatyaowd—(€8|* ~~ Eachis [Each top cont ns one peilon Seven tng soma 89 5 Weinceest 454 [Mancreat 80 [O™ OT |G Common | Alause even lovin ovat crest ort 52 [Manckat [50 [OT OT |G Common | Alans ces ovrhet enor? 35 | Senometse 484 [Absomat [SD [OT GT [OY Each | Fear cvenet teroerate of ss serve mote 82 [Awromat [80 [OT 07 [6% | caches [ach tera of ons servo mor 2 89 | memisor —/sd [OY O7 [O% | eaevane | een disonnetes is “ea | Mremisur —/8D [OT 07 [O% | Eacrass [ach rose is WES | Rovomst [DBO OT [GY Each | Ener teroerte of ous sen motor} Ws [Revo [DBO OT [GY Sache | Ener teroerate of is reno mors | Cootraten 474 [Coatngtansin [SO |= = [9 Gammon | Anes 73 [eootngian (8D [== [| Common | Alors spaad recon ‘50 ‘Overad ¢ 04 “Thema turing oeraton 0 neh ais Thema vetted or 2 string oeraton = oF + Ech ane Thema ovetad or 4 shring oporaton 0 oF oF Ech aie soa Thema ura a sop = oF oF Each axe Esch is verted or 2 uring a op oF oF Evchae one overload oor 4 turing a op = oF oF 3 Overad? sa overload oor string operation oF oF overload or sung oop oF a vcossve Excess crop puso 1 2 Each axe Excess 0p pale? 0 Ech aie ror ncaa uring torque a 0 Each axe Excess 0p pulbo ee ‘Ozlaton oa cr detocton ener w Forced stop 2 ‘Over spood rng loread sop 08 Estimated distance over uring forced op 8 Each axis Foro tap ortonor a ‘Operation oor oa Piste settngrange 8 @ ‘STO tring ea STotof 08 Common ‘aie 52 S102 of D8 ‘common ‘Alaxos STO by ‘unctonateaety 08 safety uit seting ror ‘SO inp wor m2 ‘compatity node etn (Operation made sting eror 8 Funetenal ety unit conneston 5.4 Functional satay unt fommuneaton 0 safety unt frrmunction roe? Functonal satay unt femmuncaton Ey safety unt cormuncation rors Funeral satay unt fammuncaton ones | Funcionsr | safety unt formuncation rors Ey 0 Functional safety unt fammuncaton one? Ey Functional safety unt shut off gral ero 8 safety unt shut off gral err? Encoder nti communication er (safty function) 6.4 Encoder inal emanation Receive dats sre ately tsoraton funn) 08 wa Encoder ina sormuniaton ror 2 atty servation function) be Enoder ina Receive data ‘rr 3 (salty sbseraton ‘uncon 8 ammunition “ansmasion ata eror (estey observation funn) Eneoder ina sormuniston 1 sally servation function) be co Encoder ‘ommaniation ‘erat (stety obeenaton futon) oa Eneosor normal Receive dats ‘tr 4 salty ‘bseraton ‘uncon 8 a2 sommintnton ‘rrr 2 atty tuneton) Encoder normal communion Receive data srr 3 (safety ftsoraton tuncion) 8 a4 Enea normal ommunteston frre atty tuneton) be Encoder normal ‘Transmssion eta amor (eatery tuneton) 08 ‘STO dagnoss| oer Miemsicred STO sgnal enor cy ‘common ‘Command 94 0 = = fond oetocton 0 Upper sks detec Commana = Lower oe limit detection Comenand 0 7 Toad ‘coder nal ‘ommnition 704 Toaasise sncoder ital fommneaton ret ry Enon ae Ech awe once encoder tal omni ‘Receve data roe? 08 ech ae veh ae Teaco code ntl formu ‘Receve data ore 08 Ech ae Evch ae Teaco encoder ta fornication ‘Encoder rancor’? 08 Ech ae Ech owe osasige sncoder ta formu “anemasion in eran | 08 Ech axe Esch one Toaasige coder ta rornunctin “ranemasion in enor 2 08 Enc axe Esch oe 7 Loadside 70.7 |Loaceese | OB. ‘Enen ans | Ench ‘encoder ta code ia ie ‘omministion formation sta oror3 708 [Loatsice | 08 Each anis | Ech code ital ie formation Ineampatble ncoder® TOA |lontsice | 0B Enehais | Ench coder is forminaton 1 708 [toassie (08 Enchaie | Ech code ita is fammunaton 2 706 [teases (08 Enchaxs | Eech code ita is formation Process aor 3 700 [toate | 08 Even axie | Eech code ita is formation 4 TOE [teases (08 ‘Encnaxe | Eech encoder ta oe formation 5 TOF [tesco (08 Enchant | Ech sncoder ta oie fomminenton Process aor 5 71 Loadside 773 [tanassse | EOE Enchaxs | Eoch noose encoder nama oe onal ormuniton ommaniaton Receve dats oro! ret 72 | toacsie | OB Each ans | Each encoder noma ie formuniaton Receive data 2 73 |osssiso | EDB Each axis | Each coder noma oe formuniaton Receive dats ros 75 [toes | EDB Each ans | Each coder noma oe rornuniton “ransmasion fain enor | n Lead onal omer 16 Lease encoder nom fammunenton sta oror2 08 neh als eh ie 77 Lease encoder nomi fommunenton sta oor} 8 Each ae neh ie 78 Loaasise coder nam ammunition rors 8 Enc ale neh is TA oaaise encoder nom fommunenton ono 8 neh ale eh is 7 Toad ‘oror? 7a ‘oaaise encoder dat ret 8 Enon ae Ech is Tonaige encoder dat pat oor 58 Ech ale is oaasise encoder data ‘waveform erat 8 Eveh ae veh awe Tea oaasise encoder none Sona arr 8 Ech ale Esch awe Loasice encoder harnare are 4 Each axe Esch 8 Loaasice herovare enor 2 D8 Each ans Each Loasise encoder data seh ‘Opin ard vas ‘pion rs ret 742 ‘Option cars stor? 08 a Option cara re ba Option as erred Opton cars ener ba ‘Opin card ‘pion axa ennecton enor ‘Option cart 0a 79 Funetonal sty unit agnosis oer 784 Funeral satay unt omer vokoge 08 732 Funetnal safety unt cy tomperat of tunconalatty unt = or ‘Sere aren = Input device 0 Output vee = Memstones inpst sia = Poston foodback xing cr 7” Paramater sting roe (salen cosevaton function) TAs Parameter verFeaton aor (soley staoration ‘uncon cy 72 Parametr satingrange foray sbsorvation ‘uncon be 73 Parametr rorsinaton ror (safety sbeorvation ‘uncon ba TAA Functional safy unt camsinaton soe (aety beeraton funtion) cr 78 Encoder sagnosisanor (safety function) Encoder staprosis arr 1 (satty ‘uncon 8 Encoder sdsprosis aor 2 (safoy tuneton) 8 Encoder dagrasis arr 3 (safoly tuneton 08 Eneoxer stagrosis arr A safely tuneton D8 7 Funetonal sty unit commaniation ‘eagnosisanor (safoy funeton) Functional safety unt formunenton setang er (safety function) = oF Functional safety unt fammnieaton (eatery tuneton) 0 oF 7 ‘Sater Stop 8 oF Speed cbservaton 08 oF Wanerstave ‘operation ero Masiorslave operation ere 1 78 Network module “atrnion Neworkmeie undetected 08 Networked inateaton sort Network modu inaaton module enor sort Nebrorkmodib 0 Nebork modula ones 0 Network ‘ommnication Network emnuniation ort 0 Nebrork cemmuniaton roe? = Network communeaton eS 0 wa Nebork cemnuniaton res = aA us ‘commaniation time-out ere serial communication time-out eran! Mois RTU commaniation Aine-ot oor uss communaton feraout eet seal rorsnuntion EF ‘common ‘axes AR Modbus TU rormunetion 0 © CCE communication eA CCIE rorsmunition fret 0 Conk IE cornu roe? 0 actor siaion ating ator 8 Master tation sting oro 2 8 CCE communication roe = CCE communication roe = Cone communes ones = ‘Syneonizaton fret = ‘Sytrnization Ey a Use ‘ommniation cereal ommineation RTU communication usa formation recobe ent! seal recaie ror = ‘Alans 2 usa heeesum ee fommuneaton = common ‘Ales usa cormvnenton hart erort seal marae eroe = ‘Common ae use v4 | use s [9 © |& Common jaliaes [0 [0 0 (0 rosea fommans eer ‘erorMosoue fommuncaton communication “ge.5 | usa so [90 0 Common | axes oo amma rosea fata umoer ae |Momary [so [oo = = sommuneston 267 [Mowery [so [Oa [o— = sommunaton message fae Gs [Mote so [o OO = CRC oror Wioichdog 6888 [Watcéog 08 |= — [0 Common [Alas |= | | 7 2 ‘Ate osolvng the source of trouble, coo the equipment fr approximately 30 minutes, ‘The folowing shows thee stop methods of DB, EOB, and SO. DB: Stops with dynamic brake. (Coass forthe servo amplifier without dynamic brake.) ‘Coasts for MR-14-09A6(Ru) and MR~J4WV2-090086, Note that EDB is applied when an alarm below eccurs: (AL. 90.4}, (AL. 92.2, (AL. 92.4. (AL. 91.1) (AL. 51.2], (AL. 688] 8D: Forced stop deceleration DB: Electronic dynamic brake stop (av Refer othe folowing table forthe spectid ble with specified servo motors) vo matars, The stap method for other than the specified servo motors wil be DB, HGKR G-KROSSING-KRTING-KRZANG-KRES EMR HG-NROSRHG RTC MRIS MRS ESR HG-SRSING-SRSZ “3 This ls applicable when [Pr PAOA] Is sot othe Ina value. The stop system of SD can be changed to DB using Pr. PADA) 4 6 6 7 0 “10 ‘The alarm can be canceled by seting as follows: For the fuly closed loop controk: set [Pr. PEO3]io"1___* \When a linear servo motor ar crect drive motor used: set [Pr PLO4] to“t_ Ir some conttoller communication status, the alarm factor may not be removed, ‘This alarm will occur only inthe J8 compatilty mode. Reset this while all the safety observation functions are stopped. ‘Alam codes are outpulted only from MR-J4-_A(RUYMR-J4-DU_A_{-RJ). Refer to the following for deta. =F’ Page 6 Explanation forthe lists ‘Tho processing and stop systoms are applicable only forthe mul-axis srvo ampifiors (MR-J&W._- otal. Page 6 Explanation forthe lists In the parallel drive systom, tho slop method is DB. 3). Rotor tothe following for 1.3. Warning list 90 | Home psiton tum ncomplto warning | 80.1__| Home positon retin nomplle = = = 1802 _| Home poston ret abnornalominaton | — = = ‘305 | Zhao unpaesod = = = 31 | Seve ampliier overhestwarsng? | ST Nain ckel doves ovehaatwarshg | — Conan |= 12 | Baty cable cscannecton warning | 92.1. Eneader baller cate earonneaton = coches f= waming 823 Batery dograaion = Eehacs |= | ABS ata warstor warning ‘| ABS cia anafor quirement warning | — = = tring magnet pte aetectan 05 | STO warning 951 | STO1 of detection 8 " Comman——| Axes 062 | STOR ot detacton 8 “-cominan | Alraxes (3 | STO waming * (saat absevaton uncon | 08 954 | STO waming2 saaty observation uncon | 8 855 | STO waming 3 (asty bsovaton function) | 8 = = 8 | Home psitn sting waring 96.1 | Ispostion wang atom postoning | — Techie | 1952 | Conmananpat waring a home = Each | postenng 953 | Seve ofwarning sthome pecionng | — {854 | Home posioning warming during magnaic | — = = poe detection {97 | Poltonng specication waming S71 Program operation abies waning = = = 97.2 | Next slatonposlon waning = 8 | Soar ime waming 95:1 | Forward etaton-ie satware soko nit | — = = reached ‘82 | Rovers roltn-ede sofware stoke Et | — = = reached (| Soke lt warning 80:1 | Forward rotation stoke ond of “7 Ee = 98:2 | Revere rotation svoke one of “r Ee = 884 | Unporsrke Fit of 7 [Bechais |= 885 | Loworsroke Fit of 7 Fachais | ‘8h | Optonatuitinpt data eror warning | SA | Optional untnput eat sign enor = = = '9A2 _| Opfionslunk BCD inp asta enor = = = 8 | Err excestve warring 86.1 | Excese coop ple t warring = [Beha |= 88.3 | Excess stoop pulse 2 warning = Eacnae |= 98.4 | Enor excessive waning dur Olorque | — Eschavs [= lit 96 | Convenor onar 86 _| Converter ul omar = = = 90 | Co-nKIE warring 1 90.5 _| Slaton number ch charge warning | — = = 80.2 | Maser tation sting waring = = = 80.3 | Overlapping stain nanber warning = = = SDA | Mlemtehed statin nanber waming = = | CeALnKiE waming 2 4 | CO-Lak communication warning = = oF | Bary warning FA | Low batery = Teenawe |= OFZ | Batery degradation waming = Eachads |= 0_| Excessive regeneration waring 0.1 | Exoessvergoneraton warning = ‘common |= £1 | Overtos waming 1 E11 | Thermal overload warning 1 during ~ Each axis = coerten Ta | Thema owised wana tube |= tres |= cperten Ei9 | Thoms ovetoad wang Sanna — tachawe |= pte Tia | Meal owiaed vane dae |= tenes |= operon 215 | Themal owe wort duiraa sep |= fechas [= E16 | Themal owed eer? daira asop |= Exchess [= E17_|Themlovetbaderer3auraasop —_— schon |— Ea | Thema owed werd ara ap = fechas [= | Sera naa oon wag E21 _| Seve netortorgestxevaring = tachans [= 3 [Aoi postn cout wang | E31 Mlizovoldon contravenes — = = woes waring E82 | Absoll postin conte warning = Esha | E84 | Absoll posioning counter EEP-RON = = wating requeney warn ESS | Encoder abscutepostoning counter | — Eschavs | wang E_[ Parenotor waning E41 | Parenter sting ange evorwaring = Enchais|— S| ABS treo waming S.1_|Tine-out dung ABS data ranstr = = = E52 | ABSM of ring ABS data tanatr = = = ES3_| SON during ABS data vanter = = = | Servo oreed sap waming 6A | Ferd top warning 80 omman | Aaxes 662 | S81 fovea stop waming 1 (sty © = = observation neton) E63 S81 forced top warning? ely 80 = = observation funtion) 7 | Contalirforcod top waring E74 | Conroe fred sop input warning 80 Comments 8 | Gosing fan spesdroducton warsng | E8.1 | Decreased cooling an speod warning — commen |— 62 _| Cool fan sop = Common |= | Main crc oF warring E91 _| Sowovon gna en dng main cout of OB ‘oman | Alaxe E82 | Bus votage drop during ow poe 3B ‘oman | Araxes operation 03 | Readyon signal on durog main crcuto 08 Common | Alles E94 | Convener nit forced sop 28 = = EA [ABS are-on wamng EAI | ABS sove-on warning = = = EB | The other axis oor warning EBA | The oho sre warning 3B Enchanie EC | Overloss warming? EGS | Ovelosa warn? = Fecha |= ED | Output watt axcote warming EDS | Output wal xcete waming| = Eschas |= Fo | Tau dive warning FO | rsantanous power fale tugh dive — cache [= waning FO.3_| Vivaton ough eve warina = Fechais |= 2 | Dive recorder Miswing waring | F2.1._| Drive rocordor- Ave wing te-oul | — Common | waming F22 | Deve recorder -Datamwntng warning | — ommen | F2_| Ossiaten detection warning F24 | Orellsion detection warming = Escnavs |= + | Postoning warning 44 | Tage poston setng range erorwaring | — = = F6 | Accolation ive constant sting range — = = stor waming a7 | Dacelaraton tine constant ating ange | — = = FS _| Home poston rlun pe erorwamning = = risuriing warring re wt neat wating F52 | Cam dsta-Area mawitng warning — F53_| Camasta checksum enor = | Simpo am tunson Cam con) —|F.4._| Camas one eel cure value = wang restoration aes F82 | Cam aniseed cure! vai restoration = fated F83 | Cam urvegstred arr = 64 _| Cam conta ata sting ange emor = F55 | CamNo.eteral ror = F56 | Camcontalnacive = F7_| Machine agnosis warring F7.1_| Vivato fare positon warsing Each aie F72 _| Fon flr preson waming Fach ae F73_| Toaleavelatance fur predevon Fach waming 4 2 “3 4 6 ad ‘Alter esolvng the source of trouble, coo the equipment fr approximately 30 minutes, ‘The following shows two stop methods of DB and SD. DB: Stops with dynamic brake. (Coasts forthe servo ampli without dynamic brake.) (Coasts for MR-14-03A8(-Ru) and MR-J4W2-0903B6. ‘SD: Forced stop deceleration ‘This is applicable when [Pr, PADS] is set to the intial value, The stop system of SD can be changed to DB using [Pr PAO) For MR-J4._A_servo amplifier, quick stop or slow stop can be selected using (Pr. PD30} ‘The processing and stop systems are applicable only forthe muticaxis servo amplifiers (MR-J&W._- otal, =>" Page 6 Explanation forthe fists |). Refer to the fllowing for ‘As the intial vale, tis applicable only for (AL, 24] and [AL. 32] Alanis stop can be selected using [Pr. PFO2} For MR-Jé-_GF_servo amplifier, quick stop or slow stop can be selected using [Pr PD'2] (UO made only) 1.4 Remedies for alarms ZA\CAUTION 5 ele reatringapeation. Oberwise, # may cause uy. "TAL, 25Absoiteposton erased) ceca, always maka rome poaionsetng again, Otters, may ease an unexpected operon, +A soon a lam occurs, ake the Server las ainarpl he in eet ome. Point When any of the following alarms has occurred, do not cycle the power repeatedly o restart. Doing so will ‘cause a malfunction of the servo amplifier and servo motor. Remove its cause and allow about 30 minutes for cooling before resuming the operation, + [AL. 30 Regenerative error] + [AL. 45 Main circuit device overheat] + [AL. 46 Servo motor overheat] + [AL. 80 Overload 1] + [AL. 51 Overioad 2] (AL. 37 Parameter error] is not recorded inthe alarm history. Remove the cause of the alarm in acoordance with this section. Use MR Configurator? to refer to tre cause of alarm 04 ‘otage arp a te conta reat power rT powcsip eco hatpon “qresieimes een Care ana | wa Gy | Tevowps te [crc vara | Tw vate em | Ravorevatpohe Cnostacome |tocwelcaterns |[peonasswucr |e cran weer Stovcion "| teereerna | oer Sow proserbed val. “The wage is igher | Chock Sov vac Savcnmamvec [Rneermint wows avs Hv be hms 6 Gy [Treporrwes qed Char pmeron | asa room| pe pmeaor Tanner” | mentee sega ee Caucieagore | poten Sener creer mm Fe paien |e Gy | rammccnpowe | Coc ponrara [Hers poem Raver neyo ‘Suraeconreste | poser etme une TE sone vente taan > rene waeve coanpeea rove bene ‘Tho time wil be 60s TEhas no problem. “Check “when [Pr. PX25] is _0 roe ( weinee tect eyes wean ahve ‘cedasonpone re aetesca vse vise Gy | Wrorepore | Chsatoponrars [Wien rouon [Raver nasa? waorertoremveer | poxen omen cectee ae! | Sear wee Scena rece eetgee | wens nt Smee Shve date |e as Sore rman occa are oan espa ‘conesto nay Press tern Rese oe ndoretiage, w i [Fuoto) ‘etags arp in the main reat (1) | Theman creut power | Check he man cut is asconnect ‘Connect teomety supply wing was | power supply weg, Ssconnected {Check he man oeat Forthe deve the | power supply wing of tancactpones | Secometwant | Rcomedes rec ih. supply wiring fhe ‘Saconnected (@) | Thewirng between 3. | Check he wring Tis sisconecte. Connecti corsets sd Pa wae betwoen PS and PA, ‘Saconnected (crack ho wing Fortnecrve unt the | batwesn Pt and P2 ot ‘ing between PY and | the converter Unt Is connected Shock 2 tthe converter unt ae saconneteg, {@) | Forthe aroun the | Checkihe magnate ‘Ris disconnected ‘Connect Reorety. magnetic contactor | contacts conta ‘contol comector ofthe | connacto of he corverterunt was | convert unt thas ofr (heck ‘Ssconnocted (@) | Forthecrvo nt the | Chock ho busbar Ris disconnects “Gonnodt tears ‘convertor and erive | unit ane sive ona no are heck 1B) | Thovalage afte ain | heck fe vaiege of Thevallagolsthe | Incase he volage af ‘eet power supptyis | seman ctcut power prescribes vaue or | the maw ereut power tom supaly isthe prescribed lower supply. 200'V stats: 160VAC foovatans:280Vac | Theveliage ehghar | Cheek 100 las: 69 VAC than te presebes savocseteg: 35 VOC abe. 24 VDC setng: 15 VOC (6) | Theater has ocoured | Check 7he bus votage The vatageis ower than | Increase the acostation {ing acceleration. | ding accalation tho proserbed valu. | tin constant. OF lowertanhepreserbes Incease te power vb. supply capac, 200Vclass:200V DC Tha vettageis equal oor | Chock 400V les: 380V00 [arma ne toovetass:tsavoc Ronee 48 VOC setng: 35 VOC 24 VOC seteg- 15 VOC (7) | Tesero ameliaris | Check ne bus voage The bus volge is fas | Replace the servo rakineiong vahe. ‘ante presred value | armpit. ough he vttage of ‘no ain cet power ‘supatiswanin spocfcatons, 200 V elas, 200V 06 400 Vlas: 380 V 06 48 VDC esting ssvoc 24VDC set ssvoe (@) | Forthe rive uni, the | Replce he converter | Rie notrepeaiable, | Replace the converter ‘convener inte tahini un and shen chee ho repestaity wnt, ‘als number seting ror “The siting of the is No. ie ncorac ‘Check the sotings oft suatary se rumor tetra teh (S25! 507-5) and axis selection rotary sich own. ‘Wines both of ‘sary ans number ‘sotrg ches ao on, check he a salecton rotary swith Fis solece for MR-JEW2, (CE or Fie steer Ma). Both of he uiary sas Replace the sor rureer sing swichos | ampitr. soot ‘Staton ramber |(@)_| Tho satonrurberis | Ghecktho stings ote |The sting ie stion | Sethe sian number | [SF] seting err “ettoavelvecihertnan | slaton number selecton number seleebon etary | comet “rty"120"wthte | rotary alloses (SZ! sues at to“T° or aon number 3W3) "121 more, ‘setcton relay sch ‘The sation numberis at | Repco the save (oa vale fam "t' | smi 20 wy he staton umber seactonrtny ‘wen, ‘12 |Disssing | (1) | Thesettng ofthe | Check the eating one Checkftheeeting as | Settorecth 8) canal ie Ssabing contol dsablngcontolans flows. sting err ‘swiehisincomecs. | sh 1) Only ax is Saabs 2) OnlyS.ans is ‘saab 3) ax anaB-acs are ‘saab 4) ans and Cais are ‘Seabed 15) Al ees re lsbies, “The sting sober than | Replace the sane above npr. si | RAMerors—|(1) | Aperinte serve | Disconnect me cables ts repeatable Replace he sero | (A) ‘anpiioris fare. | excpt orth contol ampli. Bl cect ame S4PBM 84 Tig ol apealable. | Chock tw, ‘hon chek | uot) repestaity. (orl (@) | Something near te | Creck the power supty Theres problem nthe | Take countermeasures vies cmusod for nie suring agaist its cause 122 [RAM woe? | Chockitwih ho chock method or IAL. 12.1 123 [RAM enor 326 | RaMenore ‘a1 | Guckenort |(1) | TeMR2-T10 came | Check HAL. 74 Opton Ris oe. hac th Be eck ffoueng the C-Lnk | cr ror Tours rtd fort. 7. ‘Eeonmuneston. | wih lam hslny— eagralacaw Cheek @ | Roatinihesono | Otcomeethe cables Rivonia. Replace heen | ‘evplieritalue. | exoptorte cont! nto. 1 eu poe spp ad 18) Wisretrepesabe, | Cho 3) then chee © frus10) roma ica | Reckoner Check alom ees | Rose Replace the contaier |) traramsted tom the | when yousonnacne “ygooanagaauz | Chee (we) onlorocaired. | amoeta the cone | Thesere amoiferal | Checkitiheseno __Kiemalineionna, | Replace te son nero aces ratte of eo ae spite ne nat x. malneonng ismalurcionng.——jenotahneonng, | Check) (©) | Sometingnearte | Check powersupey_Theeis problem nthe | Take courtarmeasures | (A eves caused | fornose sarong, senate cana, | Check ine connecter () sored, ni) (er 482 | Guckenord | Chas wth be ec matod for AL. 13.) ‘3a _|chckanora 141 | Convolprocess | (1) |The MR-I8-TiOceme | Chack (AL. Option is occuring ‘heck tw th check set cfteuing he CC-Link | cant ror 1 occured rmatod fo PL. Te conmunieaton, | wih alarm hoy. ih pot oer, ‘heck (2) | The parameter seting | Checkifthe persmeter Ris ncorect ‘Selitcoreaty. w isineoract, soltrgisincorect. tis ore, ‘Check 8 (@ | Sometingneartne | Creck ihe power supty Tere is prbleminihe | Take countermeasures | foo) ‘evie caused for nis. Chock tthe surourding. against use. ier connactoris sted. There isn polemin | Check the seroundng, (@) | Thesene anplfaris | Replace ho sovo ‘Ris retroposiable, | Replace the sarvo rranctonag ampli ana en check ‘np. the repestably. 142 | Convolprocess |(i) | TheMR-JGTI0came | Check (AL 74 Option Wi oc ‘Check wnt check | (RIOD) ster ctteuing he CCLink | cant ror 1 occured mato for. 7 Te communicaton, | wih alarm nto. rad pot coe, ‘heck (@) | Asmctronous signet | Replace he contol, Ris epesabe Replace ne eere | () ‘erorirensited rom | and hen check ie ani. we ‘he conor occured, | epestbity. Tis rotrepestabe, | Chock (8) | Aaapve tuning mode | Check he setng of Fr. Rhasteon executed or | Execute foreach ns. | WB] ‘rvivaton suppression | PB0'] oP 802). multiple axee ‘onl tuning ose has | wih the J extens.on simultaneous. been executed for | function, Checkthe phe nat been executed | Chock rule x08 stig of TP PBOTI. Pr. sor maonle an sneausty Pan2)or(PPXO. Samana, (W) | Te porametersoting | Onekifthe pormater Ris ncoreat ‘Setitcoreay wi ‘sincerest seta sincerect. Eis cont ‘Shack 8) 1 (6) | Sometingnear ne | Creck he power supaly There ba problem nthe | Take courtemessues | p40) eve cause tori surunding ant its cause. m= [Shack the connectors Tharsis no prolamin | Chock shored. the suroundng, (© | Thesewe anpitaris | Replace heseno Ris ntrepesiabe. | Repacethe aro rraincionag mpi, andthe check ampli ‘he epestaby. 143 | Control procoss | Chock wih te check matiod fr AL. 14.1, eS 4a | conve process rroed 48 | Conrel process 448 | conve process sre 147 | Conv process 148 | conve prosees 6 148 | Conta process sree Ta | Conrol process soe “48 | Conrolproess |i) | Tre MRIG-TI0came | Chackf(AL, 74 Option i oscar ‘Check it wth a check roe? cottewng the CC-Link | cat err 1} ecued mata for AL. 74 Te conmunicaton, | wih lar Mor. ira pot ooeu ‘heck (@) | The parameter sting | Cheakifte parameter Rie nzorec. Set corey w isircorect setiaisincorect. pi onal, (heck 8) 5 (roto) (@) | Somethingnearthe | Check he power sussly thas fale “ake courtarmessures (A) ‘vie caused for noise. Check f the pane ca connactoris sorted. Trigg na are (heck (wa [Fut (@ | Tresewo amples | Repice he seve | Winetrepesibie. [Replace the arvo | tom ralkinctonag ‘amp, andthe check arp. ‘he epeataby, 6S | Conve process | Check wih Be check mabad fr AL. 148) srr 2 44D | Conve process set 181 | EEP-RoMeror | () | EEP-ROME ‘lsconnest Be cables | Rls epee, Replace te serv tower on ralintonngatpower | except forthe canto! sri. on. cect poe 90.204 pis nt rapotale. | Cheek 2). then check repoatbiy. (2) | Somitingnearthe | Checkthe power supsiy Theteisprobleminthe | Take couniemeasues ‘vce caused. | fre. Chock fhe surounding ‘artis cause comectoris shorted. “Thain protlarin | Cheek). the urna (2) | Trenumberotwie | Creckfarametes, was changes Replace te ser ties exceeded oil ables, foams apie. ange he ‘0.00, are changed very proces io se ‘roan pavarsia, ‘and programs ess ieqvrtator resacenent, 162 [EEPROMeror [(1) | Me MRAIB-TIOcame | CheckfIAL 74 Option Ris onuring. Cece win Be ceak | I0H0) ‘deg feng the CC-nk | crt oor Toca ratio for TA. 74 operation TEcommuneaton, | wih alam NS. check 2h @ | EEPROM ‘Gockitte ororcae | ore Replace thezene | (Al mmalincionng dung | whan you charge aniier. 8) romalopetion | paraiso pa cer Cheek 3 twa roma peraton fruor0) (® | Awitaenoroozures | Creckfte alam ocirs Rakes an hour or mor. | Replce te servo #1 ‘tile ausimeresus | ser an hur tom power amp weroprocensed, [on Wakes eas wan | Cheek (@) | Sereitingnenrtie | Check he power susly Theresa probleminihe | Take couiemeasues devceceuedt. | fornowe. Checkie | surounding gone cause comectoris sire 164 |Home positon | (1) | EEPROM is ‘iscornoe te cabbs | Ris opeatale, Replce te sare | (Ad incraton mating atpower | except or he contol mpi. ica road ror on. ratpowe 0h ar pisnarepetbie, | Chee). ‘pea (2) | Mulisieotaion din | Crackithe hone Ws far Moke Fore pein savedasarome | postonwas tet setrg ogo, Beatin andrea fom | comecty. is no fave Cheek 8) EEP-ROM were. {@) | Somsitingnearthe | Check ihe power supsty There is probleminthe | Take couiemeasues ‘oven caused | frie, Chock ha surounding gansta commacterie shoes. “Therein protein | Cheek. the uur (6) | Thenumberotwie | Checkfparemters has was changes Replace the sar times cxcseded been used very dipiter. Cango he 10.00, ‘resent Process to ose parameters ess frequent ater replacement rr a rr tomer |” [aokrciwe, [totes srerece oe 6 Receive dat shorted, ‘thas no failure. ‘Check (2). ut os now i Se a wrote Tepaenae | cccrsin | Spores : fea ptr encode, ‘The sone ampiferss | Chock ‘Stowers’s’ | Siesiaerctom, ennesny cocoate eta Gy [Wronawont har” | Sea TnongcTes | Tewiaiaranea Winona Wiotocrmmey |emrwnnetsone Serre ve Sgccemene |(eatnemnce Semcon [SE ee ne Ty [ Reseoaraies Rona resee —Rwatepie eames Manca | Ext mctes oer A Srowtoly porate che fee @ eweware | Renernevra ara steer Rope neonate | Mitmacun, [aremrenenerne’” fremmmoette. [Ree sens oss | emanate — | ectorca nee | Tawar | eee Sieaeat” [emeanaan” |renae cae 2 162 | owt ena TE conn Soman wrtor2 16.3 | Encoderintot |(1) | Anas notuseaie rat | Check the sting oft isnot set as dsabled | Setltas duabiew-axs. | (WB) communication tse sabes, | deabingconolais ax, Receive data stones (SW22ISW21 yi eta istics. | Chock 2) roe sw.) (2) | A oncoder able was | Creckifthe encoder Rinoleonnecied, | ConnealNeorcthy | AT ssconnacted ate connected cect heck 8 corel rw (@) | The paramelerseting | Check he parameter The-setingisncarect | Salt coreaty (ruero) ‘teommunicaion | seting, The sting ie comers. | Cheek «a rahod inca. (ar (Pe Pz 1B) RvB] L010} SFL Pepa) (@) |e paratel awe | Crock ho parametr Tho satingisincarec, | Seti coract 1 system, the sating of | sting. The seting is caret. | Chock. [Pr 2F 40} snore (6) [Ar encoder cables | Greckifte encoder has fale Replace orvparine | (A) rranctonng cate eeconneted or cable. oy stones, has no fae. (Chock we} rut, (orl (6) | Wher youuse@ near_| Check fhe wring ofthe The wrngisincareet. | Whe i caract io servo meter wih an AI tinea ender 6. “Thewrngis coneci. | Check 7 B BiZhaso aforenia! | (Crock is wrod to (orl ‘alpine encader, | PSEL) ‘he connection wn he Inoar encader ie (7) | Tevotageofine | Creck he vtage ofthe An istantaneous power | Review te power and | (A) onal eu power | contolereut power tales occuring athe | relied pars. B ‘upotynas been | sly. contol rout power rw Ursa suppl. roto) mars Chock (ol (@ | Thesenc anpltarla | Replace havo | Ria notepaatale, | Replace the servo ralkinctonag rte, andten check ampli. he rapes Tis repeatable heck (8) | Ae encoder is Feslacethe seroma, Kisrotrapeatable, | Replace the serve motor, manctenag fandtnancheck® eisrepeanie hee repeataity es ie (10) | Sonettingneartie | Checktherois, ambient Theresa problem nthe | Take courtermeasures ‘sevie caused ‘omperaure,vivaion, — surourdng. ‘anst ts eause oe ee | Erooder inal | (1) | An oncodorie enlace hesorimaio, Rie olrepesiable. | Replace the sare mol | [3] communcaton rmatunctonng fandthencheck © pis ropeaite ‘hock co) Eneader repeataity ee & rmatuncton | a ‘Crack nis, ambient There ea prablom inthe | Tak courlermeasuree ‘omperaure,vivaion, —surourdng. aanstits eause oe 485 | Encoder intial Check with be check matod fr AL, 16.1, Tanenssion ia erort 168 | Ereoder inal “ranemssion ata enor 2 ammunition sain eror 168 | Encosermtst | 1 Check he model afte | Rls notconpetble wen | Repice witha ®) cormincaton sevwomoiatiear —_thasero aif _| compat one 11) tneompatle neater. Tis compat wi the | Chock 2. encoder sere amelie, (@ | Te sotware version of | Check sofware Rlsnatcampatbie. | Replace the servo Ihesoroamsifierdoos | vrion supports be “anpifer'o one wich nt supprtte sero. | sewo motarnesr ‘sofware version olor Irear encoder, | encoder suppor he oro Wis compat Cheek 8) (| Anoneogerie Replace te sono motor is ntrepeatale. | Replace he sero mtor ralincionng or owar ence, ard rts oeader then creck De Wis repeatable epics the ere repeaabity, wolter TGA | Encoseital | (1) | Thesevo anpiiaris | Rophce the sovo __Risrotrepenabl. | Replce reser | (A) commurscaton | | matknetonng arate andthe heck setter. 8) Proces err the rpoabiy. Tis repeatable Creek 2) al 4 re10) @ | Anoreogerie Repos he sermciot | Ris notrepenabie. | Replce the serve meta | (ge) ralineionna andthe chock he kis epeatate, Check 9h ‘peta (@ | Sometingnearte | Crecke ne ambient | Therese prbleminihe | Take countermeasures dovcecacsedi | tonparaue,vibaion, sounding gaa cause 168 | Encoder ints | Chock wit te check met for AL. 18. terran Process eer 2 86 _| Encoder i communcaton Process eror 3 16D | Encoders terrercaton Procoss aor : Tae | Eneoseta communcaton Proesosenor 5 16F | Encoserntal ermmurcaton Procss aror 171 | Boanterort | (1) |Aeurendetecion | Checkifhe alam occ | Rater Replco te sere | (A) ‘reas mance, | during the serveron ari. 8) state does nat ou, heck (2 eto) @ | Semetingnesrie | Check heros, ambient | Theresa probieminthe | Take counameasues | (ge oven crusodit | tempor, surrounding gaa seus 173 [Boarderor? | Check twit he chek meta fr AL 17.1 ‘74 | Bosrerord|(3) | Teserampltar | Ocomeetne cables Ris rpesabia, Repeat sre) reconon saralwes_| except forthe con roi. Bl natread reper. | tcl pane SUP. and Figs rapoatable | Cheek B) (8) then cht uns repoaabity (cri @@ | Someting wart | Crackto oie ambient | Thesis protien the | Take courtrmessies vce cased tonperture ta sureunding. aganstit cre, 75 | Bowstororé | (7) | Thwseting yale ofthe | Disconnect he cabos Rivapentable Replace the ene |B) fas secon ctny | excep ote contol nite. (8) ‘ech (V7) wa not | Sel power UPR And pig otapestabe | Chek 2). fo0d rope tranche repent @ | Sonetingmearte | Creckte roi aio | Thee iva patie nth | Take curermeanies eves causes | tempera, ta. sureunding. spanetia cause, ‘78 |BoererorS | (3) | Testing vale athe | Oscomoctne cables is repeatable Replace the sre |B) tel ax sting | excep or taco! roti we) ‘wich (2) was not_| cau power Lop and “yg atrepeatat. | Chek 2) send poet. then chon repost {@) | Sometingnearie | Crecktnorie anbient | Thesis problr inthe_| Tak courtrmessies vce cmisedit | torpor, te sanrcindng aganstitecnue 29 | Board ear | hws kth wc mtd fr AL 17.4. 18 | Bowderor | 40) | iam eunet Replace he seve Risotrapeaabl. | Repiacetbe sere | ‘uppestorsraitis | ample: and ten check ‘note. 8) rakinetonng. ‘revepetany 478 | Bowrderor® | (4) | Sonetingneuriwe | Checktnie ambient Thera problem inte | Take coutamessis | (GF) eves caused | temperature, sureudig. sgansti ene Thereiero plemin | Check the sarong @ | Towser ampitara | Resace He ero Ris notrpestbi. | Roplae tw sono ralnetonng ate: andre hack tie. trerepectany, 193 | FaeOM | (1) | TheFlsnROMis | Osconnet he cables Rivapenlabl epee the ere | AD fern maknctonng xcept rh conte noite. 8) eu ome? Sp 3nd Rientrepeiabl, | Check 8) then chene © fran repo (cAI @@ | Sonetingrearte | Creckenoie able | Theis rable inthe | Take eurterestires eves caisedit | temperature, tz. sueunding. spanati cae, 102 | FlaswROM | Chose wth te check method fr AL 1.1). oor 183 | Faevow res At | Senomotor —|(1) | Thess anplferand | Chuck the mode rame | Thecombatonis | Use thrnin be conect | [A continabon thesenomoirwee | oftesonomoorand | nearest combination ©) owt omreted reorecy— So"eSpONIMB SEO care 1) corre 1 combat 2h we comet is @ ‘heck he Pn0;] The craton | Se(Pe PROT cnet, | A isrotcoreszendng | setng sncoract. Wan nga naar |) Drecomecedsene | Relay sanemetr evo mol aso ceck | 5} wot o @. (eA ier sew mote" cambiatn fe | Check Diectarvemotor__6 es {@ | PePAITjans[Pe_| Check [Pe PRIViand Rie otsetcorecy | Seton areay Paiahwerentset | [Pe PATE ae et carding othe Fear sccortingotainear_| covet ‘toro motors be sed foro ebro be ved (| Tre stare version of | Check the stware | Wis GY orca, | Replace he servo Inesonsarsltr does | vesion aha seno ‘ier wth a one toteippot eT | anper suppor ‘ose stare version oawriauan | THRGRMTRUN ‘ports no MHA! totes dreaaive | sonen {Ren ses motor tis CB or tater. ‘Check (5). | Ar eneoaeria Replcethe sro lor Rixrotepelable, | Replace he servo ta | [A rmineog. natn coc ne ©) repeat 1) frun10) ier 142 |Serometer | (H) | ThesetingtiPc PAO) | Check ihe(P PADH] | Thecambiatonis | Sel (Pc PAD cone (A cone moe isrotcoreszondng | sna score ©) centinabon Ineconectad anno | Retry sev mot” (wo, oer rotor on (oF 4s ~ @ | When fy cosed | Check comedion |The cnnecton ‘Connet Reore= Toop conta mages | desinaon afte esto of he ‘eloea ender of | eneader. ter cae ‘the machin de revere TAs |Senomoior |(H) | Thesere amplifiers | Rephice he sano Ris otrapesiate, | Replace te sono coninabon raking. ptr, dh hack solr. owe? treropstoby, 181 | Gamerarunt | (1) | The potion Ghecktheproacton | Rlsratconeciod. | Comet Reoety. | (A er ordination cablets | coordnaton cable” “yy anne check 2) ®) rotors romeced. onnacon @ | Anata oceuredin | Check esa fe cone unt anda he acon fon he reed treconererunt | fordlams othe coveter unt {ing he servo-on, 1E1 | Encoder |) | Ar encoseris Replace the sere rrlot | Kis rtmepenabe. | Replscethe sero mate | [A] rmafuneon ralinetonng arden chock 6 8) iis repeat Cheek 2) repostabiy. rw (@ | Semiting near te | Check nse, anbient | There a problemin he | Take countereanires | FOTO) ‘eves caused | temperature, viaton, _sureundg ‘gars case ter es 762 [teases |) [Atodsde encaderl | Replace We bed-ade | Rnnatrepeniabia. | Replscetheinsease | [A] sncoder naling encoder, arden chock rena 8) mattuneton the repeat. Tis ropontabe Cheek 2h we {| Sormiting near te | Chackthe noo, ambient Thor isa aablomin he | Tae couriemeasure ‘eee coves | temperature, vivalonsurounding ‘ponte cause oe 16: | inampatbie | (1) | Aservo motor rinear | Check he model ofthe is nt empatie with | RepiaceR wah wy rcoser ‘vcoder which snot | senvomotinesr ——_thesercanplifr. | compatbe one. 8) oroetlevththe | arcade. Tis compate withthe | Check 2. wo) sero ample, was eee, fRuor0) armed ter @ | Tresotware vein at | Gackt the stare | Wirnotconpatbe, | Roplne the servo ‘ser amir oes | version supports be “ampere one wien rolsupoat te sore | sero metoingsr sotware version Ilo oF near encode. | encoder. suppers re ero rotor neater Wis compat ‘cheek 9 @ | Anereoserie Replace the servo motor Ris not repetale. | Replace he servo malar raltneionng or war encoder, and tear ease aachack ts Wis repeat epics the sar ropoaiabity. mpi. 1F2 | incampatbre | (1) | Aledo encoder, | Check he model ofthe | Ris ot compatible wih | Use atosaae encoder | [A] ioasice ‘whien snot camatle |oadside encoder. theserc ari. | when's compatible wen | [3 ercosee ‘wer he sev epi, Inesereanpitac” (8) was comected is compatbe wit the | Chock 2. or sono arf | Tresotwar vein of | Grech the stare Wiretcompatble. | Replace the servo ‘ho ser ampli oes | version fhe seo “ampier one wie rosupert te bade | amelie supports the {aware version Aide encoder. Toadside encoder suppose bade render is compat ‘eek (8) | Abodside encoders | Replace the bedside Wixnatepesibie. | Replse the adsive ralinesonng encoder, arden chock srcoae (rpc. is ropoatabe Replace the ser ‘mpi. 20.1 | Encodernarmal | (1) [An encoder cables | Check the encoder hes fa. Repairoreeplace he | (A) communaton rralnctoning cate i ascomnected or cab 8) Recive dats shoted. When youuse hae ro are, ‘hock 1 wrt snAaz-phase [ruoto) ‘oretil utputtnear (oF noader, heck'ne wing ofthe Ina encoder. (@) | Theexemalcanducir | Check fie comeced Kienaleoineded | Canneat early. ofthe encoder ats Iie connetod ‘hock rot connected othe ‘ound pats ofthe oon (@) | Theparamolrsoting | Check he pareter—_Theseting nearest | Set tcorect ‘tsommunicaten | stig, The stings coreet. | Cheek rahod inca. (as (Pe P22] 1B) ve] L010) [GF Pecos) (@) | nthe paral deve | Creck he parameter The seting scares | Set conacty, ‘ys te seting ot | seting. The setingis comer. | Check 6 [Pr PF 4a} is nore (©) | Tesero anglers | Replae hosevo iis netroposiale. | Roplace he aro rrakincionag apt, and the check pir ‘he repeataby. Tis repeatable ‘heck (©) | Ar encoderie Feplice te servo motor Kis ot repeatable. | Replace he serve motor ralkinctenng or noar sneer, rd ‘orlne® encode. shen eck the Tis oposite ‘heck repestabity. (| Semetnngnearte | Greckinenose, ambient Theresa rblem nthe | Take courtrmeasuros sevice caused lomperatute, wales, surourding spans cause, ‘20.2 | Encadernarma | Chock with the check matod fr (AL, 204, Receive dats cammoncaton Reco dats srroe3| 208 Encoder nama sormuriton “anamsion ‘sin oror ‘When you use an AB! ‘phase aoreial ‘utputinear encode, ‘ho wring ofthe near ‘encoder a core. (Check the AB onase ule sara (PA PAR, and PBR) of ne cncader cable ae ‘econnected or shared. tie éacomected or shore, Repat te encoder cab, Tigre daconnacied shore, ‘Chock 2. w Bl e ‘An encoder cable ranctonng @ The enol onda ofthe encoder cata rotconnectd othe ‘ound sate ofthe connecter @ ‘hon you use an AB! phase ferent ‘ctl inear encoder, ‘he parameter stings incor, © ‘The sono ampifor i rakincteng © ‘encoders ranetionng w “Somathing eat vin caused ‘Check wit heehee method for AL. 2.1 a Bi (8 uot, Eeose-nomal “ranemssion aia eror2 ‘Wihon you uso an AB! Zphaseaiferentet ‘cit near sneodor, ‘he weng of he inoae ‘oncderis nora ‘Ghock fhe Z-phase le sgnat (PZIPZR) oft encode cable are scorned r shod Wie éacomected or Repair he ncoser The nat deconnaced shore, ‘Chock 2. 8) (oF ‘encoder cables anctonag e The externa conductor ofthe onender eat ‘ound late ofthe “ When you use an AB! Zphasoaioretil ‘tputneer encode, ‘ho params stings Inco. © Tho save ampiiaris rakinetonag © ‘av ereoderie anctenag o Something near ne vice caused ‘Ghock twit he check metho for AL 20.1 8) (wo) (ror, (oF communist Tanenasion ‘in orord Eeaseenoal Receive data somminiaton srr ‘heck t with the check mabe for AL 20.) 214 | Encoie can |) | Meera necad | Dera top ga, Klsctepeaale. | Ueto ocr w | rer vin one tater chs te tip oa ® ron rte ato | repos ns 7 we oseton ober fet eon ie Gy | Te ereraiconiaaar | iecHaincowedel Riera | Conmacrac ofthe encoder ables Its connected. “Check (3). Potconrecid tte (pounds tne comet ) | hneendert apa e sera t lsvctrpeaiie. | Replica i ano nl tanncoone. — lanttmmowcrbe em = ‘repestabily, | Soong rear [check noae aio The wa proaninte | ak cnrmeanaae overcast. | enpertire, vewon, suring tonete cae 212 | Eacie ctn |) | A sare Fephoeib sevoicior | Kinatepettie, | pce bw vere mate | caterer taking. | andr che : 8 Tepe eck esata wor @ | Tw evaraiconudor [Creckielscomedet. Rist enna | Conmed teres, | OM) ‘of the encoder cates sa athe eed ae Ts come me oasis ote come BT | Senetingrearbe | edhe nose ariod [The wa oanin [Tk curnmamne Grvencauede. [tempers ening toneter cae 21a | Encotedtn| Chk wah cc noe fr 2.2 tev oor Ha | Encoaernor | [Aaialee snr [cheddar [hos ate even wing. [1 leror hasnatbocnnned. | cmteiswied asc. thar ma fanne | Ooo i | eeamratoraat’ [Gea tancoreae THttconena—|enmentamay | ofthe encoder cables {tis connected. ‘Check (3). rotcomct ote ‘poo it oe GF | Senetingearba | Ciedita noes onbiow [The wa tlnin te | Tak couromaanaee dmaneommce.—[tenpersimee | ananang seamen 7s | moder | Chek th cock nd AL 2.2 howe ore ; 218 | ena power ore Ha | aca das | Chea wah Seanad oA A 241 | Grondteok | (1) | Thesevoanpiferis | Disconnectine sve Rete Replace te sar sete by matinetonng. rotor power es (U0! spite: rarer Whandenock therm "goes nat occ Check 2h Sotacon ret cer, @ | Aeround wut orahor | Check Fonte eno | Wished epics the ere mar ‘ocnured att seve | motor power ables ower cad Ieterpownecabie, | shred is ot stores ‘Sheek (@) | Aaroundfaut occured | Oscomect he svo Ris shored Replace the sere man. sithesevometoe | met power e500 pia ‘check ‘motor, and csece “ {between UMW) (@ | Treman cre power | Shutofhepowor and Theyre canta. | Corea he wig supoy cable and aero | chock hema tlt “Thar natn corac1 Ghoek Ialorpower

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