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SITHCCC005 - Written Assessment

Project 1

Part 1
Recipe for dessert:

Name of Chocolate chip cookies


Number of portions: 12 Time of preparation: 20 Cooking 15

min. time: min.

Portion size: 4 Time total: 1 hr 5


Ingredient Amount Preparation


Sugar 1.90AUD Take out ½ cup or 100g of granulated sugar

per kg. in a bowl.

Brown sugar 3AUD per Unlike the sugar, brown sugar must be kept
kg. packed and ¾ cup or 160g of it should be

Salt and baking soda .6AUD for Take out 1 teaspoon and ½ teaspoon
both. respectively.

Vanilla extract and egg 15AUD per Get 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and yolk of
100ml. 1 egg in a bowl.
and .4AUD

Flour 1.25AUD Take out about 160g of all-purpose flour in a

per kg. big bowl.

Butter 6.5AUD Get ½ cup of unsalted butter in a bowl and it


per kg. must be melted.

Semi-sweet chocolate chunks 4.6AUD 110g of this is required and it can be replaced
per 100g. by 4 oz of milk.

Dark chocolate chunks 4.8AUD Take out 4 oz or 110g of dark chocolate

per 100g. chunks.


Bowls Bowls are required to keep various ingredients and to

prepare mixture of sugar, butter and salt.

Oven Oven is needed to bake the dough to form proper chocolate


Spatula The spatula is required to mix and fold the flour in order to
obtain dough.

Parchment paper Parchment paper lined with baking sheet will be needed to
provide base to the cookies when they are about to be
putted into the oven.

Refrigerator Just for chilling the dough.

Ice-cream scoop To take out dough in a proper quantity so that all the
cookies get same shape and size.


STEP 1: Take a large bowl and mix sugar, butter and salt. Keep whisking it until a paste
with no lumps is obtained.
STEP 2: Take egg and vanilla and whisk them until light ribbons tumble off from it and stay
for a brief time prior to falling once more into the combination.
STEP 3: Now put it in the flour and baking soda through a sieve and sift it. With the help of
a spatula keep folding the mixture and keep it in mind that it does not gets overmixed.
STEP 4: Now take chocolate chunks and fold the mixture in it and let the dough obtained to
chill in the refrigerator for 30-32 minutes. If you have enough time or the dish is ordered a
day before its delivery, you can get the dough to chill whole night as it will provide a deeper,
complex and toffee like flavour.
STEP 5: The oven needs to be preheated to 350℉ or 180℃. Also, don’t forget to line a
baking sheet with parchment paper.
STEP 6: With the help of an ice-cream scoop take out the dough and put it on the parchment

paper-lined baking sheet. Give at least 10cm of space in between two cookies and about 5cm
of space from the pan’s edge in order to let the cookies spread easily.
STEP 7: Now bake this for about 15 minutes or wait for the edges to get brown as it will
show that the cookies are baked enough.
STEP 8: Let the cookies cool completely and once it is done, serve the delicious dessert to
the customers.

Part 2
● Identify the quality requirements for the selection of ingredients.
The quality requirement for butter is that it must be unsalted and melted. Also, the
sugar which is going to be used must be in granulated form and brown sugar must be
kept packed to avoid any external moisture which might create lumps in it. Try to take
fresh milk and flour as these are the key ingredients of the dish and sometimes, they
are required to be kept for a long time.
● Any safety and hygiene requirements for the equipment to be used.
The parchment paper or baking sheet must be clean and fresh as the cookies will rest
on it inside the oven. Heat can take out chemicals out of the paper thus it must be
checked. Also, the oven and compartments of refrigerator must be clean.
● How the waste should be minimised during preparation and cooking.
In order to minimise or resist waste during preparation and cooking, only the
ingredients must be used according to the measured quantity. Furthermore, smaller
portions can be cooked to avoid excessive leftovers.
● Any problems that might arise during the cooking process and how to overcome them.
The ingredients might not be fresh or expired and equipment like refrigerator or oven
can fail on time due to power cut or any other technical problem. In order to
overcome these issues, always keep checking the ingredients in the store about their
freshness and expiry and also, don’t purchase the grocery in a very huge amount.
Moving further, keep backup for your equipment and try to have some technical
● How teamwork can be used to ensure timely preparation.
Team members can play a simultaneous game of preparation due to which different
operations can be completed at a single time. Teamwork can help in preparing the
delicious dish as per their area of expertise in a desired time period.
● Presentation standards include service ware, garnishes and accompaniments.
Trays, cookie sheets, holders, etc. are the necessary service-wares for cookies.
Talking about the garnishes cracked nuts, sliced fruit and some extra chocolate can be

used. Beverages such as milk, coffee or tea are the best accompaniments for chocolate
chip cookies.
● How the work area will need to be cleaned after preparation and cooking.
The proper use of chemical cleaners and sanitizers can be done to wipe out the germs
in the restaurant as customers continuously keep visiting the place. The service ware
used to serve food and the equipment as well must be cleaned after use.
● How to store or dispose of any surplus ingredients.
Storage system like packets and refrigerators can be used to keep any surplus
ingredient so that it can be used in future. Items which need to be disposed can be sent
to the standard area or process of decomposition so that no legal terms are harmed and
no pollution is spread.

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