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Part 1. For question 1-5, listen to a piece of BBC news and decide the statements are True (T) or False (F)
1. Tensions are rising between the USA and Sony Pictures.
2. The group said it would not upload any more data about Sony.
3. Sony said it cancelled screenings because of fears about public safety.
4. President Obama said dictators could not censor things in the USA.
5. A senator said the canceling of the screenings greatly hurt free speech.

Part 2. For question 6-15, listen to a piece of news from BBC and supply the blanks with the missing information.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER taken from the recording for each answer in the
spaces provided
The authors acknowledge that a (6) ___________ from fossil fuels to renewable energy is easier to recommend
than to achieve. Many countries are (7) ___________ using fuels like coal.
In Germany coal provides nearly half the electricity. But because (8) ___________ are building up in the
atmosphere so rapidly, (9) ___________ is that it's better to make the change sooner rather than later.
Professor Jim Skea at Imperial College, a (10) ___________ on the panel said "The message is that we need
to start from 2020 onwards. If you wait as long as 2030 to put in place measures, it is going to start to get difficult.
(11) ___________ have risen more quickly in the last ten years than they have at any point in the past, and if we carry
on in that kind of way till 2030, then you will be faced with these difficult choices. We need to move much more quickly
than that."
One surprise is a low estimate for the cost of (12) ___________ fossil fuels and boosting wind and solar
power. The panel says that less than one tenth of 1% will be shaved off annual global growth. However, this figure
rests on a host of (13) ___________, and for the moment, renewable energy still needs (14) ___________, which raises
questions about public acceptance.
The panel does believe its options are (15) ___________ and it hopes they'll be implemented in the coming
Part 3: For question 16-20, listen to an interview with a hypnotist. Listen and choose the answer (A, B, C or D)
which fits best according to what you hear.
16. The interviewer believes that ___________
A. hypnosis is specialized form of entertainment.
B. hypnosis as a form of entertainment can’t be justified.
C. some entertainers don’t use hypnosis in a morally correct manner.
D. It is unethical to use hypnosis as a form of entertainment.
17. One of the things about hypnosis is that it ___________
A. allows people to concentrate on one aspect of their lives. B. encourages people to be more analytical.
C. can only work if you are already deeply relaxed. D. will help you to sleep deeply after a session.
18. In order to be hypnotized_____________
A. you need to get written consent. B. you must be sober.
C. you’ll probably have to try many different methods. D. you may feel as if you are drink.
19. Hypnotherapy
A. is not recommended for people with addictions. B. can be used to change to person’s habits.
C. is a therapist’s most powerful tool. D. gives you more control over the way people perceive you.
20. During a session, ________
A. people often forget what was said. B. people regularly come out of the trance prematurely.
C. people usually fall asleep for a short amount of time. D. people sometimes resist coming out of a trance.
Part 1. Choose the word/phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Don’t worry: this is nothing that ______ you.
A. matters B. entails C. concerns D. complicates
2. It may be raining but I’m ______ enjoying myself.
A. thoroughly B. highly C. extremely D. desperately
3. Italy was knocked ______ the World Cup.
A. into B. away from C. out of D. forward to
4. All the kitchen must satisfy the stringent ______ of the health authorities.
A. requirements B. needs C. terms D. qualifications
5. She is ______ telling me where I’ve gone wrong in my life.
A. forever B. all the time c. on and off D. normally
6. Just because he is getting on for seventy doesn’t mean he’s ______ .
A. losing it B. passing it C. up to it D. over the hill
7. She gave a/an ______ reading of the sonata that had the audience on their feet.
A. impeccable B. rocketing C. eminent D. heavy-handed
8. I enjoy swimming but ______ I avoid crowded pools.
A. on the contrary B. on the face of it C. as a rule D. in a nutshell
9. ______ they seem to be in agreement, though there are still some details to be settled.
A. Shortly B. Overall C. Nonetheless D. Subsequently
10. They still haven’t made a decision ______ to the new color scheme.
A. on reflection B. with regard C. in view D. by contrast
11. One of the most devastating weapons of modern time is the ______ missile.
A. directed B. instructed C. programmed D. guided
12. I slept badly last night and am feeling particularly ______ this morning.
A. slow-witted B. far-reaching C. off-hand D. top-heavy
13. It’s difficult to assess grass ____ opinion on the subject of the President’s actions.
A. leaves B. cuttings C. stems D. roots
14. “This medicine tastes horrible!” - “______, it will cure your cough”.
A. Be that as it is B. Be that as it may C. Being that though it is D. Being this as it may
15. The film ends with a sheriff lying in a ______ of blood.
A. bath B. puddle C. jet D. pool.
16. This area is absolutely ______ for more investment.
A. crying out B. breaking down C. better off D. cutting back
17. I am not at all put out by their decision. ______, I welcome it.
A. All the same B. On the contrary C. In contrast D. On the other hand
18. I don’t believe there’s a ______ of evidence that could be held against him.
A. shred B. grain C. drop D. strain
19. The 5% wage increases they propose are ______ .
A. all for one B. by and large C. top to bottom D. across the board
20. I do hope this will ______ as useful reminder.
A. play B. perform C. act D. behave
Part 2. There are 10 errors in the passage. Identify and correct them.
Beliefs which go back deep into time lie behind many of our present day attitudes to birds. People have often regarded
birds as having close affinities to mankind because, like the humans, birds go on two legs, sing, show off and construct
home. Dances from many different cultures are copied from the court displays of birds. Some birds were thought to
warn of disaster or foretell a good fortune, according to the circumstances in which they were sighted. In the parts of
Scotland, it is still lucky to hear the cuckoo while you are out of walking., but not before you have eaten breakfast. The
Welsh used to believe that you would flourish if you were standing on grass or green leaves when the birds sang, but if
you were on to barren ground you would not live to hear its call another year. Children in many parts of Britain still
believe that it is unlucky to see two. Birds were also involved in medicine: the ancient Greeks and Romans for example
believed the way to cure blindness was to eat the heart of a raven or owl or eagle- all the birds well known for their
keen eyesight.
Part 3. Fill in each blank with one preposition.
1. When the detective reached _________ his gun, the crowd stepped nervously back.
2. According to the guide book, this region is notorious _________ floods and tornadoes.
3. I was tough. They had a hard time of persuading me _________ changing my mind about the weekend plans.
4. You’d better ask Tom about the girl. I can’t tell you much as I only know her _________ sight.
5. The tanker had already been _________ sea for 2 weeks when it struck the iceberg.
6. Their design didn’t vary much _________ ours. Consequently, the jury decided to reward them both.
7. I’m afraid you’ll have to buy a new hairdryer; this one is _________ repair.
8. Just say you need me and I am _________ hand.
9. This is a specifically female section, men are rather _________ the minority here.
10. Jack, I remind you that you are two months _________ with your essays. Deliver them by next Friday or I will
have to contact your parents.
Part 4. Provide the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
There has been much debate in recent times about when young people should take up a second language. This (1.
especially fuel) ___________ in recent times by the increasing importance (2. place) ___________on the English
language. It is now commonplace to see parents providing a substantial amount of funds on additional tuition on
language lessons to give their children every competitive edge. In the past decade, language institutes (3. spring)
___________up in numerous urban centers, all (4. claim) ___________to provide rapid advancement in English. There
(5. be) ___________a push by many parents to expose their children to English in their formative years. This, many
claim, (6. make) ___________ the language more instinctive and ensure that all pronunciation errors can be avoided.
There is some evidence which (7. point) ___________ to youngsters who (8. raise) ___________ in bilingual families,
where the language spoken at home is different to the one that they (9. converse) ___________ with in their external
environment. While these children can switch between two languages with greater ease, it remains (10. see)
___________ whether this is advantageous when learning additional languages.

Part 5. Provide the correct form of the words in the brackets.

A man takes a single (1) _____________ of a substance and 1. SPOON
puts it in his mouth. Instantly he is transported to another world, a place of
surreal visions and swirling colors. He rushes (2) _____________ into this 2. HEAD
parallel universe. What is this (3) _____________ compound with the 3. TERRIFY
power to induce such a mind-blowing trip? Is it some kind of drug that
makes the user hallucinate? No, it’s just a humble cereal ad on TV. The
Fruity Wheat ad is the latest in a long line of (4) _____________ ads whose 4. CONTROVERSY
imagery appears to draw on the effects of mind-altering substances. Colin
Rees of the ‘Stop TV Advertising’ group, said: ‘I find this and other such
ads totally (5) _____________. Take this stuff and you will experience 5. ACCEPT
something out of this world– the (6) _____________ of the ad seems clear 6. IMPLY
to me. The companies who make them will say that any relation to drugs is
just one (7) _____________ of the advert, and not one that they (8) 7. INTERPRET
_____________. When I complained about this ad, I was told that it didn’t 8. INTENTION
contain any (9) _____________ messages. I thought that was a bit rich –9.I CONSCIOUS
think the message in it is blatantly obvious! And I don’t think we should be
giving TV viewers any (10) ____________ in that respect.’ 10. ENCOURAGE


Part 1: Choose the correct words to fill in each blank.
Peoples’ personalities (1) _______ considerably from one another as there are no two alike. Our ingrained characters
which (2) ______ the patterns of our behavior, our reactions and temperaments are unparalleled on (3) ______ of the
diversified processes that (4) ______ our personality in the earliest (5) ______ of human development.
Some (6) ______ of character may to some (7) ______ be hereditary simulating the attributes that (8) ______ our
parents. Others may (90______ from the conditions experienced during pregnancy and infancy in this way reflecting
the parents’ approach towards (10) ______ their offspring. Consequently, the environmental factor (11)______ a
crucial role in strengthening of eliminating certain behavioral systems making an individual more prone to (12)______
to the patterns that (13) ______ a prize.
Undoubtedly, human personality (14) ______ the most profound and irreversible formation during the first period of its
development, yet, certain characteristics may still be (15) ______ to considerable changes conditioned by different
circumstances and situations.
1. A. distinguish B. converge C. vary D. differentiate
2. A. denote B. resolve C. inflict D. determine
3. A. account B. means C. token D. event
4. A. mould B. design C. conceive D. fabricate
5. A. states B. instants C. stages D. terms
6. A. factors B. traits C. items D. breeds
7. A. scope B. area C. extent D. length
8. A. pertain B. recognize C. associate D. identify
9. A. stem B. relate C. rise D. formulate
10. A. breeding B. rearing C. growing D. yielding
11. A. makes B. does C. finds D. plays
12. A. comfort B. pledge C. acquiesce D. obey
13. A. yearn B. deserve C. wish D. necessitate
14. A. under acts B. undertakes C. undergoes D. underlies
15. A. practicable B. feasible C. subject D. potential

Part 2: Fill in each blank with one suitable word.

As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. The frontier
had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization and the
bureaucratization of economic life (1) _______ with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to (2) _______
schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were (3) _______ as the
most important means of integrating immigrants into American society.
The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European (4) _______ at the turn of the century coincided with
and (5) _______ to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling to (6) _______ fourteen or
beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools,
extracurricular (7) _______, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools (8)
_______ the lives of students, many of (9) _______ in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants.
Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and
(10) _______ agencies.

Part 3: Read the passage then choose the correct answer to each question.
The brilliant light, crystalline air, and spectacular surroundings have long drawn people to the tiny New Mexican
town of Taos. Today, the homes of some of those who have settled there during Taos’ 300-year history have been
restored and are open to the public. Along with the churches, and art galleries, these residences make up a part of the
unique cultural heritage of Taos.
Representing the Spanish Colonial era is the meticulously restored hacienda of Don Antonio Severino Maninez. He
moved his family to Taos in 1804 and transformed a simple cabin into a huge, imposing fortress. Its twenty-one rooms
and two courtyards now house a living museum where visitors can watch potters and weavers at work. The American
territorial era is represented by two houses: the home of the explorer and scout Kit Carson, located off Taos Square,
and that of Charles Bent, a trader who later became governor of the New Mexico territory. Carson's house was built in
1845, Bent's three years later.
In the twentieth century, Taos, like its bigger sister Santa Fe to the south, blossomed into a center for artists and
artisans. One of the first artists to move there was Ernest Blumenschein, who is known for his illustrations, including
those for the works of Jack London and other bestselling authors. In 1898, while on a Denver-to-Mexico City
sketching tour, Blumenschein's wagon broke down near Taos. He walked into town carrying his broken wheel, looked
around, and decided to stay. His rambling, twelve-room house is furnished as it was when he lived there. Not far from
the Blumcnschein house is the home of another artist, Russian-born painter Nicolai Fechin, who moved to Taos in the
1920s. He carved and decorated the furniture, windows, gates, and fireplaces himself, transforming the interior of his
adobe house into that of a traditional country house in his homeland. A few miles north of town is the Millicent Rogers
Museum, the residence of a designer and collector who came to Taos in 1947. An adobe castle, it contains a treasure
trove of Native American and Hispanic jewelry, pots, rugs, and other artifacts.
1 The passage mainly discusses which aspect of Taos?
A. Events from its 300-year history B. Its different architectural styles
C. Its historic houses D. Its famous families
2 The wont meticulously is closest in meaning to
A. expensively B. carefully C. privately D. tastefully
3 The word imposing is closest in meaning to
A. antiquated B. threatening C. striking D. complex
4 According to the passage, the home of Don Antonio Severino Maninez is now
A. a simple cabin B. a fortress C. an art gallery D. a museum
5 According to the passage, what were Charies Bent's two occupations?
A. Merchant and politician B. Artist and artisan
C. Explorer and scout D. Potter and weaver
6 The town of Santa Fe is probably referred to as Taos's "bigger sister" because it
A. has a larger population B. is more famous
C. is older D. has more artists
7 The word works is used in the context of this passage to mean
A. factories B. designs C. paintings D. books
8 According to the passage, what was Ernest Blumenschein's original destination when he went on a sketching tour in
A. Taos B. Mexico City C. Santa Fe D. Denver
9 The author implies that the interior of Nicolal Fechin house is decorated in what style?
A. Native American B. Traditional Russian
C. Spanish colonial D. American territorial
10 Which of the following people is NOT mentioned as a resident of Taos?
A. Nicolai Fechin B. Jack London
C. Millicent Rogers D. Ernest Blumenschein

Part 4: Read the text. Complete the text with the phrase (A-K) that best fits each gap. There is one phrase you do not
Although Albraham Lincoln is today one of America's best loved presidents, that was not always so. During the
American Civil War he was hated by Southerners for abolishing slavery, and (1)________that he fully expected to be
murdered by his political opponents, and had resigned himself to his fate. According to a close friend of his, three days
prior to his assassination, Lincoln recounted a dream he'd had to his wife and acquaintances, (2) _________. In the
dream, he was lying in bed in the White house in Washington, and there seemed to be a death-like stillness around him.
Then he began to hear quiet sobbing, (3)__________. He got out of bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence
was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but he couldn't see who was making the noise. He went from room to room but
they were all deserted, (4)_______. It was light in all the rooms and every object was familiar to him; but where,
Lincoln wondered, were all the people (5)_________? He was both puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning
of all this? Determined to find the cause, he kept on walking (6)_______, which he entered. There he met with a
sickening surprise. Before him was a platform, (7)________. Around it was stationed soldiers who were acting as
guards; and there was a crowd of people, some gazing mournfully upon the coffin, others crying bitterly. 'Who has died
in the White House?' Lincoln demanded of one of the soldiers. 'The President,' came the answer.
'He was killed by an assassin.' Then there was a loud exclamation of grief from the crowd, (8)______. Some people
have ascribed a powerful meaning to his dream, claiming that (9)_______. Others point out that, given the fact that he
fully expected that someone would try to assassinate him, (10)________.

A. although the same mournful sounds of distress met him as he walked along
B. as if a number of people were crying
C. in which he foresaw his own death
D. it is hardly surprising that he dreamt of his own death
E. Lincoln knew that he was about to die
F. on which rested a coffin
G. such was their antipathy towards him
H. he had had the dream before
I. until he arrived at the East room
J. which awoke him from his dream
K. who were grieving as if their hearts would break

Part 1: Rewrite the sentences using the given words and others so that they have the same meanings with the
original ones.
1. Nobody died in the accident. (fatalities)
2. One of the patients couldn’t breathe properly.
3. I think my elder sister is planning to take over the family home when my mother dies. (designs)
4. I support the notion to lift the trade embargo. (for)
5. We aren’t willing to support the strike; we don’t approve of it.
Far …………………………………………………………………………………….

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