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University of Cebu- Main Campus

Sanciangko Street, Cebu City

College of Teacher Education

A Lesson Plan in
Physical Education 1
(4A’s Method )

Submitted by:
Carbantes, Kristine
Cawas, Joy Grace
Gilay, Sheina
Hempisao, Jade P.
Nacepo, Ruffanae

Subject and Schedule:

EED019 MW 6:31-8:01 PM

Submitted to:
Ms. Trina Cañeda
A Lesson Plan in Physical Education 1
I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the Grade 1 pupils can;

A. name the different movements of the body;

B. classify the movements whether it is locomotor or non – locomotor;
C. express ideas about the importance of controlling body movements as they execute it in
class; and
D. perform one locomotor and non - locomotor movement.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Body Movements (Locomotor and Non- locomotor

Reference: Physical Education 1, p, 5-8
Materials: Pictures, PowerPoint presentation about the topic.
Value: Self-control
Skills: naming, classifying, expressing, and performing
Method: 4A’s

III. Procedure:

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

A. Activity

1. Prayer

Good Morning Class!" Please stand up for "Good Morning Teacher!"

the prayer. (Name of the student), please
Student: Are you ready to pray

All: Yes, we are ready to pray.

In the name of the Father, the Son,

the Holy Spirit. Amen. Angel of
God, try guardian dear, to whom
God's love...

2. Attendance

If I call your name, say PRESENT. Do you Yes teacher!

understand class?

3. Motivation

Now, let us have an activity. I will present

a picture and I want you all to follow what
is in the picture.

I will give points if you will demonstrate it

well. So, are you ready class? Yes, Teacher!
(The teacher will present a picture of
different body movements)

This is the first picture class.

Can you tell me what she’s doing? She is running teacher.

Very good! So can you show me how to (Students are running)


Okay! So the next picture is this.

Bending. Can you follow it class? Yes teacher!

(Students are bending their knees)

The third picture is this. I know you are

familiar with this one.

The girl is?... Walking teacher!

Very good! Okay now, show me how to (Students are walking)
The fourth picture is this…

She is hopping!

Can you copy her action? Yes Teacher!

(Students are hopping)
Okay the last one is stretching.

Show me the way you stretch class. (Students are stretching)

Very good everyone! Because of that I will Yehey!!!
give all of you a star!

Did you enjoy the activity class? Yes teacher!

Okay now, please sit down and arrange you

chairs properly.

B. Analysis

What have you observed in our activity? We move from one place to another
like running teacher.

Yes there is movement. What else? There are other movements that we
only stay in our place like stretching
Very good.

So, our topic for today is about Locomotor

and Non- Locomotor movement.
(The teacher will present a PowerPoint
Presentation about the topic for today.)

Locomotor Movement is a body movement

wherein you move from one place to
another. It causes your body to travel.

Here are some examples of locomotor


Let’s discuss some of the examples.

Running is moving with longer strides and

in faster speed than walking.
(shows picture)

Walking is shifting your weight from one

foot to another. (shows picture)
Next one is hopping (Shows picture)
Who can describe it? Hopping is like playing a hopscotch

Yes it is! Hopping is springing on one foot

and landing on five same feet.

Next example is leaping. Leap is springing

on one foot in a wide stride and landing on
the same foot in. (shows picture)

Class, have you noticed that leaping and Leaping is done quickly and is a
hopping are mostly the same? So, who can long and high jump while hoping is
tell me the difference between the two? not.

Very Good!

Last example is skipping (shows picture).

Skipping is done with a stop and a hop

using the feet.

Do you understand class? Yes Teacher!

Now. Let us proceed to Non –Locomotor

If Locomotor travels from one place to It is a movement wherein you stay
another, what about non –locomotor? Who in your place teacher .
can guess?

Very Good!

Non-Locomotor is a movement wherein

you stay in your place. It is a movement
wherein you do not move place to the
other. It is a movement of certain body
parts, or the whole body, without using the
body to travel.

What are examples of Non - Locomotor? Balancing


That’s right!
Aside from that, here are some examples of
non-locomotor movement.

First is balancing. Balancing is the state of

having your weight spread equally without
losing control or falling. (show picture)

Next is twisting. (Shows Picture)

Twisting is moving a part of the body
around a long axis, usually for the head and

Next is swaying (shows picture)

Swaying is done by moving a part of the

body around axis.

Next one is stretching (shows picture)

Stretching is done by straightening or

extending any part of the body that makes
the muscles long and tight

Lastly, is bending.

Bending is curving your body and moving

your muscles around a joint where two
body parts met.
That’s it! Do you understand class? Yes Teacher!

Very Good!

C. Abstraction

Let’s see if you really understand by

answering my questions .

1. What are the two movements that we have Locomotor and Non- Locomotor
discussed today? movement.
2. A movement that stays in place is called? Non- Locomotor movement.
3. A movement that move from one place to Locomotor movement
another like running teacher.
4. Why are these body movements important? It is important teacher because we
can use it everyday teacher. Like
for sports teacher.
Yes it is! Also, body movements are the
building blocks necessary for physical
activities and sports.

Value Integration

Class, for example, you are running, and

then you accidentally slipped because you
did not see the banana peel that is on the Be careful with my movements
floor. What will you do? teacher.

Suppose, you are stretching then you did

not notice your younger sister at your side,
you accidentally hit her. What would you Sad/Worried/Hurt

What will you do? Next time, I will control and be

responsible with any movements or
actions teacher

Why do you need to control your In order for me mot to hurt others

Very Good!

Again class, the fundamental body

movements are Locomotor and Non -
Locomotor. Locomotor movement is a
movement wherein you move from one
place to another while Non – Locomotor
movement is a movement wherein you
remain in your place.

These body movements are important

because it is necessary for sports and
physical activities. We should be aware,
control, and be responsible in our
movements in order for us not to hurt
somebody accidentally.
D. Application

With your seatmate perform one locomotor movement and one non-locomotor

IV. Evaluation

Test I. Directions: Match the picture in the left side to the body movement on the right side.

Test II. Direction: Classify the given movements whether it is locomotor or non-locomotor.
Write your answers on the box provided below.

Skipping Bending
Running Leaping
Walking Jumping
Twisting Hopping
Balancing Swaying


V. Assignment

Cut out 5 pictures of locomotor and non locomotor movements and paste it in a long bondpaper.

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