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An Experimental Study of the Electrohydrodynamic

Characteristics of Sedimenting Drops Under Uniform
Alternating Electric Fields
Rajorshi Paul, Guttapalli Naveen Kumar, Shubhadeep Mandal, N. K. Kishore , Senior Member, IEEE,
Saurav Pramanik, and Suman Chakraborty

Abstract—Electrohydrodynamic motion and deformation of a conducted by Allan and Mason [6] reveal that a neutrally buoy-
sedimenting drop in the presence of a uniform alternating elec- ant drop can deform to a prolate (major axis of the ellipsoid
tric field is investigated experimentally. Application of an electric is aligned in the direction of external electric field) or oblate
field causes a drop to deform to an ellipsoidal shape. As a result of
this deformation, the terminal velocity of the drop is affected. In (major axis of the ellipsoid is aligned perpendicular to the di-
this study, a detailed experimental investigation of the effect of a rection of external electric field) shape in the presence of steady
horizontally directed uniform alternating electric field on the sed- uniform electric field. Taylor’s classical leaky dielectric model
imentation velocity and deformation characteristics of deionized for neutrally buoyant drops predicts that the prolate or oblate
water drop and silicone oil drop falling in castor oil medium is shape deformation is determined by the electrical conductivity,
presented. Both water and silicone oil drops are found to deform
to a prolate shape on application of electric field, which retards the permittivity, and viscosity of the drop and suspending medium
drop motion in the vertical direction. There is a marked decrease [7], [8]. The leaky dielectric model assumes a small but finite
in drop velocity with increase in strength of the alternating electric electrical conductivities for the fluid pair which give rise to tan-
field. gential electric stresses at the drop interface. These electrical
Index Terms—Alternating electric field, electrohydrodynamics stresses drive fluid motion thereby generating hydrodynamic
(EHD), leaky dielectric, sedimenting drop, silicone oil. stresses. The shape of the drop is determined by a balance be-
tween the electric, hydrodynamic and capillary stresses. Based
on the leaky dielectric model, there have been several studies
on drop deformation and motion in the presence of uniform and
LECTROHYDRODYNAMICS (EHD) examines the mo- nonuniform dc electric field to obtain the drop shape and ve-
E tion of fluids under the influence of an external electric
field. EHD finds potential applications in diverse disciplines of
locity [9]–[15]. Drop dynamics in alternating electric field was
first considered by Torza et al. [16]. They demonstrated that the
engineering including a variety of industrial processes as well deformation can be decomposed into a steady component, and
as modern day microfluidic devices. Some of the important ap- a time-dependent component which oscillates at a frequency
plications of EHD in microfluidics are in mineral oil refinement, twice that of the frequency of imposed electric field. This was
droplet enclosed transport of living biological cells, enhanced experimentally verified by Vizika and Saville [17]. These stud-
heat and mass transfer and for providing controlled environment ies investigate the effect of the electric field on neutrally buoyant
for conducting biochemical reactions [1]–[4], [24]. drops only. The effect of gravity has been ignored.
An externally applied uniform electric field causes a neutrally A fluid drop having density higher than the suspending
buoyant drop to deform to an ellipsoidal shape [5]. Experiments medium falls vertically in the presence of gravity and the sed-
imentation velocity of the drop is given by the Hadamard-
Manuscript received October 6, 2016; revised May 17, 2017; accepted June Rybczynski solution [18]. The drop shape, in this case, has
18, 2017. Date of publication June 25, 2017; date of current version November been found to be spherical. Xu and Homsy [19] experimentally
20, 2017. Paper 2016-EPC-0865.R1, presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of investigated the sedimentation velocity of a leaky dielectric drop
the Electrostatics Society of America, West Lafayette, IN, USA, and approved
for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the under the combined influence of steady electric field and grav-
Electrostatic Processes Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. ity. They have shown that velocity of the drop is significantly
(Corresponding author: N. K. Kishore.) affected by the shape deformation and interfacial charge con-
R. Paul, G. N. Kumar, S. Mandal, and S. Chakraborty are with the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology vection effects. In a very recent study, Bandopadhyay et al. [20]
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India (e-mail:; studied the lateral migration of a sedimenting drop under the;; suman@ influence of an inclined electric field. Most of the studies on
N. K. Kishore and S. Pramanik are with the Department of Electrical Engi- drop sedimentation in gravity till date have been focused on
neering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India the dynamics of the drops under the influence of steady electric
(e-mail:; fields. There have been studies on the deformation of neutrally
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at buoyant drops in alternating electric fields. However, the sed-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2017.2720140 imenting of drops under the influence of alternating electric
0093-9994 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

fields has not been studied in detail. This paper presents an ex- TABLE I
perimental study on the effect of alternating electric fields on the
sedimentation velocity and deformation of conducting as well as
leaky dielectric drops. Toward this, experiments on two differ- Experimental fluids Castor oil Silicone oil Deionized water
ent drop-medium systems, deionized (DI) water drop suspended Density (kg/m³) 958 1023 995
in castor oil and silicone oil drop suspended in castor oil, have Viscosity (Pa·s) 0.693 0.0232 0.001
Electrical conductivity (S/m) 2.78 × 10–10 9.26 × 10–11 20.7 × 10–5
been performed. The first system resembles a perfectly conduct- Dielectric constant 7.70 3.88 78
ing drop in leaky dielectric medium, while the second system
represents a leaky dielectric drop in leaky dielectric medium.
The study focuses on the alteration in drop shape and associated The experiments are carried out in castor oil medium with
modification in drop settling velocity. The drop shape is strongly DI water and silicone oil as the drop phases. The fluids used in
influenced by the EHD flow. The present study can be useful the experiments are Newtonian and incompressible in nature.
in microfluidic and medical systems to manipulate suspended Castor oil is a transparent, viscous liquid with small electrical
drops. conductivity and can sustain very high electric fields. This makes
it an ideal choice for a leaky dielectric dispersing medium. The
II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP immiscible drop and the dispersing phases have comparable
densities but the ratios of viscosities of the dispersing phase to
The experiments are conducted in a Perspex cell having in-
the drop phases are significant. As a result, the sedimentation
ternal dimensions of 14 cm ×14 cm × 20 cm. Two square
velocity of the drops is small and the characteristics of the sed-
electrodes of cross section 12 cm × 12 cm are fitted inside
imentation can be observed with ease. Silicone oil has a very
the cell, facing each other. The electrodes, which are 5 mm in
low electrical conductivity, and thus the silicone oil–castor oil
thickness, are so placed that the distance between the two is
system resembles a leaky dielectric drop in a leaky dielectric
maintained constant at 12 cm throughout the experiments. To
medium. The electrical conductivity of DI water is much higher
ensure that the electric field between the electrodes is uniform,
than that of silicone oil. Hence, the water–castor oil system rep-
all sharp edges are filed off and the surfaces of the electrodes are
resents a perfectly conducting drop in a leaky dielectric medium.
polished. Thick copper wires are used for making all electrical
The properties of the chosen experimental fluids are shown in
connections to prevent corona formation at high voltages. The
Table I.
drops are injected manually using a 5 mL hypodermic syringe
from the center of the cross section of the cell. This is done
to minimize the wall effects on the motion of the drop. Alter-
nating electric field is applied through a high voltage testing Before starting the experiments, proper precautions are taken
transformer rated at 60 kV. The oscillation frequency remains to ensure that the experiments run safely. To avoid sparking from
constant at 50 Hz throughout the experiments. For illumination, the connecting wires, the camera and the LED light source are
an LED panel backlight is used. The experiments are recorded positioned at a safe distance from the cell. Such electrical dis-
using two cameras. For measuring the sedimentation velocity, charge can not only damage the instruments, but also may cause
a Nikon digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera is used. The the glass cell to explode. As the drop injection is performed
DSLR camera is set to record videos at 50 frames per second. manually, the volume of injected drop cannot be controlled pre-
For observing the drop deformation, a high speed camera capa- cisely. Although this can be achieved using a syringe pump, one
ble of recording at 200 frames per second is used. Fig. 1 shows needs to make special adjustments to the instrument to obtain
the schematic diagram of the experimental setup. detachment of the viscous silicone oil drop from the syringe tip.

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Experiment Range of Range of Range of drop

electric field Reynolds number diameter
(kV/cm) −3
(10 ) (mm)

Water in castor oil without 0 1.34–13.4 2.86–6.43

electric field
Silicone oil in castor oil 0 0.36–2.00 1.93–3.53
without electric field
Water in castor oil with 0.83–2.08 1.03–4.56 2.85–5.00
electric field
Silicone oil in castor oil 0.42–4.17 0.27–4.42 1.82–4.28
with electric field

Due to the viscosity of the oil, the drops (specially the smaller
ones) tend to stick to syringe tip and it is easier to have human
intervention while injecting the drop. By this process, one has
to sacrifice control over injected drop volume; however, the size
of the injected drop can be calculated with acceptable degree of Fig. 2. Variation of sedimentation velocity with drop radius for a silicone oil
drop falling in castor oil under the influence of gravity.
accuracy from image processing. The variation of drop diame-
ter is an important parameter in the present study. The manual
injection inadvertently presents an advantage where one is able face by virtue of its motion in a viscous medium. The buoyancy
to generate an almost continuous range of drop diameter. The force is proportional to the volume of the drop, i.e., Fg ∝ R3 .
downside is that to ensure repeatability, a large number of ex- In contrast, the drag force is proportional to the product of the
periments needs to be conducted. After the drop falls through a velocity and radius of the drop, i.e., Fdrag ∝ U∞ R. Hence, from
certain height inside the cell, the voltage is applied through the the force balance, Fg = Fdrag , it can be qualitatively concluded
transformer. The drop falls through a height of around 80 mm that the drop velocity should increase proportional to the square
under the influence of the electric field after which measure- of the drop radius. The drop assumes a shape such that the hy-
ments are taken. This ensures that the drop attains a steady drodynamic stresses are balanced by the surface tension acting
sedimentation velocity before it reaches the bottom of the elec- at the interface between the drop and the suspending medium.
trodes in the cell which has been verified by image processing. The analytical expression for the terminal velocity U∞ of a
The drop size is varied for each voltage value from 1 to 6 mm drop sedimenting in another immiscible fluid medium in the
in diameter. The value of the voltage is increased in steps of absence of any body force other than gravity is given by the
5 kV from 5 to 50 kV for the silicone oil–castor oil pair, and in Hadamard-Rybczynski solution [18] as follows:
steps of 3 kV from 10 to 25 kV for the water–castor oil pair. A  
2 λ + 1 R2 gρ (κ − 1)
detailed experimental matrix is provided in Table II. As the den- U∞ = (1)
sity difference between the experimental fluids is very small, the 9 λ + 23 μ
duration of each experiment varies from 1 to 10 min depend-
where λ and κ are the ratio of the viscosities and densities of
ing on the drop size. The experimental videos are processed
the drop to the dispersing medium, respectively, μ and ρ are
using the Image Processing Toolbox in MATLAB. The results
the viscosity and density of the suspending medium, respec-
obtained from MATLAB are cross-checked by manual process-
tively, R is the drop radius, and g is the acceleration due to
ing to ensure the accuracy of the processing. All data generated
gravity. The analytical solution also reveals that the drop would
from the experiments correspond to drops near the bottom of
be perfectly spherical. The Hadamard-Rybczynski solution is
the electrodes in the experimental cell when the drops reach a
applicable only in the case of low Reynolds number drop sed-
steady terminal velocity.
imentation, where the Stokes flow approximation is valid. For
a sedimenting drop, the Reynolds number Re is calculated as
IV. RESULTS follows:
A. Velocity of a Sedimenting Drop in the Absence of Any ρU∞ R
Re = . (2)
External Electric Field μ
Before investigating the influence of externally applied elec- Fig. 2 shows the experimentally observed variation of the
tric fields on the sedimentation velocity of a drop, it would be sedimentation velocity with the drop radius for the silicone oil
noteworthy to review the influence of gravity alone on the sedi- drop suspended in castor oil medium in the absence of electric
mentation velocity of the drop in the absence of any externally field.
applied electric field. A drop sedimenting under the influence of As the density of silicone oil is higher than that of castor oil
gravity reaches a terminal velocity when the buoyancy force is (refer to Table I for property values), the drop settles down under
balanced by the hydrodynamic drag force acting on the drop sur- the influence of gravity. The points plotted in red correspond

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Fig. 3. Variation of sedimentation velocity with drop diameter for different Fig. 4. Variation of silicone oil drop sedimentation velocity with drop diameter
electric fields. In this case, the water drop falls in castor oil medium. for different electric fields.

to the experimentally observed velocities and the dotted line

represents the theoretically predicted values calculated from (1).
A close match is obtained between the experimentally obtained
values and those predicted by theory. It is also observed that the
drop remains spherical while sedimenting under the influence of
gravity. The sedimenting of drops under the influence of gravity
is a well-studied phenomenon. Hence, a close agreement of
experimental results with theory shows that the experimental
procedure and the postprocessing followed in this study are
fairly accurate.
Fig. 5. Quantification of drop deformation.
B. Sedimentation Velocity Under Uniform Horizontal
Alternating Electric Field of the drop increases with the strength of the external electric
After establishing a fair understanding of the influence of field held constant. Several theoretical and experimental stud-
gravity forces, the influence of horizontally applied uniform ies on neutrally buoyant drops have established the fact that
alternating electric field on the sedimentation velocity of a drop a perfectly dielectric drop always deforms to a prolate shape
is presented in this section. In the presence of an external electric in the presence of uniform electric field [10], [21], [22]. This
field, in addition to the drop radius, the sedimentation velocity is due to the fact that the perfectly dielectric drop surface is
also depends on the strength of the externally applied electric charge free, which yields vanishing tangential electric field at
field. First, the sedimentation of water drop in castor oil is the drop surface. A perfectly conducting drop (e.g., DI water
discussed. As the water drop settles in the immiscible castor oil drop) also deforms to a prolate shape. Though the drop surface
medium, the velocity of the drop increases initially and reaches has charges, the tangential electric field vanishes at the drop
a steady value when the net force on the drop becomes zero. surface, which yields vanishing tangential electric stress. Thus,
At steady state, the hydrodynamic force acting on the drop is a perfectly dielectric/conducting drop encounters only normal
balanced by the buoyancy force. The hydrodynamic force is component of electric stress which causes the drop shape to
influenced by the presence of the electric field bringing about a stretch in the direction of electric field. The prolate shape is
deformation in the settling drop. associated with an increase in cross-sectional area of the drop
Fig. 3 depicts the variation of sedimentation velocity with the in the direction of sedimentation. This increased cross-sectional
drop diameter for different values of the electric field strength area leads to increase in hydrodynamic drag force on the drop
for DI water drops settling in castor oil medium. To demon- which reduces the drop velocity for a given drop radius. The
strate the effect of an electric field, settling velocities in the increase in the settling velocity with an increase in the drop size
absence of an external electric field are plotted in the same can be attributed to increase in gravitational body force acting
graph. Fig. 3 shows that for similar sized drops, the sedimen- on the drop.
tation velocity decreases with an increase in the electric field Fig. 4 plots the variation of silicone oil drop velocity in cas-
strength. Also, the settling velocity increases as the diameter tor oil with drop diameter for three values of electric field

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Fig. 6. Shapes of silicone oil drops observed at the electric field strengths of (a) 0, (b) 2.92 kV/cm, and (c) 4.17 kV/cm (peak values). Drop diameters are similar
in all the three cases.

strength. The sedimentation velocities of similar sized drops Fig. 6 shows the variation of the drop deformation with the
decrease with increase in the electric field strength. Gener- electric field strength for the case of a silicone oil drop in castor
ally, for the case of a leaky dielectric drop in a leaky dielec- oil medium. The three images correspond to nearly equal drop
tric medium, in addition to the shape deformation, the charge volumes. It can be seen that the drop deformation increases with
convection at the interface between the two media governs the an increase in the strength of the electric filed. Another striking
magnitude of the settling velocity. In sharp contrast to perfectly feature in the presence of an electric filed is the asymmetry in
dielectric/conducting drop (e.g., water drop), the tangential elec- the drop shapes, i.e., the top half and the bottom half of the drop
tric field does not vanish at the interface in case of a leaky di- are not identical. This asymmetry is more pronounced for higher
electric drop (e.g., silicone oil drop). The nonzero tangential field strengths as shown in Fig. 6(c). Similar asymmetry in drop
electric field acting on the interfacial charge distribution exerts shape is also reported by Xu and Homsy [19] for sedimenting of
an EHD drag force on the drop. The tangential electric forces drop in steady electric fields. This asymmetry can be attributed
also induce charge convection currents inside the drop. Previ- to the nonlinear coupling of shape deformation and asymmetric
ously, Xu and Homsy [19] have investigated the effect of charge velocity at the drop surface due to settling.
convection on the velocity of a drop settling under the influence The analytical solution derived by Torza et al. [16] shows
of steady electric fields. But in case of alternating electric fields, that the drop shape oscillates at a frequency twice that of the
the effect of charge convection can be ignored since there is imposed electric field. This has been validated experimentally
no steady component of the surface charge density at the inter- by Vizika and Saville [17] and Torza et al. [16] showed that the
face [23]. So, the shape deformation can be considered as the deformation of the drop can be visualized as a superposition of a
only contributing factor. It has been experimentally observed steady component and a time varying component. In the present
that a silicone oil drop sedimenting in castor oil medium as- experiments, the DSLR camera records at 50 frames per second
sumes a prolate shape which leads to increase in cross-sectional which is identical to the frequency of the applied electric field,
area of the drop in the direction of sedimentation. This further 50 Hz. As a result, the camera captures the same point in the
increases the hydrodynamic drag, resulting in reduction in the cycle. Hence, the deformation recorded by the DSLR camera
drop velocity for higher field strength. remains constant. Also, as the frequency of the electric field
is high, the oscillatory part of the deformation is very small
C. Deformation Under Uniform Horizontal Alternating compared to the steady component [17]. Hence, for all practical
Electric Field purposes, the deformation observed from the DSLR camera
Application of an external electric field causes a spherical has been treated as the steady component of the deformation.
drop sedimenting under the influence of gravity to deform into a To capture the oscillation part of the droplet deformation, one
prolate or an oblate shape depending on the electrical properties should employ frame rate higher than 100 frames. For neutrally
of the media. The deformation of the drop has been observed to buoyant drops under the influence of alternating electric fields,
be dependent on the strength of the electric field as well as on the it has been shown that the steady part of the deformation Ds
size of the injected drop. Following the arguments presented in varies as follows [16]:
the previous sections, the extent of shape deformation governs 9
the sedimentation velocity of the drop. The drop deformation is Ds = ΦE02 R (4)
quantified in terms of the deformation ratio D which is defined
as follows: where E0 is the peak electric field and R is the radius of the un-
  deformed drop,  is the permittivity of the dispersing medium,
D= (3) γ is the surface tension, and Φ is a function of the ratios of
a+b conductivity, permittivity, and viscosity. Present study reveals
where a is the length of the drop axis parallel to the direction similar trend for the steady-state deformation and the factor
of the electric field (horizontal in the present case) and b is the E02 R as shown in Fig. 7. Both the water and silicone oil drops
length of the axis perpendicular to it (vertical in the present case) deform to prolate shape which is depicted by positive values
as shown in Fig. 5. of Ds . Deformation of water drops is found to be much higher

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Fig. 7. Variation of steady deformation with RE 0 2 for water and silicone oil drops.

than the silicone oil drops. This can be attributed to the fact Indian Institute of Technology Bombay for assistance in car-
that water has an electrical conductivity much higher than sil- rying out conductivity and permittivity measurements us-
icone oil. Also, it has been found that beyond a critical volt- ing a broadband Dielectric Spectrometer. They would also
age, the drop splits while sedimenting into smaller drops. While like to thank the technical staff of the Electrical and
silicone oil drops remain stable for as high as 4.17 kV/cm, water Mechanical Engineering Departments at the Indian Institute of
drops split at an electric field of around 2.2 kV/cm. Technology Kharagpur for their cooperation while conducting
the experiments.
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[22] J.-W. Ha and S.-M. Yang, “Deformation and breakup of Newtonian and with telecommunication circuits, and air crafts for defense applications. He
non-Newtonian conducting drops in an electric field,” J. Fluid Mech., joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at IIT Kharagpur in 1991. His
vol. 405, pp. 131–156, Feb. 2000, doi: 10.1017/S0022112099007223. research interests include high voltage engineering, applications of high volt-
[23] X. Xu, Electrohydrodynamic Flow and Chaotic Mixing Inside Drops. age engineering, power systems, lightning, electromagnetic interference and
Santa Barbara, CA, USA: Univ. California, Santa Barbara, 2007. electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC), condition monitoring of power ap-
[24] R. Paul, G. N. Kumar, S. Mandal, N. K. Kishore, S. Pramanik, and paratus, and renewable energy.
S. Chakraborty, “Experimental investigation on the electrohydrodynamic Dr. Kishore is a member of the Electrostatic Society of America and a fellow
motion and shape deformation of a sedimenting drop under uniform of the Institution of Engineers.
alternating electric field,” in Proc. Annu. Meeting Electrostatics Soc.
Amer., 2016.

Saurav Pramanik received the B.E. degree in

electrical engineering from Jadavpur University,
Kolkata, India, in 2006, and the M.Sc.(Engg.) and
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Insti-
Rajorshi Paul was born in Kolkata, India, in 1993. tute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 2010 and 2013,
He received the B.Tech. degree in mechanical en- respectively.
gineering from the Indian Institute of Technology After completion of the Ph.D. degree, he was at
Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, in 2016, and is cur- Corporate Research, ABB, Sweden, as a Postdoctoral
rently working toward the M.Sc. degree in me- Research Fellow for approximately two years. Later,
chanical engineering with the University of Alberta, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Edmonton, AB, Canada. IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, in January 2016, where he is currently an
His research interests include droplet-based elec- Assistant Professor. His research interests include condition monitoring and di-
trohydrodynamics, microfluidics, and biomicroflu- agnostics of high voltage power apparatus, and magnetics of power transformer.

Suman Chakraborty received the B.Eng. degree in

mechanical engineering from Jadavpur University,
Kolkata, India, in 1996, and the M.Eng. and Ph.D.
degrees in mechanical engineering from the Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1999 and
Guttapalli Naveen Kumar is working toward the 2002, respectively.
bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, and He is currently a Professor with the School of
the master’s degree in thermal science and engi- Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur.
neering with the Department of Mechanical En- His research interests include microfluidics and mi-
gineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) cro/nanoscale transport processes, including their
Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, under the supervision theoretical, computational, and experimental mod-
of Prof. Suman Chakraborty. eling, encompassing the underlying fundamentals as well as biomedical,
His research interests include droplet-based elec- biotechnological, chip cooling, and energy related applications. He has
trohydrodynamics and applications of liquid crystals 350+ international journal publications.
in microfluidics. Dr. Chakraborty received the Santi Swaroop Bhatnagar Prize in 2013.

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