Group Members: Subject: EED019 Schedule: MW 6:31-8:01 PM

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Group Members: Subject: EED019 Schedule: MW 6:31-8:01 PM

1. Carbantes, Kristine
2. Cawas, Joy Grace
3. Gilay, Sheina
4. Hempisao, Jade P.
5. Nacepo, Ruffanae

I. Create a role-play activity for Physical Education OR Health at

 Grade Level: Grade 4
 Subject: Health
 Topic: Good Nutrition and Health

 Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the Grade 4 pupils can:
A. describe what good nutrition is;
B. share their ideas on the importance of being healthy in our life; and
C. perform a role-play that simply shows healthy and unhealthy person.

 Brief descriptions of the scenario: (5-10 sentences)

A family lived in a city together with an 8 years old Mathew and 7 years old
Bea. Both kids are very fond of eating junk foods. Therefore, they used to eat pizza
and burgers and refused to eat fruits and vegetables. One day their mother explain
them the importance of eating fruits, vegetables and being healthy in our life. She
said that eyesight becomes strong by eating fruits and green vegetables, if eyesight
becomes poor then you have to wear specs all the time. The mother's affectionate
words convince Bea to eat fruits and vegetables but Matthew won't listen to his
mother. Now, their mother stops explaining Matthew. Days passed by Bea started
eating fruits and vegetables daily, and Matthew like before eats only pizza and
burgers. In school, the teacher sometimes scolds Mathew because he can’t solve a
problem because of poor eyesight. So, as a parent and a sister, how can you
convince Mathew to eat healthy foods before it’s too late?
 Characters and their roles:

- The one who’ll explain the

importance of being healthy in our life.
- The one who’ll scold Mathew.
- A loving and a strict mother.

- The one who scolds Mathew for not

eating healthy foods.

- The one who listens to her mom's

valuable advice. She always follows
what her parents told her.
Bea - Loves to eat junk foods before but
after hearing the advice of the parents
she loves to eat fruits and vegetables

- The one who is stubborn that refuses

to listen to his mom's advice.
- He always eats junk foods and drinks

- Scolds Mathew for being inattentive

Teacher and for not answering problems in
II. After accomplishing the activity, ask your group mates the easiest part
of the activity and the area that they were challenged. Then compose a
group 3 paragraphed reflection about the activity you did.

For us, the easiest part of the activity is the making of our objectives. It is
easy because we already have an idea on what are the things that we wanted to
achieve in our role-play activity. Aside from that, we also have an idea on how to
make an objective because some of our teachers including Miss Trina taught us
already on how to make an objective. In our objectives, we want our grade 4 pupils
to describe what nutrition is, the importance of being healthy in our life and also to
perform a role-play that simply shows the healthy and unhealthy person. In that
way students can practice their acting skills and collaboration skills.
All of us were challenged in making the scenario because we need to
achieve what is in our objectives. Role play exercises give students the opportunity
to assume the role of a person or act out a given situation. Also, role-playing is
difficult because it requires the pupils to do multiple tasks at the same time; to act
out the assigned role, to apply the new skills and to fit with the time allocated as
well. The major problem comes out because not all students are able to multitask.
In making the scenario or the description of the role play, we need also to decide
on a problem related to the chosen topic and also the setting for the characters. We
search in Google and in YouTube for some example activities related to role-
playing and after that we brain storm again and give ideas on what scenario we
want our pupils to perform.
We’ve learned that in a group, getting along is important, but working
effectively together can make a better group activity when each team member
contributes according to their strengths and capabilities. When everyone is working
together, things can get done more quickly and efficiently. We’ve realized also that
role-playing is one of the best activities to make for students. A role play area is a
fun and a playful activity but also a key component in children's learning. It is a
social space that develops speaking and listening skills, as well as giving children
the opportunity to reflect on and develop their knowledge of a topic, whilst
sparking and enhancing creativity and imagination.

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