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Rabie 1

Basil Rabie

Instructor Hugetz

English 1302

May 4th 2022

Reflective Essay

Taking 1302 composition is a key move to upgrading your skills as a college student.

Providing the necessary tools to obtain strong senses of how to reach a massage across the

audience properly. When looking back on this semester one can find that many different

obstacles have been overcome. These obstacles serve as preparation for higher levels of

education, from writing the required length to being correct with grammar and punctuation.

Some of these obstacles were also finding the medium for my passion project. This passion

project is supposed to be an idea that we adapt and develop separately and in groups through-out

the semester. My project revolved around the benefits of electric transportation and the impact it

can create in saving money, the environment and resources. When the time came to choose a

method of delivery it appeared extremely obvious that a fresh/new approach was mandatory to

give the idea luster which was needed. By creating and designing a website to help elaborate on

the message were trying to get across, it is guaranteed to spark interest and curiosity regardless

of the idea being old as time. This idea of the benefits related to electric automobiles was the

most essential part of my project due to the proven benefits these machines have created in

saving us from the constant pollution we expose ourselves to.

An online page in this day and age is the easiest way to communicate directly with the

audience being easily accessible, more and more people are likely to come across and become

interested. This subject in particular can and will affect current drivers on the road as well as
[Last Name] 2

future ones. Creating this project was almost like experiencing a new feeling, with no prior

experiences watching the process from the beginning of how it was built allowed for the

potential of stepping outside of the comfort-zone. Leaving the comfort zone also came with some

mistakes, choosing only quality material I needed to explore countless resources and research

articles as well identifying the most appealing content for the audience in order to gravitate

towards, lure them in. That certainly was not the most enjoyable part how this project however

seeing it all come together eventually is heartwarming. When taking a look back, I believe the

most profound gain this course has provided is a sense of professionalism. Its demanding of your

time, focus and energy. For a while it may seem like things are not making sense but eventually,

they do, always. It has been my humble opinion for a while now which is the strong belief, this

course should be given at the very beginning of a college student’s journey. By learning the

proper way to communicate on a scholar level enables for personal and spiritual growth not only

in the sense of expressing ourselves but also in work- or business-related environment as one

must always be prepared to conduct themselves professionally. I believe this course has

imprinted within me skills that will be used for many, many years to come.

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