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1. Food and drinks products are always in demand, regardless of the situation.

Based on the Maslow’s hierarchy of need, as we can see, food and drinks are a basic need
in our life. They provide essential nutrition to our body so that we can have a strong constitution.
No matter you are young or old, male or female, poor or rich, we can not have good health
without these basic needs. That is why most people think that food and drinks are vital and
always in need at any cases or situation.
The first reason worth mentioning is that both food and drinks are essential part of our
lives. They provide us energy to active all day and each food or drinks gives different nutrition.
For example, as we all know that fish has protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids which can
reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Moreover, it can also help us improve our sleep
quality, eye sight and so on. Other example is water. That basic drink which many people think it
is not really important but it can help us lose weight, gain more energy, or release stress, reduce
the risk of kidney stones. Besides, we also can make a combination of fruit and water to make a
new drink which is not only delicious but also nutritious such as lemonade, which can help to
lose weight, improve your skin health, eliminate bad breath, freshen your breath…
The second reason to explain why food and drinks are always in demand is that in any
situation such as in daily meals, party or wedding, they are indispensable. Each situation need
different kinds of dish. When in a daily meal, people usually prepare simple dishes and water
instead of complicated dishes. Or in a birthday party, it is necessary to have a birthday cake with
some cokes to drink with friends. Beside that, when we go to the cinema, what a lack if we do
not have popcorn and coca. Moreover, depending on age, there is a difference in food need, for
example with baby, milk is necessary for a better growth.
As you can see, nobody can grow healthy or have a good health without full absorption
of nutrients through food and drinks. Although everyone knows the importance of food and
drinks that have a great impact on our body but someone does not really take care of their health.
Some usually choose to skip the meals to lose weight but that is not a good choice for your
health. We should eat enough which means your meals should contain all the necessary nutrition.
That is also the reason why we need food and drinks in any situation.
2. Meeting minutes
ACM Automobile Company
Meeting Minutes
November 12th, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM on November 12 th, 2021 at the Company
Headquarters in New York City by Mr. Andrew Martin
Martin Bernadotte, Secretary
Andrew Martin, Facilitator
Angele Marck, Board Member
Justin Lacon, Board Member
Thomas Martini, Director
Paula Johnson, Human Resources Manager
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously as distributed.
Business From the Previous Meeting
We all saw the car sales had decreased due to the coronavirus pandemic. There are two main
reasons causing to this problem. The first one is many people restrict their movement for safety
reasons. Some people lost their job or they had to work from home and that had an impact on
their budget so they had to limit on their spending. The second reason is from our new marketing
strategies with an emphasis in online platform.
New Business
New advertisements and promotional programs during Christmas and New Year are being
Addition to the Agenda
Ms. Marck raised the motion that the value of the family should be emphasized in the
advertisements. This was seconded by and passed by Mr. Martini.
Agenda for Next Meeting
A look at the progress by early December, plans for the first quarter of 2021.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM by Mr. Martin. The next general meeting will be on 10th
December, 2021 at 8:30 AM at the Company Headquarters, New York City.
Minutes submitted by: Martin Bernadotte
Approved by: Thomas Martini

Since May, 2021, because of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak everything was suspended,
especially the economy. One of the industries that is also influenced is aviation. It is wondered
whether airlines will struggle in the 2022 Lunar New Year. In my opinion, the prospect will be
more positive in term of two reasons.
On the one hand, Airlines have more method and oportunities to regenerate. Vietnam will
reopen regular international flights from early 2022. International routes such as Vietnam-Korea,
Vietnam-Taiwan will be restored soon. In addition, domestic and international flights are being
increased the frequency. An example of this is Vietnamese and Japanese airlines are allowed to
exploit passenger flights into Vietnam with a total of 7 flights/week for each party. Moreover,
Airlines discount Lunar New Year flight tickets with incentive price. For instance, Vietnam
Airlines launches flight tickets for the Lunar New Year, priced from only 68,000 VND.
On the other hand, the Lunar New Year often is a peak travel. The customer needs for
traveling by airplane will be increased. In these days, people often want to come back
hometown to enjoy Lunar New Year with their family. Besides, there are a lot of tourists travel to
other areas to relax after a long working or academic year. Additionally, Up to this point, Most of
people have got enough vaccine, so they do not have to much worry about Covid-19 desease
and feel free to travel by airplane.
To sum up, although Covid-19 pandemic cause a number of threatens, thanks to above
oportunities and good methods of airlines, aviation can strongly cope with difficulties. I think
airlines will progress pretty well in the 2022 Lunar New Year.

ACM Automobile Company
Meeting Minutes
November 12th, 2021
The regular meeting of the ACM Automobile Company was called to order at 9:00 AM on
November 12th 2021 in Company Headquarters New York City by Mr. Andrew Martin.
Andrew Martin, Facilitator
Martin Bernadotte, Secretary
Andrew Martin, Facilitator
Angela Marck, Board Members
Justin Lacon, Board Members
Thomas Martini, Director
Paula Johnson, Human Resources Manager
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Business from the Previous Meeting
The decrease in car sales due to the coronavirus pandemic
The previous meeting discussed the decrease in car sales due to the coronavirus pandemic. It
causes restrictions of movement for safety reasons, limits on spending.The solution is new
marketing strategies with an emphasis on online platforms.
New business
Plans for new advertisements and promotional programs during Christmas and New Year
Additions to the Agenda
Ms. Marck raised the motion that the value of the family should be emphasized in the
advertisements. This was seconded by and passed by Mr. Martini.
Agenda for next meeting
A look at the progress by early December, plans for the first quarter of 2021.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM by Mr. Martin. The next general meeting will be at 8:30 AM
on December 10th, 2021, in Company Headquarters, New York City.
Minutes submitted by: Martin Bernadotte
Approved by: Andrew Martin

5. It is true that food and drinks are products that always in the needs of people's lives,
even during the Covid-19, they are still of great importance.
From time immemorial, the need for foods and drinks has always existed in parallel with
each other. During the Stone Age, people often hunted and gathered for food and water in
rivers and streams. Going back to modern times, every year in different countries, new
dishes and new drinks appear. For example, in 2018 there was a very popular dish called
smoky ice cream and it attracted a lot of attention. When people have a special need for
something, there is more creativity and desire to develop that thing, and the appearance of
many new foods and drinks has proven that they are always in basic human needs.
During the covid-19 pandemic, the need for food has not been blurred. In the beginning,
people might think that in a difficult situation like this, as long as there is food, it doesn't
matter what it is. But after about a month, people will always remember the food and
drinks they enjoyed before the epidemic happened. For example, after less than a month
of quarantine at home, many people went online to complain that they miss bún bò, miss
bún đậu mắm tôm, miss milk tea, and are always in a state of craving for those dishes.
After removing the distance in Saigon, the shops of beef noodle soup, broken rice, and
milk tea are extremely busy. One more example of a traditional Vietnamese dish, it's
banh mi, more specifically the famous banh mi shop in Saigon, banh mi Huynh Hoa, two
Mrs. Huynh and Hoa who don't work together anymore and divided into two shops, and
became a craze among people, especially young people, they were curious as to what the
difference would be between the two sides, what would the taste of the bread be like.
Even people who have never eaten Huynh Hoa bread before going to buy food because
it's hot.
In conclusion, foods and drinks are always essential human needs and cannot be lost.

6. It is a fact that airlines will not become as normal as before,especially in the 2022 Lunar New Year.
Personally, I completely agree with this view.

For the variety of reasons, it would be hard to fly between two places in a country or in the world.
Firstly, the COVID-19 pandemic is still dangerous all over the world and governments require the citizen
not to move if not necessary. Secondly, everybody is scared of the rapid infection of that disease. A lot
of people are died, so the most effective way to prevent it is stay at home and keep distancing with the
others. Finally, if airlines activate as normal, it may have some unpredictable situations and affect to a
lot of people, even the government.

In my opinion, we should all follow “5K” message to reduce the number of patients. We need to
minimize the flights, except for necessary situations. Because we can not imagine how dangerous that
disease is. On the other hand, in the pandemic, everybody has to keep distancing at least 2 meters so in
one flight, there are fewer people than before and the airlines can not manage to meet the need. For
example, a flight costs a lot of money and the amount of guest’s ticket is not enough to pay for
materials, pilots, flight attendents,…

In conclusion, in the 2022 Lunar New Year, airlines still face with tough situations. And i believe that in
the near future, the pandemic will disappear and everything will be alright.

ACM Automobile Company

Meeting Minutes
November 12th, 2021
The regular meeting of The ACM Automobile Company was called to order at 9:00 PM on
November 12th, 2021 in Company Headquarters, New York City.
Martin Bernadotte, Secretary
Andrew Martin, Facilitator
Angela Marck, Justin Lacon, Board Members
Thomas Martini, Director
Ms. Paula Johnson, Human Resources Manager
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approval as distributed.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting of the previous were unanimously approval as distributed.
Business from the Previous Meeting
The decrease in car sales due to the coronavirus pandemic; 2020 is a year of complicated
epidemics. For the sake of health, people limit movement. In addition, the unstable economic
situation led to a decrease in car sales compared to the previous month. So New marketing
strategies with an emphasis on online platforms to drive sales.
New Business
Plans for new advertisements and promotional programs during Christmas and New Year
Additions to the Agenda
Ms. Marck raised the motion that the value of the family should be emphasized in the
advertisements. This was seconded by and passed by Mr. Martini and it was added to the genda
for next meeting.
Agenda for Next Meeting
Plans for new advertisements and promotional programs during Christmas and New Year
A look at the progress by early December
Plans for the first quarter of 2021
Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM by Mr. Martin. The next general meeting will be at 8:00
AM on December 10th, 2021 in Company Headquarters, New York City.
Minutes submitted by : Martin Bernadotte
Approved by : Thomas Martini


Delight Travel Coporation

Meeting Minutes
June 26th, 2022
A general meeting of Delight Travel Corporation was called to order at 9:00 AM
on June 26th, 2022 at the head office of the corporation in Manchester by Mr.
Martin Browning.

Ronald Simpson, Secretary
Martin Browning, Facilitator
Laura McManaman, Board Member
Thomas Lee, Board Member
Scott Francis Stevens, Director

James Clarence, Liaison Officer

Approval of agenda
The agenda was unanimously as distributed.

Approval of minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously as distributed.

Business from the previous meeting

Plans to expand operations to South American countries
The initial negotiation was achiving good progress and was presented by Ms.
First trips in June 2022
Plans were presented by Mr. Simpson.

New Business
Concept for new online advertisement
This concept was discussed in the meeting.

Additions to the Agenda

Mr.Lee made a motion that more designers were needed. Recruitment plan was
presented by Mr. Lee.

Agenda for Next Meeting

Marketing plans for tours designed for the elderly.
Progress of recruitment by early July.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM by Mr. Browning. The next meeting will be
at 8:00 AM on July 25th, 2022, at the head office of the corporation in Manchester.
Minutes submitted by: Ronald Simpson
Approved by: Scott Francis Stevens

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