Reading: Before You Start

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Before you start 3 Read the text again and answer the

I What famous brands (e.g. Nike, Swatch) do you questions.

know and what do they sell? Part A
I Why do big companies spend a lot of money on
Reading brands?
2 Read Parts A and B of the text quickly. Does 2 Why do people buy a particular brand?
Part B
the text come from an e-mail, a newspaper
article or an advertisement? 3 Can you guess which brands the three people
are talking about?
Part A 4 What values or image do they associate with
Big companies spend millions of dollars on their brand?
developing their brand and designing their logo.
Market research shows that more and more Vocabulary
people are paying attention to the brand of the
4 Match the words and phrases from the
things they buy. Why? Because global brands like
Pepsi have ideas and values connected with them. article (1—6) with the definitions (a—n.
Some people are very loyal to one brand because Then write the words and phrases in your
of the ideas and values associated with it. For language.
example, some makes of car are associated with
quality or reliability. 1 logo
Other people are buying an image of themselves 2 values
— the brand you use says what kind of person
you are. Drinking Pepsi Max means you want to 3 loyal
get the most from life — you want freedom and 4 image
adventure, and therefore you are an exciting
person. Wearing Nike trainers or sports clothes is
5 individual achievement 6 brand-
all about individual achievement; you can do conscious a the general impression you give to
anything you want — just do it. other people b something you do successfully,
on your own c aware of
different brands and what
Part B
We asked some brand-conscious shoppers what they
brands they buy, and why. represent d not changing,
always buying the same
Kate, 16: I wear these trainers brand e things that are
because all my friends wear important or that you believe i' f symbol that
them. important to be cool. appears on a company's products

Tom, 27: This car tells people

I'm successful. My business
clients expect me to drive an
expensive car. It gives me the
right professional image.

Jane, 20: Yes, it's the latest

model. IVs got lots of new
features and I love the
design. I use it to text my
friends or call my boyfriend.

5 Work in pairs. Are you brand-conscious? Discuss these questions.
• Are brands important to you?
• What brands do you buy?
• What values do you associate with them?
• VVhat image do you want other people to have of you?
• Are there any brands you would not buy?
6 Design your own brand. Think of a product —
anything you like. What ideas and values do you want to
be associated with it? Give it a name and design a logo.

Get real
Research a brand that you are familiar with
and that you think has good values associated
with it. Find more information about it using
magazines or the Internet. Explain your brand
to the class and say why you think it's

Giving a presentation
Before you start 3 Find and underline the phrases that the
speaker uses to do the things in Exercise 1.
I You have to give a presentation. Here are
some things to do at the beginning of a
presentation. Number them in the order you Vocabulary
would do them.
a Introduce the main points one by one.
b Welcome the audience.
c Introduce the first point.
d Tell the audience the subject of the

2 Read this short introduction to a presentation.
Check your answer to Exercise I.
6 Work in pairs. Look at some ways of
'Good morning, everyone. It's nice to see so ending a presentation. Which ones do you
many of you here today. I hope you can all think are good ways of ending? Which are
hear me OK.
not good? Why?
The subject of my presentation today is
our marketing plan for the next three 1 Ask the audience if they have any questions.
years. Basically, there are three main 2 Stop talking, say goodbye and leave. 3 Write
a list of the main points of your talk on the
points I want to talk about. If you look at
board/ flip chart.
the first slide, you can see them listed
4 Thank the audience for coming.
there. First, I'm going to tell you about our
new product range aimed at the teenage 5 Give a very brief summary of what you
said and how you feel you achieved your
market. Secondly, I'll talk about each of
objectives. 6 Give handouts to the audience with
the products and our plans for marketing
the main points of your talk on them.
them. And finally, I'd like to talk briefly
about the competition. 7 If possible, tell the audience where you
OK, let's start with the first point, will be for the next few minutes so that
our new product range individuals can come and speak to you.
8 Ask the audience if they have any 7 Look back at the notes you made in Exercise
criticisms of vour talk. 6 of Unit 22. Prepare a short introduction
for your presentation. Use the introduction
in Exercise 2
to help you.
4 The speaker used these phrases in the rest of the presentation. Write the number of each phrase
Speaking under the correct heading.
8 Work in groups. You are going to give your 1
Thank you for listening. presentation from Exercise 6 of Unit 22. Use the
2 Let's move on to ...
information on introductions and conclusions in
3 Are there any questions? this unit and follow these steps.
4 This diagram shows
• Plan what you are going to say.
5 So, in conclusion

6 As you can see • Practise your presentation with a friend.

7 My next point isAsk your friend to
give you feedback.
8 If you look at the next slide ... • Give
your presentation to some other students.
Connecting the
Referring to AV aids

5 Work in pairs. Take turns to read the introduction from Exercise 2 aloud.

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