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Total Pages—8 . KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/C601 2019 6th Semester a BCA PAPER—C601 | , (Honours) Full Marks : 80 ita Time : 4 Hours The figures in the right-hand margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Mlustrate the answers wherever necessary. PROGRAMMING IN PYTHON 1. Answer any ten questions : 1x10 {a) Is., Python: case sensitive when dealing with identifiers ? ; : (i) Yes ht (ii) No (iii) Machine dependent (iv) None: ofthe méntioned: (b) Which is the correct operator for power (4) 2 (ty (ii) xtty (iii) xy (iv) None ofthe mentioned. “(Turn Over) {c) Which of the following is the truncation divisic operator ? ws (ii) % (iii) // (iv) | (d) Following set of commands are executed in. she what will be the output ? >>> str = “hello” >>> str|:2] >>> (i) he {ii) lo (iii) olleh (iv) hello (e) Evaluate the expression given below if A = 16 ar B=15 A%B//A (i) 0.0 (ii) 0 (iii) 1.0 (iv) 1 () Suppose listl is (2, 35, 222, 14, 25], then what list1[-1] ? (i) Error ; (ii) None (iii) 25 (iv) 2 (g) Suppose a = {1,2: 1, (2,3): 2}, print (a[1,2}}— {i) key error (ii) 1 (iii) (2,3): 2} (iv) (1, 2) 5 KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/C601 : (Continue (h) Ifa = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] then what will be the output of af[::-1l}? (i) [8,7;6,5,4,3,2, 1] (ii) [7,6,5,4,3,2,1] (iii) [1,3,5,7] (iv) [8,6,4,2] (i) Ifa [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] show that will be the output of a[1:4:2] ? (i) {1,2,3] (ii) [2,4] (iii) [2,3,4] - (iv) [2,4,6) (j) Which of the following. i is true-for variable names in Python? (i) Unlimited length (ii) All private numbers must have leading and trailing underscores (iii) Underscore and ampersand are the only two special character allowed. (iv)/ None of the mentioned. (k) What is the order of procedence in python ?. (1) Parentheses (2) Exponential (3) Multiplication : (4) Division (5) Addition (6) Subtraction: : (i) 1,2,3,4,5,6 (ii) 2,1,3,4,5,6 (iii) 2,1,4,3,5,6 _ (iv) 1,2,3,4,6,5 KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/c601 . =. 7 10" & (Titrn Over) KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/C601 Dail cue dea (Continued () Which of the following datatypes is not supported j, Python ? (i) Tupel (ii) Dictionary (iii) Generics (iv) List (m) What is the output of print(str[o] if str ] ‘Hello World (i) Hello worid! (ii) H (iii) ello world! , (iv) None of the above. (n) What will be the output of str*2 if str = ‘Hello world (i) Hello World /Hello World ? (ii) Hello World ! (iii) Hello World ! {iv) None of the above (0) Which of the following datatype is not supported b python ? (ij Numbers (ii) String (iii) List (iv) Slice (p) What will be the output of print str[2 : 5] if str = ‘Hell World!’ ; (i) llo World (ii) H (iii) Ho (iv) None of the above. Answer any ten questions : 2x10 (a) What is a Python sequence ? (b) What is lambda function ? (c) Why Python language is called en ? (a) ee is the difference between list and tuple ? (e) Define ‘dictionary in Python. () Define meta class ? (g} What is picking and unpicking ? (h) How will you merge element in sequence ? (i) Ify=2 and x= 10, what will be the value of y after performing the operation y** = x. (i) What is Ee syntax for a for loop in Python ? (k) What s the anonymous function ? Give its syntax (l}, How to delete an element from a list ? (m) What is the tuple and how is it created in Python ? (n) How is concatenate two tuples ? (o) What is a dictionary in Python ? i What is the output of len({1,2,3]) ? /6th Sem/' Ol KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/C601 (Turn Over) ARSENE SET EDT RRO EEE VON AE EIN OS A 3. Answer any Six questions : 5x6 (a) Write the operation of the following functions on ; given set— (i) Union (ii) Intersection (iii) difference (b) Write the operation of the following functions on given dictionary— (i) pop operation (ii) update operation (iii) display items operation (c) Write a program to find LCM of two numbers using function. (d) Write a program in Python to find the sum of digits of any number. (e) Define class, method, instance and function overloading. Give syntax for class definition. () An email address is provided’ : Using type assignment, split the username and domian from the email address. KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/C601 : (Continued) {g) Write a recursive function to find factorial a number. (h) Write a function to display the factors of a given number. (i) Write a program to check whether a string is Palindrome or not. {j) What is used to represent string in Python ? What is the difference between double quate and single quate in string representation. 4. Answer any two questions : 10x2 (a) What is method overriding in Python ? Write a program on it. ‘ (6) Write a program in Python to transpose a matrixusing nested loop. () Write a Python program to find GCD of two numbers. Write a Python program to add two matrices. 5+5 (@) Write a catch on Divide by zero exception. Add a finally block too. Write a program to write data in a file for both write and append modes. © StS KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/C601 (Turn Over) (e) Write a Python program to interchange the first 4 last character of a string. Write a python program to check if a number is pri, or not. Si ICNIT/10/RCA/Ath Sem /CENI Total Pages—7 KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/C602 2019 6th Semester BCA PAPER—C602 (Honours) Full Marks : 80 ‘ Time : 4 Hours The figures in the right-hand margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Illustrate the answers wherever necessary. C#.NET 1. Answer any ten questions : 1x10 (a) How do your convert string to a number in C# ? (b) What is MSIL ? (c) What is CLR ? (d) How does ReadLine() method works ? (e) Why do we use the ‘using’ directive in a C# program ? () What is output parameter ? (g) Write statement to declare a variable size array. © (h) Write the use of String Builder class. (Turn Quer) (i) When do we use Syestem: Text namespace ? () How concatenation achieved in C# ? (k) What is read-only property ? (l) What is finalization ? (m) What is private constructor ? (n) What is a virtual method ? (0) How late binding 1s achieved in C# ? (p) What is thread pool ? 2. Answer any ten questions : 2x (a) How is C# better than Java ? (ob) What is .NET framework ? (c) What is an alias ? Where and how it is used ? (a) How does the Write() method differ from WriteLine| method ? | | (e) State the rules that govern the naming of variable () What do you mean by explicit conversion ? (g) Given the value of a variable, write a CH statem (without using if construct) that will produce # absolute value of the variable. (h) What is ‘fallthrough’ in switch statement ? How | achieved in C# ? KNU/ 19/BCA/6th Sem/C602 (i), Write the difference between ‘for’ and ‘foreach’ | statement. G) What is a label ? How and when a label is used in a program ? (k) How would you create a mutable string ? How does it differ from creating an immutable string ? ()) What is enumeration ? How it is useful in C# programming ? (m) What is a delegate ? What is it use for ? {n) What is format string ? How does it help produce outputs ? (0) List at least four exceptions that occur commonly in C# program. (p) What do you mean by. language interoperability in C#? 3. Answer any six questions : (a) What are the various forms of ‘if’ statement and their | specific. uses ? (b) Write a program to print the following Floyd’s triangle : Sx6 oaw oa _ ° ge dS DMN ade 7g ST _KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem /C602 (Turn Quer) (c) What are’ réference parameters ? When do we yy them ? Give an Example. (d) Write a method Prime() that returns true if jt, argument ‘is prime and returns false otherwise, (e): Wrtie a void type method that takes two int type valu: parameters and one int type out parameter tha returns the product of two value parameters througt the output parameter. Write a program ‘to test it; working. () How does an array of Array List class differ from ar array of Array class ? Explain with an example. (g) State the differences between classes and structs 7 In what ways are they similar 2? (h What isa Properly ? Why are they referred to as smart field ? List some’ features of properties. (i) Write a console C# Program to check the number is strong or not. ; G) Write the Proper code in C# for the given design in which if we select the 1st Radio Buton the back color of Text Box will change to GREEN, If we select the 2nd pcnuy 19/BCA/6th Sem/C602 Radio Button the back ‘color of Text Box will change to YELLOW and If we select the 3rd Radio Buton the back color of the Text Box will change to RED. Speed Checker Alarm O Below 60 Km/Hr O Above 60 below 100 Km/Hr O. 100 KM/Hr or above [Text Box showing Color change 4. Answer any two questions : 10x2, (a) Develop a program to calculate the standard deviation of an array of values. Use methods ‘Standard()’ and ‘Mean()’.to-calculate standard deviation and mean of the values. (b)’ Design a’class Date with the following members : * Data members day, month and year. * A constructor .to provide values to the data =; Members. (using three parameters). ' * A method to display the date in the format day/ month/year. Write a program to inplement the class Date. ‘NU/19/BCA/6thSem/Cc602 (Turn Over} (c) What is an Interface ? What are the major difference between interface and class ? Given an examp where interfaces can be used to support multip inheritance. ‘ (@) Define a class called MyString .with the followir features : * An overloaded binary + operator that concate- * two MyString objects and create a third ob * An overloaded comparison operator == to compal two strings. * An overloaded: unary ‘—’ (minus) operator tht returns true if the MyString object is empt otherwise false. (e) Define a Person class with three data members : ag! name and sex. ‘ * Define a class called Employee from Person thi adds a data member code to store employee cod! + Derive another class Specialist from Employet * Add a-method to each derived class to display tt information about what it is, NU/19/BCA/6th Sem/C602 : (Continu? Write a driver program to generate an array of t three ordinary empolyee and another array of three specialist and display information about them. 5+5 tsn. iosit | yo (Turn Over) Kt-k/19/BCA/6th Sem/C602 Total Pages—16 KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601_ 2019 “6th Semester BCA PAPER—GE601 (Honours) Full Marks : 80 : Time : 4, Hours The figures in the right-hand margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Illustrate the answers wherever necessary. COMPUTER GRAPHICS “1. Answer any ten questions : 1x10 (a) What is ‘Computer Graphics’ ? (}) Write the full form of CRT.” (c) Define. frame buffer. (@) What is a pixel ? eer x (e) What is the aspect ratio of. an image ? (; Write the function of control electrode in a CRT.. (g) What is resolution ? (h) What is scaling ? (Turn Over) I .d approach differs 4, a (i) How 8-connecte P) rom ad approach ? : (j) What is scan line coherénce ? (k). Which device provides positional information {, graphics system: ? () In graphical system, the array of pixels in ite are stored in : : (m) The devices which converts the electrical energy light is called 3 (n) Random scan system mainly designed for {o) What is winding number method ? : (p) What is bitmap ? 2, Answer any ten questions : y 2) (a) Define ‘World co-ordinate system’ and ‘Uset ordinate system’, d (b) Define ‘viewpoint’ and ‘window’. (c) Compute the size of 640 x 480 image at'240 pixel inch. (d) Differentiate between horizontal retrace’ and ‘et retrace’. i (e) Let UL(2, 3) and LR(S, -2) be the upper left and right corners of. a’rec| . ,& rectangle having sides 4 x-axis and y-axis. Find other two vertices. KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 (ont 4 s, 3. . | () Write in brief, the applications of computer graphics, | (g) How CRT differs from LCD ? : | (h) What is 2D Shear ? - (i) Define 2D rotation Matrix. (i) What is the difference between’ Raster scan display | and Random scan display ? - . (k) What is anti aliasing ? () What is RGB color model ? (m) What is curve clipping ? (n) What is composite transformation ? (o) What is .the disadvantage of © pps line drawing | algorithm ? (p) What is B-spline curve ? ! 3. Answer any six questions : 5x6 | (a) Using proper examples, explain 2-D reflection about | X-axis and Y-axis. a | b) Find the m atrix that represents rotations ofan ob‘ect by 30°@egree) about the origin. W hat are the new co- ordinates of point P@,-4) after rotation ? | (c) Write steps to plot a line whose slope is between 0° and 45° using Bresenham method. : ; al KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 evry Over (d) Describe briefly the 3D rotation about X-axis, Y and z-axis. ‘ (e) Prove that two successive 2D Rotation are addi R(O,)- R(q) = R(O1+ 69). () Write down Midpoint circle drawing Algorithm, (g) Write short note on Boundary Fill Algorithm 4 proper C code. (h) Discuss shadow mask phenomenon. (i) Define and discus Fixed point’ scalling. () Explain inside outside test. 4. Answer any two questions : 710: -(a) Describe Cohen-Sutherland line-clipping algorit (b) Write DDA line drawing algorithm. Dry rae algorithm with, suitable example. (c) Write an algorithm to draw a circle using mid-7 circle drawing algorithm, KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE60} (d) A mirror is vertically placed such that it passes through (100, 0) and (0,100). Find the reflected view of a triangle with vertices (200, 300), (200, 200) and (300, 300). (e) Write short notes (any two) : (i) Flood Fill Algorithm ; = (ii)) Refresh cathode Ray Tube ; (iii) MIDI. THEORY OF COMPUTATION 1. Answer any ten questions : 1x10 (a). What is language ? (b) What do you mean by DFA ? (c) What is regular expression ? (@) What is the difference between s‘and yt ? (e), Find the language by S— ab|aSb. * () What is CFG’? generated the production KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 i (Turn Over) he relationship between gramm, (g) What is tl machines ?, _ (h) When we call two finite automata are equivate (i) Define Moore machine. (j) Define language accepted by PDA. (k). Define type 3. grammar ? () Draw the DFA for L = {a}. (m) What is transition system ? (n) What is derivation tree ? (o) What is type of O grammar ? (p) What is Kleen Star ? 2. Answer any ten questions 3 2 (a) What are the difference between DFA and NRA (b) What is Ardeu’s Theorem ? (c) State pumping lemma for regular expressio! (d) What. are the main applications of automata (e) Find the regular fe ‘xpression td given automata corresponding ee KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 (9 If wand v are strings, then prove that |uv|=|u|+||. (g) What are the properties of the transition function of a finite automata ? : ° (h) Define type 2 grammar. (i) Define Mealy: machine. (j) What is monotonic grammar ? (k) Draw the transition system recognizing P* and PQ. () What do you mean by ambiguity in context free grammar ? . (m) L=a' :(i=2,4,6,8,...) draw the finite state machine. (n) What is ‘Trap State ? Explain it'with an example. (0) ‘Which of the strings 0001, 01001, 0000110 are accepted by the DFA in the figure given below— (p) Draw the transition table for the following DFA. _KNu/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 (Turn Over) 3. Answer any six questions : 5x, (a) Let G=({S, Ay, Ag} ,{a.b},P,S) , where P ‘consist so aAyAna, Ay — baA; Agb, Ap > Ajab, aA; > baa, bAgb > abab. Test whether W = baa bb abaaa bbab is in L(G). (b) Design a NFA to accept languag L={wl|wends in 01}. Pass the string 00101 into th newly constructed NFA. ({c) Show that the complement of CFL is not CFL. (d) Show that the language L={a%b" :n >= o} is nm regular. os (e) Find the DFA equivalent to following.NFA 0,1 {f) Construct of FA equivalent to the regular expressic (0+1)*(00+11)(0+1)*. NU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 . (Continue (2) Construct a Moore machine equivalent to the Mealy machine M given in table. Next State —— a= [state | oupur—_| Qo 0 9%, 1 qs. 1 Lele (h).Construct the regular expression: corresponding to the diagram. _@ Design a Moore machine which counts the occurrence of substring aab in the input string. KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 (turn Overs 10 two auomata are equivalent 4 () Check whether the “not ‘4. Answer any two questions : 10x (a) (i) Draw a DFA of regular expression (a/ b)*abb. (ii) Derive the language generated by the gramm S>SS S>D S—aSb S— bSa where Z={a,b} and nw) and n,(uj denote t number of a’s_and b’s in string w. : () Construct CFG that accept the following langué (i) L={a"b™c* : mn20 and n=mormsk} (ii) L={a"b"*"c™ :n>0, nz} 8 KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 11 (c) (i) Design a TM that accepts two positive integers X and Y and computes X + Y. (ii) What is right and left linear grammar. 743 (@) Construct a minimum state automata equivalent to the finite- automata. .(e) (i) Prove that if Lis regular then L7 is also regular. {ii) Prove that if Lis a regular set over Z, then 5* _1 is also regular over 2. 5+5 KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE60i cLouD COMPUTING 1. Answer any ten questions - i (a) What is virtual machine ? (bo) Which computing feature is related to uti computing ? (i) Security (ii) Virtualization (iii) Metering (iv) Multitenancy (c) What are the components of cloud comput, environment. (i) client, application, platform, infrastructu server. (ii) Application, presentation, transport, netwo data. (iii) Application, platform, infrastructure. (iv) Client, application, session, network, data. (@) Why API necessary in CC ? (e) What is SSL ? (f) Give an example of community. cloud. (g) Software as a service is considered to be include which cloud computing layer ? . (i) Data ii 1 (ii) Infrastructure (iii): Application (iv) Client KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE60} (h) Which is not one of the three main categories of cloud computing services ? (i) SaaS {ii) CaaS (iii) IaaS > (iv) PaaS (i) What is true about an application service provider ? (i) It delivers communications as a service (ii) It delivers SaaS ; 1 (iii) It delivers PaaS ; (iv) It delivers Iaas. (i) Which of the following is related to service provided by Cloud ? (i) Sourcing (ii) Ownership (ii) Reliability (iv) AaaS dimension corresponding to two: different states in the eight possible cloud forms. (k) (i) Physical location of data (ii) Ownership (iii) Security bundary (iv) None of the mentiond. () is a complete operating environment with - applications, management, and the user interface. (i) IaaS (ii) SaaS (iii) PaaS ; (iv) All of the mentioned KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 (Turn Over) KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 14 (m) Which of the following cloud concept. is relat pooling and sharing of resources ? (i) Polymorphism (ii) Abstraction (iii) Virtualization (iv) None of the mentioy, . (n) What is the name of the organization helping tot security standards for cloud computing ? (i) Cloud Security Standard Working Group (ii) Cloud Security Alliance (iii) Cloud Security Watchdog (iv) Security in.the cloud Alliance. (0) Google Apps Engine is a type of (i) SaaS (ii) Paas (iii) laaS {iv)- NA (p) Amazon Web Services is which type of cloud compt distribution model ? (i) Software as a Service {ii) Platform as a Service (iii) Infrastructure as a service - Answer any ten questions : : 2 {a) Write any two characteristics of public cloud. (b) Enlist the. services that aire are provided by IBM S! (c) Give two examples of Self-service. (cont 15 (@) Differentiate between elasticity and Scalability in | cloud computing. | (e) How does cloud Computing differ from internet ae | () What is the role of network manager in IaaS service layer ? (g) What is windows Azure cloud Platform ? (h) Explain in brief, how cloud helps reducing ‘capital expenditure ? (i) What is the multi-tenancy and ‘its advantages ? 4) What is SOAP ? (k) What is SPI ? (l) What is Goggle app engine :? (m) Write the different models for development in cloud computing ? ’ (n) What are the security aspects provided with cloud ? (0) Mention the name of some large cloud providers and’ ‘databases ? (p) Define NAAS. 3. Answer any six questions Bho 5x6 (a) Explain about Federated cloud. ; (b) Write short notes on cloud storage gateways. (c) Discuss on mobile cloud computing 2 (a) Explain cloud Migration Techniques. _KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 -. (Turn Over) 16 (e) What are ‘the factors for successful c e. . development ? -() Explain SaaS maturity model. (g) Differentiate between different types of virtualiza (h) What do you understand by Disaster Manageme cloud applications ? (i) Explain in detail the various aspects for the nee virtualization in cloud computing. {j)’ What is Disaster Recovery ? What are it’s Typ 4. Answer any two questions : 1 ia) What are the fundamental requirements for cl application architecture ? (o) Explain- the features, services and developm models of cloud. (c) What are the risks associated with cloud computi (d) What do you mean by cloud based secu fundamentals ? Explain the benefits of Trusted Cl Computing. 1 (ce) What is Virtualization security management ?°W is Virtual Threats ? What is VM security Risks 5t KNU/19/BCA/6th Sem/GE601 : es

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