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Ernst & Young refers to one or more of the member firms of Ernst &

Young Global Limited (EYG), a UK private company limited by guarantee. EYG

is the principal governance entity of the global Ernst & Young organization and
does not provide any services to clients. Services are provided by EYG member
firms. Each of EYG and its member firms is a separate legal entity and has no
liability for another such entity's acts or omissions.

Ernst & Young is a global leader in

Assurance, Tax, Transactions and Advisory services

Our 141,000 people. Our 141,000 people in 140 countries are the foundation of
our success. with our global focus on 14 Global Industry Sector

Our valuesTop of Form

Who we are

People who demonstrate integrity, respect, and teaming.

People with energy, enthusiasm, and the courage to lead.
People who build relationships based on doing the right thing.

Our global organization

At Ernst & Young we have one strong global leadership team that sets one single global strategy
and agenda.

To ensure we are efficient and effective, we have organised our legal entities into 29 similarly
sized business units in terms of both people and revenues. These business units, almost all of
which are purposely not single countries, are grouped into four geographic Areas:

 Americas
 Asia-Pacific
 Europe, Middle East, India and Africa
 Japan

It is chaired by our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and includes:

 The Chief Operating Officer

 Our four Area Managing Partners
 Our global functional leaders – the Global Managing Partners of People, Markets,
Quality & Risk Management and Operations & Finance
 Our global Service Line Vice Chairs – Assurance, Advisory, Tax and Transaction
Advisory Services.
 A representative from the emerging markets practices

Two people. One vision.

It has taken the bold leadership and countless contributions of people around the world to form
the leading global organisation Ernst & Young is today. Our roots go back to the 19th century
and our founders Arthur Young and Alwin C Ernst.

Arthur Young 1863–1948 Alwin C Ernst 1881–1948

Arthur Young was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He graduated in law, but became interested in
banking and investment. In 1890, he moved to the US to pursue his career in accounting. In
1906, he formed an accounting firm, Arthur Young & Company, with his brother Stanley.

Alwin C Ernst was born in Cleveland, USA. After leaving school he worked as a bookkeeper.
Then, in 1903, he and his brother Theodore started Ernst & Ernst, a small public accounting firm.

Both Arthur Young and AC Ernst were innovators and appreciated the importance of quality in
their work. Ernst pioneered the idea that accounting information could be used to make business
decisions and make a difference to clients’ organisations. He inspired his people to deliver better
service to clients. Young also positioned himself as a business advisor as much as an accountant.

Both men understood the importance of their people. In 1920, Ernst & Ernst’s operating
philosophy stated: “The success of Ernst & Ernst depends wholly upon the character, ability and
industry of the men and women who make up the organisation.” Young supported the
development of professionals. In the 1920s he originated a staff school and, in the 1930s, the
firm was the first to recruit from university campuses.

Both firms were also quick to enter the global marketplace. As early as 1924, they allied with
prominent British firms: Young with Broads Paterson & Co and Ernst with Whinney Smith &
Whinney. These alliances were the first of many for both firms, which opened offices around the
world to service their international clients.

AC Ernst and Arthur Young never met in life, but died within days of each other in 1948.
However their philosophies lived on and, in 1989, were brought together when the firms they
started combined to create Ernst & Young. The new organisation quickly positioned itself on the
leading edge of rapid globalisation, new business technologies and continuous business change.

AC Ernst and Arthur Young would surely be proud of the result — a global organisation of
141,000 people sharing their ideals and passion to help clients improve their businesses around
the globe.

2010 Accounting Firm of the Year Award

2009 Accounting Firm of the Year Award

2009 Best Accounting Firm (revenue of more than $500m) and

Best South Australian Firm

2009 Australian Employer of Choice for Women

2007 Australian Audit Firm of the Year

Other awards

2007 Leading global tax advisor

Ernst & Young at a glance

Global headquarters: London

Global Chairman and CEO: James S. Turley. 

Number of people globally: 141, 000 (as of 30 June 2010). 

Global revenues: US$21.3 billion (Financial Year 10, ending 30 June 2010).
Geographic Areas: Americas, Europe, Middle East, India and Africa, Far East, Japan,

Offices: 695 in 140 countries. 

Service lines: Assurance and Advisory Business Services, Tax, Transaction Advisory


Founded: 1989 through the merger of Ernst & Whinney and Arthur Young & Co.
Oldest component from 1849. 

Ernst & Young Australia at a glance

Oceania Managing Partner/Chief Executive Officer: Rob McLeod. 

Number of people: 4900 + partners and staff working in our Australian offices

Offices: 6 Australian offices (Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney)

Revenue: A$917.2 million for year ended 30 June 2010

About Ernst & Young’s Tax services

Your business will only achieve its true potential if you build it on strong foundations and grow
it in a sustainable way. At Ernst & Young, we believe that managing your tax obligations
responsibly and proactively can make a critical difference. Our global teams of talented people
bring you technical knowledge, business experience and consistent methodologies, all built on
our unwavering commitment to quality service — wherever you are and whatever tax services
you need.

Effective compliance and open, transparent reporting are the foundations of a successful tax
function. Tax strategies that align with the needs of your business and recognise the potential of
change are crucial to sustainable growth. So we create integrated teams who can advise on
planning, compliance and reporting and maintain effective tax authority relationships —
wherever you operate.

You can access our technical networks across the globe to work with you to reduce
inefficiencies, mitigate risk and improve opportunity. Our 1,100 tax professionals in Australia
are committed to giving you the quality, consistency and customisation you need to support your
tax function. It’s how Ernst & Young makes a difference.

Business Tax Services

Tax advice that sees the big picture

Our Business Tax services are designed to meet your business tax compliance and advisory
needs, wherever in the world you’re located. Our tax professionals draw on their diverse
perspectives and skills to provide you with seamless global service.

Wherever you need resources, we can work with you. Our holistic approach:

 Builds sustainable tax strategies based on technical knowledge, combined with practical,
commercial and industry knowledge
 Provides the deep accounting and compliance knowledge and tried-and-tested
methodologies you need for efficient reporting
 Helps you assess, improve and monitor your tax function’s processes, controls and risk
 Supports you in managing your relationships with tax authorities effectively

Our talented people, consistent global methodologies and unwavering commitment to quality
service will help you build the strong compliance and reporting foundations and sustainable tax
strategies that help your business achieve its ambitions.

Business Tax Compliance

Compliance and reporting make huge demands on tax and finance functions today. How do you
reduce risk and inefficiencies and improve value cost-effectively?

We understand that what you need is access, visibility and control. Our market-leading approach
combines extensive local compliance and accounting experience — in 140 countries — with a
standard global compliance process and web-based tools.
You can access the resources of our dedicated compliance and reporting professionals in one
country or globally with a single point of contact.

Our advice can accommodate local-to-local service, where you need it, at the same time as
centralising and automating aspects of the process where it makes sense.

Our model focuses on global data management, making it easier to centralise and re-use data
across the financial supply chain and geographical boundaries. This can result in more accurate
data and less manual intervention.

Our approach is flexible and scalable, capable of supporting your team as little or as much as you
need - from statutory accounts preparation in one country to full compliance outsourcing in a
hundred. Whether you work with us in one country or many, whether you need tax compliance,
statutory reporting or tax accounting calculation support, we will deliver a flexible, high quality,
cost-effective service that supports your requirements and helps you deliver value to your

Human Capital
In today’s market, people make the difference between
success and failure. As your organisation grows, getting the
right people in the right place when you need them is what
gives you competitive advantage.
Our global mobility team advises many of the world’s largest
global employers — as well as those just venturing into their
first foreign country.
Our performance and reward professionals help you design
compensation programs and equity incentives that really engage
your key people. We help you meet your executive tax
compliance obligations, stay on top of regulatory change,
manage your global talent effectively and improve your
function’s strategic alignment.
Let us help your organisation achieve its potential by turning
complexity into competitive advantage.
It’s how Ernst & Young makes a difference.

Ernst & Young's 2010 Global Mobility Effectiveness Survey

With the last few years seeing increased cost control and pressure to both revisit organisational
structures and localise globally mobile employees, how have companies balanced these
competing factors with the goal of maintaining HR competitiveness? Read more in our survey of
more than 250 global companies  .

Proposed changes to the taxation of employee share plans

On 1 July 2009, the Australian government released revised proposals to change

the taxation of employee share plans. These new rules will apply to shares or rights
acquired from 1 July 2009. Overall, the revised proposals are good news for
companies operating employee share plans. However, the Policy Statement
requires further clarity on several important issues. Businesses should therefore
defer any final decisions on potential changes to plans until draft legislation is
available. Read more in our Tax insight  (pdf, 119kb).

Revised draft legislation on tax rules for employee share plans enters Parliament

The draft legislation on tax rules for employee share plans largely reflects the
positions outlined in the Government's 1 July Policy Statement and the subsequent
exposure draft. However, it also includes a few unexpected new measures. In
our HR and tax alert  (pdf, 98.6kb), we discuss the key points to note and actions
for employers that operate employee share plans.

2010 focus on remuneration reports

This report provides timely information on the importance of effectively

communicating your remuneration approach and the role of the remuneration
report as the strategic vehicle  (pdf, 141.8kb). Content includes effectively
planning for the remuneration report cycle, how to identify areas of focus for
shareholders, recent recommendations by the Productivity Commission and tips on
writing an effective remuneration report. 

Draft legislation on tax rules for employee share plans

On 14 August 2009, the Australian government released an exposure draft of

legislation on the taxation of employee share plans. The new rules will apply to
grants made on or after 1 July 2009. Our HR and tax alert  (pdf, 120kb) outlines
the aspects of the rules that have been confirmed within the exposure draft, as well
as questions that remain unanswered.

New terrain for rewarding talent

In 2010, after a year of uncertainty for remuneration practices, a new regulatory
environment is now largely in place and you are in a position to review your
company’s reward practices. Drawing on our experience advising more than half
the ASX 200 in the last two years and our annual analysis of executive and board
remuneration practices of ASX 200 companies, we provide the highlights from our
analysis  (pdf, 270.2kb), and an overview of the current remuneration
environment  (pdf, 311.5kb).

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Global Mobility
Expatriate tax compliance and advisory
Ernst & Young is a major provider of tax return completion services. We use process-enabling
software and a global network of offices close to the main centers of expatriate population to
give efficient and cost-effective services, while not losing personal contact with you or your

We also help you meet your reporting and payment obligations in the various jurisdictions in
which you have liabilities. In addition to our compliance work, we help you with cross-border
contract structuring and advise on tax and social security aspects of total compensation packages.

Assignment services
We can provide a full range of services to help you manage international assignees designed to
help you reduce costs while improving service to them. We can help with pre-assignment
planning, at post support (including individual tax return completion), repatriation assistance,
and on-going support, in locations throughout the world.

We have created a comprehensive global service offering able to align with your needs using:

 Seven advisory centres across the world

 Process-enabling technology
 240 international HR professionals
 Advisors in associated services such as social security, tax, immigration, performance
and reward, policy and process design, expatriate pay delivery, and share schemes.

Business immigration
Supported by an integrated global network of specialists, we will provide support and advice on
global immigration issues as well as obtain the relevant permits and other documentation. We
can assist you in:

 Business immigration compliance: work permit and visa applications and extensions
for business employment situations.
 Business immigration advisory: advisory work for companies new to business
immigration, educational and support services for in-house departments, entrepreneurs,
business persons, highly skilled migrants and nationality matters.
 Global immigration co-ordination: tailored outsourcing of business immigration
utilising our global network of immigration specialists.
 Ernst & Young's migration agents are registered with the Office of the Migration Agents
Registration Authority (MARA) and are bound by the code of conduct.

Kathy McCombie
Registered Migration Agent Number 9902958
+61 2 9248 4424 

Outsourcing advisory
We can evaluate your international assignment program processes to document its current state,
benchmark against industry standards, and recommend areas of improvement. We can compare
your current vendor’s costs and performance to industry leaders to help you reduce your costs
and improve service to your employees.

Mobility advisory services

We use a range of tested tools and methodologies to help align your international assignment
program with your business objectives. To enhance the deployment of expatriates to benefit all
parties, we objectively test and validate:

 The practical needs and objectives of your business and your people
 How to contribute real value to the business
 Attracting and retaining a broader international talent resource
 Factors affecting international assignment program design
 The key influencers on program design (e.g., cost vs. acceptance, 'workability', risk)
 The latest compensation approaches for your population of international assignees
 Where existing processes are broken and how to fix them
 Implementation approaches for updating mobility programs
Our team will work with you to develop an international assignee value proposition that is
clearly articulated and achievable. We will work with you to develop a policy framework, help
you to initiate processes to make it happen, and create an infrastructure to support the entire

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Performance and reward

Ever-changing business models make it increasingly hard to tie employee performance to
appropriate rewards. Our multi-disciplinary team of professionals in 140 countries offers you a
global perspective on the latest thinking and practices around this critical business issue.

Executive and non-executive reward

We help you develop comprehensive and robust compensation strategies, for executives and
non-executives, that are sensitive to the regulatory environment, stakeholder interests, and your
corporate objectives. Services include executive reward strategy and design, short and long-term
incentive plans, global compensation strategies, remuneration committee advice and assistance
with operational issues such as proxy disclosure and communication support.

Equity incentive and benefit plan design

Equity incentive plans are among the most powerful tools available to attract, motivate and retain
talent. We create and implement equity-based reward programs that align employee motivation
with your business objectives and shareholder interests. We can help design an effective equity
plan (or review an existing one) that encompasses accounting, tax, and corporate governance

HR due diligence and transactions

If you are evaluating and implementing strategic transactions, we can assist in managing the HR
issues at the strategy development, due diligence and post-deal implementation stages of
acquisitions, mergers, takeovers and other transactions. Our goal is to give you a full
understanding of their risks, opportunities, liabilities and financial implications.

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