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Good afternoon Friends!

Today I am going to speak on a very interesting topic ‘What are the skills
needed in the 21st Century’
21st Century Skills have been developed for 21st century education system.
These are widely used in teaching, learning, and in the job. Nowadays,
information is flooding in the media, and we need to extract the exact
information we want. To do these things well, we must use 21st Century skills
and be more information literate, and media literate. There are skills called
4Cs- Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration skills, and Communication skills.

1. Critical thinking:-
Critical thinking is the practice of solving problems,
among other qualities. It empowers students to
discover the truth in assertions, especially when it
comes to separating fact from opinion. With critical
thinking, students don’t just learn a set of facts or
figures. Instead, they learn how to discover the facts
and figures for themselves.

2. Creativity:
Creativity is the practice of thinking outside the box.
It allows students to embrace their inner strengths
from big-picture planning to meticulous organization.
As a student learns about his/her creativity, they also
learn how to express it in healthy and productive
ways. More importantly, they also become motivated
to share that creativity with others. Just like with
critical thinking, that makes creativity contagious.

3. Collaboration:
Collaboration is the practice of working together
to achieve a common goal. Virtually every job
requires someone to work with another person at
some point, even if it’s for something as simple
as what to get for lunch. Practicing collaboration
helps students understand how to address a
problem, pitch solutions, and decide the best
course of action. It’s also helpful for them to
learn that other people don’t always have the
same ideas that they do. In fact, as students
practice collaboration more and more, they’ll learn that they have almost none of the same
ideas that others do. This can affect students in one of two ways. First, it could discourage
them since nobody seems to agree with them that often. Second, it could embolden them
because they realize they’re bringing something unique to every conversation.

4. Communication:
Communication refers to student’s ability to
share information while expressing their
thoughts and opinions clearly to others.
Communication also requires strong
listening and evaluation skills to aid in
collaboration. It includes verbal, written, and
multimedia messages.

Benefits of 21st Century Skills in my job

My dream is to work in the pharmaceutical company and develop a new
drug. Developing new drugs is a hard work, and 21 st Century Skills are very
important in my job. From four Cs, I think Creativity is the most important.
Problem solving is an exercise in creativity that requires its participants to
integrate knowledge across silos, combine existing patterns in unique ways,
and originate new ideas. Therefore, if someone lack creativity, it is hard to
develop a new drug. Also, Cooperation and Communication skills-the ability
to relate well to others, resolve conflicts and acknowledge alternate
viewpoints are important for the team.

In the twenty-first century, techniques have developed and
methods in processing information have changed. To accept
these changes, our future generation should be accustomed to
21st Century Skills. These skills are not familiar yet, but we can
practice little by little.

Thank you!

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