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In the first column of the table below, list down your most striking encounters
with arts the most memorable at least three (3) example. On the second
column, explain how is your encounter in art, what do you feel when you
experience art.


When I draw something, I find it relaxing. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece or
1. Drawing
even really good. A little sketch on the corner of my notebook might be
comfortable. I enjoy sketching because it allows me to unwind and temporarily
forget about my problems. Sometimes I'm inspired to create something
spectacular, and other times, as I've already indicated, a simple scetch is enough
to make me happy. It's a hobby that allows me to express my emotions while
also creating something beautiful. Drawing gives me self-assurance. It serves as
a reminder that I am in charge of my life, my thoughts, and my emotions. It
makes me feel accomplished since I've accomplished something.

I'm a huge fan of calligraphy. Calligraphy is becoming a rare in a world where

2. Calligraphy
typing and texts are more common than pen and paper. Despite this, it retains
its enchantment.

The best feeling is when I feel so weightless while dancing that I'm think I could
3. Dance
conquer the world. Dance makes me feel free. I forget about all the relationship
troubles, the tough school work and everything that may stress myself. I feel
completely free and feel like nothing else matters but my body and myself.
When I'm dancing I feel relieved, just danceand do what make me happy
Answer the Following question in your own words as precisely
yet as thoroughly as possible.
1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist would you be?

I would like to be an abstract artist and create huge abstract paintings. I think
this is the easiest form of art and also the most meaningful. Just like nature does
when she created our world.

Creating is easy, but then you have to decide what you want to keep. If you
create something and then destroy it piece by piece you can create art.

2. Why is art not nature?

The simple explanation is that art is a man-made creation that we utilize to

record or convey our perceptions of nature. Nature exists, it is true, and it is not
created by humans. "Art not only imitates nature, but it also completes its
deficiencies," wrote the philosopher Aristotle. This can be interpreted as art not
only recreating the natural world, but also creating new ways to see it in a
different light. To put it another way, art is the voice that nature lacks to speak.

3.Why is art ageless and timeless?

Agelessness and timelessness can refer to a classical form of art that will never
go out of style, in the sense that it does not employ any fads that will only be
popular for a limited time. Art is timeless because it brings people of all
generations, ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds together. Art is ageless because
it has deep and complicated aspects.
4.Why does art involve experience?

Art includes the artist's experience in striving to capture something he has seen
or felt, as well as the viewer's experience in sharing what the artist is attempting
to portray. By its very nature, any manifestation of oneself is founded on one's
experiences. One's life experiences shape who they are: their beliefs, feelings,
lifestyle, and everything else. When they create art, a small portion of that is
shown (whether consciously or subconsciously). You get a look inside their
minds and the events that shaped them into the people they are now.
Choose one (1) artwork on the given category that
you are familiar with. This can be the last artwork
that you come across with or the one that made the
most impact to you. Criticize each using the guide
questions provided.
Artwork: "Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera

1. What is it about? What is it for?

It was about somebody who didn't think they were
beautiful. It was actually about somebody who is
insecure and they're telling themselves, you are
beautiful. We are beautiful. We are beautiful no
matter what anybody says. In the song, it tells us
that no matter what other people say to bring you
down, you are still beautiful in every single way.
Being proud of who you are and knowing that it
every part of you is beautiful even though others
might not think so, the song really reminds me that
there is so much beauty for all of us.

2. What emotions does it want to convey?

Ashamed, hope, happy, and self-esteem

3. What is its style?

The style of of this song is to advice the people to
be yourself

4. How good is it?

This song is very nice and good, because it tell us
that no matter what happen you need to believe in
ourselves that we are beautiful. It gives us more
hope and confidence to do not give up whoever you
are and try to appreciate yourself.

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