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Maritime Safety and Legislation

COC 1/2
Command and Control

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 1
Command and Control
„ Command and Control
„ Fundamental to all senior shipstaff
„ In any fire fighting situation
„ Basic understanding of fire fighting appliances
and its correct applications are expected
„ Concern now falls on how to contain the fire
and optimize the manpower resources to
combat it.

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 2
Shipboard Organizations
„ Shipboard organizations vary from
companies to companies.

„ Generally, they fall into three categories

„ Bridge party
„ Attack party
„ Support party

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 3
„ You ship crew „ Captain
Chief officer
consists of the „

2nd Officer

„ 3rd Officer
complement. „ 4 deck crew
„ Chief Engineer
„ Draw up, in your „ 2nd Engineer
3rd Engineer
own opinions, how „

4th Engineer
the fire fighting

„ 3 engine crew
team should be „ 3 galley staff

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 4
„ Discuss on the respective roles of 3

„ Which party, in your opinion, has the

most important role to play when a fire
breaks out in a zone. Give reasons for
your answers.

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 5
Command and Control
„ View video tape on above

„ Discuss, in your own opinions, how the

scenario shown on the tape can be

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 6
Fire in Port
„ Fire in port and fire at sea poses
different sets of issues and priorities.
Discuss on these points.

„ Watch video on fire in port. Discuss

thereafter your opinions how the
situation can be improved.

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 7
„ Command and control procedures in a
contingency situation comes with a pre-
knowledge of the ship’s design and
practice. Explain how this is achieved.

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 8
SOLAS (Reg 18)
„ Practice and Muster Drills

„ One fire and one boat drill every month

„ If crew changes > 25%, one fire and one boat

drill to be conducted within 24 hours after
leaving port.

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 9
SOLAS (Reg 18)
„ Each abandon ship drill
„ Crew to be aware of their duties (muster list)
„ Suitably dressed
„ Lifejacket properly donned
„ Know how to lower lifeboat
„ Know how to start lifeboat engine
„ Know how to operate davits used for launching
„ If possible, rescue boat to be launched each
month and maneuvered in the water etc
„ Emergency lightings to be tested during
mustering and abandon ship drill

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 10
SOLAS (Reg 18)
„ Each Fire Drill shall include
„ Be aware of their duties (muster list)
„ Start fire pump and use two jets of water
„ Check fire suits and PPEs
„ Check relevant communication equipment
„ Check operations of watertight doors, fire
doors, fire dampers etc
„ Various scenarios conducted – main engine,
boiler section, purifier flat, generators, funnel
spaces, accommodation spaces, galley, laundry
room, bridge, etc

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 11
„ The purpose of musters and drills is to
create a mindset on what one should do
during an emergency rather than going
through the muster drills ritually.
Explain whether you agree with this

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 12

chenck/COC1&2/Chap8ComCont 13

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