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ID NO: R/0721/09
MENTOR: Ins. Mikias
DATE: 01/06/21
I hereby, declare this final internship report is the results of my work except as cited in the reference;
and compiled according to the internship report guideline given.

Name of the student: _________________ Signature: _______ Date: __________

This final internship report has been submitted for examination with my approval as university

Advisor Name : _________________ Signature: _______ Date: __________


First & most of all I would like to thank God for his internal love & endless guidance throughout
my life. And give me supportive beloved families that who are always with me though all my success
& failure. Then I would like to express my deepest gratitude Dire Dawa University Institute of
Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering & specially The Department of Civil Engineering for
arranging this internship program.

Next, I would also like to thank the hosting company (FE) & all sites & office engineers those who
helped me during the internship practice. I would like to express my profound gratitude for the
excellent guidance, hearty acceptance, constant cooperation and warm welcome of Engineer Kenean
& T/ Surafel. Special thanks also go to Eng. Habtamu, who tirelessly helped me cope with different
engineering problems during my stay

Last but not least, I would like to acknowledge everyone who was involved directly in all & every
progress of my internship hoping their kindness pays them back in what so ever might bring.

It is the clear fact that the knowledge of civil engineering cannot be up graded without practical
experience in each field of the subject matter. This paper is a written report about the internship
program which planned to help internship students grasp practical knowledge of engineering
projects, their design, implementation, evaluation & management in general.

It reports about the background of my hosting company FE construction, my overall internship

experience, tasks performed and the procedures followed, the practical and theoretical knowledge
encountered while performing those tasks. The content of the report divided in to five chapters and
the topics covered including the company background, my overall internship experience, benefits I
gained from the program and my conclusions and recommendations for the company. Figurative
illustrations and samples of works are attached at different pages of the report to help anyone better
understand the paper in reading the discussed topics and ideas. The last chapter comprises the project
study made in one of the problem areas of the company. The project analyzes the causes for these
problems, consequences from these problems and point out what the possible solution could be.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................... i
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... v
ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................. vi
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of hosting company ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 The Company Main Product and Services ................................................................................. 2
1.1.2 The Main Customers (End Users of Its Products) ..................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Mission statement.......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.4 Core Beliefs .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.5 The work flow of the company.............................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Over all Internship Experience ............................................................................................................. 6
2.1 How you get it the company? .............................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Work Task ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.1 Office Work ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Work task I have been given to execute on the site .................................................................... 8
2.5 Challenges faced during my internship period ............................................................................... 27
2.5.1 Personal challenges ..................................................................................................................... 27
2.5.2 Company related challenges ...................................................................................................... 28
2.5.3 Measurements taken to overcome some of these challenges ................................................... 28
CHAPTER THREE ..................................................................................................................................... 29
3. Overall benefit I gained from internship program ........................................................................... 29
3.1 Improving practical skills.................................................................................................................. 29
3.2 Upgrading of theoretical knowledge .......................................................................................... 29
3.3 Interpersonal communication skills ................................................................................................. 30
3.4 Team Playing Skills............................................................................................................................ 30
3.5 Improving leadership skills ............................................................................................................... 31
3.6 Work ethics ......................................................................................................................................... 31
3.7 Personal ethics .................................................................................................................................... 32
3.8 Professional Ethics ............................................................................................................................. 32
3.9 Entrepreneur skills ............................................................................................................................ 32

3.10 Problem identified and solution proposed regarding to the progress of the construction. ....... 33
3.10.1 Segregation of column in mat foundation on block ............................................................... 33
3.10.2 Solution proposed.......................................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................................................................................ 35
SITE .............................................................................................................................................................. 35
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 35
4.1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 36
4.2 statements of the problem and justification .................................................................................... 37
4.3 Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 37
4.3.1 General Objective ....................................................................................................................... 37
4.3.2 Specific Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 37
4.4 Methodology ....................................................................................................................................... 38
4.4.1 Data collection method ............................................................................................................... 38
4.4.2 Study design ................................................................................................................................. 38
4.5 Safety analysis .................................................................................................................................... 38
4.5.1 Causes of accident in construction industry ............................................................................. 39
4.5.2 Main factors contributing in safety development .................................................................... 40
4.6 Proposed solution (development of safety performance) ............................................................... 44
4.7 Result and discussion ......................................................................................................................... 49
4.8. Conclusion and recommendations................................................................................................... 49
4.8.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 49
4.8.2 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 50
CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................................................................... 51
General Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................ 51
5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 51
5.2 Recommendations .............................................................................................................................. 51
5.2.1 Recommendations for the university......................................................................................... 51
4.2.2 Recommendations for the hosting company ............................................................................. 52
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 53

Table 2.1 1 Format for takeoff sheet for reinforcement bars ..................................................... 7
Table 2.2 1 Backfill work quantity ............................................................................................... 10
Table2.3 1 Man power quantity................................................................................................... 11
Table 2.4 1 Equipment schedule quantity................................................................................... 11
Table 2.5 1 The removal time of different structures. ................................................................ 18
Table 2.6 1 Quantity of work C-30 on mat foundation .............................................................. 20
Table 2.7 1 Man power .................................................................................................................. 21
Table 2.8 1Material ....................................................................................................................... 21
Table 2.9 1 Plant & equipment schedule ..................................................................................... 22

Figure 1.1 1 Work flow of the company........................................................................................ 5
Figure 2.1 1 Mat foundation slabs in sub structure ..................................................................... 9
Figure 2.2 1 Block one mat foundation ......................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.3 1 Block 1 membrane set up ......................................................................................... 10
Figure 2.4 1 Column with expansion joint .................................................................................. 13
Figure 2.5 1 Single column with curing ...................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.6 1 Mat foundation slab Cabaleto installation ............................................................ 14
Figure 2.7 1 Mat foundation finishing rebars work.................................................................... 15
Figure 2.8 1 Shear wall with form work (play wood) ................................................................. 16
Figure 2.9 1 Sheer wall rebar installation .................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.10 1 Column form work ................................................................................................. 18
Figure 2.11 1 Mat concrete work ................................................................................................. 20
Figure 2.12 1 Cement ..................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2.13 1 Corse aggregate...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.14 1 Fine aggregate ........................................................................................................ 23
Figure 2.15 1 Stored water ............................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2.16 1 Batching ................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 2.17 1 Sectional view for reservoir water ......................................................................... 26
Figure 2.18 1 Slump and cubic test............................................................................................... 27

Figure 4.1 1 Root Causes of Accident........................................................................................... 40

Figure 4.2 1 Guidelines on Risk Assessment and Continuous Safety Improvement ............... 45

BOQ………………… Bill of Quantity

Kg……………………. Kilogram

M……………………. Meter

PM…………………… Project Manager

RC……………………. Reinforced concrete

VAT…………………. Value added tax


About the Project
➢ Project: Staff Residence, Communal Daycare & Site Work (Lot-1A)
➢ Client: Dire Dawa University
➢ Contractor: FE Construction PLC
➢ Consultant: K2N Architecture & Engineering PLC.
➢ Type of project: G+4.
➢ Project Cost: 601,103,938.67 With VAT
➢ Location: Dire Dawa in front of St. Selase Church

1.1 Background of hosting company

FE Construction plc. Was established as a grade VI construction firm in 1998 EC; it has grown to
be a very competitive grade with building contractor with favorable prospects for a role of excellence
in the construction industry. In the 10 years of its growth, the firm has always believed that capacity
more depends on more organizational and human resources development than on equipment and

In this believe the firm has invested a significant portion of its time and money on retaining and
developing highly professional management team training and motivating its technical staff, from
the craftsman to the senior engineers to achieve and maintain high standard devising and practicing
a modern and effective organizational structures asked and counseling and conduct selected
researches to assist in strategic planning devising and continuously improving on system of
operation that is guided by written in the office and project guidelines both of which were result of
the combined efforts of professionals of high standards.

Vision of the Company

FE construction PLC had set a target vision of becoming a competitive and leading contractor of
higher grade and level with potential expertise in the industry of Ethiopia.
Mission of the Company

➢ Play a significant role in the construction sector by delivering reliable, ethical and quality
construction service.
➢ Take an active participation in the nation’s economic development thus ensuring
maximum customer satisfaction.
Core values of FE Construction
➢ Safety
➢ Quality
➢ Communication
➢ Performance
➢ Team work

1.1.1 The Company Main Product and Services

FE Construction plc. participating in many governmental and private projects at this time. The
company has been engaged in the following construction services;

1) Residential building
2) Hospital
3) University building
4) Airport
5) Highway

1.1.2 The Main Customers (End Users of Its Products)

Obviously, customers are clients of the contractor here in our case. They employee the contractor to
actualize their demand in the way they went it to.

Clients can be divided in to two:

1. Buyers of ready-made product. Example real-estate

2. Those clients that choose the best contractor for a design they came up with.
Example; different universities, hospitals, factories and etc...

1.1.3 Mission statement

We are the leaders and followers of this business entity as a team and shall survive as a business
entity that is committed to the creation of excellent values to balance the utility needs of customers,
employees, shareholders and the community.

The philosophy behind “in competition, individual ambition serves the common good” we believe
in this statement and will always uphold that the “common good” embraces our universe. We believe
in the golden rule: “do onto others as you would others would onto you.”

1.1.4 Core Beliefs

In the 12 years of its growth, the firm has always believed that the capacity depends more on
organizational and human resources development than on equipment and finance involved in
construction of buildings.

1.1.5 The work flow of the company

Project Manager: is the one who manages the whole project through the project organization.
As a manager he divides the site in to manageable units and assigns a Forman or an engineer in
charge of the work depending on type and volume of work, giving a special attention to avoid
wastage of materials and resources while allocating resources. He is also responsible for individuals
and teams in the construction site by communicating and recognizing their importance in the project
and making recognition policies like certificate, cash award, dinner invitations etc. He gives special
attention to avoid wastage of materials while allocating resources.

Another duty of project manager is preparing meetings, with different section heads for reviewing
schedules; evaluate performances, better understanding of problems and solutions, and recollection
of resources, removal of doubts, acceleration plans and etc. he also briefs to his boss sufficiently
before the meeting between client and the company representative.

Closer monitoring is another important task of the PM to check all progresses of the site activity at
close range possibly every day. The PM also properly manage his time for all those activities to be
monitored by him and jobs regarding sub-contractors, which include selection, sub-contract
agreement management, releasing declarations relating liabilities to his contract. In general, the
project manager acts as a leader (guiding the entire resources to an efficient activity), as planner
(planning within the agreed time), as decision maker (representing the whole site management)

Site Engineer: Site engineer controls all the activities in the site and is responsible for the whole
construction work. He/she makes sure that works executed are according to the specification and
drawing checks the construction of structural and finishing works makes necessary reports to the

project manager all activities on the site, and strictly follows the given time schedule to avoid any
delay on the project completion time.

Quantity surveyor: The quantity surveyor will be responsible for all the amount material quantities
demands as well as taking measurements of the works executed, prepares take off sheet and presents
to the project engineering for approval.

Office engineer: - Collect data by the supervisor or data collector, from the site, then compile
analyze these data to prepare payments and take offs. He also makes reports to the project engineer
and makes detail drawings to be easy for construction and provide it to surveyor, Forman or any
concerned section.

Sanitary engineer: - The sanitary work is carried out by a sub-contractor and sanitary engineer
conducts the sanitary work carried out is as per the drawings and suggest constructive ideas if there
is any need to change drawings.

The consultant: - The consultant for the project is consulting architects and engineers, which is the
level one consulting office. Consultants work on the side of the clients and they have the
responsibility of conducting necessary quality control mechanism to make sure that the project is
being constructed as per design.

Contract Administration; - is a major element of supervision and it has the following functions.

➢ Quality Control
➢ Time Control
➢ Cost Control

The contractor: -Executes the construction by employing different workers such as carpenters,
masons, daily laborers and machine operators etc.

Trade Forman’s: -Controls most of the skilled (masons, carpenters, plumber….) and unskilled
labors by giving directions that he receives from the general manager.

Mason: -a production worker responsible for production of masonry. He is the main construction
worker for the structural shell.

Administrator: - Administer the workers (employees), takes care of the employment of new
workers and checks the working performance and punctuality of the workers with time keeper.
Finance: -The finance takes care of monthly salary (fee) of the employees; finance the purchasing
of requested materials.

Store keepers; - controls the amount and type of materials and leaving the store.

Data collector; - the data collector collects daily work activities carried out on the site Work Flow

Figure 1.1 1 Work flow of the company


1. Over all Internship Experience

2.1 How you get it the company?
Almost most of us followed the same trend to get into this internship program and Shortly after the holistic
exam, in line with the offer from our campus, I chose FE Construction PLC project of Dire Dawa
University to be my hosting company for the intern session.

It didn’t take too long for me and my colleagues to get there as they accepted us for the internship
period. I would like to forward my deepest gratitude to Dire internship program for letting us to be
engaged and share such an experience with companies like FE construction. It would be appropriate
to give deserving special thanks to our hosting company for having us for this intern session and
moreover for their hospitality and cooperation throughout the session in assisting and guiding us to
capture meaningful concepts out of this session.

2.2 Work Task

To simplify work and to allocate responsibilities the works are grouped into two. These are site and
office work. This division of work is used to facilitate and to share responsibilities.

For majority of the internship program, I have worked in the office. This is because of the site work
have got a lot of experience and it create a chance to meet with all site workers such as office
engineer, consultant, data collector and all the others .in addition from those peoples I got a chance
to understanding their work experience and knowledge to share for my future career plan. Beyond
this I had learned that how to read the reinforcement design and also how daily routine and proper
functional flow of the company. In this report I present the experience I gain both from the site and
office activities. Hereafter, I have presented them subsequently on the project I have been working
during the internship time.

2.2.1 Office Work Takeoff sheet preparation

Take off sheet is the standardized used to compute different amount of work and material, which are
described in the Bill of quantity such as:
➢ Amount of formwork for concrete casting

➢ Volume of concrete required
➢ Amount of reinforcement bars, which are needed for construction etc.

Preparing takeoff sheet requires collected data from the site. It helps to prepare payment for
subcontractors. I prepared takeoff sheet for the form work, Concrete work and Reinforcement.

Total no. of bars

No. of bars per

No. of member
Total weight (m)
Length (m)

Ø (mm)
It. No


Ø6 Ø 8 Ø 10 Ø 12 Ø 14 Ø 16 Ø 20 Ø 24

Total length (m)

Weight (kg/m) .222 .395 .617 .888 1.209 1.579 2.467 3.552

Total weight (kg)

Table 2.1 1 Format for takeoff sheet for reinforcement bars

Purpose of take off preparation
➢ To know the amount of money required
➢ To know the quantities of material
➢ To know the tools and equipment required for the construction
➢ To know different workers to be employed
➢ To draw up construction schedule and program
➢ To fix up the completion period
➢ In other hand to used for payment of workers etc. Bar schedule preparation

Making bar schedules for the bar benders requires a careful study of the detail drawings. The bar
benders must necessarily follow the instructions given by the site engineer. The bar benders usually

take the job as a subcontractor. If they have done any kind mistake, the cost will be taken under
them. It is clear that the reinforcement bar is one of the essential units of a certain structural element
and for these reasons it is important to determine the type and amount of steel required for a certain
project. This the bar schedule contains the bar type, shape, spacing, number. we add up each value
of the specific diameter to get the total length of equivalent diameters over the entire structure.
Multiply it by its respective coefficient and then we get the total weight of bar with a given diameter
that is in Kg. Its formula is =0.00617*d2. Bill of quantity preparation (BOQ)

It is a construction agreement between the contractor and client and it contains the specification and
work to be executed for the construction of a building with unit and total price of work and a material
needed for performing that work. A unit price interred in the Bill of quantity contains: - direct unit
cost of a material, labor, and equipment utilized to execute the particular activity which is described
in the BOQ. BOQ tells us what works are preformed and materials are needed for the construction
of a building. Billing is the process of collecting and entries into an accepted format all the measured
quantities, by trade and work type, and filling in the total amount by multiplying with the unit rates.
In the bill of quantities, the following quantities are used: -
➢ During tendering contractors will have common basis for their pricing.
➢ Assessment of interim payment certificates.
➢ Standardization of the description of the work.

2.2.2 Work task I have been given to execute on the site

When I arrive at the site; the work progress on site reached at mat foundation of all the integral part
of the buildings. And it’s generally known fact that every building consists of two basic parts, The
Sub-structure (foundation) and Super-structure.

In this report I emphasis on the sub-structure relatively to the work progress of the company. Sub-structure
Sub structure is one parts of the structure which is found below the ground surface. It is used to
transfers load coming from super structure to the ground surface (bed rock) mainly.
It’s wider at bottom 4.50m (to be exact) and the mat foundation wide is about 70cm. this is due to
load variance from top to the bottom.

Figure 2.1 1 Mat foundation slabs in sub structure
To meet the exact Profile Floor Level [+/-0+00], fix profile boards at a distance of 2m from the
outside edge of the masonry wall where the excavation will take place. Perpendicularity is given
much attention to avoid disturbances and improper centerlines during the excavation of ground for
shallow foundations.

Lean concrete: is to provide the uniform surface to the foundation concrete and to prevent the direct
contact of foundation concrete from the soil. Lean concrete is used under the foundations.

Figure 2.2 1 Block one mat foundation

Figure 2.3 1 Block 1 membrane set up Back fill work
Method of Statement: General

Activity: Backfilling Work

I. Main Quantity

Item Description Unit Contract Previous This Total to Remaining

No quantity quantity requisition date
03 Backfilling Work
01 Backfilling under m3 2079.53 4197.84
mat foundation

Table 2.2 1 Backfill work quantity

I. Raw Material
1. Granular select material ----------------------------- 1.25m3/m2

We have two types of material on hand: material from site & material from quarry. We use forty
percent (40%) from site & sixty percent (60) from quarry for mix. Total demand of each material
for particular work is to be found by multiplying the above listed consumption output by the takeoff
quantity ready for inspection.

2. Granular select material ----------------------------- 5247.3m3

II. Manpower, Equipment & Working Time


Item Description Quantity

1 Engineer 2
2 General Forman 2
3 Operator & drivers 7
4 Carpenters 4
5 Daily Labors 8
Table2.3 1 Man power quantity
Equipment schedule

Item Name Model Unit Quantity Remark

1 Loader No 1 For moving, scattering & leveling
select material
2 10-ton roller No 1 For compacting select material
3 Dump truck No 4 For dumping select material

4 Shower truck No 1 For showering select material

Table 2.4 1 Equipment schedule quantity

Working time
The time schedule to finish back filling & compaction work will be 8 working days (2 days/block).

1) Working Method
➢ Fill shall be placed in successive stages of not exceeding 200mm and watered and
compacted to approval by the Engineer.
➢ The fill shall be started at block B-1 and then to block B-2, 3 and finally at block B-4.
When backfilling finished at block B-1 loader will start scattering of select material at an
average thickness of 200mm and then showering work proceeds. Finally, roller
compactor will roll the showered select material. The minimum relative compaction to
be achieved in the compacted area shall be 95% maximum dry density. At the same time

dump trucks will dump select material at block B-2, 3 & 4. Loader, shower truck & roller
compactor will follow the same procedure as of block B-1. Column
Column is a structural part of a building which is a vertical member that support vertical loads and
moments coming from the beam, slab, stair and other member of the structure and transfer it to the
sub structure or to the foundation. Columns also designed to resist lateral forces for the purpose of
wind or earthquake load. They are usually constructed in story heights and therefore the
reinforcement must be placed to provide structural continuity.

Construction of columns has the following Procedures (steps);

➢ Erecting of the reinforcement bars to desired size and height according to the working
drawing and they will be checked before starting the next step.
➢ Before the formworks are placed, we should construct a kind of frame at the bottom to brace
and fasten the steel panels together at their exact position. This frame work is locally known
as “Keracheri”.
➢ Mortar spacer (i.e., for column it is 30cm) will be tied on the stirrup to provide the minimum
concrete cover.
➢ The next step will be coating the formwork with burned oil and inserting of the formwork to
the erected reinforcements.
➢ The formwork should be braced, fasten and supported in all sides by yoke (“Krebate”). Using
plumb bob and check vertical alignment.
➢ Then the formwork is fixed on the horizontal bracing member (Gindila) by using another
diagonal member (Stanga).

Also, the horizontal alignment also should be checked using string. The formwork will be fixed in
position and the concrete will be filled. When the column is casted the air inside the voids of the
concrete has to be removed by using vibrator in other word it should be compacted in every 30-50cm
height. To avoid the column defects, we have to check and control continuously whether or not every
work is done as per the design and the given specifications. Because, column is the structural part
of building that need a great care. Some important points are needs to be checked.

Before casting the column, during the casting process and after casting of the column are listed

Before casting checks

➢ Check the extension or overlap length of the reinforcement.

➢ Check the side support conditions.
➢ Reinforcement bars should be free from dirty, mud and oil.
➢ Check the length of column.
➢ Check the number of the bar and the diameter of the bar it should be as per the design.
➢ Check the center-to-center distance between columns.

For the slender column we should provide window at the middle of the column.

During casting checks;

➢ Check the drop height of the concrete to avoid segregation.

➢ Check the mix ratio.
➢ Check the compaction.
➢ Check the segregation by hitting the formwork with hammer.

After the construction of column, we remove the formwork After 16 or 24 hours.

Figure 2.4 1 Column with expansion joint

Figure 2.5 1 Single column with curing Slab of mat foundation
Slab is a reinforced concrete supported by column and beam. It used for separating floors and
dividing a building in to different story. And the main purpose of the slab is to provide a level surface
capable of supporting the occupant of the building, equipment's furniture's, and sometimes internal
partition. A slab mainly consists of reinforcement bars, and a well vibrated concrete around
reinforcement bar.

Figure 2.6 1 Mat foundation slab Cabaleto installation

Figure 2.7 1 Mat foundation finishing rebars work

The cover to reinforcement is required for the following reasons:
• To protect the steel against corrosion.
• To provide sufficient bond or adhesion between steel and concrete.
• To ensure sufficient protection of the steel in a fire.
Rebar Spacers are also used in slab which is known as kabaleto or z-bar. This is used to hold in place
of the top bar of the slab from down falling during construction process and to attain the required
spacing. Sheer wall

Now a day in most modern residential and public buildings of multi-storied nature, a lift system is
provided for convenience and quick movement of the users from one floor to another. The lift is in
the form of horizontal platform, moving vertically in a chamber provided in the building. This
chamber is constructed from shear wall. The other one is to support lateral load like wind load, earth
quack, rain and etc. But in our building the purpose of sheer wall is not for lift and its for earth quack,
wind and rain because of the soil type exploration soil.

Figure 2.8 1 Shear wall with form work (play wood)

Figure 2.9 1 Sheer wall rebar installation


➢ Cut a bar of diameter Ø20 to suitable length as per the structural drawing.
➢ Bend the bar to a required shape as per bar bending schedule.
➢ Setup the inner formwork.
➢ Reinforce the Ø16 bars at the corners of the shear wall like a column and the Ø12 bars in
between the corners both vertically and horizontally.

➢ Place a spacer (kabaleto) with the provided thickness (15cm) to keep the clear space
between the inner mesh and the outer mesh.
➢ Setup the outer form-work tie it with wooden braces to make it firm
➢ Fill it with C-30 concrete and vibrate in order to avoid void space. Form-work
Formwork is a temporary structural element which is used to construct permanent structural elements
such as beam, slab, stair case, footing pads and column.

The company used ply wood for elevation column, slab and also for beams.
Fixing form work

The purpose of fixing the form works properly is;

➢ Avoid loss of concrete material.
➢ Minimize unwanted shape of the structure.
➢ Minimizes great chiseling to remove the unwanted shapes.
➢ It reduces the accident that will be happen in the construction site.
➢ It increases the quality of the work.
We have seen the construction of different temporary structure like column, beam, slab, shear wall
and staircase, top tile beam.
Procedure to construct formwork for column.
1. First put a metal wire its diameter 1.5mm on slab reinforcement before concrete work
of slab for anchoring of Stanga.
2. Then by considering the concrete cover and thickness of the panel from the column
reinforcement connect the wood on the four side of columns which is called creature.
3. Prepare formwork by measuring height and width and paint formwork surface oil.
4. Then stand a formwork in all sides and hit care bat in four side.
5. Then stand inclined bracing wood that support the column.
6. The last step is to check the vertical using plumb bob (tumbi) and horizontal alignment by
using string.
7. If the alignment is not correct then we correct it by pushing and pulling the inclined bracing

The wood form work for from work should be cheap, easily available and easy to work with

Figure 2.10 1 Column form work

Removal of formwork

No formworks shall be removed until the concrete has hardened sufficiently. The process of
removing formworks from around the concrete is called striping. The workmen must not strip the
forms until the concrete has properly set. In some cases, the concrete is allowed to cure before the
forms are removed

Type of form work Period of removal

Column and vertical side of beam 24 to 48 hours
Beam soffit (props left under them) 7 days
Slab formwork (prop left under them) 3 days
Formwork props to beams Spanning up to 6m 14 days
Spanning over 6m 21 days
Formwork prop to slab Spanning up to 6m 14 days
Spanning over 6m 21 Days
Table 2.5 1 The removal time of different structures. Reinforcement works
Reinforced concrete was designed on the principle that steel and concrete act together in resisting
force. Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. The tensile strength is generally rated
about 10 percent of the compression strength. Their fore reinforcement is used to resist tensile stress.

The entire necessary reinforcement bar for this project is prepared in the site. According to the design
the maximum bar diameter is 24mm. That is why the “ferayo” accomplish the task by using hand
tool like Bega and simple cutting machine.

Rebar work methodology

✓ Storage
✓ Bending
✓ Placing
✓ Bar schedule

Bar schedule: It is a format used to know the amount of reinforcement used on a given activity. It
includes inserting the location, the shape, the length and diameter of the bar which is going to be
repaired. Then by summing up the length with a given diameter and multiplying this length with the
weight of that diameter bar per unit length we get the total kilogram of the given diameter bar. We
can get the kilogram per meter unit weight of the bar by using the formula
Kg/m = 0.222 D2/36
Where D – is diameter of the bar Concrete work

The term ‘concrete’ is used for a combination of an aggregate (inert materials) and a paste composed
of Portland cement and water and sometimes admixtures. The aggregate generally used are sand and
gravel or crushed stone. These aggregates have no cementing value of their own; their function in
concrete is to serve as filler. The cement-water paste changes from a semi fluid substance in to a
solid binder as a result of chemical reaction (hydration) between the water and various compounds
in the cement. The final quality of the concrete depends upon the effectiveness of the hardened paste
in binding the aggregate particles together and infilling the voids between the particles

Figure 2.11 1 Mat concrete work

Procedure of concrete work

1. Delivery and Storage Testing the quality of the material to bring the required proportion
2. Designing the concrete mix
3. Batching
4. Mixing
5. Transportation of concrete
6. Placing of concrete
7. Compaction of Concrete
8. Finishing and curing

Man power, Material, Plant, Equipment & Tools:

We use manual batching plants; Truck mixers loader and every necessary equipment shall be used
for the execution of the activity. Manpower, Material, plant, tools and equipment shall be checked
prior to use. Only trained man power must be used to the plant, equipment and tools We shall not
use defective plant and equipment for the work.

I. Quantity of work
Item Description Unit Total One time productivit Total duration to
No quantit cast y/hour complete one time
y quantity casting
01 C-30Concret on m3 5040 1260 21 5 days
Mat Foundation
Table 2.6 1 Quantity of work C-30 on mat foundation

II. Manpower

The manpower listed below will participate directly on the work.

Item No. Description Quantity

1 Construction Engineer 1
2 Site engineer 1
3 General Forman 2
4 Structural for men 1
5 Surveyor 1
6 Level man 1
7 Loader Operator 1
8 Truck Mixer Operator 2
9 Nurse 1
10 Truck Mixer Assistant 2
11 Water pump operator 2
12 Vibrator Operator 6
13 Data collector 2
14 Time Keeper 1
15 Safety Inspectors 2
16 Gang chief 2
17 Mason 10
18 Assistant mason 3
19 Carpenter 10
20 Trade for men 2
21 Daily Labors 41

Table 2.7 1 Man power

III. Material

SL No. Material Description Remarks

1. Cement
2. Sand
3. Aggregate 02”
4. Reinforcement steel bar
5. Concrete spacer blocks
6. Tying Wire
7. Plywood
8. Water
Table 2.8 1Material

IV. Plant & Equipment Schedule:

SL No Description of Plant, Equipment & Tools Number Remarks

1 Manual Batching Plant 1
2 Concrete Truck mixers 2
3 Station Concrete Pump 1
3 Water Pump (Diesel) 2
5 Vibrator 8
5 Concrete testing apparatus for slump 2
6 Concrete testing apparatus for compressive test 9
7 Loader 1
8 Shovels 30
Table 2.9 1 Plant & equipment schedule
V. Concrete making materials
➢ Cement

Cement is one of the essential construction materials which is used to making concrete. There are
many cement types in construction but in our site,
OPC (ordinary Portland cement): this cement type has high early strength than PPC cement. The
basic Portland cement is manufactured in large quantities than any other cement.

Figure 2.12 1 Cement

➢ Aggregate
Sand, gravel, and crushed stone are the aggregates most commonly used in concrete to provide
volume (as a filler material) at low cost. The selection of the aggregate to be used is very important

in making concrete. The characteristic of the aggregates greatly influences: -The properties, mix
proportion and economy of the concrete. The produced aggregate having a size of 00,01,02,03 and
04 but we use 02 aggregate size for C40 & C30 and 03 aggregate size for C5 (lean concert).
Aggregates are stored on clear hard surface to prevent contamination by soil. But we use c30 in our

➢ Coarse aggregate
It should be hard, strong, dense, durable, clean and free from clay or loamy add mixture or query
refuse or vegetable matter. After 24 hours immersion in water, previously dried sample of the coarse
aggregate should not gain in weight more than 5%. The quality of coarse aggregate can be
determined by its color. Black: - very good quality Blue: - good quality Whitish: - bad quality

Figure 2.13 1 Corse aggregate

➢ Sand (Fine aggregate)

Shall be clean river or pit sand of approved quality. It should consist of hard, dense, durable and
uncrated rock fragment. It should not undergo into undesired reaction with the cement.

Figure 2.14 1 Fine aggregate

➢ Water

Water is an important ingredient of concrete as it actively participates in the chemical reaction with
cement. Water has two advantages in concrete mix. These are:

• It reacts chemically with cement and

• It lubricates all other materials and makes the concrete workable.
In the site they use small amount of water because the strength of the concrete is inversely
proportional to the water/cement ratio which means the more water you use to mix the concrete, the
weaker the concrete mix.
Too much water will cause the aggregate to segregate, resulting in concrete that is uneven in strength.
Water should be free from harmful substance in large amount such as salt, oil, industrial waste,
organic matter and high content of silt.

Figure 2.15 1 Stored water

VI. Grade of concrete
Concrete is graded in terms of its characteristic compressive cube strength. The number in the grade
designation denotes the specified characteristic compressive strength in Mega Pascal (Mpa).
Therefore, we used the following grade of concrete for different purpose:

C-30 for horizontal member like slab & C-5 for lean concrete

VII. Batching
Batching is a process of measurement of ingredients required for making a concrete. In our site
Volume batching was being used. The box measurements were replaced by loader in order to save

time by calculating the number of boxes to fill the loader. The concrete mix ratio in the batching plant
used a formal mixing ratio of 1:2:3. For C-30 - 29 bags cement (i.e.,15 kuntal), and 1000 liters of
water used in order to mix the concrete. By order first we put aggregate in the batching plant and then
sand in the second and lastly cement. The water provides continuously throughout the mixing.

Figure 2.16 1 Batching

Concrete Pour:

1) Mixing concrete components or aggregates on the batching plant is operated using a loader
and cement will pour in to the plant by man power.
2) Pouring of water in to truck mixer will be held by a pump. We use Ground water reservoir
for our immediate water source with known cross-sectional dimensions. We stick metallic
meter properly in to the wall of the reservoir as shown on the figure below. The pump will
suck water from the reservoir until it reaches the measured volume. (i.e.: Having the known
cross-section of the reservoir we control the required volume of the water by reading the
depth of a water fall on the inserted meter). First 60% of water required for the mix is poured
in to the truck mixer before any other ingredients, the rest 40% is poured after all ingredients
are added in to the truck mixer. These are the plan cross-sectional areas of the ground water
• Reservoir 1 (Near block 4) = 15.37 m2
• Reservoir 2 (Near block 1) = 17.18 m2
• Reservoir 3 (Near block 2) = 12.55 m2
• Reservoir 4 (Near block 3) = 11.23 m2

Figure 2.17 1 Sectional view for reservoir water
3) Concrete shall be delivered to Construction area using concrete Truck mixer.
4) The truck mixer will pour the concrete in to a stationary pump which is located at suitable
area so that the pump reaches the operational area effectively as shown on the attached SD
or working drawing.
5) Concrete shall be placed using station pump and skip or direct discharge as appropriate for
casting the element. Care to be taken to ensure no segregation of aggregates during
6) Placed concrete shall be placed in layers with proper vibration. Vibration shall be by using
Electrical vibrators to avoid the honeycomb
7) Site Engineer shall maintain records of concrete volumes poured by Mix type, element and
section to allow wastage and productivity figures to be monitored and assessed.

The surface of Placed concrete shall be properly levelled and smooth end using hand towels and

Coordination of concrete deliveries and notification of pour times and volumes will be the
responsibility of Construction engineer. He will communicate with the general for men to ensure
that delivery routes are clear and access is available.

➢ Concrete tests to be carried out on site (Slump and Compressive strength test) are witnessed by
the Engineer.

Using a Concrete Truck mixer capacity of 7 m3 as an average

➢ Target volume of concrete to be produced = 5.55 m3 based on our truck mixer capacity bag
of cement to produce 5.55 m3 of concrete
➢ Mix ratio by volume (1:2:3)

➢ Box size (50*40*14) cm
➢ Water content 225 liter/m3 of concrete
1) Cement (ppc) =4.5x6.44x2=58bags
2) Sand = 3.248/1.8 = 1.80Bucket (i.e.: 1 bucket and 80% of the bucket which is marked on the
loader bucket as we jointly seen together)
3) Aggregate=4.872/1.8= 2.7 Bucket (i.e.: 2 bucket and 70% of the bucket which is marked on
the loader bucket as we jointly

Figure 2.18 1 Slump and cubic test


The setting and hardening of concrete depend on the presence of water. Drying out if allowed to
takes place too soon, results in low strength and a porous concrete. At the time the concrete is placed,
there is normally an adequate of water present for full hydration, but it is necessary to ensure that
this water is retained so that the chemical reaction continues until the concrete has thoroughly
hardened. Curing should commence immediately after the removal of formwork.

Curing time for Column would be a minimum of 7-days and slab cured for a minimum of 21-days.

2.5 Challenges faced during my internship period

There were many challenges I am faced during internship session in the past four months. Most of
the challenges were occurred at the work place. Challenges during related to this intern session could
be viewed as personal and company related challenges.

2.5.1 Personal challenges

➢ Site Language problem as it was my first work.
➢ Communication problem with both staff and site employees on early stage of my intern
➢ The intern program being postponed twice due to COVID-19 pandemic case

2.5.2 Company related challenges

➢ The contradiction between structural drawing and practical work.
➢ Delivery shortage of material and equipment
➢ The formwork is not sufficiently tight which results loss of liquid from concrete.
➢ Lack of office equipment such as computer, laboratory room even chairs.
➢ Do not clean and treat the formwork and reinforcement bar before casting of the concrete
(sloppy work).
➢ There were no tests such as field density, slump test, concrete compressive strength test
➢ Delay in concrete transport.

2.5.3 Measurements taken to overcome some of these challenges

➢ By discussing (asking) the site workers especially site coordinator and consultant
➢ Watching YouTube tutors to improve my skill.
➢ Through time, I became familiar with those common words at the site
➢ When time passed, we made smooth relationships with the employers.
➢ By asking frequent conceptual assistance of office engineers.
➢ Engaging with labor workers physically.
➢ The site has made various effort to improve the safety of employees specially on this
unprecedented time of corona virus issue.


3. Overall benefit I gained from internship program

It has been such a fascinating session I spent with my hosting company FE construction. I spent
most of my time in the university dealing with theoretical aspects my field of study, and getting the
opportunity to take part in program like this is so relieving. Because programs like this gives us
motivation and purpose by realizing what our studying is up for.
Generally, the benefit of the internship can be viewed from different perspectives. This are in
improving practical and theoretical skills, interpersonal communicating skills, team work skills and
work ethics. In the internship program I have gained benefits which helped us to explore my skills,
qualities and abilities. Since it is our first practical experience everything, I have done is new and
interesting to me. Some of the benefits are: -

3.1 Improving practical skills

Since I was involved in many tasks, I had a chance to improve my practical skills in many aspects.
Such as;
➢ In knowing procedures and techniques of each work and in improving our work
➢ In problem solving abilities both in site.
➢ Ability to implement structural and architectural drawings on the ground.
➢ In improving our report preparation skills. Like weekly report, monthly report and this
final internship report.
➢ In improving our risk and time management skills including project scheduling.
➢ Upgrade our knowledge in data collecting and data encoding processes.
➢ In use of software’s and computer literacy.

3.2 Upgrading of theoretical knowledge

In addition to the practical skill this program helps me to strengthen my theoretical knowledge and
gain meaningful engineering experience to complement academic studies. The courses taken, except
surveying, focused on theory. Since the practice depends first on theory, it was easy to work and
correlate the activities and enhance my understanding of constructing a building.. Some examples
of this are;

➢ Relationship between moment and reinforcement (major reinforcement, minor
reinforcement, negative bar, nominal reinforcement and others).
➢ Location of bar overlaps (i.e., bar overlap is not allowed in the direction of maximum
➢ On office works (take off and bill of quantity).
➢ We also able to know about cost estimation (quantity estimation).

Generally speaking, when the theoretical knowledge is supported more by the practical skills our
understanding capacity also can be developed equally and proportionally.

3.3 Interpersonal communication skills

The interpersonal communication in an organization is two types. One is verbal and the other is non-
verbal. During the internship we can say we have developed a good extent of interpersonal skill.
In my internship life I was working with all staff members, carpenters, daily laborers and others. To
work effectively and to gain the knowledge that I need I have to communicate with them peacefully.
Therefore, this helps me to improve my interpersonal communication skills. This improvement helps
me in so many ways. Some of which are;
➢ To gain knowledge and information from corresponding professionals.
➢ To see things from many perspectives.
➢ To strengthen relationship with others by sharing fillings.

From this I understand that good interpersonal communication among site community results for
safe and efficient work. Also increase the speed of work. Therefore, to be effective and efficient in
any work I involved speaks in right time and right place is necessary. Having a good interpersonal
communication is very important at any construction site because without it no real progress can be

3.4 Team Playing Skills

Construction is a team work of different professionals. Such as; surveyors, lab technicians,
carpenters, Forman’s, engineers, administrations and others. I were trying to work together with this
all of the above groups and I have developed some qualities related with team playing skills. Such

➢ Good work division ability and effective idea explanation ability
➢ Punctuality and preparation for work before starting it.
➢ Creativity and an innovative approach to solving problems.
➢ Interpersonal sensitivity, persuasiveness and the ability to work as part of a team.

3.5 Improving leadership skills

Leadership in a certain construction project is flowing smoothly from group leader (a person who
controls carpenters and daily laborer’s i.e. supporting the Forman) to project manager. And I were
trying to act as leader (like group leader, Forman, site engineer, office engineer and supervisor) and
I understand that to be a good leader one should fulfill many qualities. Such as;

➢ Good speaking skill and the ability to win by fair understanding during discussions for
any work.
➢ The ability to be reasonable for each decision. Because if one made decision without
enough reason, he will lose the respect from his followers and that affects accuracy of
➢ Should be ethical and respectful for others morality and personality. Work as a perfect
bridge in transferring information from administration and higher class to his followers.
Generally, I understand that leadership is not easy rather it needs special attention, multidimensional
thinking ability, good ethical characteristics and even some experience. Especially good team
interaction ability is needed to be a perfect leader.

3.6 Work ethics

The work ethics is vital to an organization to achieve its goals. It’s a set of moral principles an
employee uses in his job. His/her integrity, sense of responsibility, discipline and sense of team work
come together to create a strong work ethic.
In order to increase productivity and provide healthy working environment work ethics and workers
who respect it should be present otherwise the company or even the country will be loser rather than
We can see this work ethics in two ways from project perspective;
• Personal ethics
• Professional ethics

3.7 Personal ethics
These are work ethics that should be obeyed by each member of the project. In terms of personal
ethics related issues we gained many benefits from this program. Such as;
• Restrict from gaining unfair profit or corruption
• Keeping good others morality by respecting their personality and by giving the chance to rise
their idea.
• Honesty
• Fairness
• Good working habit and restricted from bad habits like smoking cigarette, chewing chat and
drinking alcohol during or just before work.

3.8 Professional Ethics

Professional ethics refers to the standards or a set of moral principles for regulating behaviors of a
certain defined profession. In order to consider that an activity to be a profession, it should be carried
out by one who has advanced education, knowledge, and skills. Thus, for developing healthy
working environment and increase productivity, ethical work conducts are important medium.
The following are some of the common professional ethical principles what we gained in the
internship period.
• Punctuality.
• Reliability-.
• Honesty- Cooperation-

3.9 Entrepreneur skills

These set of skills are what make a certain individual able to create a brand-new set of ideas that
may help in the production process not only in the construction stream but also in any form of
activity that has a certain end product to it.

This is one of the main benefits that I got from the internship program because now I had better
understand than before.
Some of the understandings that I gained are: -

➢ Since I know more about my profession (such as challenges and solutions, decision
making ability, ways of business establishment, work management, etc.) I able to think
to be entrepreneur rather than employer.
➢ The main things that I need to be entrepreneur are deep knowledge about the work that I
done good working habit, good approach to peoples and ability to make final decisions.
➢ I believe that I will start from the minimum and reach to the maximum.
As Entrepreneurship is coming up with an idea and take these ideas whether it is a product or service,
and have the skill set, will and courage to take extreme risk to do whatever it takes to turn that
concept into reality.

3.10 Problem identified and solution proposed regarding to the progress of the
Since engineering is full of challenges the professionals should have the smart mind to solve all
problems faced on their way. Sometimes problem faced may need detail research to figure it out; so,
engineers should be meticulous and need sufficient time to avoid arbitrary judgment. On our site
there are several problems occurred during the construction course but all problem faced was not
that much hard to solve but some gives the night mare to the site engineer and project manager. But
thanks to the well experienced professionals, even though it was tough to avoid the damage comes
it were possible to minimize it to its least effect.

3.10.1 Segregation of column in mat foundation on block

This is unexpected defects that happen at the site after the column is casted. But after cast the site

Figure 3.1 1 Column segregation on block two

3.10.2 Solution proposed
As the site engineer try to investigate the problem the main cause for segregation is:

➢ Use of improper mixture aggregate and cement.

➢ This is happened by luck of vibrate as well
➢ The amount of use of water.
➢ The error in the time when the take aggregate by volume.

The problem listed above was the most probable cause for the problem happened. The first measure
taken was demolishing the casted column and then removing the demolished column concrete




Executive Summary
Recently, the issue of safety performance has been focused at construction projects in both developed
and developing countries. As a matter of fact, the construction site which I spent almost four months
found to be one of those failing to deliver safety performances on site. The main objective of this
study is identifying factors influencing the improvement of safety performance at FE construction
project and suggesting a clear procedure to develop safety performance by reducing risk and hazards
on the site.

In doing so, I found some important elements that create a significant portion of accidents include:
safety management error, poor training programs, human element, outdated procedure and no clear
monitoring policy. Although some of these items are inevitable, but the occurrence of the largest
part can be prevented. Therefore, for improving the safety in a project each of these items has been
analyzed and a practical approach introduced.

In general, near miss, incident and accident are three dependent levels that mainly lead to injury.
Risk and hazard are allocated in first level which means near miss, therefore, no on-time
identification of hazard and risk causes to create incident and preventing accident in incident stage
is unavoidable. Finally, depending on the findings of this study conclusion on solutions has been
given and recommendations also stated to maintain success in applying findings of this study.


Safety management is essential knowledge in a project management area which recognized in

The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide, cited by Cretu et al.,
2011). Safety management is expected to take account of all risks and accidents that may possibly
be expected that put project employees at risk. The health and safety (H&S) of any workplace is
very important to diminish such risks, legally and ethically, but in mainly dangerous contexts such
as the construction industry HS takes on perilous importance as daily activities of the industry is
highly unsafe. It is thus important to identify suitable safety activities and strategy, accommodating
potential serious H&S problems (Twort and Rees, 2011). Past research in the area shows clearly that
construction projects create frequent possible threats to the lives of employees, and serious injuries
and mortalities are frequent in the construction industry.

Thus, the consideration and management of safety, along with consideration to H&S generally, is
undeniably fundamental to any construction project. By proper H&S planning many of the myriad
H&S risks in construction can be prevented. Accordingly, accidents on the construction sites are
principally attributable to hazardous human behavior (i.e., individual factors) and/or unsafe working
conditions (i.e., system factors). Moreover, it is obvious that there is a serious problem with falls,
which problem is common throughout the global construction industry.

Safety management is the procedure used to recognize H&S risks and implement actions to decrease
the possibility of a risk materializing and to diminish or eliminate the potential consequences of
identified project H&S risks. Injuries and fatalities resulted in accidents in the construction industry
still an obstacle clings construction industry to its infamous position as the
industrial sector responsible for more occupation accidents, than any other. Consequently, the
improvement of H&S in construction is still an essential goal for all contributors in the construction
processes. Safety management is likely to take account of all risks and accidents that may believably
be expected that put project employees at risk, to minimize such risks. It is thus important to identify
appropriate safety actions and strategies to accommodate potential serious H&S problems.

The main purpose of this paper is to identify main factors which contribute to safety development
and provides a continuous approach to reduce risk and potential hazard of elements by six stages
which will be discussed later. For the purpose of this study, at first the causes of accident are
explained from literature. The second part describes the eight factors influencing safety performance
level in construction project and finally an applicable approach is discussed to obtain safer

4.2 statements of the problem and justification

The occupational Safety and Healthy Act (2007) came into being after several revisions to
the Factories Act (1951), amending and extending its scope of application to places of work
other than factories. It applies to all work places where any person is at work, whether
temporary or permanently. Under the Act the employer has a duty to comply with any safety and
health rules, regulations instructions and procedures in the act by taking all necessary precautions to
ensure his own safety and health and that of any persons in his work place and at all times use
appropriate safe systems of work, preventive and control measures.

Unfortunately, our host company FE construction do not follow strict health and safety guidelines
as construction workers are more likely to be killed by construction accident. Even though there are
some efforts are being made by the company to keep its workers safe there is still limitations on the
part of supervisory authority on concerns related to safety on the construction site. We know that
building construction industry does not have a comprehensive policy frame work, in fact the Housing
laws are fragmented and need harmonizing to enforce and monitor construction work to effectively
cub malpractices in the construction sector. (Ministry of Public Works, 2011).

It is with such concern that this study attempted to examine the factors which contribute to safety
development and provides a continuous approach to reduce risk and potential hazard.

4.3 Objective
4.3.1 General Objective
The main objective of this paper is identifying factors influencing the improvement of safety
performance at FE construction project and suggesting a clear procedure to develop safety
performance by reducing risk and hazards on the site.

4.3.2 Specific Objectives

✓ Identifying factors to improve safety performance of the company
✓ Providing guidelines on Risk Assessment and Continuous Safety Improvement for the

✓ Enabling the company to have the right policies on safety management associated in design
and pre-construction phase.

4.4 Methodology
This paper is aimed at identifying factors which greatly contribute to the improvement of safety
management on the construction site.

4.4.1 Data collection method

Observation is used as a primary source of data to record causes of accident on the site. Secondary
data is also used to come up with more integrated work. So that, the causes of accidents can be
exhibited in fishbone model.

4.4.2 Study design

The study design adopted was a descriptive study in an attempt to explain the factors affecting
development of safety performance.

4.5 Safety analysis

Development of safety for personnel in construction environment is recognized as a major factor for
tranquility of staff and should be adhered precisely in accordance safety regulations. Despite the
mechanization, the construction industry is still based on labor intensive, while working
environments are often changing and include several different parties. The construction workers are
one of the most vulnerable members in a project and are faced with a wide variety of hazards during
their work.

A common approach for prevention of construction accident is to predict the upcoming event under
given circumstances. The accuracy of such predictions is based on knowledge about past accidents.
It has been proved that the main reasons for accidents in the construction industry are resulted from
the unique nature of the industry, human behavior, difficult work-site conditions, and poor safety
management which result in unsafe work methods and procedures

The construction engineers and projects managers should be fully aware of hazards and prepared to
deal with accidents when they occur. They should apply proper investigations and reporting
procedures afterwards because the probability and severity of accidents in construction are higher in
compare with other industries. From another aspect, accidents not only cause horrible human
disasters but also create substantial economic losses. These financial losses are due to the impact of

accidents and damages on plant equipment and workers. Moreover, there is also a loss of productive
work time until the normal site working environment and morale return to the initial state.

Hazard is defined as potential situation that may cause unintentional injuries or deaths to people, or
damage to, or loss of an item or belongings. Therefore, the estimation of the safety level at
construction sites can be applied by specifying all on-site hazardous elements. Therefore, Safety
performance of each element should then be studied and measured by evaluating the relevant on-site
hazard factors. By reducing the potential hazard of elements, its safety performance improves [2].
On the other hand, safety development in the construction industry occurs only when all workers in
the operation of construction sites change their behavior, respect to regulations and try to improve
safety level in their personal activities. Moreover, the management support to the workers is also
very important in providing the best solution for the safety related problems. The main purpose of
this paper is to identify main factors which contribute to safety development and provides a
continuous approach to reduce risk and potential hazard of elements by six stages which will be
discussed later. For the purpose of this study, at first the causes of accident are explained from
literature. The second part describes the eight factors influencing safety performance level in
construction project and finally an applicable approach is discussed to obtain safer workplace.

4.5.1 Causes of accident in construction industry

Nowadays statistics of accident in construction industry encourage researchers to find new way for
improving or enhancing safety performance in construction industry. Furthermore, both of direct
and indirect cost of accident adds more expenses to construction projects that are because of
improper safety performance in construction site. Most of these accidents near 99 percent are caused
because of unsafe act, unsafe condition or both [11]. In order to improve safety performance in
construction industry we require to identify the root causes of construction accident.

According to Pipitsupaphol and Watanabe (2000) [10] kind of equipment and machineries, site
condition, nature of the industry, management attitude and method, and human elements can directly
influence the safety performance in construction industry. Working at height, in adequate safety
devices, poor management, lack of obedient on site, negligence of worker, and employing unskilled
worker is so common in construction industry that cause to increase the risk of accident and making
damage and injuries.

Kartam and Bouz (1998) [7] stated that the causes of accident are related to worker turnover and
wrong act, lack of safety performance, unsuitable or unclean materials, no maintenance tool, and
weak supervisory and inspection.

On the other hand, we can divide the causes of accident to human and physical factors. Human
factors are related to personal duty and responsibility such as neglect to use protective equipment,
utilizing machines and equipment without permission, rushing in operating and doing work, personal
factors, service moving and energized equipment, remove safety device, select unsafe position in
working, utilizing improper equipment and other unsafe act. While, physical factors were addressed
to wrong act of another person, unconsidered to accident source, disregard to special procedure,
clothes hazard, environment hazard, fire hazard, wrong method or arrangement, assignment of
personnel in wrong position, no safety guard in site and other unsafe condition [1].

Lubega et al (2000) [9] mentioned that the cause if the accident in construction site is directly related
to inadequate safety regulation, no force to use the regulation in site, no safety consideration by
personnel on site, no encourage professional people to work in site, mechanical problem of
construction machinery and equipment, and chemical or physical disturbance.

We can exhibit the cause of accident according above statement in fishbone model:

Figure 4.1 1 Root Causes of Accident

4.5.2 Main factors contributing in safety development
In general, there are several items which influence the safety performance that should be analyzed
and specified in design and pre-construction stage in order to increase safety. Sawacha, Naoum

and Fong (1999). explained different variables that effect safety on construction sites. In their
research the impacts of the historical, economical, technical, procedural, organizational and
environmental subjects are recognized in terms of how these items are connected to the level of
site safety. The results show that variables regarding ‘the organization strategy are the most
influential group of factors that has effects on safety performance in the United Kingdom
construction industry.
In another study conducted by Evelyn, Florence and Adrian (2005), the results of a postal survey
of contractors in Singapore discussed. The obtained results of this research showed that site
accidents take place when there are insufficient company policies, unsafe procedures, poor
attitudes of construction personnel, low efficiency in management commitment and inadequate
safety knowledge and training of staff. The study recommended that project managers must pay
more attention regarding the factors determined above to enhance safety performance on
construction sites and alleviate the frequency of accidents.
From the above investigation, it can be understood that having the right policies in conjunction
with safety management associated in design and pre-construction phase can greatly reduce
accidents. One way that an owner should apply is to hire contractors who have proved a record
of good safety performance. This factor should be considered during the processes of qualifying
contractors for bidding work and ranking contractors for a contract award. A prospective
contractor with an acceptable history of safety performance commitment is more likely to
perform safely in the future than a contractor with a poor safety record. In the following section
discusses the main elements of improving safety in construction project.

I. Risk Analysis in the Design Stage

Identifying future risk in design stage will greatly decrease the loss of accident to people or
properties. The collaboration between the designer and client will be resulted in a safety risk
analysis for each project option. This approach will be applied by assessing the relationship
among the stakeholders, the public, the final users of the facilities and the environment. This
strategy will concentrate what can happen, how and why it can happen in the implementation of
the tasks. It will also focus on separating acceptable risks from the risk of dangerous activities.
Moreover, the level of risk will be classified by comparing the severity and probability. Therefore,

they can be ranked for further analysis. Finally, a wide range of options for treating risk will be
determined which aim to reduce, eliminate or omit the risk.

II. Training Strategy

It is clear that training has a contributing role in defining management practices to enhance safety
performance. Providing regular training sessions increase the awareness of employees about
hazardous tasks. On the other hand, the safety training is very useful as it allows employees to
predict future accidents or near misses.
In order to improve the quality of safety and health in a large scale, the management level should
consider a systematic and comprehensive safety approach at construction site. This approach
should be clearly explained by specific procedure for each hazardous activity which has been
identified in design stage. The process should be clear and understandable for everyone.
Moreover, the organization should hold safety and health training program for new employees.
This strategy will put the orientation of the organization in a preventive process. Workers who
are properly trained would make a correct decision in deal with incidents associated with their
workplace [5]. With the aim of training the organization can prevent from accidents and injuries
as it informs their employees about adherence to safety regulations.

III. Reward Policy

To improve the safety culture in construction workplace creating of reward system is necessary
which runs parallel to safety education and training. On the other hand, the safety based on
incentive program reinforces the reporting of accidents or any unsafe act that leads to an accident.
The policy within the organization should be based on the prevention of accident, not punishment
after any accident take place. The rewarding system can be monetary (economic type) or job

IV. Management Commitment to the Implementation of Safety Culture

The policy selected by manager in relation to safety issues is effective in the development of
safety level within an organization. Defining clear procedures and providing safety standards
such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970 (OSHA) will help to run process properly.
In addition, the management is responsible to allocate people with the sufficient level of

competency and knowledge as a representation in each part of the work. This approach will
respond the need of workers in terms of problem solving.

V. Contractor Comply with Safety Regulation

The contractor commitment to comply with safety rules should be recognized in every
construction project. Therefore, hiring contractors with a record of good safety performance
during the bidding process is prioritized by client. Contractor attitudes toward safety range from
minimal compliance to total commitment, so concerned owners should consider past safety
performance of contractors during the bidding process and when awarding the contract.

All owners have a legal right to use reasonable care to correct or warn contractors of any non-
apparent hazards present on the site which could affect the safe performance of the construction
and to use reasonable care to prevent contractors from injuring others on the site. Owners must
make sure that contractors recognize their contractual responsibility to perform safely. On the
other hand, increased owner involvement, if not handled adroitly, can interfere with the
contractor’s productivity and may cause ill will between an owner and the contractor.
Owners can implement following strategies to achieve better safety performance such as:
✓ Identify safety rules and guidelines that the contractor must comply.
✓ Providing a permit system regarding the potentially hazardous tasks.
✓ Force the contractor to allocate an accountable supervisor to coordinate safety on the
✓ Discuss about safety issue at regular meetings between owner and contractor.
✓ Develop safety monitoring during construction.
VI. Providing Safe Equipment and Tools

Use of safe machinery and facilities is essential to maintain the health and safety of site personnel.
By the advent of technology in the construction industry, the design of machinery and plants has
been improved. Technological intervention has resulted in automation and comprehensive facility
Although this approach has reduced the large number of accidents, but at the same time it causes
new type of accident. For instance, new workers who are not familiar very well with the
technology of plants and facilities cause accident in construction projects. To overcome this

problem new control techniques has been emerged in the form of emergency switch operated by
workers to control the operation. This system involves a sensor that specifies the existence of
workers in the workplace. Another fundamental solution is the proper layout of plant and material
at construction projects. With proper arrangement of machinery and exact implementation a large
percentage of hazards will be omitted. In a construction project the issues of re-design and re-
engineering the work station altogether will help to eliminate dangerous incidents.

VII. Personnel Selection

The concept of accident has roots in personal behavior. Some employees are more accident prone than
others while some other employees have a preventive attitude toward accident.
Certain variables have identified by researchers such as: personal mismatch, social deviance, impulsive
behavior, family stability, alcohol and drug test that should be examined and analyzed in finding
prospective employees [6].

VIII. Take a Responsibility to Report Near-Miss Accident

The near-miss is defined as an event that does not result in injuries or illness to people or damage
to assets and the environment. The ability of workers for reporting near-miss accident has a
significant contribution to the prevention of hazards. Near-miss reporting and investigation
allows experts and specialists to control safety or health procedures in a site before they cause a
more serious incident. Some supervisors of the industry consider a less importance to near-miss
reporting but investigation of accidents shows that for each accident there are several near-misses
with different levels of impacts. Thus, the workers require to understand what they should report,
when they should report and when they should report.

4.6 Proposed solution (development of safety performance)

Regarding to eight previous elements, in this part an efficient approach is recommended as a
guideline to assist the team members in the construction industry to manage their safety in their
Requirement for preventing accident because of 3 reasons as mentioned in below:
1) Humanitarian Reason: to ensure that people are safe and healthy at work and
nobody suffers from accident due to the work activity.

2) Legal Reason: to comply with provisions of law which, specify standards to
ensure safety and health at work.
3) Economic Reason: to prevent losses due to accident in term of expenses on
medical, compensation, property damage, downtime, etc.
This guideline measures safety on site and includes 6 steps that are mentioned one by one.

Figure 4.2 1 Guidelines on Risk Assessment and Continuous Safety Improvement

1) Creating safety and health regulation

2) Identify hazard
3) Assess and evaluation risk
4) Decide precautions
5) Record findings
6) Review and update

Step 1: (Creating safety and health regulation)

Safety policy is contained some notification that exhibit responsibilities, commitments, culture,
behavior and requirement to ensure that a workplace is safe, healthy and acceptable. So, this
statement will encourage all the employees and other people in the site that are affected by the site
condition to pay attention to these notifications to increase safety performance. The responsibility
of this policy is as below:

✓ Create a condition to ensure that workers are operating in safe and healthy environment
✓ Decline the situation that cause to create risk
✓ Provide safe tools and equipment
✓ Provide reliable method and procedure for doing work
✓ Provide needed information, training, and instruction regarding to site condition and type
of the construction project
✓ Emphasize to use suitable clothe and safety equipment
✓ Assign personnel according to their ability and skills
✓ Create compulsory entrance regulation to site for regular people

Step 2: (Identify the Hazard)

Hazard can cause different injuries to the workers and sometimes can cause death. Therefore,
identifying the hazard is important to control risk and decreasing accident in site. In site all the
materials, equipment, machineries, and also work activity can cause hazard. Therefore, we have to
evaluate work place and work activities to identify hazards or find the resource of hazards. Hazards
can be physical, healthy, chemical, biological, and humanitarian.

Some regular causes of physical hazard are falling from scaffold, moving heavy burden manually,
cutting by machine, burning by firing materials, straining, injury by another person and etc. while
chemical hazards are related to chemical materials that are utilized in a project such as glues and
correction fluids to industrial solvents, dyes, and acids. Regulation is required for using chemical
materials by workers. This regulation should create according to effect of chemical materials on skin
that is initial problem and also examine long term effect of these materials.

Biological hazards contain every kind of viruses and bacteria that may lead infection and substances
from animals that can cause health problems. Therefore, biological regulation for more protection
and increase safety is required.

Human factors are related to the mental and physical capacity of the worker. Workers must have the
ability to do their duty and work place and system should be comfortable and without stress. For
instance, pregnant women, people with disabilities, older worker, or young worker with no
experience have higher accident rate.

All the employees must be informed about the hazards that can existence in the site regarding type
of work. Record of previews accident, experience of the expert people, and different kind of
standards can assist employees to determine the resource of hazard. Furthermore, we can use
professional people to provide safety statement and identify hazards but the advisor is required to
know about the situation, kind of work and must have an adequate experience.

Step 3: (Assessment and evaluation of risk)

Possibility of harm to the people by hazard is risk that has different severity and frequency. Risk is
also related to the number of people who will be affected by hazard. The magnitude and serious of
the harm and also the number of the worker that are affected is important for assessing risk.

Risk assessment must be done by own employees in the work therefore, if the experience and
expertise of the worker is not enough, the company must provide the competent person to assist
them. There is different quantitative and qualitative risk assessment that we have to choose suitable
one regarding to the project and site condition.

Step 4: (Decide What Precautions Are Required)

You have to use proper method and tools regarding the situation to preventing risk. Law requirement
is one of the important strategies that must be followed by all the employers. Law is going to make
a guideline on how evaluate the risk and increase safety. Most of the times improving safety and
start to protect from the hazard is no so expensive but it is creativity, for example using non slip
material in slipper surface or sometimes change the method and procedure to do the work can be
useful and effective. Some of the precaution is as below:

✓ Reliable and clean work condition

✓ Using safeguard in high level
✓ Using skilled worker
✓ Enough training for worker
✓ Provide reliable inspection
✓ Availability of emergency aid
✓ Availability of protective equipment

Step 5: (Record Finding)

All the finding of the risk assessment must be record in safety statement. It means mention more
hazard and dangerous situation that can affect employees in workplace. Therefore, company rule,
manufacturing instruction, and choosing appropriate attitude is related to these records. This finding
must be update and related to the work position because of increasing safety and also decline risk.
Some documents that can assist us to add several useful notifications to the safety policy which is
utilized in the organization are according to the following:

✓ Manual instruction of materials and plants.

✓ Company regulations.
✓ Operating instructions.
✓ Manufacturers’ instructions.
✓ Company safety and health procedures.

Step 6: (Review and Update)

Using safety statement should be one of the important parts of the work and everyday this statement
should be available for inspection in the workplace. This statement should be obvious and relevant
to the work. Significant change in workplace or kind of the work that can add new hazard to the
employee cause to provide new statement related to these hazards.

Employees are responsible to amend safety statement if necessary. Sometimes employee cannot do
it and should take help from professional persons. Employee should consider some important issues
to revise safety statement as below:

✓ Safety statement must be related to the work condition

✓ Examine hazards, risks, risk assessment and identify essential safety protector
✓ Use practical methods to implement in site
✓ All the notification should be according safety and health performance standard
✓ Consider all the humanitarian, legal, and economical reason for preventing hazard and
✓ Examine how can improve safety and health performance

As mentioned, this guideline is going to assist the company to manage safety and health in
working places.

4.7 Result and discussion
As mentioned before several fatal accident on construction site force people to find causation of
these accident in construction industry to prevent or minimize risk. According Ridley (1986). Unsafe
act, unsafe condition or both lead to create more than 99 percent of accident in construction industry.
On the other hand, site condition, kind of equipment and machinery, management attitude and
method, and human element can increase or decrease the rate of risk and accident in construction
industry. The causes of accident can be divided to human and physical factors. Human factors are
exposed by personal factors, service moving and energized equipment, removing safety devices,
select unsafe position in working and etc. While, physical factors were addressed to wrong act of
another person, negligence of accident source, disregard to special procedure, clothes hazard,
environment hazard, fire hazard, wrong method or arrangement, assignment of personnel in wrong
position, no safety guard in site and other unsafe condition.

According to all of these factors, this study developed different contributor to improve safety
performance in construction company. Furthermore, the main elements of improving safety in
construction projects are risk analysis in design stage, training strategy, reward policy, management
commitment to the implementation of safety culture, contractor comply with safety regulation,
providing safe equipment and tools, personal selection, and take responsibility to report near miss
accident. With attention to these 8 elements, continues improvement of safety is achieved. This
continues improvement contains 6 steps that are joined as chain together. Therefore, according these
steps, creating policy and identifying hazard can help to decrease risk and increase safety.

4.8. Conclusion and recommendations

4.8.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, dangerous and risk in complex construction projects is inevitable and might play
with workers forever. The company must carefully examine all the factors that can cause hazard
and increasing risk in construction site. It is clear that enhancing safety performance in
construction site is not easy but possible. In this paper we mentioned different elements and
strategies to improve construction safety performance such as risk analysis and assessment in
design stage, training strategy and management commitment, etc. In all these strategies the
important attitude for increasing safety performance and declining risk is to identify the root
causes of construction hazard and accident and also manipulating proper precaution tool and

equipment related to kind of construction project and site condition. Therefore, it has been tried
to introduce continuous safety development that includes 6 steps. These steps involve creating
safety regulation, identify hazard, assess and evaluate risk, decide precaution, record findings,
and updating the finding in relation to the work condition. This continuous strategy starts by
examining the condition and kind of the work to identify hazard and risk in construction industry.
According to hazards that are available in site, employees must use their own experience,
applying the advices of the experts, and previous report about safety to create some regulations
and training strategy for workers. In overall, increasing safety performance and creating safer
condition in construction projects need more attention to find hazard and kind of risk that can
cause any damage to the properties and humans.

4.8.2 Recommendations
It is further suggested that workers be penalized for ignoring or disregarding health and safety
regulations on the construction work site. Additionally, it is urged that a special committee be
established for private corporations that would regulate, monitor and administer health and safety
activities with a view of reducing on worksite related accidents. As an intern trainee aimed at solving
safety related problems, I recommend the company to effectively utilize this study paper.

Due to the fact that complexity and extension of construction projects are increasing, it is required
to study causes of accident in more detail in near future. This objective is obtained when management
and experts consider the following in the construction workplace:

✓ Improvement of site condition

✓ Integration of client, designer and contractor in design stage to eliminate
adversarial nature and preventing conflict in early stage of projects which lead to
mitigate the destructive risk during building process.
✓ Providing new methods in construction and planning such as Building
Information Modeling methodology and IBS technology.
✓ Providing a high level of safety training for employees.
✓ Avoiding the use of outdated equipment and plants during construction stages.


General Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions
This intern session was totally interesting as it grants us with expected experience, practical skills in
the field of our study. Most of all it was really helpful in helping us share some basic knowledges
out on site and how to utilize those in most planned and effective manner.
It was something of highly valued to work FE construction on a project of staff residence in Dire
Dawa University. The consulting body directed me towards tough tasks but those with appropriate
theoretical knowledge could have overcome the engineering problems over the course of the
At least, spending an intern session with high-class company or institution like FE will get
acquainted with the translation of something in books into action. I took some useful features which
can be used as a feeding inputs to my upcoming career.
Generally speaking, my intern session with FE construction was successful in terms of achieving the
very ultimate goal the program.

5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 Recommendations for the university
These are recommendation for the university to upcoming events like this.
✓ The need for inclusion of additional software courses at stake as we encountered a lot
newer software which are never familiar to us.
✓ Great deal of attention needs to be given on transforming theoretical based way of
teaching and learning process into practical oriented one.
✓ The time and financial amount allowed for intern in not enough. So, the university should
arrange the time for the next.

It is expected from the university to design very satisfactory policies which will participate external
organizations so that it would be much easier for all parties to undertake such programs as it is meant
to benefit all concerned.

4.2.2 Recommendations for the hosting company
FE Construction where I maintained presence for nearly four months found to some problematic
area which are both against industry and internship hosting standards.
✓ The water used in the site is not pure because they used from tanker which has a lot of dust
particle and it form algae.
✓ They do not have enough of the safety materials (e.g., helmet, safety shoe, glove…. etc.).
This seems common for almost all of construction companies in our country and this where
great deal of attention needs to be given. As a trainee, I come up with a project which I think
is really helpful in reducing and controlling safety related accidents.
✓ They should be thinking about getting employees access to first aid
✓ They should organize their material management. For example, placement formworks in an
inappropriate area.
✓ Reinforcement bars need to be paced somewhere safe and convenient so that the bars will
not be vulnerable to corrosion, and they need to work on minimizing wastes while cutting
✓ Every company is obliged to receive intern students. Hosting students will not satisfy the
mission behind the program the students need to be given great deal of attention if the
technology transfer purpose of the program to work effectively. This means that facilities
like offices, computers, ease the restrictive control others need to be fulfilled to enhance the
effectiveness of the program.

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