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The Pearl Assessment

1. Kino is the main character in the story. Write a brief description of Kino.
Kino is the protagonist of the novel. He is a very hardworking and ambitious man. He dreams
of breaking out of the oppression in his colonial society. He is also a family man and loves
his son, Coyotito, and wife, Juana, very much. Despite Kino’s loving nature, he is consumed
by greed and develops animalistic behavior after find a large pearl. We see Kino go from a
loving husband and seemingly good man to an abusive one and he even goes as far to commit
murder. His life becomes even more difficult as it transitions from the simple life of a poor
native to the one of a fugitive on the run, life reduced to a basic fight for survival.

2. Compare where Kino lives to where the doctor lives, giving a major reason why both
places are different.
Kino’s house is a simple brush hut. This is in keeping with his simple life, with just his wife
and child. The furnishings are primitive, with a roof for a shelter and walls that let in the light
and air. The floor is of dirt. His surroundings are by the sea, with a small collection of other
brush huts. The doctor lives in the village in a structured home, with a fence and gate on the
outside. He lives in the style of the European conquerors of Mexico (he lives like this most
likely due to the fact he is a colonist and also dreams of returning to his even more lavish
lifestyle in Europe). The major reason why both places are different is because of wealth(at
core the difference in wealth is because of their difference in race as well but that’s a whole
different point). Kino is a poor native diver and the doctor is a rich white colonist.

3. What happens to Coyotito in chapter 1?

Coyotito gets stung be the scorpion in chapter one.

4. What was the doctor’s response when Kino went to him for help and why do you think he
responded in that manner?
The Doctor refused to treat Coyotito by saying “Have I nothing better to do than cure insect
bites for ‘little Indians’? I am a doctor, not a veterinary.” and just dismisses them really as if
the child’s life means nothing. He responded that way for two major reasons:
1. Racism. The doctor’s response shows his disregard for the indigenous people. He
compares them to animals and mocks them. The towns people know this, they know that the
doctor refuses to treat anyone that he sees as beneath him, that is, unless they have enough
money. The Doctor is a greedy evil racist.
2. Like I mentioned in the first point, the doctor is greedy. This was another reason he did not
treat Coyotito because he knew that Kino wouldn’t have enough money to pay him.

5. What does Kino do to show his anger and what injury did he suffer?
Kino punches the iron gate of the doctor’s house and his fist begins to bleed.

6. Before he found the pearl, what was Kino's most treasured possession and why was it
important to him?
Kino’s most valued possession was his canoe. It was important to him because not only did it
represent his family and tribal way of living it was also his source of food and income.
Without the canoe he would not be able to feed his family nor make a living.

7. What treatment did Juana use for Coyotito’s scorpion sting?

As soon as Coyotito was stung she sucked out the poison. Later on when they go to look for a
pearl, she gathers brown seaweed and puts it on the baby’s swollen shoulder.
8. Why does Juana pray to find a pearl, instead of praying for Coyotito to get better?
She prayed to find a pearl to pay the doctor to cure Coyotito instead of praying for Coyotito
to get better. This has to do with the fact that Juana is more superstitious than religious.

9. How was the pearl (that Kino found) described in chapter 2?

It was described as the Pearl of the World.

10. How do you think Kino and his family would benefit from this priceless pearl? yh
Kino and has family would benefit because they’d firstly be able to get the doctor’s to cure
Coyotito, then they would be able to live in a better home, have a better canoe, have a higher
status and be more respected, Coyotito would also be able to attend school and receive an
education and, that would intern further improve the family’s life.

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