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Assessment Task 1

Part A- Written questions

1. Describe and compare two (2) different models and two (2) approaches to case
management. Write your answer in 50-100 words

Brokerage Model Case Management

The principle focal point of this model is on the evaluation and designation of
administrations for the customer. The caseworker doesn't get as involved as they
would following different models because of absence of time.
 It permits the customer to be more autonomous
 It additionally permits the caseworker to work with more customers as there is
less one on one association
Intensive Case Management
The motivation behind intensive case management is to convey excellent
administrations in a short measure of time.
 Recuperation is reached in a more limited measure of time
 The customer frames a solid relationship with the caseworker and sees them

2. Examine the concept of evidence-based practice and explain why this form of
practice is important? Write your answer in 50-100 words

Evidence-Based Practice or EBP implies coordinating individual clinical mastery with

the best accessible outer clinical proof from efficient exploration.
EBP has created after some time to now coordinate the best examination proof,
clinical mastery, the patient's singular qualities and conditions, and the attributes of
the training wherein the wellbeing proficient works.
EBP is significant in light of the fact that it means to give the best consideration that
is accessible, determined to work on understanding results. EBP additionally assumes
a part in guaranteeing that limited wellbeing assets are utilized astutely and that
important proof is viewed as when choices are made with regards to financing
wellbeing administrations.

3. A) What are two issues that are commonly faced by clients, their family and
carers when accessing multiple services.

Customers getting to multiple services might battle to comprehend or monitor when a

specific help is being given, and by which specialist co-op.
Absence of human resources (training and work insight), psychological wellness
status, medication and liquor use, actual inability and poor actual wellbeing, and a
background marked by sexual and actual savagery.

B) How you would improve the way in which the services are coordinated to
address the two issues identified. Write your answer in 30-50 words.

Coordination is significant in light of the fact that it allows individuals a superior

opportunity to get the administrations they need. It very well may be profoundly
irritating for somebody to manage foundations that don't facilitate their endeavours.

4. Provide an analysis of the principles and practices of the following. Write your
answer in 250-300 words

 Planning Complex Services: Complex requirements is characterized as a mix

of wellbeing needs and social necessities. In a family with complex
requirements there might be relatives with a scope of varying wellbeing needs,
for instance, with handicap, psychological well-being issues, medication and
liquor issues, ongoing conditions or be survivors of misuse, all attempting to
explore their separate help needs and helping with really focusing on other
relatives. They may likewise be encountering monetary issues, experiencing
difficulty getting to instruction and preparing, getting work, destitute or in
danger of vagrancy, and may have interacted with the legitimate or criminal
equity framework. They may subsequently be in touch with a scope of help
administrations including, schools, medical care, non-Government and
Taxpayer driven organizations, or they might be getting insignificant help as
well as escaping everyone's notice of administration conveyance. Just as the
colossal social and human expenses, the monetary expenses for the public
authority are critical.
 Working across multiple services: Customers with multiple and sometimes
complex needs require different administrations from a scope of projects. This
requires an organized methodology that guarantees administrations cooperate.
Service Coordination is one of the centre program space of Essential
Consideration Organizations. Administration Coordination sees organizations
meet up to settle on how they will facilitate their administrations and discuss
better with one another so buyers experience a more all, encompassing
wellbeing framework. Administration Coordination empowers administrations
to work autonomously while working in an organized manner to give shared
shoppers a consistent and incorporated reaction.

5. What are three (3) different funding arrangements and their requirements
available in the community service sector? Write your answer in 50-100 words

Block funding: Government ‘block' subsidizing is the customary financing model

where the public authority gives awards to endorsed suppliers to convey local area
administration programs.
Individual funding: Numerous regions are presently moving to individual financing
models to give more decision and adaptability. This implies cash is given
straightforwardly to individuals who are qualified, and they pick their own specialist
Federal Government funding: They get and control citizen dollars and afterward
circulate the planned assets to states, domains and neighbourhood legislatures so they
can deal with their wellbeing consumptions.

6. Provide three indicators of imminence of self-harm and three (3) signs of each.

Behavioural signs:

 washing garments independently

 dressing improperly for the climate, for example, wearing long-sleeved tops in
the mid-year
 staying away from exercises that uncover the body, like swimming

Psychological signs:

 experiencing issues speaking with friends and family

 withdrawing from social connections
 communicating sensations of tension

Physical signs:

 actual indications of self-hurt on the body like serious injuries or cuts

 whining of migraines or stomach torments with no clarification
 ingesting too much of medication and requiring clinical consideration

7. Explain the risks and responsibilities relating to duty of care for the following
groups of people. Write your answer in 350-400 words.

 children and young people: Duty of care is a custom-based law idea that
alludes to your obligation to enough shield youngsters in your consideration
from hurt. You might penetrate your Duty of care towards a youngster
assuming that you neglect to act in the manner a sensible or constant expert
would have acted in a similar circumstance.
 domestic violence: Risk factors for domestic and family violence incorporate
individual, relationship, local area, and cultural issues. There is an opposite
connection among schooling and abusive behaviour at home.
 Suicide: Act quickly assuming there is a danger to somebody's life or
wellbeing. Give freedoms to your patient to talk straightforwardly. Show
compassion and ability to tune in. Guarantee a protected climate for you, the
patient and other staff.
 elder abuse: Elder abuse can have genuine physical and emotional well-
being, monetary, and social results, including, for example, actual wounds,
untimely mortality, wretchedness, intellectual decrease, monetary destruction
and situation in nursing homes.
8. How could cultural considerations impact the case coordination process for the
following? Include considerations of history, protocols and systems. Write your
answer in 100-150 words

 Culturally and linguistically diverse clients: When offering help to

somebody from this foundation, consider:
o differences in assumptions regarding family contribution in direction
o any effect of sexual orientation according to their social viewpoint
o potential dread of individuals saw to be in power
o being patient when imparting and getting some information about

 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders: Relationships that are respectful

of culture should:
o respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge
o have clear and intelligent correspondence to empower mutual
o adhere to social conventions

9. What are the impacts of generational abuse and welfare dependency in clients in
the community service sector? Write your answer in 150-200 words

Generational welfare assistance subordinate people constantly have a lower level of

schooling and abilities and in this way will be restricted in their business openings.
Absence of information on an ethical compass that gives moral and social direction
and limits to live by, along these lines leaving them helpless against the allurement of
taking for individual addition, rather than working for the things they need or need.
Welfare dependence reliance can possibly guide people to helpless decision making
through dread and nervousness, especially in regard to essential connections,
accordingly leaving them powerless against participating in useless connections that
worsen their troublesome conditions and add further layers of inconveniences to their
all-around compromised lives, especially when there is a pregnancy, or extra

10. Evaluate the boundaries and requirements associated with the coordination role
in the community service sector. Write your answer in 250-300 words

Necessities and limits of the coordination job might include:

 Giving a main issue of contact for the customer.
 Checking in general effect of administration mediations.
 Working with correspondence.
 Observing customer disarray, concerns and hindrances.

11. Explain the referral process to other services. Write your answer in 100-150

Referral is the interaction by which a specialist interfaces a customer to a

help/individual/bunch that can meet the customers support needs for a specific space
of concern or backing for the customer. Referrals can be made by calling the help you
are alluding the customer as well, sending a fax or email.

12. Explain five (5) issues that may cause a client to feel confused, be concerned or
create a barrier and how you may overcome them. Write your answer in 30-50
words for each

Following are the five issues that may cause a client to feel confused, be concerned or
create a barrier;
 Chemical imbalance: Extreme or enduring pressure can change the chemical
balance that controls your mind-set. Encountering a ton of worry about a
significant stretch can prompt a tension problem.
 Helpless nourishment and openness to poisons, like lead, may assume a part in
the improvement of psychological maladjustments.
 Environmental factors: Encountering an injury may trigger a nervousness
problem, particularly in somebody who has acquired a higher danger to begin.
 Ecological elements like demise or separation, a broken day to day life,
sensations of deficiency, low confidence, uneasiness, outrage, or depression,
changing positions or schools.
 Heredity: Uneasiness problems will quite often run-in families. You might
acquire them from one or the two guardians, similar to eye tone.

Part B- Multiple-choice questions

1. Determining the services that a client needs involves

o Assessing the client’s needs
o Assessing the services that are available
o Assessing the organisations capacity to service the client
o All of the above

Answer: All of the above

2. In order to conduct collaborative work arrangement, you should

o Regular communication with the workers undertaking each of the elements
o Systems in place that enable information to flow between services
o Cooperative liaison between the people participating in the coordination
o All of the above

Answer: Regular communicate with the workers undertaking each of the elements
3. An action plan includes information about
o The client’s personal relationships
o The current situation and definition of problems
o The clients home address
o All of the above

Answer: The current situation and definition of problems

4. Evidence based practice is an approach to care that
o Ignores the most recent evidence and practices-based convenience
o Encourages worker to use the best available evidence and critically apply
o Encourages workers to avoid collecting evidence
o All of the above

Answer: Encourages worker to use the best available evidence and critically apply it
5. In order to build rapport with clients it is important to:
o Create an environment that is uncomfortable for the client
o Ignore the client’s point of view
o Know how to ask questions in a way that encourages your client to
respond openly and honestly
o All of the above

Answer: Know how to ask questions in a way that encourages your client to respond
openly and honestly
6. Some of the potential barriers to case management outcomes can include:
o Client’s lack of motivation and willingness to cooperate with case plans
o Lack of interest in the organisation by local public
o All of the above

Answer: All of the above

Assessment Task 2
Read the case study and answer the following questions:

Case study 1: Young homeless client

Imagine that you are a caseworker who has been asked by your supervisor to work with a
young client that has just dropped in to your organisation seeking help. Through questioning
the client and by observation you have assessed the following: The client is 19 years old, is
currently homeless and unemployed with no source of income. He relies on the soup kitchen
provided by the local charity for food daily and sleeps on park benches. He has slurred
speech and appears to be under the influence of some drug or alcohol. He also appears
socially isolated as he does not have any contact with his family and seems to have no

1. Identify the full range services and supports that may be available to this client?

To the degree that homeless people have had the option to acquire required medical
care administrations, they have depended on trauma centres, facilities, emergency
clinics, and different offices that serve poor people. They should be provided with
medical aids, food and shelter initially and then a proper working and independent

2. To be able to refer this client to one of the services or supports listed in Q1, what
documentation protocols might you need to apply? Write your answer in 50-100

A very detailed report along with an application should be written and applied seeking
for the services for the homeless person. The report should contain the details related
to the person that what is his existence, why he is so, what is his basic education, etc.

3. Identify one (1) of each of the following that would apply in this case:
 Organisational Policy: The person must be brought in a good condition, i.e. he
must not have consumed any kind of drug or alcohol.
 Organisational Procedure: The details must be analysed initially along with the
 Legislation: The local authority can interfere in the case.
 Statutory Mandate: No local mandates are to be breached.
 Regulatory Standard: It is necessary to cover an assortment of subjects, the
climate, development, energy and water utilities, and then some.

Case study 2: Case meeting

Your community organisation has asked you to set up a case meeting to discuss services that
could be provided to a young Aboriginal woman who is 15 years old and 4 months pregnant.
You have contacted three different service representatives in your local area to meet and
discuss how you can coordinate services to this client.

1. What can be the potential family dynamics issues associated with working with
this Aboriginal client. How might this impact on the way you communicate with
the client. Write your answer in 50- 100 words.

The very first issue is that she is very young to understand all the terms and subjects.
Moving further, as it is a concern of respect the service should be provided with a
little confidentiality. This may disturb the communication as the client might feel
uncomfortable in giving all the details.

2. Describe the formal meeting procedure you would apply when conducting the
case meeting. Write your answer in 250-300 words

The meeting will be kept as simple as possible along with a level of confidentiality.
The meeting will simply have the introduction session along with the details of the
issues and what the client is seeking for. Then all possible solutions will be elaborated
to her concluding the meeting in a short span of time.
3. Under what circumstance would you use the services of an interpreter to work
with this client?

The job of an interpreter is to fill the language gap so that individuals specifically in a
medical services setting can convey their necessities to wellbeing experts and thusly,
the medical care suppliers can clarify a conclusion, therapy plan and projected
recuperation time to every one of those worried about the patient.

So, when I will feel any misunderstanding or uncomfortable meeting scenario, I will
use the interpreter.

Case study 3: Client with disability

Your client has a disability and attends a service during the day where she is involved in
recreational activities as well as training about daily living skills. Your client has approached
your service and asked if you could work with her to live independently as she would like to
move out of her parents’ home. You have been asked to assess the extent of your clients’
needs in relation to independent living and have referred her to a training program run by
TAFE that aims to help people with disabilities to learn to live independently.

1. What could the impact be that duplication of the services could have on the
client? Write your answer in 50-100 words

Customers getting to numerous services might battle to comprehend or monitor when

a specific assistance is being given, and by which specialist organization. Service
duplication can build this disarray when the customer doesn't comprehend which
administrations they have been distributed.

2. How can you obtain feedback from the client about the services delivered to her?
Write your answer in 50-100 words

In order to obtain feedback from the client about the services delivered to her, I would
go any of the following, phone calls, emails or short surveys.
3. Your client has now found accommodation and has learnt some key skills on how
to cook and other daily living activities, but she is now feeling very lonely living
away from her family. What further supports could you implement to address
her changing needs?

For her, I would implement some elective treatments e.g. massage and aromatherapy
as they can calm loneliness. Get to know plans can be extremely useful to the
individuals who are housebound.

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