As War Rages, Ukraine Agrees To Talks With Russians Without Preconditions'

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Late Edition
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slightly cool, breezy, high 46.
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VOL. CLXXI . . . . No. 59,348 © 2022 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2022 $3.00


In Turnaround, Armed or Not, More Than 350
Germany Vows Villagers Rush Civilians Have
Military Boost To Join Fight Been Killed
This article is by Valerie Hopkins,
By MELISSA EDDY By MARIA VARENIKOVA Anton Troianovski and Steven Er-
BERLIN — It took an invasion KHOMUTYNTSI, Ukraine — langer.
of a sovereign country nearby, The villagers appeared as silhou- KYIV, Ukraine — As Russian
threats of nuclear attack, images ettes in the headlights of cars and forces bore down on Ukraine’s
of civilians facing off against Rus- trucks, a few carrying guns and capital and officials put the toll of
sian tanks and a spate of shaming others clubs, as if they were gang- civilian dead at more than 350
from allies for Germany to shake sters roaming the streets. since the invasion began, the two
its decades-long faith in a mili- They were local men and wom- countries agreed Sunday to sit
tary-averse foreign policy that en formed into self-defense units down for talks “without precondi-
was born of the crimes of the in the villages of the Vinnytsya re- tions,” but hopes were not high for
Third Reich. gion in central Ukraine, which had a peaceful resolution of the con-
But once Chancellor Olaf Scholz gone silent and dark when the flict.
decided to act, the country’s streetlights switched off. They Even as Ukraine’s president,
about-face was swift. stood by the roadsides, under a Volodymyr Zelensky, agreed to
“Feb. 24, 2022, marks a historic very low sky with bright stars. send a delegation to meet with
turning point in the history of our “I am so proud of our people,” Russian officials near the border
continent,” Mr. Scholz said in an said Oksana Mudryk, the mayor with Belarus, he made it clear that
address to a special session of Par- of Khomutyntsi village, about 140 he expected little to come of it. He
liament on Sunday, citing the date miles southwest of Kyiv, Ukraine’s TYLER HICKS/THE NEW YORK TIMES declined to agree to any condi-
when President Vladimir V. Putin capital. “Our village is so tiny that tions or concessions before the
INDUSTRY Gathering empty bottles in the city of Dnipro on Sunday to make Molotov cocktails.
ordered Russian forces to launch I was thinking, ‘Do we even have talks, making it clear that he
an unprovoked attack on Ukraine. anybody to patrol the streets?’ I would not grant Russia the upper
He announced that Germany thought maybe three guys at most hand after its unprovoked attacks.
would increase its military spend- would come to patrol with me. But “I do not really believe in the
ing to more than 2 percent of the in one day after the war started in outcome of this meeting,” he said,
country’s economic output, begin- Kyiv, I have signed up more than “but let them try to make sure that
ning immediately with a one-off 30 people.” no citizen of Ukraine has any
100 billion euros, or $113 billion, to Most of the attention in the first doubt that I, as a president, have
invest in the country’s woefully days of the war has focused on not tried to stop the war.”
underequipped armed forces. He Ukraine’s large cities, which are As world leaders moved to iso-
added that Germany would speed the main targets of Russian troop late Moscow and inflict heavy eco-
up construction of two terminals movements and the scene of nomic pain over the invasion, Rus-
for receiving liquefied natural gas, pitched street battles and deaf- sia showed little apparent interest
or LNG, to help ease the country’s ening artillery attacks. But out in in de-escalating.
reliance on Russian energy. the countryside, an enormous President Vladimir V. Putin, de-
“At the heart of the matter is the grass-roots movement is under- nouncing the West’s “aggressive”
question of whether power can way in villages like Khomutyntsi actions, said he had told his de-
break the law,” Mr. Scholz said. as ordinary Ukrainians — farm- fense minister and his top military
“Whether we allow Putin to turn ers, shop owners, day laborers, commander to place Russia’s nu-
back the hands of time to the days taxi drivers — take up arms to join clear forces on alert. Not only are
of the great powers of the 19th a battle that has abruptly upended Western countries imposing “ille-
century. Or whether we find it their lives. gitimate sanctions” against Rus-
within ourselves to set limits on a The mobilization of civilians to sia, Mr. Putin said, “but senior offi-
warmonger like Putin.” fight against seemingly impossi- cials of leading NATO countries
The events of the past week ble odds has been one of the distin- are allowing themselves to make
have shocked countries with typi- guishing features of Ukraine’s un- aggressive statements directed at
cally pacifist miens, as well as expectedly fierce resistance. And our country.”
those more closely aligned with though it may end tragically, In Ukraine, Russian forces were
Russia. Both have found the inva- Ukrainian officials have been on the move in the south, threat-
sion impossible to watch quietly. pointing to the effort with pride. ening a major port, and in the
Viktor Orban, the pro-Russia, “The Russian leadership does north, where they were continu-
anti-immigrant prime minister of not understand that it is at war not ing their drive toward Kyiv.
Hungary, who denounced sanc- only with the armed forces of TENACITY Local men digging a bunker and erecting a checkpoint in the village of Hushchyntsi. Ukrainian officials took some
tions against Russia just weeks Ukraine, but with the entire obvious satisfaction in Russia’s
ago, reversed his position this Ukrainian people,” Prime Min- call for talks, which came as its
weekend. And Japan, which was ister Denys Shmyhal said in a forces met far more resistance
Continued on Page A9 Continued on Page A8 than expected, failing to quickly
seize the capital, Kyiv.
But international military ex-
perts cautioned that the war is
Putin’s Nuclear Arsenal Rhetoric young.
They noted that Ukrainian
Pushes Bounds of Brinkmanship forces are spread thin, with only
limited ammunition, and that
thousands of better-trained Rus-
sian soldiers have not yet been
By DAVID E. SANGER and WILLIAM J. BROAD thrown into the fight. The worry is
WASHINGTON — When Vladi- manufacturing a menace, threat- that Mr. Putin may move to
mir V. Putin declared Sunday that ening Armageddon for a war he harsher tactics, including the
he was putting his nuclear forces started without provocation. shelling of cities, if his forces get
into “special combat readiness” — bogged down.
For now, at least, Mr. Biden
a heightened alert status reminis- The Ukraine Interior Ministry
chose to de-escalate. The Ameri-
cent of some of the most danger- said Sunday that 352 civilians
can ambassador to the United Na- have been killed since the inva-
ous moments of the Cold War — tions reminded the Security Coun-
President Biden and his aides had sion began, including 14 children.
cil on Sunday afternoon that Rus-
a choice. sia was “under no threat” and Continued on Page A10
They could match the move and chided Mr. Putin for “another es-
put American forces on Defcon 3
calatory and unnecessary step
— known to moviegoers as that CENSORSHIP Russia is pressuring
that threatens us all.” The White
moment when the Air Force rolls Google and Apple as it seeks to
out bombers, and nuclear silos House made it clear that Ameri-
ca’s own alert status had not restrict online material. PAGE B1
and submarines are put on high
alert. Or the president could large- changed. SIDELINED Putin appears to dis-
ly ignore it, sending out aides to But to many in the administra- MACIEK NABRDALIK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES tance himself from advisers,
portray Mr. Putin as once again Continued on Page A7 CHARITY Offering refugees arriving at the Polish border free rides to cities in Poland and beyond. which could be risky. PAGE A6

After Partisan Districting, Primaries Matter Most Police Train to Step In When Police Step Too Far
more than 100,000 that is north of the next decade. The only political The question of what other offi- neapolis in May 2020. On Thurs-
By SHANE GOLDMACHER the city. threat would have to come from By SHAILA DEWAN cers could or should have done day, they were convicted and
The result: Mr. Trump would the far right — which, as it hap- was not abstract: More than a could face many years in prison.
THE WOODLANDS, Texas — have carried the new seat in a pens, is already agitating against BALTIMORE — On an early thousand miles away those same For decades, many police critics
Representative Dan Crenshaw landslide. him. Monday morning in a chilly class- three former officers, two of them have complained that officers who
was tagged as a rising Republican The new lines mean Mr. Cren- room in Baltimore, a diverse rank rookies, were standing trial
All across the nation, political allow police misconduct to happen
star almost from the moment of shaw now has a vanishingly slim group of recruits to one of the na- on charges that they failed to pre-
mapmakers have erected simi- do more damage to the communi-
his first victory: A conservative, chance of losing to a Democrat in tion’s most troubled police depart- vent the death of Mr. Floyd in Min-
larly impenetrable partisan ments gathered for a new kind of ty’s trust than the officers who
Harvard-educated, ex-Navy
fortresses through the once-in-a- training. The screen flashed a commit it. Yet they have not been
SEAL who lost his right eye in Af-
decade redrawing of America’s photo of a man whose face is now a focus — when Rodney King was
ghanistan, he bucked the 2018
suburban revolt against Donald J. congressional lines. Texas, which familiar to the world. Tased and beaten by four Los An-
Trump to win a House seat in the holds the nation’s first primaries “What happened to George geles officers in 1991, more than a
Houston suburbs. on Tuesday, is an especially ex- Floyd?” the instructor barked. dozen others looked on. None of
Mr. Crenshaw won again in treme example of how competi- “He was lynched,” one trainee the onlookers faced charges.
2020, handily, even as Mr. Trump tion between the two parties has responded. “He was murdered,” The federal trial of Tou Thao, J.
carried his district by only a whis- been systemically erased. Nearly another said. Alexander Kueng and Thomas
per. 90 percent of the next House could “How many other officers were Lane in Minnesota this month was
But this year, Mr. Crenshaw’s be occupied by lawmakers who, there?” the instructor asked. one of the rare attempts to hold of-
seat has been transformed by re- like Mr. Crenshaw, face almost no Many knew the answer: ficers to account over the issue.
districting. More liberal enclaves, threat of losing a general election, “Three.” The duty to stop a fellow officer
like the nightlife-rich neighbor- a precipitous drop that dramati- That was the crux of the matter who is engaging in misconduct
hoods near Rice University, were cally changes the political incen- at hand — not the senior officer has long been embedded in many
swapped out for conservative ANNA MONEYMAKER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES tives and pressures they confront. who knelt on Mr. Floyd’s neck, JASON ANDREW FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES department policies and upheld
strongholds like The Woodlands, a Representative Dan Crenshaw “What the future of the Republi- Derek Chauvin, but the three oth- Cadets in Baltimore take part by the courts, but the defendants
master-planned community of had his Texas district redrawn. Continued on Page A18 ers who did not stop him. in a course on ethical policing. Continued on Page A19


Studies Trace Covid to Market New York Eases Mask Rules A Master of Redirection The Horrifying Foo Fighters Charles M. Blow PAGE A21
In two papers, researchers point to a The statewide mask mandate in schools Chris Kreider of the Rangers is having Dave Grohl, the band’s frontman, shares

large food market in Wuhan, China, will end on Wednesday, and New York a career goal-scoring season, planting how the group went from filming funny
saying the virus likely jumped from live City is poised to drop indoor vaccine himself in front of the opponent’s net music videos to making a horror film,
animals to humans. PAGE A4 requirements on March 7. PAGE A19 and tipping in shots. PAGE D1 and discusses a new album. PAGE C1

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