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K-6 Teacher Preparation Program

Summative Evaluation Form

Intern/Student Teacher: Caroline Buechel Date: 4//22 School: McNair
Observer: Katie Trumbo Grade: 6 Rotation / Observation #: 3rd
Mentor: Katie Trumbo Subject: ELA & SS Program: MAT

1- Ineffective 2- Progressing 3- Effective 4- Highly Effective

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
To be completed from responses to questions before and after a lesson. Additional information may be obtained during classroom observation of
2.5 a: Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy
2.5 b: Demonstrating knowledge of students
3 c: Selecting instructional outcomes
3 d: Demonstrating knowledge of resources
3 e: Designing coherent instruction
3 f: Assessing student learning

Key Proficient “Look Fors” Criteria

a. Teacher is familiar with major concepts/skills of the subject he/she teaches. Familiar with
Classroom Observation connections between subject and other disciplines.
● Clear explanation of content - Knowledge of prerequisite relationships
● Accurate response to student questions - Knowledge of content-related pedagogy
● Questions build on prior k/s Comments and Supporting Evidence:
Teacher Lesson Plans/Interview
● Explains how discipline is organized You have done a great job of asking questions when designing your lesson plans to make sure that
and has evolved the content is accessible to students and on grade level. I have been very impressed by the
● Identifies concepts to be taught questioning that you have embedded in your lessons- you have really honed this skill!! You have
● Shares relationship to other disciplines made creative lessons with student interests in mind in order to keep students engaged. I have also
● Selects appropriate teaching strategies appreciated how I have seen you refer to prior knowledge from previous lessons in SS to build on
current units.
b. Teacher demonstrates knowledge of students.
Teacher Lesson Plans/Interview - Knowledge of child and adolescent development
● Age appropriate - Knowledge of the learning process
● References current research - Knowledge of students' skills, knowledge, and language proficiency
● Activities engage inquiry and reciprocal - Knowledge of students' interest and cultural heritage
learning process - Knowledge of students with special needs
● Activities/strategies based in formal / Comments and Supporting Evidence:
informal and ongoing assessment
● Seeks input from parents You have a great understanding of our students and their learning needs and habits. You have done
● Interest surveys and interviews a great job with scaffolding instruction to provide student support (defining academic vocabulary,
● Cultural sensitivity modeling and gradual release, small groups, etc).
● Meets with key school personnel
● Accommodations

c. Teacher selects instructional outcomes.

Teacher Plans/Interviews - Value, sequence, and alignment
● Connects to national, state, and local - Clarity
standards - Balance
● Represents big ideas - Suitability for diverse learners
● Scaffolded on prior and establishes
foundation for future learning that Comments and Supporting Evidence:
represent the discipline
● Written in terms of LEARN not DO You have learned to look at the large scope and sequence of lessons. This was evident in the way
● Are specific, doable, observable you tied all the components of your UBD together. You used a variety of resources to develop your
● Reflect different types of learning lessons. You leaned on district resources like HMH. You created a real world connection to the
● Provide opportunities for coordination content (goal setting vision board).
● Reflect actual and higher-order thinking
● Reflect procedural knowledge You created clear and concise mini lessons to guide instruction and student practice assignments.
● Reflect conceptual understanding
● Reflect communication skills

K-6 Teacher Preparation Program
Summative Evaluation Form
● Reflecting reasoning skills
● Reflecting collaboration skills
● Are suitable for all students

d. Teacher demonstrates knowledge of resources.

Teacher Plans/Interviews - Resources for classroom use
● Utilizes several and differentiated - Resources to extend content knowledge and pedagogy
resources - Resources for students
● Stays abreast of subject(s) teaches
● Aware of and familiar with resources Comments and Supporting Evidence:
in and out of school/district
● Guest speakers Throughout your UBD you began to utilize video resources to add engagement to and strengthen
● Field trips your lessons. Knowing and using those resources can provide personality and bring excitement.
● Internet
● Professional organizations Once settled into a grade and subject - I would encourage you to spend a day each week just
● Media center, computer lab searching for digital resources to bring connections to your class.
● Multidisciplinary resources
● Artifacts

e. Teacher designs coherent instruction.

- Learning activities
Teacher Plans/Interviews - Instructional materials and resources
● Suitable to students and learning - Instructional groups
outcomes - Lesson and unit structure
● Represent significant cognitive Comments and Supporting Evidence:
● Differentiated
● Engaging You have a great sense of giving lessons structure and timing your lessons. I’ve seen you improve
● Varied grouping dramatically over your internship with the timing of your lessons.
● Clearly defined structure
A potential area of growth would be to provide fluid small group instruction that allows some
● Reasonably timed
students to come on skills they need help with, while others continue to move forward. When
you have your own classroom, think about ways to implement stations to allow for small
grouping. .
f. Teacher assesses student learning.
Teacher Plans/Interviews - Congruent with instructional outcomes
● Assesses all outcomes - Criteria and standards
● Adapts for groups/students - Design of formative assessments
● Identifies clear criteria/standards - Used for Planning
● Develops appropriate strategies Comments and Supporting Evidence:
● Uses to plan for future instruction
I think your ability to track student’s learning is progressing. Consider finding ways to group
students based on their progress in class. You’ve used a variety of tools to assess from quick spot
checks, gimkit/quizizz, google forms, and weekly assessments.

As years pass you might consider having students create their own assessments and rubrics to
assignments to promote student involvement in their learning.

(Overall Strengths, Areas of Improvement and Growth Goals)

K-6 Teacher Preparation Program
Summative Evaluation Form

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

To be completed during observation of a lesson
3 a: Designing an environment of respect and rapport
3 b: Establishing a culture for learning
3 c: Managing classroom procedures
2.5 d: Managing student behavior
4 e: Organizing physical space

Criteria Key “Look Fors”

Classroom Observation a: Teacher interactions with students. Students’ interactions ● Teacher calls students by name
with one another. ● Teachers uses “we” statements to make
Supporting Evidence & Comments: students feel part of the group
● Listens to students with care
You show that you are interested, invested, and concerned with students by your conversations ● Polite language is used in interaction
with them. You greet them and your body language reveals that you have a genuine attitude between the students and the teacher
towards students. You are polite and encouraging, yet firm if students are not on task and need ● Teacher checks with students to find out
to be redirected. I have been impressed with how quickly you became comfortable with how they feel about the class/lesson
correcting student behaviors and having those private behavior conversations with them. You
hold students accountable to their actions, you are not afraid to report misbehaviors or
overlook behaviors that are damaging to the classroom learning environments.

Classroom Observation b: The importance of the content. Expectations of learning and

achievement. Student pride in work. ● Voice and body language convey
Supporting Evidence & Comments: enthusiasm
● Student have a choice about how they show
You have focused on not only content but connecting to students. You went out of your way what they have learned
to try to make positive connections. You see the value in all students, even our hardest kids. ● Teacher shares the learning goal for the
You have only ever talked about students in a positive manner that supports that all students lesson and explains the lesson’s importance
can learn regardless of background, ethnicity, or level of understanding. and purpose
● Teacher reinforces students’ development
of conceptual understanding in order for
students to demonstrate proficiency of

● Guidelines for group work are specified

Classroom Observation c: Routines are clearly established to minimize loss of ● Routines are established
instructional time. Teacher has established procedures for group work making sure ● Roles are used when appropriate
students understand what they are to do and how they are to accomplish it. There are ● Group members listen respectfully
clear procedures to manage transitions, distribution of materials and supplies. ● Group works to meet learning goal
● Worked productively
Supporting Evidence & Comments: ● Used time well
● Voice level appropriate
You have worked to make plans for possible disruptions by having materials ready and posted ● Materials and supplies are handled
on google classroom. You have improved on maximizing all time in the classroom, especially smoothly and efficiently
transitions. Sometimes your preparation of the materials for lessons is a little last minute.
Make plans to stay a week or two ahead when you have a class of your own. Especially on the
subjects that you can make plans ahead easily.

K-6 Teacher Preparation Program
Summative Evaluation Form
● Appropriate and clear standards of
Classroom Observation d: Standards of conduct appear to be clear to students, and the behavior
teacher monitors student behavior against those standards. The teacher’s response to ● Alert to student behavior at all times
student misbehavior is appropriate and respects the students’ dignity. ● Consistency
● Clear consequences
● Demonstrate positive behavior
Supporting Evidence & Comments: ● Sense of respect
● Responds to serious behavior problems
In the event of disruptive behavior you continue with the lesson, while redirecting students ● Rationale for standards
who are being disruptive. You are quick to redirect them to the appropriate behaviors. Make
sure you continue to circulate the room for proximity and wait for the whole class to be silent
and on the same page before delivering redirection.

Classroom Observation e: The classroom is safe, and learning is accessible to all ● Class arrangement
students; the teacher ensures that the physical arrangement is appropriate to the ● Use of space appropriate for learning
learning activities. The teacher makes effective use of physical resources, including ● Safety
computer technology. ● Access to instruction
● Facilitates learning
● Lesson adjustments
Supporting Evidence & Comments: ● Traffic pattern
Materials are organized and easy to access.

(Overall Strengths, Areas of Improvement and Growth Goals)

Domain 3: Instruction
To be completed during observation of a lesson
3 a: Communicating with students
3 b: Using questioning and discussion techniques
3 c: Engaging students in learning
3 d: Using Assessment in Instruction
3 e: Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness

Key Proficient “Look Fors” Criteria

● Written and verbal Classroom Observation a: Expectations for learning. Directions and procedures. Explanations of
explanation of lesson content.
● Directions and procedures Supporting Evidence & Comments:
are clear to students
● Explanation of content is Caroline explains to students the learning objective before she begins her lessons and puts them in kid friendly
appropriate and connects to language. She outlines instructions for assignments and breaks down the learning tasks. Lessons are structured
student knowledge and for gradual release.
● Clear and correct spoken
and written language

Classroom Observation b: Quality of questions. Discussion techniques. Student participation.
● Teacher’s questions are of
high quality Supporting Evidence & Comments:
● Adequate time provided
K-6 Teacher Preparation Program
Summative Evaluation Form
for response I have been very impressed with the questioning that Caroline has implemented in her lessons plans in both
● Genuine discussion among ELA and SS. She has done a wonderful job of thinking of higher level DOK questions to push the learning and
students make connections between current and past areas of study.
● Teacher successfully
engages all students in

● Assignments are Classroom Observation c: Activities and assignments. Grouping of students. Instructional materials
appropriate and students and resources. Structure and pacing.
are cognitively engaged
● Instructional groups are Supporting Evidence & Comments:
productive and appropriate
for the lesson Caroline’s lessons were appropriate and challenging for the grade level and content skill. Caroline made sure
● Materials and resources are to choose resources that were appealing to student interests in order to foster engagement. Her timing has
appropriate and engage significantly improved since the beginning of the semester- she has done a great job with keeping on pace.
students mentally Caroline follows a gradual release model.
● Lesson has a clearly
defined structure
● Pacing is appropriate

Classroom Observation d: Assessment criteria. Monitoring of student learning. Feedback to students.
● Students are fully aware of Student self-assessment and monitoring of progress.
criteria and performance
standards by which work Supporting Evidence & Comments:
will be evaluated
● Monitors the progress of Caroline has implemented the use of rubrics especially in SS to show students how their work will be
groups making use of evaluated. In ELA she makes sure to explain assignment expectations in order to get students to produce
diagnostic prompts quality work.
● Feedback to students is
timely and high quality For your future classroom, be thinking about how you want to provide feedback to students (verbal, written,
● Students frequently through small group, etc) and having students design performance criteria or having students assess other
assesses and monitors classmates' work.
quality of their own work
against criteria

● Makes minor adjustments Classroom Observation e: Lesson adjustment. Response to students. Persistence.
to lesson in a smooth
manner Supporting Evidence & Comments:
● Successfully
accommodates for Caroline is reflective in her teaching and tweaks lessons if needed. She has done a great job of responding to
students’ questions and student questions and elaborating on their thinking/questioning.
● Anticipates and responds
to student differences For your future classroom, make sure to think through lessons and think about what misconceptions might
● Persists in seeking happen with students- make sure to document these so you can refer to them when you teach the same skill the
approaches for students following year.
who are struggling

(Overall Strengths, Areas of Improvement and Growth Goals)

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

K-6 Teacher Preparation Program
Summative Evaluation Form
To be completed from evidence of Domain 4 submitted by intern through documentation and from observations of intern during 3rd placement
internship experience.
3.5 a: Reflecting on teaching in terms of accuracy and use in further teaching
3 b: Maintaining accurate records
3 c: Communicating with families
3 d: Participating in a professional community
3 e: Developing and growing professionally
4 f: Demonstrating professionalism

Domain D: Teacher Professionalism

Key Proficient “Look Fors” Criteria

● Accurately assess lesson's
effectiveness in meeting a. Reflecting on teaching.
outcomes - Accuracy
● Generally supports judgments - Use in future teaching
● Suggests future adjustments
Supporting Evidence & Comments:

Caroline keeps record of her student’s learning. She changes her next lessons based on the learning that
occurred in today’s lessons.

● Fully effective system for

maintaining information on b. Maintaining accurate records
student completion of - Student completion of assignments
assignments. - Student progress in learning
- Non-instructional records

Supporting Evidence & Comments:

Caroline has employed a variety of systems to maintain records and logs of learning. She has set up a data
wall for her students' learning (SS action research). She also has an item analysis for her pre and post
assessments on her UBD. She actively looks for ways to improve her Action Research lessons to improve
the understanding of the content.

c. Communicating with families

● Provides frequent information to - Information about the instructional program
families - Information about individual students
● Communicates regularly about - Engagement of families in the instructional program
students' progress
● Engages families frequently and
● Volunteers in school events
making substantial contribution
● Coordinates with specialists

K-6 Teacher Preparation Program
Summative Evaluation Form
Supporting Evidence & Comments:

Caroline communicated with parents through her action research release forms.

When you have your own class, make sure to make positive phone calls during the first two weeks to
relationships with parents.

d. Participating in a professional community

● Mutual support and cooperation - Participating in a professional community
● Grade-level/departmental - Involvement in a culture of professional inquiry
meetings - Service to the school
● Engages in analysis, reflection, - Participation in school and district projects
discussion and debate with
intent to improve Supporting Evidence & Comments:
● Actively participates in a culture
of professional inquiry She attends PLC meetings. Additionally she attends faculty meetings and asks about content presented in
● Professional the meetings. She refers to her action research during meetings and about her findings in her research of
development methods. She is also down to share her lessons and activities with PLC.
● Action research
● Collaboration
● Seeks out opportunities for e. Growing and developing professionally
professional development to - Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill
enhance content knowledge and - Receptivity to feedback from colleagues
pedagogical skill - Service to the profession
● Welcomes feedback and Supporting Evidence & Comments:
responds/asks for further
feedback She actively wants to talk about her practice and wants to know ways she can become a more effective
teacher and manage student behaviors.
f. Showing professionalism
- Integrity and ethical conduct
- Service to students
- Advocacy
● - Decision making
● Displays high standards of - Compliance with school and district regulations
honesty, integrity, and Supporting Evidence & Comments:
confidentiality in interactions
with colleague, students, and the Caroline wants to do well and holds herself to a high standard. She is a great asset to any classroom! She
public. has been a delight to work with. She is a hardworking and delightful person to be around. Anyone would
● Volunteers to participate in be lucky to have her on their team!!
before/after school programs
● Ensures all students have fair
opportunity to succeed.
● Open minded and participates in
● Consistent and on time in
● Consistent and on time in
attendance at team and faculty
● Dresses appropriately

(Overall Strengths, Areas of Improvement and Growth Goals)

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