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Reflection on direct vs.

student centered instruction

Katie Lamparella

One similarity that both forms of instruction had was an element of the teacher doing

something then the students modeling something before they were sent on their own to do the

work. Both forms of teaching also had differentiation built in almost because the teacher was

able to modify as they were demonstrating based on their observations of the students.

One difference that I saw was with whole brain teaching there was more interaction from

the students in the lesson because they were miring the teacher in everything that she did.

Another difference that I saw in whole brain teaching was that the students took a short quiz at

the end of the lesson all as a group so then the teacher could quickly know if what they had

taught was understood or if they need to clarify something. This can be beneficial because then a

misconception could be cleared up much quicker than if the students all go and practice

something the wrong way.

In a way I think whole brain teaching is a method of direct instruction. This is because

the teacher is showing the students exactly what he or she wants them to gain from the lesson.

This helps to provide a clear set of expectations and rules for what the students are to do, and

they are first seeing the teacher demonstrate and then given time to copy the teacher.

I think that whole brain teaching works because the students are given a sense of

responsibility in their learning. Whole brain teaching is also much more engaging for the
students, so they are not trying to listen to the teacher just lecture but they are moving around

and talking which makes the lesson for students more enjoyable.

I liked what you mentioned about students learning from repetition. I think that like the

teacher in the video did she had a point system and if she felt like the students were

understanding the material and modeling it well she would give them a point but when they did

not model it as well as she liked she gave herself a point and that was just a saddle reminder to

the student that they need to do everything the teacher did when she demonstrated the skill so

then they can also learn the concept or skill that is being taught.

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