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Assessment Task 1 - Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)

Question 1: Briefly explain the practice of case management. (20-50 words)

Answer: The practice of case management is a professional and cooperative cycle that
surveys, plans, executes, arranges, screens, and assesses the choices and administrations
expected to meet a person's wellbeing needs. Moving further, the case management aims to
provide advocacy, planning, assessment, communication, facilitation, education and resource
management of services.

Question 2: Where and how can you find information to ensure good case management
practice? (30-50 words)
Answer: To ensure good case management practice, Case Management Society of Australia
or the CMSA can be used as an information tool. It is the national registration and regulatory
body for certified case managers and employees associated with case management and its
website can be accessed to find out necessary information.

Question 3: Suggest eight (8) continuous improvement strategies that could be used in case
management. Explain each strategy in 10-20 words each.
Answer: Following are the eight continuous case improvement strategies that could be used
in case management;
 Ideation and Think Tanks: Initiating regular think tanks and ideation sessions can
benefit the case management processes.
 PDCA: The cycle is comprised of four stages: Plan, Do, Check, and Act.
 Surveys and Polls: By surveying, one can figure out the problem areas and track
down places for development for a case management.
 Monthly Training: Cross-training and automation software can contribute to process
 Kaizen: Kaizen is about building a culture where continuous improvement becomes
second nature for all.
 Time Audits: It makes one ready to precisely quantify and measure what amount of
time a cycle requires in the interest of the case management.
 Six Sigma: Six Sigma is a process that improves business capabilities by eliminating
 Catch ball: Catch ball is a method of continuous improvement that requires the
individual who started a cycle to express its motivation and worries to the others
included plainly.

Question 4: Why do we have a code of ethics and organisational standards in place? Explain
in 40-60 words.
Answer: An organisation can work effectively only if keeps operating in a well-structured
manner where its principles, expectations, and values are kept in mind and the community in
which the organisation is working finds it useful for them. Thus, to maintain the values of the
organisation, code of ethics and organisational standards are set which are strictly followed
by the employees and the clients.

Question 5: Suggest 2 professional standards that relate to supervision in case management

and explain how they can be put into practice. 20-30 words for each
Answer: Following are the two professional standards that relate to supervision in case
 Clinical supervision: A person may require clinical supervision for which a doctor or
nurse can be contacted by the case manager. The clinical supervisor will assist the
case manager is resolving health related issues of the client.
 External support: Few clients suffer from various severe issues which requires
external support for which the case manager appoints some senior or external
supervisor like psychologist, welfare professionals, etc.

Question 6: Suggest ways you could access culturally specific workers and explain the
importance of doing so. (60-80 words)
Answer: In order to access culturally specific workers there is possibility of adding some
details of it in the advertisement given for job profile. Also, continuous monitoring and
evaluation of workers is another way to access culturally specific workers. It is important to
go for such workers as they help in maintaining the diversity at the workplace and can work
for diverse range of clients. Furthermore, such workers help in maintaining the cultural
competence of the organisation.

Question 7: At times you may need to consult with other workers both internally and
externally, what do you need to consider before doing this? (20-50 words)
Answer: Before consulting with the workers on any concern regarding the case management
it is important to have a very own view on the same, venue of consultation should be
confirmed and the details and information of various operations are needed to be confirmed
so that a proper decision can be made.

Question 8: Explain how a case manager consulting with other professionals will benefit
their client. (20-50 words)
Answer: For a case manager, consulting with other professionals is extremely valuable as it
gives a better idea of design and development of case plans. Also, discussing strategies for

case management will result in enhancing the knowledge and skills. Thus, it will help in
answering enough questions of the clients over their issues.

Question 9: How can you ensure that the working relationships with your clients are based
on respect, tolerance of diversity and an understanding of cultural safety? (30-60 words)
Answer: When maintaining the working relationships with the clients it is important to take
care of respect, tolerance of diversity and knowledge of cultural safety because these are the
important life skills at the workplace. Respecting the clients allows them to feel the sense of
safety and diversity along with cultural safety helps in accepting the differences in clients
without any discrimination.

Question 10: Explain how access and equity relates to the role of a case manager. (50-70
Answer: As it is clear that access and equity are basic principles of social justice and is
connected with fairness. Access and equity relate to the role of a case manager as he is
responsible for helping the clients who are more disadvantaged in comparison to others in
accessing various services and facilities. The lack of access and equity can be easily handled
by the supervision of a case manager.

Question 11a: Identify 6 legislations that relate to the role of a case management supervisor.
Answer: Legislations relating to the role of a case management supervisor are as follows;
 Age Discrimination Act 2004: This Act makes it illegal to discriminate against
someone on the grounds of age or age-specific characteristics.
 Disability Discrimination Act 1992: This Act makes it illegal to discriminate against
someone on the grounds of:
 disability
 diseases and disorders, including diseases that affect thought processes,
perception of reality, emotions or judgment, or result in disturbed behaviour
 The supervisor has a professional responsibility to maintain professional competence,
updated knowledge and skills, disclose conflicts of interest, report misconduct, and
comply with any legal proceedings.
 Confidentiality will be followed including verbal, written, and electronic media and
 Professional relationships will be impartial and legal including disclosure of fees,
conflicts of interest, advertising, and research.
 Client relationship will include explanation of supervisor’s services and duties and
notification of termination of those services at the appropriate time. Case
Management supervisor will withhold sharing personal values and remain objective in
services rendered.

Question 11b: Why are these legislations necessary? (40-60 words)

Answer: Legislations are usually the laws with good cause. These legislations are necessary
as they help in providing a proper system for government related actions in the field of case
management if any of the rules are breached. Legislations like these have many purposes like
regulating, providing funds, authorizing, declaring or restricting various data or details used
in case management.

Question 12: Explain how you should collect and record feedback on client’s case plans.
(50-100 words)
Answer: Collection and recording of feedback on client’s case plans is quite necessary as it
will help in analysing the difference and will help in future aspects also. Feedback makes the
case manager know that how the clients are feeling and are their problem associated with the
case plans getting resolved. In order to collect and record feedback on client’s case plans
various ways like discussion on phone, face to face meetings, observations, online feedback
forms, etc. can be used. These various modes will help in getting the client’s feedback and
the important data needed to proceed in the case plans.

Question 13: Identify 5 ways you can confirm the need for referral. How will you respond to
each of these needs for referral? (100-150 words)
Answer: The process of directing or redirecting a client to an appropriate specialist or agency
for definitive treatment is termed as referral. The need of referral can be confirmed in
following five ways;
 If the client is not recovering well from his illness, he may be referred to some further
 If the supervisor is facing any issue in solving the client’s problem and is getting
severe then he must refer it to specialist.
 If the problem of the client is not being identified then it must be referred to some
external agency to cure it immediately.
 If the client is asking for any external help due to any of his personal reasons, then he
must be referred to a specialist as per the code of ethics.
 If the case workers are not helping the client properly and supervisor is unable to
manage them then the client must be sent to some external agency.

Question 14: Once you have confirmed the need for a referral, suggest 5 questions you could
ask the client to establish which service is the most suitable to their needs.
Answer: Following are the five questions which may be asked to client in order to establish
the service best suitable for their needs;
 What are the issues faced by you after being in our care?
 Why do you think that you need some external service?
 What do you think can solve your problem?

 How are you going to cope with it?

 Recommend some services which you think are suitable for your needs?

Question 15: Identify 3 ways workers can increase their competencies and specialist
knowledge and explain the benefits. (50-70 words)
Answer: In order to increase competency and specialist knowledge, the workers can opt for
following three ways;
 Coaching: This is quite helpful as the workers can simply learn new skills and
increase their competencies in a very inexpensive way.
 Voluntary training: Voluntary training provides necessary resource and motivation
to the workers which are required for increasing their competencies.
 Taking challenge: An extra element of challenge will give employees something new
to do.

Question 16: Explain cultural competence and how this can be demonstrated in the
workplace (40- 60 words)
Answer: In an organisation, a diverse range of workers can be seen who belong to different
culture. Cultural competence can be understood as the ability of case workers to express their
cultural traditions and needs at the workplace.
Cultural competence can be demonstrated by;
 acknowledging case workers’ cultural differences
 accepting cultural differences without bias
 learning about a culture that is specific to a case worker

Question 17: Explain how organisations can manage their responsibilities and responses to
clients at risk. (100-150 words)
Answer: Organisations initially need to go ahead with the code of ethics and legislation as it
will bind them in a sense of responsibility that they must possess towards their client. Moving
further, organisations need to train and develop all the required skills in its employees who
are going to get associated with a client at risk. The organisation must divide the roles and
responsibilities of each supervisor and worker so that they can focus on their individual target
which will result in a collective success. Proper case management procedures, monitoring
system, evaluation, and continuous improvement approach should be developed by the
organisation to look after their responsibilities and responses to a client at risk. Also, asking
for employees as well as client’s feedback will assist in analysing and managing the various

Question 18: How can you ensure your own value base and belief system doesn’t have a
negative impact on your work with clients? (15-30 words)
Answer: My own values and belief system are meant for me only. It is my responsibility to
not apply my belief system and value on others as it is totally illegal.

Question 19: Using the table provided explain how the following legal and ethical
considerations may be applied in case management supervision. (25-50 words for each)
Duty of care Duty of care can be applied in providing
access to the services important for client’s
needs and also it will allow clients to
participate in the decision-making process.
Moving further, it can be used to identify
client’s needs and goals along with
respecting their right to privacy and
Mandatory reporting Mandatory reporting can be applied in case
management supervision to track the
progress of a particular client. It will help in
monitoring the process and also will assist
in identifying the areas which need to be
Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure Privacy and safety of the data and records of
a particular client in a case management
process are necessary. Thus privacy,
confidentiality and disclosure are the key
legal considerations which can be used to
provide a safe and secure service to the
Complaints Each client faces some issue at various
stages of the case management process and
thus complaints are quite important part of
it. It can be used to find out the issues faced
by any client at a particular time and then it
can be resolved easily.
Code of practice and ethics Code of practice and ethics are to be applied
for the workers, supervisors, etc. there are
some ethical and legal standards which
cannot be breached in case management
supervision and thus code of practice and
ethics become important and must be

Question 20: There are three primary practice models of supervision. Using the link provided
below identify the three models and provide a brief explanation of each. (75-150 words for
each model)
Answer: Following are the three primary practice models of supervision;
 Developmental Model: The basic reason of developmental models of supervision is
the thought that people are constantly developing. In joining our involvement in
inherited pre manners we foster qualities and development regions. The target of
oversight according to this point of view is to boost and distinguish development
required for what's to come. Developmental supervision depends on the
accompanying two suspicions:

 During the time spent becoming able, the guide will advance however various
stages that are subjectively not quite the same as one another;
 Each stage requires a subjectively unique climate for ideal development to
Studies revealed that behaviour of supervisors changed as supervisees acquired
insight, and the administrative relationship additionally different. There had all the
earmarks of being a logical reason for formative patterns and examples in
management. By and large, the formative model of oversight characterizes moderate
phases of supervisee improvement from novice to master, with each stage comprising
of discrete qualities and abilities.
 Integrated model: Since a larger part of psychotherapists view themselves as mixed,
coordinating a few hypotheses into a steady practice, a few models of management
have been intended to utilize a different helpful direction while others expect to be
utilized across any hypothetical direction. Discrimination Model is an illustration of
this model. In particular, the Discrimination Model joins three administrative jobs of
educator, guide and specialist with three critical areas of cycle, conceptualisation and
personalisation. For instance, supervisors could assume the job of educator when they
straightforwardly address, train, and illuminate the supervisee. They could then go
about as advocates while helping supervisees through vulnerable sides,
countertransference, vicarious responses and other private matters connected with the
psychotherapeutic cycle.

 Orientation Specific Models: Counsellors who take on a specific brand of treatment

regularly trust that the best supervision is the examination of training for genuine
adherence to the treatment.
Few of its parts are as follows;
Psychoanalytic: Psychoanalytic supervision is by a wide margin the most seasoned
type of psychotherapeutic oversight. This is on the grounds that from its origin,
analysis has tended to the idea of management.
Behavioural: Behavioural supervision sees client issues as learning issues.
Client Centred: It is concerned as the idea of management for learner guides, as it is
seen from early accounts of treatment meetings that the standard types of learning

were not compelling in showing understudy advocates the non-order approach of

individual focused treatment.
Cognitive Behavioural: Cognitive-behavioural supervision, continues with the
understanding that both versatile and maladaptive ways of behaving are learned and
kept up with through their results.

Question 21: The Australian Association of Social Workers provide a detailed factsheet on
case management and care coordination. You can find it here: Read the article and explain what the AASW
believes makes case management successful. (100-150 words)
Answer: The AASW believes that successful case management and care coordination is
dependent on the following;
 Laying out an empathic and deferential working relationship with the client
 Fostering an appraisal of the client's conditions and needs in a joint effort with the
client, different individuals from the treatment group, other specialist co-ops, and
loved ones at every possible opportunity
 Carrying out the help plan with the client
 Fostering an assistance plan with the client that assesses short‐term and long‐ term
objectives and distinguishes how the caseworker will uphold those objectives
 Talking with family, soul mates, individuals from the treatment group and other
specialist co-ops as suitable for the execution of the help plan
 Upholding with and for the client to get assets and to help the client to accomplish
 Exploring, reconsidering and checking the arrangement routinely with the client

Question 22: Describe what the supervision of case management entails. (30-50 words)
Answer: Attending supervision of case management om regular basis is quite necessary to
ensure that the valuable feedback of colleagues is being received and the concerns from the
last supervision are being successfully raised, discussed and resolved. Also, supervision
entails on setting professional goals in order to improve and progress consistently.

Assessment Task 2 – Unit Skills Test

Case study 1

Question 1: It is evident the current practice standards need updating or revisiting with the
team. Describe practice standards you would develop and how you would promote these to
workers. (50- 100 words)
Answer: Following practice standards will be developed;
 A copy of support plan available for the clients in order to make them familiar with
the whole process.
 Planning at a speed that suits the client as it will make the process easier for both.
 Link with other providers to offer the clients suitable level of care.
 Flexibility to adapt client’s health and living situation after identifying their issues.
These practice standards can be helpful for future and can be promoted with workers by
providing them the details regarding each and introducing them with the process via meeting,
training and development sessions.

Question 2: Identify 5 areas for continuous improvement in context of the case study.
Answer: Following are the areas which need continuous improvement in context of the case
 Availability to clients: Lesser the availability to clients more the ineffectiveness.
Thus, it is the very first area which needs continuous improvement.
 Communication: Better communication will help in dealing with clients effectively.
 Case management skills: Lack of case management skills can be seen in Care Shore
and thus it should be improved.
 Roles and responsibilities: Each worker should be trained about their roles and
responsibilities so that they do their task effectively.
 Consultation with peers: It must be improved as lack in it causes harm of ideas which
can come out of different brains.

Question 3: Explain the training and development you will be making available for staff at
Care Shore moving forward. (30-50 words)
Answer: There are some lacks of skills and knowledge in the staff at Care Shore due to
which the staff and clients both are facing issues. Training of good communication skills,
procedural skills, case management skills and enhancement of client support system will
definitely help in getting rid of the concerns.
Question 4: Explain how you could encourage and support industry consultation with both
industry experts and culturally specific workers. (50-100 words)
Answer: A proper date is required to develop and design the policy and procedures. Here
industry consultation becomes important just like any other funding body or organisation. In
order to encourage industry consultation with both the industry experts and the culturally
specific workers, I will make some information available to them following which this can be
done easily. The set of information include, changes in legislations and regulations,
environment changes, health and safety changes, level of job satisfaction for workers,
feedbacks of clients, etc. These consist of both the industrial as well as diverse information
and are enough to encourage both.

Question 5: Changes have been made to the legislation surrounding the way you collect and
store client information. All records need to be entered into the ‘Matrix’ system within 24
hours of the client’s intake assessment, this program is password protected and workers
should be reminded of the importance of this.
Write an email to all Care Shore workers explaining the change to the legislation along with a
reminder of the importance of keeping passwords private. (100-150 words)
To: All the workers
From: Senior Case Management Supervisor
Subject: Change in legislation and privacy of password
Thanks for being the part of this case management service provider. This is to inform you all
that the authorities have made some important changes in the legislation of the way we used
to collect and store client’s data. Also, a ‘Matrix’ system program has been introduced to
keep all the records within 24 hours of client’s intake assessment and this program is
password protected. So, you all will be provided with the details of both the change in
legislation as well as the ‘Matrix’ system from your respective managers. It is a request to
you all to keep the password private and follow the new legislations in order to provide a
safe, secure and effective service to our clients and be a responsible worker.
Xyz (Senior Case Management Supervisor).

Question 6: Explain the strategy you would implement to monitor progress on case plans and
recommend changes where required. (50-70 words)
Answer: There are various strategies to monitor progress on case plans. Interview or meeting
with the clients, colleagues, service providers, health care professionals and others who are
associated with the case plan will be used to collect feedback. The feedback will be analysed
in order to find out that is the case plan working for clients and meeting their needs and what
areas do require improvement.
Case study 2

Question 1: Describe how you could evaluate your own supervision potentially through
consultation with your peers. (50-70 words)
Answer: It becomes very necessary to evaluate own supervision over a period or at regular
interval as it helps in improving the quality of service we provide. Consulting with the peers
in meeting and through performance appraisals helps in evaluating the supervision of self.
Consultation with the peers provides feedback and develops a sense of improving practise in
future based on the area of evaluation.

Question 2: Identify four (4) areas for improvement on your supervision practice based on
the case study. (30-50 words)
Answer: Based on the case study, the areas for improvement in my supervision are as
 Case management skills
 Procedural skills
 Creating a safe environment for clients
 Communication skills
After improvement, these areas will help in providing a better supervision practice and will
help in dealing with clients in a more effective way.

Question 3: One of the case managers you have been supervising has a range of clients with
very complex needs including severe mental health issues along with Alcohol and other drug
issues. You have attempted to support the worker as best you can to manage a particular
client, but the worker has been clear that they need extra support to fully understand the
client’s needs and has suggested an external supervisor, preferably a psychologist.
Explain the process of referring the worker to an external supervision service. (40-60 words)
Answer: Initially, the client must be assessed with whatever issues he is facing and thus
based on that report if there is need of an external supervision service, it should be provided
as per the standards. The external supervisor (psychologist) will be given all the information
and he will directly handle the case further by understanding the previous records of the

Assessment Task 3 - Unit Project

In 600-800 words write a report on the below listed areas that have been identified as
requiring improvement in the organisations current case management practice.

Lack of consultation with industry experts: Consultation with industry experts is needed to
understand the current trends. the strategies which can be implemented to get rid of lack of
consultation are;
 Analysis of previous data and records,
 Regular meetings with industry experts.
These both the strategies can assist the workers with the skills and knowledge required to
look after the casework. For analysis of previous data and records, the workers must be
trained with the software knowledge. Also, an interview or feedback form should be filled to
monitor the progress of both the strategies.
Some changes in policies and procedures may be required as the second strategy i.e., regular
meetings with industry experts will be conducted. the policy of limited meetings or
interviews thus must be changed. Moving further, the evaluation must be done to ensure that
the strategies are working or not and it can be only done by analysing feedback of next

Supervision with staff having no structure: Supervision with a staff without a well o-
mannered structure is just like running a vehicle with no fuel. In order to improve this area,
the two strategies are developed and are as follows;
 Recruitment of staff on the basis of required skills and knowledge,
 Training of staff to work under supervision for various types of caseworks.
The initial process of recruiting the staff will contain the demand of skills and knowledges
and only eligible candidates will get selected. The policies and procedures related to the
recruitment of new staff will be modified if needed. Then, the staff will be trained according
to the case plan and will get to work under the supervisor in a well-structured manner.
The monitoring of these strategies can be done by analysing the feedback of the clients that
how they are feeling under the supervisor and his new staff. Necessary consultation with
industry experts, colleagues, etc. will be provided if needed.

Supervision not occurring regularly: Occurrence of regular supervision is necessary part of

case management and where there is any lack in this process, it becomes hazardous for the
clients seeking for care. In order to improve this area, the strategies developed are as follows;
 Monitoring of supervision must be done,
 A special group of senior staff should be responsible to look after the supervision
process on regular interval of time.
The group of senior staff formed to look after the supervisors will monitor the whole process
and will update the policies and procedures accordingly. Also, the importance of supervision
will be told to the workers of organisation and clients as well so that they understand that
why regular supervision is needed. Furthermore, with consultation of other organisations in
the industry the possible ways to improve this area will be implemented. The strategies will
be evaluated by the record book and discharge of client with successful cure.

New workers not being inducted into the organisation correctly: Induction of new
workers into the organisation is not properly done which leads in a wrong staffing and it
makes the client suffer at the end. To improve this area, the strategies developed are as
 A proper induction of new workers should be done
 The workers should be provided with various details of the organisation related to
case management
The workers will get all important details related to the case management as well as the
organisation during the induction process. The case managers will provide them the layout,
case management procedures, client care details, etc. They will get trained with the details
provided and it will be monitored by the case managers themselves. Moving further, the
policies and procedures set for induction of new workers can be modified as per the demand
and further consultation with peers can be done. To evaluate that the strategy is working or
not direct questions can be asked from the new workers by conducting interviews.

Little understanding or cultural competence among workers: Little-understanding or

cultural competence among workers can lead a serious issue like discrimination, hate, etc.
The two strategies developed for getting rid of these issues and to improve them are as
 Development of communication skills,
 Making workers familiar with code of ethics and standards.
Better the communication skills, better will be understanding. Also, developing
communication skills will lead in understanding workers from different cultural backgrounds.
Code of ethics and standards will be implemented in a strict manner so that no one
discriminates on cultural grounds. Monitoring of the strategies will be done by the
supervisors and consultation with peers will also be done to apply best ways for developing
the understanding. Policies and procedures related to cultural values will be implemented and
the strategies will be evaluated by checking the current status of understanding and cultural
competence among the workers.

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