Discovering Your Personal Legend Hyperdoc

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The Alchemist: Discovering Your

Personal Legend
“When You Really Want Something All The Universe Conspires To
Help You Achieve It” -The Alchemist
What Is A Personal Legend? Describe Santiago’s Personal Legend.
Do you think you have a personal legend?
All About Goal Setting
● “Goals represent the decisions we make and the commitments we take in
order to reach attainment, break some bad habits, adopt useful habits or
achieve more in different areas of life. Goals enable us to achieve focus in life
by helping us to determine what we want. They keep us motivated and
propelled, constantly putting us in state of action” (Ho).
● Goals, when paired with good systems and action steps, can help you move
forward in life and accomplish what you want to.
● Goals also help you by providing you with an ending destination so that you
have a vision to work towards and a reason to better yourself every day.
● While goals are great, they do not work without everyday systems in place to
help you maintain and achieve them.
● A goal without action is just a dream.
Notes From Video:
Brain-Dump: What are the coolest things that could happen in your
life in the next 5 years?
Brainstorm: What are some smaller goal you can work on right
now? List them out!
After listing, highlight one goal you want to work on during this unit
Photo Brainstorm: What does working on this goal look like? What
does accomplishing this goal look like?
Example Photo Brainstorm (Goal: Healthy Living)
SMART Goal Setting
Let’s Break Your Goals Down Even Further With SMART
● Life goal: Look and Feel My Best Unit Goal: Practice a healthy lifestyle
Daily Habit: Go to the gym three times a week for 30 minutes //// Eat a
home-cooked healthy dinner with a full glass of water 5 nights out of the week
● Your Turn:

● When you are done fill out the SMART goals worksheet in google classroom!!!
Share Your Plan Of Action With A Partner
● For the rest of this unit you will be focusing on this new goal. We will have weekly
check-in’s to keep up on the progress of your goal. The next check-in will be this coming
Monday, followed by more further in the week.

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