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Reconstruction Projects

By: Edwin Berrouet

Black Codes

The Black codes were laws enacted from 1865 and 1866 by the legislatures of the Southern States. The Black codes
were laws that govern African American. The laws were their to replace the Social control of slavery that were removed
by the Emancipation and thirteen Amendment. Black codes was laws that made Southern happy because it allowed
them to have power, it restricted the freedom of ex slaves. These laws meant that if Blacks couldn’t pay their fines they
would have been sent to cheap labor. The Black codes restricted the amount of land African Americans can own.
However it allowed Blacks with certain rights such as the ownership of property, legalized marriage.

Key People:

Andrew Johnson( President served in office)

White lawmakers in the South

Key People

Key People of the Black codes Key people of the KKK

Andrew Johnson( President served in office) Jame R. Crowe

White lawmakers in the South John C. Lester

The Klu Klux Klan was founded in 1865, it was a way for a group of whites to show their white
supremacist agenda. They did not believe that African American should be equal to them. From 1867
African Americans were free in the South, as black people won the election to the Southern States
government. The KKK dedicated themselves to reverse the policies of Radical reconstruction to
restore white supremacy in the South. The KKK used violence to change the minds of white supporters
and to stop Blacks from voting. “ Among the most notorious zones of Klan activity was South
Carolina, where in January 1871 500 masked men attacked the Union county jail and lynched eight
Black prisoners.” The end of the KKK was the three enforcement acts which arrested those in KKK
because of their stop of people doing their jobs.
Jim Crow Laws

The Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statues that legalized the
racial segregation. Racial segregation was when Black and whites were seperated
they were not able to sit in same place. During this time there was restaurants for
Blacks and whites, parks that whites and Black had to enter. During this time many
African American leaders that did not like the idea of Black and whites being
separated tried to change the system. For example, Ida B. Wells sat on the train which
was seated for whites. She sued the train but the higher court reversed her decision.
She began to write articles about what she saw in the South. Martin Luther King Jr
was one of those leaders that wanted to change the system so white and black to
become equal.
Pictures of segregation

These terms or events are what shaped America today. Segregation resulted to
many new Afrcian American leaders that we celebrate today. The system was
meant to affect African American people because many whites are afraid that
Blacks would want revenge. These laws that were created was a solution to try
to stop African Americans to have a say in America. African American suffered
for many years even today but they are more people trying to change the
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