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• A population is a distinct group of individuals, whether that

group comprises a nation or a group of people with a common

characteristic. In statistics, a population is the pool of individuals
from which a statistical sample is drawn for a study.
• Population density is the the number of people living in each unit
of area (such as a square mile)
• Population dispersion (spacing) may be: Random, Clumped, and
• Population size-affected by number of births, deaths, immigrants,
and emigrants

Population Control and Urbanization 1

The University of Mindanao-Tagum City
Department of Arts and Sciences Education
GE 15 – Environmental Science
There are two main ways that individuals are added to the population.
The first is through births of new individuals. The way we measure
additions of this type is with the natality rate (also called the birth
rate), which is the number of births per 1000 individuals per unit of
time, usually per year.

The second way individuals are added to the population is through

immigration. This is the permanent arrival of new individuals into the
population. These individuals are of the same species as the rest of the
population, and they increase the size of the population as they join the

On the flip side, we have two main ways that individuals leave a
population and reduce its size. First is through deaths of individuals.
We measure this with the mortality rate (also called the death rate),
which is the number of deaths per 1000 individuals per unit of time.
Again, this time period is usually a year.

Second, individuals may leave through emigration. This is the

permanent movement of individuals out of a population. These may be
juveniles who are heading out on their own, or it may be adults leaving
the group for some other reason such as overcrowding or searching for
new areas of food and shelter. 2
There is evidence that climate change is already affecting biodiversity and will continue
to do so. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ranks climate change among the main
direct drivers affecting ecosystems. Some species that are already threatened are
particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
What are the 5 koppen climate classification types?
• The Koppen climate classification is the most widely used system to catalog climate
types in the world. The Koppen climate classification was developed by Wladimir
Koppen more than a century ago.
How is climate changing? What was the climate a decade ago?
• As climate change becomes a reality, it’s becoming more necessary to document and
catalog climate types around the world.
• Polar ecosystem’s vulnerability to climate change
• Dry and subhumid land ecosystem’s vulnerability to climate change.
• Inland waters ecosystem’s vulnerability to climate change
• Island ecosystem’s vulnerability to climate change
• Marine and coastal ecosystem’s vulnerability to climate change
• Marine ecosystems are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change

Climate Change and Environment 3

The University of Mindanao-Tagum City
Department of Arts and Sciences Education
GE 15 – Environmental Science
Koppen Climate Classification 4
The University of Mindanao-Tagum City
Department of Arts and Sciences Education
GE 15 – Environmental Science
In the eyes of Koppen, the world consists of 5 climate types:
megathermal climates are characterized as having constant
warm temperature.
● DRY OR ARID CLIMATES (B): Dry or arid climates have low
precipitation rates.
or mesothermal climates maintain mild annual temperatures.
Continental or microthermal climates have hot summers and
cold winters occurring typically at the interior of a continent.
● POLAR OR ALPINE CLIMATES (E) Polar or alpine climates
sustain consistent cold temperatures throughout the year.

How can we protect wild species?
• Initiative from the government and private institutions
• Laws/treaties
• International Treaties
• Sanctuary
• Wildlife Refuges
• Gene banks/botanical gardens
• Zoos and aquariums
• Preserve habitat of wildlife. ...
• Provide water. ...
• Use Eco-friendly products. ...
• Feed birds and animals the right way. ...
• Don't trim your trees and shrubs in spring. ...
• Take care of wildlife habitat. ...
• Take part in conservation activities
How can we protect wild species? 6
The University of Mindanao-Tagum City
Department of Arts and Sciences Education
GE 15 – Environmental Science

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