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To: Nancy Meyers

From: Blaine Bowman

Date: 4/25/22
Subject: Apled 121- Chapter 15

Chapter 15 summary
Criteria for writing instructions- Provide specific instructions so the reader doesn’t get

 Audience recognition-Provide clarity and thoroughness so there is no confusion

 Ethical instructions-Be sure to meet your audiences needs and have ethical
 Components of instructions-Not every set of instructions will have the same outline so
be sure to read it through
 Title page-Make sure the title matches the topic you are talking about
 Safety requirements-Make sure to provide safety instructions at some point in writing
 Table of contents-Your instructions will have several sections so split it up into sections
 Introduction-A user manual is the only to have contact with the company so make it
user friendly
 Glossary-Define abbreviations
 Required tools or equipment-Make sure to have proper equipment
 Instructional steps-Most important part so makes sure to catch the audience’s attention
 Additional components-Technical descriptions, warranties, accessories, and frequently
asked questions
 Graphics-Clarify points graphically to help visualize
Collaboration to create user manuals-Collaborating is key for people who write user
Instructional videos-Videos are a great way to connect with the reader
Standard operating procedure (SOP)- A set of writing instructions that documents

 Reasons for writing an SOP-Calibrate and standardize instruments, collect lab samples,
and analyze test data
 Components of SOP’s-Title page, scope and applicability, summary of method,
interferences, Personnel qualifications/responsibilities, equipment and supplies, data
and records management, quality control and quality assurance, and references
Sample instructions-The example explains how a smartphone works
Test for usability-Select an audience, ask the audience to test the instructions, monitor the
audience, time the team members, and quantify the audience’s responses
The writing process at work-Gather data, determine objectives, and illustrate

 Prewriting-Flowcharting will benefit you in many ways

 Writing-Review the prewrite
 Rewriting-Review the rough draft

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