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- Is the boss and can tell people what to do
- Pees wherever he wants to
- Has women in bikinis
- Has a kid but checks out other women
- Has a women in his bed meaning he's a man hoe
- Talks objectively about women
- Its ok that he's mad
- He gets congratulated for his actions
- The Rock’s voice at the end
- Scooter represented her producer
- Told the man to be better, told women good job, its switched
- He has a wife but his wife isn’t in it
- Appreciation through others, faceless approval
- He’s handed different things

#8 3/3
What does the author assume about the attitudes of the audience in the piece?
They assume that the audience can relate to the scenarios in the song.
What aspect of society is the author satirizing?
The remake of the song targets social media and modern parts of society.
What is the goal or purpose of the satire?
To point out real problems by making fun of them. This one specifically is meant
to entertain people
What methods/techniques does the author employ to create the satire?
The author makes relatable statements that everyone finds humor in. Also by
changing the lyrics they made it more modern.
How effective are the author’s methods?
Very effective because it made the audience laugh. It targeted millennials based
on how old the song is.

How much time do you spend on your phone on an average day? And, what do you
typically do?
4 hours and 47 minutes. Most of it is spent watching youtube and Hulu.
- Does using your phone have a positive effect on your overall well-being? Does it help
you build relationships, connect with resources and make you feel less isolated? What are
the other positive benefits?
I think it helps me to stay more connected with others in the world. It helps me to
reach out to new people by DM them.

- Does the way you use your phone have any negative effects? For example, does using it
ever make you feel anxious, lonely, depressed or just sleep-deprived?
Yes it has a ton of negative effects, I tend to not talk to my family a ton and I
don’t have a productive day.

- Are you ever worried that you spend too much time on your phone? Do you worry that it
gets in the way of socializing with friends? With studying? With exercising? With
spending time with family? Or with sleeping? Have you ever tried to spend less time on
your phone?
Yes all the time, yes I have but then I realize that I use my phone for necessary
things like homework.
- Do your parents, or the adults in your life, worry about how much time you spend on
your phone? How have they expressed these concerns? Have they ever tried to limit your
screen time? How have you responded?
NO because my brother spends WAY TOO much time on his phone and my
parents do nothing about it.
- The article presents two sides of an argument: On the one hand, phones increase anxiety,
depression and sleep deprivation among teenagers. On the other hand, the phone is “just a
mirror that reveals the problems a child would have even without the phone.” Which
argument do you find yourself agreeing with more? Why? There are numerous case
studies presented in the article: Is there one that supports your point or best reflects your
own experience with phones and mental health?
I think that technology increases mental health issues because personally when I
use my phone I feel like a loser and I can feel the anxiety knocking on my door.

After watching the video I was inspired to not give up on my dreams and to go out and do
something to achieve them

The intended audience are athletes and especially people with disabilities or physical
The Primary purpose of the ad was to sell Nike merchandise however the secondary
purpose was to inspire people to be their own person instead of trying to be someone else.

They achieved this by using inspirational upbeat music and by showing stories of
multiple people who’ve achieved greatness even when they are set at a disadvantage.
1. What is the purpose of having a conclusion in an essay?
From my understanding the purpose of writing a conclusion in an essay is to wrap
up and move the reader to take action based on all your points and reasons. It also
is a good way to end with a bang and make your essay memorable.
2. How have you been taught to write conclusions? Does that process work for you?
Ever since elementary school I’ve been taught to summarize my entire essay and
then to end with a bang. One of the biggest rules enforced in my head is to not
add any information that has not already been said in the essay.
3. Is it the most effective way? Explain.
Well effective to me means that I get an A so yes they’ve been very effective
however my conclusions always sound really awkward and are a waste of time to
my reader and to me.

1. Did you write a device-driven or idea-driven thesis? (Note, good is still good! But great
may lend itself to that sophistication point).
I used an idea-driven thesis to write my thesis. Although the thesis was
respectable I don’t think I took full advantage of it while writing the rest of my

2. Move your thesis from good to great using the tips in the video. Write your revised
In Madeline Albright’s speech given to the graduating class of the women's college
Mount Holyoke she uses patriotism and the progression of Women’s rights to call the
students to action to continue to fight for change although conflict will continue to arise.
The Purpose of a text is what the writer hopes to accomplish with it. Writers may have
more than one purpose in a text.
Writer perceptions of an audience's values, beliefs, needs, and background guide the choices they
An Audience of a text has shared as well as individual beliefs, values, needs, and backgrounds.
Writers create texts within a particular Context that includes the time, place, and occasion.
The Exigence is the part of a rhetorical situation that inspires, stimulates, provokes, or prompts
writers to create a text.
The Message is the general topic, content, ideas contained in the text.

Who is the intended audience? Be specific.
White Americans for the most part but also all people who are racist. Also could be
religious people, police officers, or mothers. Based on the music it is targeted toward young

What is the purpose? Be specific.

The main purpose is to strive for social equality between races. Hopefully, the song
forces people to consider their own actions.



What are your current views on the topic of gender equality?

I believed that both male and female should be treated equally. This includes in the home, in the
workplace, on a sports team, and at school. Although important to have a family, women should
still gain an education and try to be the best version of themselves.

The Pew Research Center did a study in 2020 about how Americans view gender equality. What
do you notice?

It stood out to me that 12% of men think women’s rights have gone too far while only 8% of
women think the same. Also, 13% of men and women think women don’t work as hard as men
do. I also noticed that minority groups don’t feel feminism has helped them as much as white


1. Think to yourself about the story of the three little pigs. From whose perspective is this
story told?
The original three little pigs story is told in 3rd person but the author sympathises with
the pigs.

1. Listen to a different story called The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! As you
listen, consider: from whose perspective is this story told?

The new story is told from the perspective of the Big Bad Wolf.

2. Which one is the most correct? How do you know? We are going to connect this idea
to a TED Talk called “The Danger of a Single Story.”

I believe that the original story is the most correct. I know this because it was the first
account and it is universally accepted.



1. What argument is Orwell making in "Politics and the English Language"?

During Orwell’s essay he argues that the English language in Politics is “in a bad way”
meaning that it’s not in good shape and needs work. He goes on to explain that writers are
using words and phrases that have previously been used instead of making up their own.
Also they frequently use big words with Greek or Latin roots in order to sound smart.

2. Write down two passages that really stood out to you and explain why.

One of the passages in the essay that stood out to me would be where he starts talking
about the definition of Democracy. He writes that no one has an exact definition of
Democracy because every country's democracy is different yet they refuse to give up
identifying with the word. This is a big example of how words are interpreted and used
differently depending who you are and where you come from.

The other passage that caught my attention would be when he gives us strategies in our
own writing. One of the tips he says is to imagine what you are trying to say before
looking for words to match it. Instead, use the words to shape what you say, because this
may result in your thoughts being mixed.


Exigence: What was the spark for the author to write the piece

Claims in the essay:

1. Language is abused
2. English mirrors downgrade of our society
3. Decline or language and politics is hand-in-hand
4. The english language is fixable

*Make sure you know your claim and topic before you write*

1. What am I trying to say?

2. What words will express it?
3. What image or idiom will make it clearer?
4. Is this image fresh enough to have an effect?

And he will probably ask himself two more:

1. Could I put it more shortly?

2. Have I said anything that is avoidably ugly?

Culture, Identity, & Community
- Clean water for everyone, globally ⅓ people does not have access to safe
drinking water
- Safe and sustainable cities 828 million people live in slums.
Beliefs, Value, & education
- Accessible education for all, 617 million youth worldwide lack basic
mathematical skills
- Work opportunities for all not discriminated by gender,
Politics, Power, & Justice
- End trafficking and abuse for children. ⅓ of all trafficking in children
- Increase in refugees, number of people fleeting conflict exceeded 70
Art, Creativity, & Imagination
- Influence of Pop Culture on Body Image
- Authentic representation in the media, not just throwing in representation
Science, Technology, & Environment
- Better Air Quality especially in UTAH!
- More access to Covid-19 vaccines all over the world.
1. What was your experience researching 4 articles on the same topic?
I found that while researching the 4 articles that all of them agreed on at least one
fact, that immigration needed changing in the U.S. They differed in their opinion
on what steps they needed to take to fix it.
2. Describe the civil rights issue you chose and what made you choose it.

I chose to research the immigration issue and different viewpoints on it. I figured
this topic wouldn’t be too controversial (little did I know) and that it would have
lots of possible solutions.

3. Write a one-sentence summary for each viewpoint.

One side of the argument argues that all illegal immigrants should be arrested and
deported. Another viewpoint says we should strictly control the border but make VISAs
more accessible. Another viewpoint is that immigrants should get permanent residency.



Break down the following quote. What is she saying?

"Language is power, life and the instrument of culture, the instrument of domination and
liberation." -Angela Carter

After reading this quote I’ve interpreted it as saying that language is a TON more powerful than
we think.When it compares language to an instrument it's trying to say that language can be a
tool or a beautiful piece of art and sometimes both at the same time. It has the power of freedom
but also can get you in trouble.



1. What is Newspeak?

Newspeak is a fictional language created by George Orwell that he put inside his book
1984. Newspeak is a new form of English that removes all unnecessary words or
synonyms and simplifies phrases. Although it seems like an easier way to speak, it’s sole
purpose is to suppress thought and make it harder to express your thoughts and feelings.

2. Does language shape thought? Action? Is language necessary for either thought
or action?

I believe that language does shape thought because it puts our feelings and emotions into
words. I’ve always wondered how animals or people who don’t speak a language think or
whether they're less smart because of it?

For example when I’m in Spanish class and I want to express a thought I have to try my
best to find the words to express it but if I don’t know the word then I have to use other
words which may change the meaning.

3. Without language, does reality exist? Does perception?

I think that reality would continue to exist. Even though animals don’t have a language,
reality still exists for them. Perception definitely will change though, in the example in
1984 Winston was convinced the 4 was 5 to the point he actually believed it. If Language
didn’t exist we would not be able to record anything and mankind would have to believe
whatever they were told about the past. Therefore their perception would be different.



1.What is a "right?"

A right is something that someone deserves no matter the circumstances. Are not given
by the government because you already have them.

2. What rights do you believe everyone should have? Make a list.

I believe that everyone should have the right of life, live without being oppressed,
religion, freedom of speech, liberty and ownership of property

3. What does it mean to be human?

To be human is to be living on this earth and not being perfect. Naturally has a sense of
what is right and wrong. They have emotions and opinions and learn to love and have

4. View the video and write down anything that stands out to you as you watch.
● States rights that seem pretty obvious like slavery. I guess in other countries that
is an issue
● You have a right to expect a decent standard of living
○ Do governments have control over that?
● The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has a long way to go before
governments all over begin to accept and apply it.
● I don’t know wether all of these things logistically make sense



1. What do you notice? Make a list.

I notice that….

- the dude yelling at Simone Biles is out of shape

- He's eating chips and yelling at the same time
- Only worried about himself
- Biles is decorated with her medals
- Biles is RIPPED

2. What point is the cartoonist trying to make?

- I think this cartoon has to do with Simone Biles announcing how she’ll sit out of
the Olympics in order to focus on her mental health. The cartoonist is trying to
show that Simone Biles is the one that has her life in order and that the fat dude is
the one with issues. The dude eating the chips is representing an American
consumer who only cares about themself and their “night on the couch”



To what extent do our laws and politics reflect the values of a just society? Explain and give

Laws and politics reflect the values of a just society because based on the types of
laws or the context of the laws, they can show whether or not they value human
rights or not. For example, when the constitution used to say that slaves were ⅗ of
a person it goes to show that society at the time didn’t find black people were
equal to white people. Another way it reflects its values can be by giving its
citizens freedom to choose. These freedoms could be freedom of religion,
freedom of political party, or freedom of emigrating.



Should the right to speech be absolute?

Yes because once we start putting restraints on our speech it’s almost impossible to stop the
spiral until speech is no longer free.

Can people be trusted to handle an unlimited range of information and ideas without any
government intervention? If not, where should the lines be drawn?

I don’t think people can handle all of the information and ideas within the government because it
would be inevitable for that information to leak to other countries which could harm us.
Honestly, it's going to be really hard to draw the line but things that should not be shared with
everyone would be military plans, weapons, and detective information.

Should political speech be more rigorously protected than other forms of expression?

Yes, political speech is very important and should be rigorously protected because if we didn’t
protect it, the stronger opinion would always win out and the differences of opinion would begin
to dwindle away.

Have new technologies changed the way any of these questions should be answered?

I think technology puts an emphasis on my previous answers. For example with the new
innovation of social media, everyone has the opportunity to have a say, it also very easy for
people to share false information and to have controversial opinions, despite freedom of speech
on social media is still important

Should students possess the same First Amendment rights as adults?

100% because who is going to decide at what age they’re restricted and what things they are
allowed to say.

Is learning best advanced by restricting or not restricting student speech?

Not restricted because students should learn all the differing opinions and then choose for
themselves which they want to support. If they were only educated on one side then differing
opinions would be eradicated.



I notice that in this cartoon one of the characters is a girl and the other is a boy. I think it could
have to do with the wage gap between men and women even if they both had the same
qualifications or in this case dressed up equally. The purpose of this cartoon is to bring to light
the disappointment that women face when it comes to equal pay. By using children it could
maybe affect more people. I think the oddly specific 78% of a Snickers bar represents a 78%
salary gap.



What is the function of a doll and a dollhouse?

The function of a dollhouse is to create a miniature house environment with miniature people. It
is supposed to be a

Who primarily plays with dolls and for what purpose?

Mainly little children play with dollhouses and it helps them play make-believe.

Who makes the rules for each doll?

The little child who plays with the dolls gets to choose what the rules are and which characters
say what things.



1. How does Nora fit this description? Be specific.

Nora fits that description because she is an independent woman who begins to
realize the oppression that she faces in the home when she’s around her husband.
She fights for equality one man at a time by leaving her husband to pursue her
own happiness. She also proves her independence by taking matters into her own
hands and earning money to save her dying husband.
2. Do women today face the same sort of barriers that women did in Nora's time?

I don’t think that women today face the same barriers to that magnitude however the
problems are still evident. Women in today’s age are to an extent still expected to still be
the perfect mother how tends to the house and bears the children.

3. How do you personally feel about Nora as a character?

I’ve gotta be honest I don’t like her at all. I understand that her husband was super
belittling to her but at the same time Nora never stood up for herself except for the last
scene when she left him. The entire play the audience has to sit watching Helmer call her
pet names. I don’t like how easily she left her entire family after only having ONE
serious conversation with Torvald. At the same time, I don’t like when she tells Torvald
that he didn’t treat her illegal act as she wishes he would have. She tries to be
independent and responsible but then when she gets into trouble she’s angry that Torvald
didn’t take responsibility for her action.



1. Should toys be more gender-neutral? Would more gender-neutral toys help boys and girls
discover their own unique interests, rather than be boxed into gender-specific
expectations? Or, does the growing number of toys marketed specifically for boys or girls
simply provide families with more choices? Why?

I honestly think that it doesn’t really matter whether toys are gender-neutral or
not, even if we stop producing “girl toys” in less pink and purple colors, boys will still be
hesitant to buy them because of the culture around what is considered a “boy toy”.

2. Do gender-directed marketing efforts actually diversify the types of toys boys and girls
play with? For example, do they get girls to play more with archery sets and construction
kits that they might otherwise not like?

I think that’s a good point, I can see how it would make girls more confident to
play with those types of toys if they are marketed to be specifically played with by girls. I
can also see how the opposite can be said with boy toys, for example, male American
Girl Dolls.

3. Or, does color-coding toys pink and blue based on gender stereotypes reinforce gender
biases? Do gender-specific toys perpetuate the notion that interests and skills are
inherently gender-based — that boys and girls naturally like different things?
Once again, I don’t think that gender biases lie in the colors, I’d say it’s all in the culture.
Although the colors definitely help to distinguish what is considered a girl and boy toy,
I’d argue that the kids are more scared of how people might judge them not the color of
the toy.

4. Do you think parents and children appreciate gender messaging in toys? Does pink and
blue color coding in toys make toys more appealing for boys and girls? Or, does it turn
off some families and children?

I wouldn’t say they appreciate it, all bright colors seem to appeal to kids no matter if it’s
blue or pink. I will admit though that families will be a little more hesitant to buy a boy a
pink and purple toy.



1. What does it mean to be a “good man”? Consider the guiding questions below.

To be a good man means that they respect everyone no matter their race or gender. They
live by the morals that everyone matters and they’re humble. Things that a “good man” does
would be to tell people they look pretty or handsome even when they don’t, and open doors for

2. What does it mean to be a “real man”? Consider the guiding questions below.

At least in my past experiences a real man goes to the gym every day or spends most of
their time outside hiking or surfing. They still are extremely respectful and they’re not afraid
to own up to their actions. They’re assumed to be really brave and willing to sacrifice themselves
for their true love. They are not supposed to look or act weak and they have to be overly
confident in themselves.

3. Analyze what you see in the image below:

I notice that the man on the right is a lot more muscular than the one on the left. The guy
on the right also is holding a bear and a cigar unlike the gentle appearance on the left who is
carrying a puppet. If I had to label them I’d say that the “good” man is the left one but the “real”
man is the right one. Cultural messages affect boys because they feel like they have to live up to
the expected “real” man even though it’s toxic and a struggle to keep up. In conclusion, “real”
men are mainly fictional characters that everyone fails to live up to.


What are your current views on the topic of gender equality?

I believed that both male and female should be treated equally. This includes in the home, in the
workplace, on a sports team, and at school. Although important to have a family, women should
still gain an education and try to be the best version of themselves.

The Pew Research Center did a study in 2020 about how Americans view gender equality. What
do you notice?

It stood out to me that 12% of men think women’s rights have gone too far while only 8% of
women think the same. Also, 13% of men and women think women don’t work as hard as men
do. I also noticed that minority groups don’t feel feminism has helped them as much as white

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