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Fact Sheet

What is numeracy? How is numeracy different from
Alberta Education defines numeracy as mathematics?
the ability, confidence and willingness to engage Mathematics and numeracy both draw on
with quantitative and spatial information to make the same body of knowledge, but they are not
informed decisions in all aspects of daily living. the same. Numeracy involves examining a
particular context or situation and
> Quantitative information can drawing on the relevant
be measured and expressed
mathematical understandings
as an amount. It includes
to make an informed and
numbers, patterns, statistics
personally suitable decision.
and probability.
For example, choosing the most
> Spatial information is the economical family cell phone plan
physical location of objects or
requires an individual to perform
people or the relationship
calculations (mathematics) and
between objects or people.
accommodate the data, talk time and
It includes measures, location,
texting needs of each user (numeracy).
direction, shape and space.

A numerate individual has the confidence and

awareness to know when and how to apply
quantitative and spatial understandings at home,
at school, at work or in the community.

Why is numeracy so important?

Every day we are presented with quantitative or “Numeracy isn’t about being able to
spatial information that we need to interpret and flexibly use all of mathematics… but
use to make sense of our world. We rely on our rather to flexibly draw on that subset
numeracy skills to compare costs, get to a of mathematics that is most useful in
destination, judge distances, fit objects into a dealing with (life’s) ‘diverse contexts
and situations’.”
limited space, interpret a chart or adapt a recipe.
– Liljedahl & Liu, 2013
In school, numeracy, along with literacy, enables
students to make meaning of the things they are
learning in subjects like math, language arts,
science and social studies.

Learn more about numeracy at

How do we use numeracy Examples of numeracy across

throughout our lives? subject areas
Numeracy development is a progression over time. • In Fine Arts, students:
‒ represent perspective
• Young children develop numeracy as they
in artistic creations; and
judge the distance needed to grasp a toy,
‒ use timing to play
recognize patterns and routines or learn how
or compose music.
to manipulate shapes to complete a puzzle.
• Older children use numeracy to play board • In Health and Life Skills, Physical Education,
games, estimate the cost of a purchase with and CALM, students:
tax, judge how far to kick a ball or determine ‒ create and track progress for a balanced
when to leave to arrive on time. personal fitness plan; and
• Young adults make use of their numeracy ‒ calculate percentage
skills when they interpret sports statistics, of food intake from
navigate their way to a destination, track cell carbohydrates, fats and
phone data usage or budget to save up for a proteins and compare to
special purchase. Canada’s Food Guide.
• Adults use numeracy to interpret voting • In Language Arts, students:
statistics, choose a mortgage, assess ‒ plot story events on graphs or
nutritional content of food products or timelines; and
engage in home renovation projects. ‒ determine the accuracy of statements
based on statistics in a news report.
How is numeracy learned in school? • In Mathematics, students:
Most of the knowledge and skills that are used ‒ calculate how much carpet would be
for numeracy are initially learned in the needed for a room; and
mathematics classroom. Research has shown, ‒ determine the real life implications
however, that students do not automatically of a change in interest rates.
transfer these understandings to other areas of
• In Science, students:
learning (Thornton & Hogan, 2005). Therefore,
‒ estimate and take
it is important that numeracy be learned, further
developed and applied in each subject at all
during experiments; and
grade levels and in real life situations. The
‒ use models to represent
following examples show how numeracy can be
systems, scientific structures or processes.
developed with our current programs of study.
• In Social Studies, students:
‒ represent historical and current events
Liljedahl, P., & Liu, M. (2013). Numeracy. Vector, 2, 34–39. Retrieved from on timelines; and
‒ interpret economic and
Thornton, S., & Hogan, J. (2005). Mathematics for everybody: Implications for the lower
secondary school. In Making Mathematics Vital: Proceedings of the Twentieth Biennial demographic data,
Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (pp. 243–249). including inflation,
Adelaide, SA: The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers.
Retrieved from unemployment rates,
and population patterns.

Learn more about numeracy at

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