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Configuring OE History Reference Guide

May 2016

Configuring OpenEnterprise™ History

Reference Guide (V3x)

Remote Automation Solutions

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Revision Tracking Sheet

May 2016

This manual may be revised periodically to incorporate new or updated information. The
revision date of each page appears at the bottom of the page opposite the page number. A
change in revision date to any page also changes the date of the manual that appears on the
front cover. Listed below is the revision date of each page (if applicable):

Page Revision
Initial issue May 2016

ii Contents
Configuring OE History
May 2016


1 Overview ................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction to Historical Logging ................................................................................ 1
1.2 The Historian ............................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Raw and Compressed Data ................................................................................ 2
1.2.2 Historical Sampling ............................................................................................ 2
1.2.3 Log Files............................................................................................................. 2
1.2.4 Archives ............................................................................................................. 2
1.2.5 Virtual Tables ..................................................................................................... 3
1.2.6 RTU-assisted Historical Logging ......................................................................... 3
1.2.7 Accessing Historical Data ................................................................................... 3

2 Managing History and Archive Files......................................... 5

2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Bringing Archives Online and Offline .................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Moving Archive Files Around .............................................................................. 5
2.1.3 How Archive File Management Works ................................................................ 5
2.2 Historical Configuration Overview ................................................................................ 6
2.2.1 Timed Archiving ................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Archive File Tool Overview ........................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Directly Selecting an Offline Archive ................................................................ 10
2.3.2 Using the Select Data Button ........................................................................... 10
2.3.3 Taking Archives Offline .................................................................................... 11
2.3.4 Adding Archives from the Backup Directory ..................................................... 11
2.3.5 Creating Archive Backups ................................................................................ 11
2.4 The Role of the Archive File Manager .......................................................................... 12
2.4.1 Copying and Moving Files ................................................................................ 13
2.5 The Role of the Scheduler ........................................................................................... 14

3 Using the Historical Configuration Tool ................................. 15

3.1 Historical Configuration Tool Main Dialog .................................................................. 16
3.1.1 File Menu ......................................................................................................... 17
3.1.2 View Menu....................................................................................................... 18
3.1.3 Help Menu ....................................................................................................... 20

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3.2 Logging Group ........................................................................................................... 21

3.2.1 Historical Advanced Settings ........................................................................... 23
3.3 Logging Group - Select Fields ..................................................................................... 25
3.3.1 Available Fields ................................................................................................ 25
3.3.2 Fields to be Logged .......................................................................................... 27
3.3.3 Compression ................................................................................................... 27
3.3.4 Compression Options (Text/Date fields) .......................................................... 29
3.3.5 Compression Options (Analog) ........................................................................ 30
3.3.6 Compression Options (Boolean) ...................................................................... 31
3.4 Logging Group - Name Fields ..................................................................................... 33
3.4.1 Logged Fields Grid ........................................................................................... 33
3.4.2 Data Access Column ........................................................................................ 33
3.5 Logging Group - Define Datasets ................................................................................ 34
3.5.1 Historical Configuration Dialog: Dataset Configuration .................................... 35
3.5.2 Historical Configuration Dialog: Archive Configuration .................................... 40
3.6 Logging Group – View Dataset Names ....................................................................... 43
3.7 Logging Group – Select Objects (Optional)................................................................. 45
3.7.1 Options Dialog ................................................................................................. 47
3.8 Logging Group - Summary Step ................................................................................. 48

4 Using the Archive File Tool .................................................... 51

4.1 Archived Data ............................................................................................................ 51
4.1.1 Increasing the Take Offline Timeout Setting..................................................... 56
4.2 Dataset Properties ..................................................................................................... 57
4.2.1 View Options ................................................................................................... 58
4.3 Archive File Tool Properties Dialog ............................................................................. 61
4.4 Online Properties ....................................................................................................... 63
4.5 Archive File Tool: Select Data ..................................................................................... 64
4.5.1 Browse for Objects Dialog ................................................................................ 66
4.6 Archive File Import ..................................................................................................... 67
4.7 Backups ..................................................................................................................... 69
4.7.1 Backup Set Properties Dialog ........................................................................... 70
4.7.2 Backup Item Properties Dialog ......................................................................... 72
4.7.3 Backup Item File Browse Buttons ..................................................................... 73

5 Using the Archive File Manager ............................................. 75

5.1 How the Archive File Manager Works ......................................................................... 75
5.1.1 Special Directories ........................................................................................... 75

iv Contents
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5.1.2 When to Act .................................................................................................... 75

5.1.3 Backing up Archives ......................................................................................... 76
5.1.4 Dependencies .................................................................................................. 76
5.2 Command Line Parameters ........................................................................................ 76
5.3 User Interface ............................................................................................................ 77
5.3.1 Options ........................................................................................................... 79
5.3.2 Connection Status ........................................................................................... 80

Appendix A. Glossary ..................................................................... 81

Appendix B. Creating a Logging Group .......................................... 87

1. Adding a New Logging Group ..................................................................................... 87
2. Defining Logging Group Parameters .......................................................................... 87
3. Selecting Fields .......................................................................................................... 88
4. Identifying Data Access Columns ............................................................................... 89
5. Defining Datasets ...................................................................................................... 90
6. Creating an Hourly Compressed Dataset .................................................................... 94
7. Viewing Dataset Names ........................................................................................... 100
8. Selecting Objects ..................................................................................................... 101
9. Viewing the Summary .............................................................................................. 102

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Configuring OE History
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vi Contents
Configuring OE History
May 2016

1 Overview
This manual, Configuring OpenEnterprise History Reference Guide, provides an overview of
the tasks you perform to configure the historical files OpenEnterprise (OE) uses. This
manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Description
Chapter 1 Provides an overview of the general structure of the
manual, describes various formatting considerations,
and provides an introduction to the concepts of
historical logging as they apply to OpenEnterprise.
Chapter 2 Describes how the system manages history and archive
Chapter 3 Provides a detailed description of the Historical
Configuration software wizard, which you use to define
the Historian.
Chapter 4 Discusses the use of the Archive File tool, which you use
to manage archive files.
Chapter 5 Discusses the Archive File Manager, which manages the
processes of moving files offline and online as well as
making backups of archive files.
Appendix A Provides a general glossary of OE terms.
Appendix B Presents an example of how to configure history.

This manual is just one of several manuals describing how to use OpenEnterprise.
However, you should always refer to the extensive online help provided with the
OpenEnterprise software. It is the most current and is the primary source of information
on effectively managing OE.

1.1 Introduction to Historical Logging

What is Historical Data?
In operation, the OE database is constantly being updated with the latest available data
values from signals in the RTUs. However, the system memory maintains data from a
particular instant in time only for a short period (usually, no longer than a few seconds,
depending upon how fast data your system collects data). As the system collects new
values, it automatically overwrites the previous value in the database.

While this rapid data refresh rate is ideal for operators who need to monitor the current
state of process variables in your system, you may also need to retain certain data for
longer periods of time (hours, weeks, or months). This is historical data, which you collect
with OpenEnterprise’s Historian module.

Overview 1
Configuring OE History
May 2016

1.2 The Historian

The OpenEnterprise Historian module is a software component that runs on an
OpenEnterprise server as part of its database management system. The Historian’s sole
responsibility is to create historical data. The Historian can only log data when you define
a logging group (also known as a “logging stream” or an “historical stream”) in OE’s
logging tables (LogControl, LogColumn, and LogData). These tables combine to define a
source table, which logs columns (the signal attributes you added to a logging group)
and datasets (one or more sets of data collected from a logging group) for the logging
group. To simplify the process of creating logging groups, OE provides the Historical
Configuration tool. It enables you to create logging groups without requiring you to have
extensive knowledge of the OE database schema (the internal structure of the database).

1.2.1 Raw and Compressed Data

The Historian can log either raw or compressed data from a source table you define. Raw
data is the actual value of a logged object when a sample is taken. Compressed data
processes the raw values, applying an algorithm (such as Average, Maximum, or Minimum)
to the raw values over a period of time.

1.2.2 Historical Sampling

You can schedule the Historian to sample data at specific intervals (such as “every 20
seconds” or “every hour”) or you can set the sampling to occur (or “trigger”) only when a
specific value in a designated column on a source table changes. When you define
sampling schedules, make sure to set the sampling rate for compressed data as a larger
value than for the raw dataset, since the compressed dataset uses the raw dataset as its
source and must also apply a designated algorithm to that dataset for processing.

1.2.3 Log Files

Once the Historian captures historical data, it stores that data in historical log files. The
log files dynamically store historical data. Once a log file is full of data, the Historian
starts refilling it with data from the beginning of the file. This is why you need to
routinely create archive files from each log file: the archives provide a persistent record
of historical data.

1.2.4 Archives
You configure the Archive File Manager to create archives either at routine intervals
(hourly, daily, or weekly) or create archives based on the percentage of unarchived data
currently present in a log file. Since the Historian stores archive files offline (for security),
you must bring archives online to view the data they contain. The archive creation
process allows you to set a pre-defined number of archives to automatically come online
as the system creates them. The Archive File tool (a wizard-based software program)
enables you to manually bring extra archives online. Once archive files are online, you
use the same tool to manage routine aspects of the archive files.

2 Overview
Configuring OE History
May 2016

1.2.5 Virtual Tables

As previously noted, OpenEnterprise uses the log files to dynamically store historical
data. To enable you to easily view this historical data, you can query the log files – as well
as any other online archive files –within the SQL client as virtual historical tables. The
system derives these virtual historical tables from the LogHistory table.

By default, the system names user-defined raw tables using the format raw<Logging
Group ID>, where <Logging Group ID> is the unique Logging Group number (the ID
column of the LogControl table).

For example, raw101_table would be the name of a raw data logging table which has a
Logging Group ID number of 101. Compressed table names default to comp<Logging
Group ID>_<Log Interval in Seconds>s, where <Logging Group ID> is the unique logging
group number. For example, Comp101_300s_table would be the name of the table
created for a compressed logging group with an ID of 101, which had been configured to
log compressed values every 5 minutes (300 seconds). The system creates list views
based on the raw table of each logging group and for each sampling rate (or
“granularity”) within the compressed table for each logging group.

1.2.6 RTU-assisted Historical Logging

Protected-mode ControlWave RTUs can take advantage of OpenEnterprise Archive
Logging to manage and supply entries to the Historian for the storage of historical data.
This feature also enables you to “back-fill” data into the historical tables for periods when
the RTU was offline. For this function to work, you must define a suitable historical
logging group created in the database which uses the signal’s logTrigger attribute to
trigger logging, and includes the logValue and logTime attributes as logging columns.
You can also configure OE to collect audit data from the RTU and enter it into the
EventHistory table.

1.2.7 Accessing Historical Data

OE provides several views you can use to access historical data in the database.
 Alarm View

You can configure the Alarm View to access data from the EventHistory table. When
configured in this way, use the Alarm view to view historical alarm and event data
within the OpenEnterprise Desktop environment. You can also extend and/or filter
the historical data the Alarm view retrieves as required.
 Trend View

The Trend view enables you to access to historical data from the OpenEnterprise
database. The Trend view uses the Historical Data Access (HDA) Server to query the
historical tables. When you are configuring a pen, the HDA server's browser enables
you to view the historical data as a tree, with the database as the parent node,
followed by the source tables of the historical logging groups (or streams), followed
by the signals that are being logged by the Historian, followed by the datasets to
which the signal belongs, followed by the attributes that are being logged within the

Overview 3
Configuring OE History
May 2016

dataset. You identify the desired signal attribute, and the system creates the pen.
When you place the Trend view in Runtime mode, it retrieves the required historical
data from the historical tables and displays it as a graph. The Trend view is normally
viewed as a window within the OpenEnterprise Desktop. For further information on
configuration, refer to the online help for Trend View in OpenEnterprise.
 Database Object Viewer

The Database Object viewer is a part of the Database Explorer component. It

enables you to query objects in a graphical environment without using the SQL
client. As you select a table and attributes from the database, the system builds
queries. You can then narrow the queries using the Conditions tab of the User
Interface as you select an attribute from the table and add a where clause.
 SQL Client

Finally, you can access historical data via the SQL client, as a query on the raw or
compressed views. These queries use the format:

select * from raw<LogID> where timestamp > now() -

<seconds>|<minutes>|<hours><days>(<number of time units>);'.

A real example might be:

select * from raw100 where timestamp > now() - hours(3);'

Adding the time limitation avoids an excessive database hit.

4 Overview
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2 Managing History and Archive Files

This chapter discusses how to manage history and archive files.

2.1 Overview
OpenEnterprise provides a richly featured set of functions you use to collect and access
historical data. Archive files are the final storage format of this historical data. Sooner or
later, any data that you want to keep long-term must reside in an archive file. Since
OpenEnterprise stores archive files offline (that is, they are not immediately accessible,
as are online files), this causes two major archive file management issues: moving files
online and offline and making sure you can easily find these files.

2.1.1 Bringing Archives Online and Offline

In order for OpenEnterprise to access archived data, the archive must first be online,
which means that the historical data stored in the archive file is available for viewing.

The Historical Configuration tool allows you to define a specific number of archive files
that the system automatically brings online as they are created. However, because of
memory overhead, it is not recommended that you have too many files online at once.

This means that when you need data that is older than the time span of the automatic
online files, you also need a simple way to manually bring these older archive files

2.1.2 Moving Archive Files Around

When archive files are brought online or taken offline, it is helpful to have them moved
to different directories. This makes identification of the archives that are online or
offline easier.

In addition, after a long time archives may need to be stored elsewhere. The
OpenEnterprise Archive File Management system incorporates an archive file backup

The Archive File Manager takes care of these archive file issues, allowing you to bring
archives online and offline with ease, as well as supporting backup schedules.

2.1.3 How Archive File Management Works

The following system components are required to manage historical archiving.

1. Historical Configuration tool

2. Archive File tool
3. Scheduler task running in the OE sessions
4. Archive File Manager task running in the OE sessions

Managing History and Archive Files 5

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You can configure and manage the archives using the Historical Configuration and the
Archive File Configuration tools. Two server-based components, Archive File Manager
and the Scheduler, move the archive files online and offline according to their
configuration in the database.

Figure 2-1 illustrates the relationship between these components.

Figure 2-1. Structure of the Archive File Management System

2.2 Historical Configuration Overview

You launch the Historical Configuration tool from the OpenEnterprise Container’s
Administrative Tools pane on either the server or the workstation. Access the Archive
Configuration tab on the Historical Configuration tool to configure archive-related

6 Managing History and Archive Files

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Figure 2-2. Archive Configuration tab on the Historical Configuration dialog

2.2.1 Timed Archiving

Use the fields on this dialog to define various historical configurations parameters.

Option Description
Timed Archive Specifies a regular time at which the system
creates archives for a dataset. Click Add to create a
new timed archive.
When you select a regular time period for
archiving, the Historical Configuration tool creates
a schedule (or “diary”) for that dataset.
The Scheduler then notifies the Archive File
Manager when to create the archive files for this
dataset. As directed, the Archive File Manager
creates the archive and places it in the specified
offline directory

Managing History and Archive Files 7

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Option Description
Archive Directories Indicates the online and offline directories into
which the Archive File Manager places archive files.
Online Archives Sets the directory in which the Archive File
Manager stores archives currently online. Click
Browse to select available directories.
The Archive File Manager places archives in this
directory when they are brought automatically
online. If a new automatically created archive file
replaces an old one, the old one moves into the
designated offline archive file directory. The
Archive File Manager moves archives brought
online manually into this directory as they are
brought online.
Note: The OE Server must be able to access the
defined online archives folder.
Offline Archives Select this option to allow the Archive File Manager
to automatically access offline directories. You
must also identify the directory in which the
Archive File Manager places offline archives. Click
Browse to select available directories.
Note: This directory must exactly match the
directory defined to store offline archives as the
server sees it. If you use timed backups, we
recommend you copy files from this directory.
Auto Archive Sets a percentage at which automatic archiving
occurs. Select this option to activate auto-
archiving, and then indicate the appropriate
Automatic archiving occurs based on the amount
of unarchived data left in the dataset's log file,
expressed as a percentage of the total log file.
When the percentage of unarchived data within
the log file reaches the value you define here, the
system creates a new archive.
Note: The Archive File Manager automatically
brings the newly created archive file online.
Automatically Online Select this option to allow the Archive File Manager
Archives to automatically bring archives online. If you select
this option, you must also define the number of
online archives allowed at one time.
Maximum Online Select this option to specify the maximum number
Archives of archives allowed online at one time. If you select
this option, you must also define the maximum
number of archives.
Once this number of archives is online, the Archive
File Manager automatically takes the oldest archive
file offline and places it in the specified offline
directory. It then places the new archive file in the
specified online directory.
Note: You can also set this value manually using
the Archive Configuration tool. If the value in this
field is less than the value specified in the
Automatically Created Archives field, the Archive

8 Managing History and Archive Files

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Option Description
File Manager ignores this value.
Archive Cataloguing Enables archive cataloguing.
The system enables archive cataloguing as a
default because the Archive File Manager requires
it to function correctly. This option creates a
catalogue of archives in the database, which the
Archive File Manager uses to control the archives.
Flush Before Archiving Flushes the memory buffer for this dataset prior to
creating an archive, which ensures that the archive
includes the most recently logged data.
Note: This option is not selected by default.

2.3 Archive File Tool Overview

Use the Archive File tool to move archive files offline or online or to create backup
regimes. Access the Archive File tool using the Administrative Tools pane on the
Container screen.

Note: In the list view for this dialog, a red X ( ) identifies an offline archive and a blue
check mark with a subscript A ( ) identifies an archive the system automatically
brings online. A blue check mark without the subscript A ( ) identifies an archive you
can bring online manually.

Figure 2-3. Archive File Tool - Archived Data tab

Managing History and Archive Files 9

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2.3.1 Directly Selecting an Offline Archive

Select an offline archive file from the archive file display pane then click the [Bring
Online] button.

The system displays a confirmation dialog. Click Yes to bring the selected archive file
online or No to cancel the action.

Figure 2-4. Confirmation dialog

Note: If bringing this archive online exceeds the maximum number of allowable online
archives, the Archive File Manager automatically takes the oldest archive file offline and
places it in the specified offline directory. It then places the new archive file in the
specified online directory.

2.3.2 Using the Select Data Button

Click Select Data to select the specific data (table and dataset) to bring online. The
system displays the Select Data dialog.

Figure 2-5. Archive File Tool - Select Data dialog

Specify a period of time for which you require archive files. The Archive File tool then
determines the archive files that the Archive File Manager should bring online.

10 Managing History and Archive Files

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Note: The system sets the bringonline attribute to True for these files in the

2.3.3 Taking Archives Offline

Click Take Offline to move the selected online archives offline.

2.3.4 Adding Archives from the Backup Directory

Click Add Archives to browse a backup directory for archive files you may want to bring

2.3.5 Creating Archive Backups

Click Properties without selecting an archive to create backup sets, which consist of a
defined backup scheme to which you bind Control Group datasets. The system displays
the Backup Set Properties dialog.

Managing History and Archive Files 11

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2.4 The Role of the Archive File Manager

The server-based Archive File Manager runs as part of the OpenEnterprise Session.

Figure 2-6. Sessions pane showing Archive File Manager task running

The Archive File Manager uses the information created by the Historical Configuration
tool and the Archive File tool to know when and where to create archives.

The Archive File Manager uses the archive catalogue table (ArchiveCatalogue_table) to
keep track of the archive files. It brings archive files manually online or takes them
offline if set manually using the Archive File tool.

For archive files which are manually moved online for a specified amount of time the
Archive File tool creates a temporary diary and a Scheduled Event at the time you set.
The Scheduler informs the Archive File Manager that it is time to take the file offline.

12 Managing History and Archive Files

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When files are moved online or taken offline manually, the Archive File Manager also
places the archive in its online or offline directory, which you configure using the
Historical Configuration tool when the historical stream is created.

The Archive File Manager also copies archive files to the designated backup directory
according to the backup regime specified in the Archive File tool.

With backup regimes that use a diary, the Scheduler informs the Archive File Manager
when the diary has expired. The Archive File Manager copies the archive files from the
designated source directory to the backup directory.

2.4.1 Copying and Moving Files

This topic explains what actions the Archive File Manager performs on archive files in
different circumstances.

The Archive File Manager copies files when:

 An archive is brought manually online. The file is copied from the offline folder or a
backup folder to the online folder.
 When using the On Creation backup scheme. The archive is placed into the online
folder and a copy is placed into the designated backup directory.
 When using the Timed Using Diary backup scheme. When the backup is due, the
archive is copied from the designated source directory into the designated backup
The Archive File Manager moves files when:

 An archive goes from online to offline status and an offline directory has been
specified. It is moved from the online directory to the offline directory.
 If a When Offline backup scheme is used with the Move File directive and no
offline directory has been specified. The Archive File Manager deletes the file from
the common (used for both online and offline) archive directory and moves it into
the designated backup directory.
The Archive File Manager leaves files alone when:
 They are taken offline in a system which has no offline folder specified.
 They are in the designated offline folder.

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2.5 The Role of the Scheduler

The server-based Scheduler runs as part of the OpenEnterprise Session.

Figure 2-7. Sessions pane showing Scheduler task running

The Scheduler is responsible for any timed element to do with bringing files online or
taking them offline. When a file is brought online using the Archive File tool, you can
specify a time to bring the file automatically offline again. The Archive File tool then
creates a temporary diary and also a scheduled event which uses the diary. The
Scheduler then notifies the Archive File Manager to take the file offline again by setting
the ArchiveCatalogue_table’s takeoffline attribute to True at the time specified in the

The Scheduler is also involved in the backup process when a backup set uses a diary to
time backup activity. The Archive File tool creates a scheduled event in the
ToBeScheduled table which uses the selected diary. When the diary expires, the
Scheduler sets the dobackup attribute of the ArchiveBackupSet table to True and the
Archive Manager creates the backup files.

14 Managing History and Archive Files

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3 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

The OpenEnterprise Historian module logs samples of any set of values over a period of
time. You use the Historical Configuration tool to create "historical logging groups" that
the Historian uses when logging data.

To simplify the process of creating historical logging groups, the Historical

Configuration tool provides a software wizard with a series of dialogs to break the
configuration tasks into steps. Once you complete the creation of a historical logging
group, the system can immediately begin historical logging.

To configure a logging group you use the wizard to:

1. Define the source table

Using the first page of the wizard, select the source table from a list of tables. You
must provide a unique number for the logging group (for example, 420); you need
to specify if you want the system to log all objects within the source table or only a
subset of those objects; and finally you have indicate approximately how many
objects are to be logged.

2. Define the columns to be logged

Use the second page of the wizard to define the specific columns in the source table
the system should log. You can also specify the kind of statistical data that you
might want to generate in compressed data sets.

3. Define datasets for the group

Use the third page of the wizard to configure one or more datasets. This step also
defines the size of the log files necessary to store the historical data. Once you
complete this third page, the Historical Configuration tool creates the files based on
your definitions. You also need to define a logging rate for the data set (how
frequently the system logs this date); indicate whether you want the system to log
objects when a selected attribute changes its value; and define when the system
creates archive files for each of the data sets (to avoid losing any data).

4. Define objects to be logged (optional)

By default the system logs all signals or objects from the source table in the dataset.
If you decided to log only a subset of objects you define those objects on a specific
page of the wizard. If you chose (on the first page of the wizard) to log all objects
from the source table, the system omits this step.

5. Review the defined logging group

The last page of the wizard presents a summary of the logging group. You can
accept the group as defined or return to any of the wizard pages to modify the

Raw datasets and compressed datasets

OE maintains two kinds of datasets:
 Raw datasets record the actual value of the objects when logging occurs.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 15

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 Compressed datasets use the raw data set to calculate and log statistical values (for
example, average, first value, max value, or min value) for the logged objects over a
specific period of time (for example an hourly or daily average).
Note: Do not use a compressed data set as a source for another compressed data

3.1 Historical Configuration Tool Main Dialog

The main dialog for the Historical Configuration tool has three sections: a menu bar (at
the top of the dialog), an Historical Logging Group list (in the middle of the dialog), and
Add, Modify, Delete, Close, and Help buttons (along the bottom).

Figure 3-1. Historical Configuration tool dialog

A Menu bar
B Historical logging group list
C Buttons

Option Description
File Enables you to manage the import and export of
data (see File Menu).
View Opens a dialog you use to specific the number of
objects the system requests in a query (see View

16 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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May 2016

Option Description
Help Opens a dialog showing the version and build
number of the OpenEnterprise software (see Help
Historical Logging Displays the configured historical logging groups.
Group List Each Id must be unique. Id 0 is the default Event
Log group. Selecting any logging group activates
the Modify and Delete buttons.
Add Click to activate the Logging Group wizard. The
wizard simplifies the process of creating the
selected logging group and associated datasets.
Modify Click to activate the Logging Group wizard. The
wizard simplifies the process of modifying the
selected logging group and associated datasets.
Delete Click to delete the selected logging group. The
system displays a warning message dialog, giving
you the option to cancel the deletion.
Close Click to close the dialog without further action.
Help Click to access the OE online help system.

3.1.1 File Menu

Select File on the menu bar to display the File menu, which has two options, Export and

Figure 3-2. Historical Configuration - File Menu Export
Select Export on the File menu to display the SQL Export dialog, which enables you to
override the default SQL script file the system uses when exporting data.

Figure 3-3. SQL Export dialog

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 17

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Option Description
File Name By default the system names the Export file
custom_<Component>.sql, where <Component>
indicates the OE configuration component
initiating the Export and to which the system
writes to C:\User\Public\Documents\Emerson
\OpenEnterprise\Custom directory.
Note: If a file already exists in the directory with the
specified filename, then before you start the
Export, rename the existing file to place .old at the
end of the file name (such as
When exporting, the system selects this file
automatically and places it in the File Name field.
You can manually edit the file name or use the
Browse button to select another file name and
Browse ( ) Click to display a standard Windows File Open
dialog. Use it to select a file for export.
OK Click to start the process.
Cancel Click to abort the process.
Help Click to display context sensitive help for the
dialog. Exit
Select Exit to close the Historical Configuration tool.

3.1.2 View Menu

Select View on the menu bar and then select Options to open the Options dialog.

Figure 3-4. Historical Configuration - View menu Options Dialog

Use this dialog to configure the maximum number of objects the system returns for
each re-query of the database.

Note: The filter applies only to logging groups which you have defined to log a subset of
the objects in the source table.

18 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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May 2016

Figure 3-5. Historical Configuration Tool – Options dialog

Option Description
Prompt for Filter Requires the Historical Configuration tool to
Before Querying prompt you for the number of queries.
When you open the Browse Objects dialog for the
first time during a configuration session, the
Historical Configuration Tool queries the database
for the number of objects from the Source table, as
defined by the Next <number of objects> button
(here, Next 100).

A previous session may have set this value to a very

large number. Before you open this dialog for the
first time in a session, select Prompt for Filter
Before Querying Database on the Options dialog.
This option forces the Historian Configuration tool
to halt the query and prompt you for the value
instead. You must specific a filter before initiating
the query by clicking Refresh. The prompt appears
at the top of the Available Objects List.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 19

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Option Description
The prompt gives you time to specify a filter in the
Filter Grid or to look at how many objects have
been set for retrieval and to change this by
accessing the Options Dialog if necessary. This
number is shown on the Next <number of objects>
button. It defaults to 100.
Retrieve Objects Sets the maximum number of objects the system
returns in a query. The default value is 100. The
system uses the value you enter here as the label
on the Next <number of objects> button.
OK Click to start the process.
Cancel Click to abort the process.

3.1.3 Help Menu

Select Help on the menu bar and then select About to display a dialog that provides
useful information about the version and build number of OpenEnterprise which you
are using.

Figure 3-6. Historical Configuration – About menu item

20 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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3.2 Logging Group

The system displays the first page of the Logging Group wizard when you click Add or
Modify on the main Historical Configuration tool dialog. Use it to define the source
table and assign a unique group Id for the logging group, along with other basic set-up

Figure 3-7. Historical Configuration tool: First page of wizard

Option Description
Table Indicates the source table for this logging group.
Click  to display a drop-down list of all available
source tables. You must select a source table.
Note: You cannot change this value for an existing
logging group.
Name Column Click  to display the available columns within the
selected source table. The system selects a primary
key attribute (usually the name attribute) by default.
This is the OELogControl table's namecolumn
attribute. It identifies the attribute from the source
table the system uses as the unique identifier
attribute for each object in the virtual historical table.
Note: You cannot change this value for an existing
logging group.
Group ID Indicates this logging group’s unique system Id. This
is a mandatory field. Enter a value. When you click
Next, the system verifies the number to ensure its
unique use.
If the group Id is not a number or is not unique, the

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 21

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Option Description
system displays an error dialog. You cannot continue
to the next page of the wizard until you resolve this
Note: You cannot change this value for an existing
logging group.
Description Provides a user-defined description of the logging
Raw This read-only field shows the default name of the
virtual table the system uses when querying the raw
historical data for this group. You can change this
name later in the initial configuration process.
However, once you finalize and create the group, you
cannot change this name.
When you add a new logging group, the system sets
this field to raw<group_id>_table. You can access the
raw data through a list view. The historical
configuration process creates this view, named
raw<x>, where <x> is the logging group ID The
system creates one view for each raw dataset you
create for the logging group.
Compressed This read-only field shows the name of the virtual
table which the system uses when querying the
compressed historical data for this logging group.
You can change this name later in the initial
configuration process. However, once you finalized
and create the group, you cannot change this name.
You access compressed data through a list view. The
historical configuration process creates this view,
named comp<x>_<rate> , where: <x> is the logging
group ID and <rate> is the dataset logging rate. The
system creates one view for each compressed
dataset you create for the logging group.
Estimated number Estimates the number of objects you expect the
of objects to log logging group to track. This allows the system to
calculate a buffer size for the logging group’s log
If you click Next and do not provide an estimate for
this field, the system displays a warning dialog.

You must click OK. The wizard does not let you
proceed in the configuration process until you
provide an estimate of the number of objects
Log All Objects Limits the number of objects from the source table
that can be logged. By default, the system selects this

22 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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Option Description
option, meaning that all objects in the source table
are logged.
If you choose not to select this option, the wizard
displays a page later in the configuration for this
logging group, giving you the opportunity to identify
objects that should be logged. (This process is known
as “user enabling.”)
At present, the tables that support user enabling are
those derived from signal_table and objects_table.
When you select one of these (such as realanalog)
from the Source Table list, the system selects this
option. For other tables, or when you do not select a
table, the system disables this option.
Enabled Indicates whether this logging group is enabled. By
default, the system selects this option (and enables
the logging group) when you add a new logging
Advanced Click to display the Historical Advanced Settings
Back Click to return to a previous page of the wizard
(invalid on the first page of the wizard).
Next Click to proceed to the next page of the wizard (see
Logging Group – Select Fields). The system validates
your entries on this screen; if any values are missing
or incorrect, you must correct them before you can
Cancel Click to close the dialog and cancel the process.
Help Click to access the OE online help system.

3.2.1 Historical Advanced Settings

Note: This option is intended for use by system administrators.

When you click Advanced on the first page of the Historical Configuration wizard, the
system displays the Historical Advanced Settings dialog. Use it to configure the
Historian’s more advanced features.

Figure 3-8. Historical Advanced Settings dialog

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 23

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Option Description
Enable Column Enables historical logging on a per-object basis.
Click  to display a list of Boolean columns.

Select a suitable Boolean column in the source

table as the enable/disable column.
Timestamp Column Selects a date/time column in the source table as
the basis for the historical group's timestamp
column. Click  to display a list of date/time

By default, the Historian uses the current time as

the timestamp value for a sample in the historical
table when an object is logged.
Note: The Historian only logs data with a more
recent timestamp. Do not select a DateTime
column that is not guaranteed to always be
moving forward in time.

24 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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Option Description
Rate Column Specifies an integer column in the source table.
Click  to display a list of integer columns.

The system interprets the number in the column as

seconds, which overrides the logging rate specified
in the raw dataset.

3.3 Logging Group - Select Fields

When you click Next on the first page of the wizard, the system displays the second
page of the Logging Group wizard. Use this second page to select the fields that the
system logs and to specify the type(s) of compression the system applies to the data
from the column (for example Raw, First, Last, Average).

3.3.1 Available Fields

Use the left side of the Select Fields page to select the fields the system logs.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 25

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Figure 3-9. Logging Group Wizard – Select Fields

Option Description
Available Fields Displays all of the available fields for the selected
source table. Select one or more fields and then
click Move Fields to move it to the Fields to be
Logged list. The system then removes the selected
fields from the Available Fields list.
Move Fields Click to move one or more selected fields from the
Available Fields list to the relevant portions of the
Fields to be Logged area.
Note: If the current logging group has already been
saved to the database, the system permanently
disables this button. The database does not permit
you to change the columns associated with a
logging group.
Remove Fields Click to remove items from the Fields to the
Logged area and return them to the Available
Fields list.
Note: If the current logging group has already been
saved to the database, the system permanently
disables this button. The database does not permit
you to change the columns associated with a
logging group.
Text/Date Fields This grid control lists the text and date fields that
have been selected from the Available Fields List.

26 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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3.3.2 Fields to be Logged

Use the right side of the Select Fields page to indicate the type of compression logging
– raw or compressed -- the system applies to a field. The raw value is the actual value of
the attribute at the time of logging. Compression involves applying some kind of
process to the raw data.

Figure 3-10. Logging Group Wizard – Fields to be Logged

Unselected field

Field selected for


When you select a field for logging, the system changes the background of that field to
blue and draws a cross (X) in it. This indicates that the system applies the selected
logging type to this attribute. To activate the logging datasets, use the Dataset
Configuration page of the wizard.

3.3.3 Compression
Each type of field (text/date, analog, and Boolean) has its own compression logging
options. Compression takes the values of a selected field from a raw dataset over a
period of time and processes the values to produce a single output value depending on
the type of compression being applied. The system then stores this value in a
compressed dataset, which you also need to define.

To mark a field for compression logging, select the white cells under each compression

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 27

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Figure 3-11. Fields to be Logged - Compression detail

Before the system can store compressed values from a field, you must mark the field for
compression in this step of the wizard. In turn, the system can only configure a
compressed dataset after you create the raw dataset, which you accomplish using the
Logging Group wizard’s Define Datasets page.

Once you create a raw dataset, the system includes it in a display of all raw datasets on
the Define Datasets page. To create a compressed dataset, you select the raw dataset
and then click Add. The system opens the Dataset Configuration dialog. Use it to
configure a compressed dataset dependent on the raw dataset. Once the system
creates the compressed dataset, it adds the compressed dataset to the dataset tree
underneath the raw dataset, as shown below.

Figure 3-12. Compressed dataset subordinate to raw dataset

28 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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3.3.4 Compression Options (Text/Date fields)

Figure 3-13. Date Fields - Compression Options (Text/Date Fields)

The system supports the following compression options for text or date fields.

Option Description
Raw Indicates the actual raw uncompressed value of the
attribute at the time the Historian logs it. The system
automatically selects this; you cannot un-select it.
First Logs the first NOT NULL attribute value obtained within
a compressed time period.
Last Logs the last NOT NULL attribute value obtained within
a compressed time period.
Occurrence Times Indicates the time at which the system logged the
value of the source column within the compression
period. The system supports four types of compression
which are logged on the selection of this option.
First Occurrencetime Indicates the occurrencetime of the first value in the
compression period.
Last Occurrencetime Indicates the occurrencetime of the last value in the
compression period.
Maximum Indicates the occurrencetime of the maximum value in
Occurrencetime the compression period.
Minimum Indicates the occurrencetime of the minimum value in
Occurrencetime the compression period.
Duration Defines the period of time used to calculate other
compression values (for example when the source field
had a not NULL value in the database).
Length Enables the calculation of the database historical
buffers based on the average length of any strings to be
logged. First, select the Length grid cell to specify the
length of a string. Then enter the average expected
number of characters for the string.
If you click Next without specifying the length for a
string, the system displays the following dialog:

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 29

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Option Description

If you click Yes, the wizard displays the next step but
prevents you from defining datasets. Click No to return
to the wizard and correct the error.
Note: The system disables the Length cell for date
Indexed Permits you to specify which fields to use as Indexes
when searching back through historical archive files for
relevant information. A cross in this field indicates that
it can be used as an index for archive file management.
Note: You can create an index for integer, real, and
datetime column types.

3.3.5 Compression Options (Analog)

Figure 3-14. Analog Fields - compression options

The system supports the following compression options for analog fields.

Option Description
Raw Indicates the actual raw uncompressed value of
the attribute at the time the Historian logs it. The
system automatically selects this; you cannot un-
select it.
First Logs the first NOT NULL attribute value obtained
within a compressed time period.
Last Logs the last NOT NULL attribute value obtained
within a compressed time period.
Max Indicates the maximum input value within the
compressed time period.
Min Indicates the minimum input value within the
compressed time period.

30 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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Option Description
Average Indicates the time-weighted average of input
values within the compressed time period.
Occurrence Times Indicates the time at which the system logged the
value of the source column within the compression
period. The system supports four types of
compression which are logged on the selection of
this option.
First Occurrencetime Logs the occurrencetime of the first value in the
compression period.
Last Occurrencetime Logs the occurrencetime of the last value in the
compression period.
Maximum Occurrencetime Logs the occurrencetime of the maximum value in
the compression period.
Minimum Occurrencetime Logs the occurrencetime of the minimum value in
the compression period.
Integral Indicates the estimated area bound by input values
within the compressed time period.
Duration Indicates the period of time the system uses to
calculate other compression values (for example
when the source field has a NOT NULL value in the
Total Indicates the total of the input values.

3.3.6 Compression Options (Boolean)

Figure 3-15. Boolean Fields - compression options

The system supports the following compression options for Boolean fields.

Option Description
Raw Indicates the actual raw uncompressed value of
the attribute at the time the Historian logs it. The
system automatically selects this; you cannot un-
select it.
First Logs the first NOT NULL attribute value obtained
within a compressed time period.
Last Logs the last NOT NULL attribute value obtained
within a compressed time period.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 31

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Option Description
Occurrence Times Indicates the time at which the system logged the
value of the source column within the compression
period. The system supports four types of
compression which are logged on the selection of
this option.
First Occurrencetime Logs the occurrencetime of the first value in the
compression period.
Last Occurrencetime Logs the occurrencetime of the last value in the
compression period.
Maximum Logs the occurrencetime of the maximum value in
Occurrencetime the compression period.
Minimum Logs the occurrencetime of the minimum value in
Occurrencetime the compression period.
AND Indicates the logical AND of input values within the
compressed time period.
OR Indicates the logical OR of input values within the
compressed time period
Count Indicates the number of time a Boolean is switched
on within the compressed time period.
Percent Indicates the percentage of time a Boolean spent
on within the compressed time period.
Duration Indicates the period of time used to calculate other
compression values (for example when the source
field has a NOT NULL value in the database).

32 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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3.4 Logging Group - Name Fields

Use this step to change the names of the logged fields from their defaults.

Figure 3-16. Logging Group - Name Fields

3.4.1 Logged Fields Grid

This grid contains all of the fields that have been selected on the previous step. You can
change the column names used in the historical tables. The fields are sorted first by
source and then by compression type.

3.4.2 Data Access Column

When you add a logging group, the Historical Configuration tool provides a set of
default data access column names. You can change the name of the historical column
by typing a new name into a data access column cell.

When you click Next and attempt to move to the next step, the system displays an error
if any of the data access column names are not unique or if the Historian has reserved
any of the modified column names.

Note: Since the name attribute of the OELogColumn table forms part of the primary key,
you cannot change the column names in an existing logging group.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 33

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3.5 Logging Group - Define Datasets

Use this page of the wizard to configure the raw and time compressed datasets.

Figure 3-17. Logging Group - Define Datasets dialog

The system displays the datasets in a tree view, presenting them in their logical feed
order. Lines and indentations show the relationship between a dataset and its source
dataset. Descriptions for datasets are either the user-defined description attribute (if
appropriate) or a system-generated value (as shown in Figure 3-17).

Double-click a dataset to modify it. If the tree contains no datasets, the system displays
a message prompting you to select Add to define the raw dataset. If you have not
defined a raw dataset and click Next, the system prevents you from proceeding to the
next step. You must define at least a raw dataset to continue.

Option Description
Add Click to add a new dataset. The system displays the
Dataset Configuration dialog, which the system
completes with default values.
Note: The system completes the Fed From Dataset
field on the Dataset Configuration dialog using the
dataset selected when you clicked Add.
Delete Removes the selected dataset from the dataset
tree view. The system activates this button only if
you select a dataset. When you click Delete, the
system displays a configuration dialog. Click Yes to
complete the deletion (or No to cancel the action).

34 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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Option Description
Modify Click to modify the selected dataset. The system
displays the Dataset Configuration dialog,
completing the Fed from Dataset field on the
dialog with the name of the selected dataset.
Back Returns you to the previous page of the wizard.
The system does not save any content until you
complete the wizard.
Next Proceeds to the next page of the wizard. The
system validates the content of this page before
proceeding. If it locates an error, you must resolve
that error before you can proceed.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send
any configuration changes to the database.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

3.5.1 Historical Configuration Dialog: Dataset Configuration

When you click Add or Modify on the Define Datasets wizard page, the system displays
the Historical Configuration dialog, showing the Dataset Configuration tab.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 35

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Figure 3-18. Dataset Configuration - Dataset Configuration dialog

Option Description
Fed From Dataset This read-only field shows the source dataset for
this dataset, if applicable.
For a raw dataset, this field is empty, since the raw
dataset is not fed from any other dataset and can
only be a source for compressed datasets.
Description Displays a description for the dataset. You can
enter a description (defining the description
attribute of the dataset) or allow the system to
create a description by combining the rate, start
time and period of the source dataset.
The system uses this description elsewhere within
Historical Configuration to improve the readability
of dataset Ids.
Collect Data by Polling Collects data for the raw dataset by polling at a
defined rate. The system enables this option only if
you have not previously saved the dataset to the
Every Defines the interval for which data is polled and is
used in conjunction with the value in the Starting
From field to control when logging occurs. Logging

36 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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Option Description
is synchronized to a whole number of intervals
from the Starting From time. The system enables
this field only if you select the Collect Data by
Polling option. Click  to display valid units
(seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or
The system converts units of less than months to
seconds, and converts units of months or years to
Starting From Defines the temporal origin of the dataset. The
system activates the date and time fields only if
you select the Starting From option, and the
Starting From option activates only if you select
the Collect Data by Polling option.
The date and time definition must be in the past. If
you do not check this option, the system starts
data collection immediately after you add this
dataset to the database.
For compressed datasets the system stores this
value in the OELogData table’s compressionorigin
attribute. For a raw dataset the system stores this
value in the OELogControl table’s rateorigin
Collect Data When Triggers data collection for the raw dataset based
Triggered on a change in the data. This option is only
enabled for a raw dataset which has not been
previously saved.
When you select this option, the system sets the
OELogData table’s rate attribute to 0s indicating it
is the raw rate.
By Column Defines a column to trigger data collection. Click 
to display a drop-down list of columns; you must
select a column to use this method of data
collection. The system enables this field only if you
select the Collect Data When Triggered option.
Keep For At Least Defines the span of historical data that the system
can store in the log file. Complete the first field
with a numeric value; click  to display a drop-
down menu of time units.
Maximum Unsaved Sets the maximum amount of data that you can
Data lose if there is a sudden database failure. The
system uses this value, along with the Keep Data
for at Least value, to determine the buffersize and
buffercount attributes of the dataset.
For example, if you set the Keep Data for at Least
value to 1 day and you set the Maximum Unsaved
Data value to 1 hour, the buffercount would be 24.
When collecting polled data, the units field
contains the full range of time units (Seconds,
Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years).
When the dataset contains raw data collected by
trigger, the units field contains only Generations.
Note: This option is disabled if you have previously

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 37

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Option Description
saved the dataset to the database.
Log Directory Specifies the directory in which the system creates
and maintains the log file. Click Browse to display a
directory browser from which you can select a
Note: This option is disabled if you have previously
saved the dataset to the database.
Perform a Daily Flush Enables the system to perform a daily flush of the
memory buffer for this dataset to the log file at the
time you define in the Time of Day field.
This feature is particularly useful for datasets that
are configured to collect and compress data over a
relatively long period (such as a compressed
dataset that stores averages over a monthly
The Maximum Unsaved Data field on the Dataset
Configuration dialog determines the amount of
data that exists in the memory buffer. Since this
data exists only in the computer's memory, if a
power failure occurs and a suitable uninterruptable
power source (UPS) is not available, you could lose
a considerable amount of data.
Time of day Defines the time of day at which the system flushes
the memory cache for this dataset. Click  and 
to adjust the time values. The value displays in
local time and defaults to the current time.
OK Click to close the dialog; the system sends any
configuration changes to the database.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send
any configuration changes to the database.
Apply Click to send any configuration changes to the
database; the system does not close the dialog.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE. Correctly Setting the Local Polling Time

For the Collect Data by Polling option, the Starting From field defines the historical time
at which the system begins to collect data. For compressed datasets collecting data on
a daily basis, this field defines the exact time that the data collection begins.

Important Note: OE interprets the Starting From time as UTC, not local time. Consider
this when you define historical streams and adjust the Starting from time accordingly.
For instance, if a dataset should collect samples at midnight local time, set the value of
the Starting Time field to (UTC + Local Time Difference + DST adjustment in force).

Note also that you must set the Starting From time value to the UTC equivalent of local
time at which the Historian is configured. For example, if local time is Eastern Standard
Time and daylight saving time (DST) is in effect, then the correct Starting From value
would be 4AM (Midnight + 5 hours – 1 hour). Poly.cfg Settings for the log_dst_adjusted Resource

38 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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When you configure the time value in the Starting From field in this way, ensure that
the log_dst_adjusted resource is set to TRUE in the configuration file (the Poly.cfg file)
for the database and that you restart the database before configuring the Historian.
This resource adjusts the Starting From time for historical data sets with a compression
period that is an exact multiple of one day for Daylight Saving Time (DST). The
log_dst_adjusted resource then ensures that the system re-adjusts this time to 5AM
when DST is no longer in effect. Keep Data for at Least Fields

The system uses the value in this field to determine the total size of the log file required
for the dataset. Together with the value in the Maximum Unsaved Data field, the
system determines the dataset’s buffersize and buffercount attributes. The buffersize
value determines how many bytes the system should allocate in memory to store the
logged values of the dataset before they are flushed to the log file. The system
calculates the log file size, the buffersize, and the buffercount using the following

1. The number of signals in the dataset.

2. The number of bytes required to store the data for one signal.
3. The polling rate (for polled logging).
4. The total time (for polled logging) or total number of generations (for triggered
logging) for which data is required to be available in the log file.
5. The amount of data (expressed in time or generations) that you are prepared to
keep in memory before having the system write it to the log file. Polled Data

When collecting polled data, the units drop-down list contains the full range of time
units (Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years). When the dataset
contains raw data collected by trigger, the units list contains only Generations. Generations
A “generation” occurs when a value change occurs in the trigger column for any of the
signals in the dataset. The system logs only the object whose trigger column changed
value. The number of generations depends on:

1. How often (on average) the value of the trigger column for the whole dataset is
likely to change.
2. What time period the log file should cover.
For instance, if, on average, a value change within the whole dataset is likely to occur
every minute and you would like the log file to cover one day, you need 1440
generations (60 x 24).

Note: The system disables this field if you have previously saved the dataset to the

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 39

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3.5.2 Historical Configuration Dialog: Archive Configuration

During this step of the Logging Group wizard, you use the Archive Configuration tab to
configure archiving activity for the current dataset.

Figure 3-19. Dataset Configuration - Archive Configuration dialog

Option Description
Timed Archive List Displays a list of defined timed archives related to
the currently chosen archive. The system returns
this data from the TimedArchive table.
Add Click to add a new timed archive. The system
displays the Create new timed Archive dialog.
Modify Click to modify a selected timed archive.
Delete Click to delete a selected timed archive.
Online Archives Specifies the directory to which the system saves
online directories (used in conjunction with the
Archive File Manager).
The value you enter in the Automatically Online
Archives field governs the number of files in this
directory. As the system brings new archives

40 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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Option Description
online, it moves the oldest online archive to the
offline directory once the number of files exceeds
this value (unless you also bring archive files online
manually). In that case, the value in the Maximum
Online Archives setting governs the maximum
number of files this directory can hold.
Offline Archives Select this option to activate the Offline directory
field and Browse button. Use this field to specify
the directory to which the Archive File Manager (if
in use) saves offline files. The system moves
archives offline once the number of automatically
online archives is exceeded.
In this event, the system takes the oldest online file
offline and places it into the offline directory. You
can bring offline archive back online, as long as you
do not exceed the value defined in the Maximum
Online Archives field.
Auto Archive Generates archive files automatically.
Archive When Specifies when the system automatically creates
archives. The system creates an archive file when
the amount data that has not been archived from
the dataset’s realtime storage file exceeds this
percentage. The system converts the value in this
field to the archivepercentage attribute.
Note: This option is available only when you select
the Auto Archive option.
Automatically Online Defines the number of archives the system can
Archives automatically make available online. Select this
option to enable the value field.
As the system creates archives, it brings them
online up to the value defined here. When the
number of archives brought automatically online
exceeds this value, the system moves the oldest
online archive offline and brings the latest archive
You can bring old archives back online only so long
as the total number does not exceed the value in
the Maximum Online Archives field. This value
includes the archives automatically brought
online. You cannot manually move offline any
archives the system automatically brings online.
Note: This feature does not require the Archive File
Maximum Online Defines the maximum number of archive files than
Archives may be online at one time. This includes any
archives the system automatically brings online as
well as any archive files you may bring online
manually. Select this option to enable the value
Archives the system brings online automatically
have priority (that is, Maximum Online Archives –
automatic online archives = manual online

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 41

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Option Description
Note: If you set the value for Automatically Online
Archives to be greater than the value for Maximum
Online Archives, then the value for Automatically
Online Archives overrides the value for Maximum
Online Archives.
Note: This feature requires the Archive File
Archive Cataloguing Adds the archives created from this logging group
to the Archive Catalogue table. This enables you to
move catalogued archives online and offline
manually. This option is selected by default.
Note: If you do not select this option, you cannot
move archive files online or offline manually for
this logging group.
Flush Before Archiving Flushes the memory buffer for this dataset prior to
creating an archive, which ensures that the archive
includes the most recently logged data.
Note: This option is not selected by default.
OK Click to close the dialog; the system sends any
configuration changes to the database.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send
any configuration changes to the database.
Apply Click to send any configuration changes to the
database; the system does not close the dialog.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE. Creating a New Timed Archive

When you click Add on the Archive Configuration tab, the system displays the Create
new Timed Archive dialog. Use it to define timed archives.

Note: Timed archiving requires the use of the OE Scheduler.

Figure 3-20. Create New Timed Archive dialog

42 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Option Description
Description Provides a description of the timed archive.
Start Time Defines a start time for the timed archive. By
default, this is the current time taken from the
local time on the workstation. Click  and  to
specify a particular time. Click  to display a
calendar from which you can select a starting date.
Repeat Interval Informs the Scheduler the type of diary you want
to associate with the timed archive. Click  to
select an interval. Valid values are Once, Daily,
Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Weekday, Weekend,
Monthend, Minute, Five Minutes, and Hourly.
Note: This field is mandatory.
Offsets Defines how long the system can wait (“offsets”)
before initiating a timed archive. Click  or  in
the respective fields to set values.
Month Defines an offset value in months; applies to a
yearly archive schedule
Day Defines an offset value in days; applies to any
archive schedule greater than Daily.
Hours Defines an offset value in hours; applies to any
archive schedule greater than Hourly.
Minutes Defines an offset value in minutes; applies to any
archive schedule greater than minutes.
Seconds Defines an offset value in seconds; applies to any
archive schedule greater than seconds.
OK Click to close the dialog; the system sends any
configuration changes to the database.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send
any configuration changes to the database.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

3.6 Logging Group – View Dataset Names

Use this page to update the view names for the tables the system generates when you
first configure a dataset. You can provide more intuitive names for the historical access

Note: Once you finalize and create the logging group, you cannot change these values.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 43

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May 2016

Figure 3-21. Dataset - View Names step

Option Description
Rate This read-only field shows the collection rate
specified for this dataset.
View Indicates the view name assigned to the dataset,
use for SQL access to this history.
This field is read-only once you save the dataset to
the database.
Note: Until you finalize this logging group, you can
change these values. Once you finalize the logging
group and save it to the database, you cannot then
change these values.

44 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

Configuring OE History
May 2016

3.7 Logging Group – Select Objects (Optional)

This step occurs only if you do not select the Log All Objects option on the first page of
the wizard. If you select this option, the wizard proceeds directly to the Summary page.

You can select specific objects from the source table for inclusion in the current Logging
Group using this dialog.

Figure 3-22. Logging Groups - Select Objects dialog

A “Filter grid”: enter filter criteria here

B Objects list
C “Move” buttons

Option Description
Browse Objects Filters objects in the database.
Due to the potentially large number of objects that
might exist in the selected table, the system
provides a browser you can use to filter the list of
displayed objects. Use the grid to filter the contents
of the list box, which reduces the processing
overhead on the database of retrieving the required
objects. The grid contains an entry for each attribute
on the table. Selecting an item in the left-hand
column of the grid allows you to specify a filter
string for that item in the right-hand column. Use an
asterisk (*) as a wild-card, as shown in Figure 3-22.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 45

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Option Description
Refresh Click to re-query the database, applying the defined
filters to reduce the number of entries in the object
list. You can limit the number of returned objects
using the Options dialog.
Options Click to display the Options dialog, which you use to
change the default number of records the system
displays in the Available Objects list. See Options
Dialog below.
Objects list Displays the results of the database query initiated
when you click Refresh.
The Prompt for Filter Before Querying Database
option on the Options dialog controls this list. If you
select this option, the system displays a message at
the top of the list asking you to specify a filter and
then click Refresh to display objects.
Select Objects for Click to add selected objects from the Object listing
Dataset button to the Logged Objects list. The system then removes
the object from the Objects listing. You can also
double-click an object in the Objects listing to add it
to the Logged Objects list.
Remove Objects from Click to remove selected objects from the Logged
Dataset button Objects list. The system then adds the object back
to the Objects list. You can also double-click an
object in the Logged Objects list to remove it from
the list.
Logged Objects Displays all objects that you have selected for
logging within the current logging group. Click
to remove items from this list. You can select
multiple items for removal.
If you select an object for logging, the system
appends the Id of the current logging group to the
object’s dataset attribute when you finalize the
group and add it to the database. The dataset
attribute is a string containing a comma-separated
list of integers, which represent logging group id
numbers. An object may belong to more than one
logging group.
Show All Objects Click to view all of the objects that are currently
marked for logging, if you have selected the Prompt
for Filter Before Querying Database option on the
Options dialog. The system merges the retrieved set
of objects with any objects already in the Logged
Objects list. Once the system completes the display,
it disables this option. Also, if you allowed the initial
query to complete, the system disables this option.

46 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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Option Description
Next 100 Click to re-query the database for the next block of
objects from the source table, based on the filters
defined in the filter grid and the value in the Retrieve
Objects field on the Options dialog. The system
does not remove the existing list contents. By
repeatedly clicking Next you can retrieve all objects
that satisfy the filter.
Note: The system reflects the value you enter in the
Retrieve Objects field in the Options dialog in the
label for this button. 100 is the default value.
Back Click to return to the previous page of the Logging
Group wizard.
Next Click to proceed to the next page of the Logging
Group wizard.
Cancel Click to cancel the operation and close the dialog.
Help Click to access the online help system for

3.7.1 Options Dialog

The system displays the Options dialog when you click Options on the Select Objects
dialog. (You can also access the Options dialog from the View menu of the Historian’s
Main dialog.) Use the Options dialog to configure the maximum number of objects the
system returns on the Select Objects dialog for each re-query of the database. The filter
applies only to logging groups which you have set up to log a subset of objects in the
source table.

Figure 3-23. Options dialog

Option Description
Prompt for Filter Before Generates a prompt the system displays when you
Querying Database initially access the Select Objects dialog during a
logging group configuration. The prompt reminds
you to define an objects filter (using the filter grid)
before clicking Refresh.

During a configuration session, when the Select

Objects dialog opens for the first time during a
configuration session, the Historical Configuration
tool queries the database for the number of objects

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 47

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Option Description
from the Source table that are specified by the [Next
<number of objects>] button. This option may have
been set in a previous session to a very large
number. If the Prompt for Filter Before Querying
Database option is checked before opening this
dialog for the first time in a session, the Historical
Configuration tool will halt the query and prompt
the user instead. The prompt asks the user to specify
a filter before initiating the query by selecting the
[Refresh] button. The prompt will appear at the top
of the Available Objects List. //

The prompt gives the user time to specify a filter in

the Filter Grid or to look at how many objects have
been set for retrieval and to change this by
accessing the Options Dialog if necessary. This
number is shown on the [Next <number of objects>]
button. It defaults to 100.
Retrieve Objects Sets the maximum number of objects that the
system returns in a query. The default value is 100.
The system displays the value you enter here on the
label of the Next button on the Select Objects
OK Click to close the dialog; the system sends any
configuration changes to the database.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send
any configuration changes to the database.

3.8 Logging Group - Summary Step

Use the Summary page – the last page of the wizard—to review the configuration of the
logging group. The Summary page displays a detailed description of the logging group

48 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

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May 2016

Figure 3-24. Logging Group - Summary step

Review the contents. If you are satisfied with the configuration, click Finish to finalize
the logging group and save it to the database. You can also click Back to move
backwards through the wizard and make any modifications. The system applies all
changes as a single transaction, which you can roll back in the event of errors. The
system reports any errors, which you can then correct.

Using the Historical Configuration Tool 49

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50 Using the Historical Configuration Tool

Configuring OE History
May 2016

4 Using the Archive File Tool

The OpenEnterprise Historian module logs samples of any set of values over a defined
period of time. When you configure the historical system, you specify the size of the
log file and you define the size of the log file – as a percentage – at which you want
the system to generate an archive file. To manage these and other archive
parameters you use the Archive File tool, which controls all management aspects of
the archive files the Historian module creates. Using the Archive File tool you can:

 View historical streams hierarchically

 Identify the time span of archive files
 Select archive files to manually bring online
 Identify online, offline, or missing archive files
 Bring archives online or offline manually
 Configure online files you have brought on manually to be taken offline after a
configurable time
 Define archive file backup schedules
Note: While the Archive File tool runs on OpenEnterprise workstations, you must also
have both the Archive File Manager and the Scheduler running on the server.

4.1 Archived Data

From the Administrative Tools pane, select Archive Tool. The system displays the
Archive File Tool screen, showing the Archived Data tab (Figure 4-1). This tab displays
the existing historical streams and their resulting archive files in a tree view,
according to the following hierarchically structure:
 Source tables for which historical logging streams have been configured (sorted
 Historical logging streams configured for each source table (sorted numerically)
 Datasets created for each logging stream (sorted by date)
 Archive file groups (sorted by date)
 Archive files (sorted by date)

Using the Archive File Tool 51

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure 4-1. Archive File tool dialog: Archived Data tab



A Source table
B Logging stream
C Dataset
D Archive group
E Active state indicators
F Archive item

Source Tables
Source tables for the historical logging groups appear in the top level in the Archived
Data hierarchy.

Logging Stream
Logging streams appear immediately under the source table in the hierarchy. Each
logging stream has a unique ID number. A description for the logging stream appears
to the right of the number.

Below the logging stream is the dataset identifier for that logging group. A value of 0s
indicates a raw dataset. Any other number (such as 3600s) indicates a compressed
dataset, which applies one or more compression algorithms (such as Average,
Maximum, or Minimum values) to the raw data.

52 Using the Archive File Tool

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Archive Groups
Archive groups are groups of archives with a contiguous Date/Time span, which the
system marks with a blue tick mark. The label for the group indicates the time span of
the whole group. To view the individual archives that make up the group, click on the
tick mark.

Archive State Indicators

The system groups archive files by date and time, and whether they are offline, online
(by manual means), online (by automatic means), or unavailable.
 Offline Archive Files
The system marks offline archives with a red cross, and groups contiguous offline
archives together.

Note the plus sign to the left of the red cross for the top level archive. The
description text for that group displays the whole time period covered by all the
archives in that group. Click the plus sign to expand the group to reveal all the
archive files within that group.
 Online Manual Archives
The system marks archive files that have been brought online manually with a
blue tick, and groups contiguous online archives together.

Click the plus sign next to the top level archive to display all the archive files in
that group.
 Online Automatic Archives
The system marks archive files brought online automatically with a blue tick and
a small letter A next to the tick:

Note: To have the system automatically bring archive files online, select the
Automatically Online Archives on the Historical Configuration tool’s Archive
Configuration dialog. You also indicate the maximum number of automatic
online archives using the field next to this option.

Using the Archive File Tool 53

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 Unavailable Archives
The system marks unavailable archives (archives not currently in the Archive
Catalogue) using a directory icon with a small red cross:

Figure 4-2. Archive File tool – buttons

Option Description
Properties Click to display the Properties dialog for the object you select
(dataset or archive). See Archive File Tool Properties Dialog for
further information.
Note: The system activates this button when you select an
archive or a dataset.
Bring Online Click to move the selected offline archive online. Once you
click Bring Online, the Archive File tool first displays a
confirmation dialog.

54 Using the Archive File Tool

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Option Description
When you click Yes, the system displays the Online Properties
dialog showing the name of the archive file, its source table,
and its control (logging group) ID number.
Take Offline Click to move the selected online archive (which you have
brought online manually) offline. Once you click Take Offline,
the Archive File tool first displays a warning dialog.

If you select Yes the Archive File Manager sets the archive for
immediate movement. The system then displays a progress
bar which displays the name of the archive the Archive File
Manager is taking offline.

Select Data Click to display the Select Data dialog, which allows you to
select a source table, a logging group, a dataset, and a time
period the Archive File tool uses to bring archives online. See
Archive File Tool: Select Data for further information.
Refresh Click to refresh the display of the archive file data in the list
Add Archives Click to import archive files not currently in the Archive
Catalogue so they can be brought online. The Archive File tool
cannot bring an archive file online if the file is not already in
the Archive Catalogue. This can occur if the dataset (from
which the archive file has been created) is not marked for
inclusion in the Archive Catalog or if you have used SQL to
remove an archive from the Catalogue.

When you select a dataset or one of its archives from the

Archives tree, the system enables this button. Clicking it
displays the Archive File Import dialog.

Using the Archive File Tool 55

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Option Description

If the dataset’s ArchiveCatalogue flag set to True in the

OELogData table, the system displays this dialog. If the
ArchiveCatalogue flag for the selected dataset is set to False,
the system displays a message that the dataset is not enabled
for archive cataloguing and cannot import the archive. To set
the ArchiveCatalogue flag to True in the OELogData table, use
the SQL Client and select:

Start > All Programs > Emerson > OpenEnterprise > SQL Client
Login with your username and password and then type in:
update oelogdata set archivecatalogue = true
where control = <ControlIDNumber>;commit;
OK Click to close the dialog; the system sends any configuration
changes to the database.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send any
configuration changes to the database.
Apply Click to send any configuration changes to the database; the
system does not close the dialog.
Note: The system activates this button when you begin
defining a new configuration.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

4.1.1 Increasing the Take Offline Timeout Setting

When you use the Archive File tool to take an archive file, you actually initiate a
number of actions in the Archive File Manager. The request may require the Archive
File Manager to move the archive file from the online to the offline directory. When
this has been done, the Archive File Manager marks the archive as being offline in the
database. While displaying the Please Wait dialog, the Archive File tool retries the
database 30 times to verify that Archive File Manager has correctly marked the file as
offline. While this number of retries works well with normal sized archive files, moving
larger archive files offline can present timing issues. Moving larger files offline may
take longer that the time the Archive File tool allots for checking the database 30
times. In this case, the Please Wait dialog may close before the File Archive Manager
has successfully taken the file offline, and the Archive File tool then reports that the
file had not been taken offline (when, in fact, it may have been). If you are dealing
with archive files that may be very large, you can change a setting to extend the
number of retries for the Archive File tool. Use the Settings Editor to find the
following key:

OpenEnterprise\Tasks\OEToolbox\Archive File Access

Look for a value on that key with the name FileChangeStateRetries (you can create this
value if it is not already there). Set the value of that key to a value greater than 30,
which should better coordinate the activities of the File Archive tool and the File
Archive Manager when dealing with large archive files.

56 Using the Archive File Tool

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May 2016

Note: You cannot use the Archive File tool to move an archive file offline that has
been brought online automatically.

4.2 Dataset Properties

Once you select an archive file on the Archived Data tab, click Properties to display
the Dataset Properties dialog. Use it to configure properties of the selected archive

Figure 4-3. Dataset Properties dialog

Option Description
Control Displays the logging stream’s unique ID number.
Each logging stream must have a unique ID number
that the system uses to identify historical tables
created for that stream. For example, the system
names a default raw historical table created for a
logging stream with an ID number of 10 as
Any description given to the stream when it was
created appears to the right of the ID number.
Compression Displays the compression rate of the selected
dataset or archive file. A compression rate of 0s
indicates the file has a raw (no) compression rate. A
compression rate of 3600s indicates that the file has
a compression rate of 1 hour.
Offline Folder Displays the currently configured offline directory
for archives. You can change this value by entering a
new valid directory or by clicking the browse button
to the right of the field.
Note: Ideally, you should configure this offline
directory on the OE server. However, if you are
configuring on a workstation, create an identical
offline directory on that workstation and then select
it using this browse button. This is because the

Using the Archive File Tool 57

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May 2016

Option Description
designated offline directory should be local to the
OE service and should not contain a network path.
Limit Online Archive Selects whether the system limits the number of
Files online files you can bring online at one time. If you
choose this option you must also indicate the
number of files. This limitation protects server
View Options Sets options when you are historically logging an
indexed date/time attribute from the source table.
View by Determines whether the system displays data
according to the time the RTU collected or
according to the time the system inserted it in the
Order by Determines the order in which Archive File
Configuration tool displays archive files.
Note: Refer to View Options for a complete
description of these fields.
OK Click to close the dialog; the system sends any
configuration changes to the database.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send
any configuration changes to the database.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

4.2.1 View Options

Figure 4-4. Properties Dialog: View by and Order By fields

The system enables these fields only when you choose to historically log an indexed
date/time attribute from the source table for the selected dataset.

58 Using the Archive File Tool

Configuring OE History
May 2016 “Sticky” Options

The system saves the settings you define in the View by and Order by fields to the OE
settings file (OpenEnterprise.ini) so they are available when you next use the Archive
Configuration tool. The system stores the setting values under the following Settings
file key (with a different key for each dataset):

OpenEnterprise\Task\OEToolBox\Editors\Archive File

Each key has two values (OrderBy and ViewBy). Each value stores a string
representation of the information selected from the relevant drop-downs.

Figure 4-5 shows an example of these settings as seen in the OpenEnterprise Settings

Figure 4-5. Settings Editor Application: DatabaseView Options key View by
The system enables this field only when you historically log an indexed date/time
attribute from the source table for the dataset. The system then lists the option as
well as the default value timestamp in the 'View by' field.

Figure 4-6. Dataset Properties dialog: View by drop-down

This feature is useful for SCADA projects where a high possibility exists that
communication with the data collection source (such as an RTU) may be interrupted
for long periods. You then need OE to insert missing historical data into the dataset
from the data collection source at a later date.

In this instance, the timestamp value shows the time when the system inserted data
into the historical dataset rather than the actual logged timestamp of the data when
the RTU collected it. This timestamp value also appears in the next archive file when
the system creates it. In this case, it is easier to select archives of interest if you can
view archives by occurrencetime rather than by timestamp.

Using the Archive File Tool 59

Configuring OE History
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Logging an Indexed Date/Time Field

If you need to view archives by something other than the timestamp, include the
occurrencetime attribute (or another attribute that records the timestamp at the RTU)
on the Selected Fields page of the Logging Group wizard when you configure an
historical logging group using the Historical Configuration tool. See Figure 4-7.

4-7. Historical Configuration Tool – Example Order by
These options determine the order in which the system displays archive files in the
Archive File Configuration tool.

Figure 4-8. Dataset Properties dialog: Order by drop-down

Option Description
Creation date Sorts archives according to their creation date. This
is the default value. However, this may not be the
best option if archives have been created at a later
date than when the system originally collected the
data from the data collection device.
Most recent data Displays archives in the Archive Configuration tool’s
available Archived Data tab in descending order according to
the maximumValue and minimumValue attributes for
each archive file, as listed on the
DateTimeArchiveIndex table.
Note: You must also select the occurrencetime(??)
option (the alternate date/time field) in the View by
field to use this option.

60 Using the Archive File Tool

Configuring OE History
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Option Description
Oldest data available Displays archives in the Archive Configuration tool’s
Archived Data tab in ascending order according to
the maximumValue and minimumValue attributes for
each archive file, as listed on the
DateTimeArchiveIndex table.
Note: You must also select the occurrencetime(??)
option (the alternate date/time field) in the View by
field to use this option.

4.3 Archive File Tool Properties Dialog

Clicking Properties on the Archive File tools dialog displays the Archive File Properties
dialog for the selected archive.

Note: All fields on this dialog are display-only.

Figure 4-9. Archive File tool: Archive File Properties dialog

Option Description
Control Displays the logging stream’s unique ID number,
along with any description provided for that stream.
Each logging stream has a unique ID that the system
uses in the names of any historical tables it creates
for that stream. For example, if a logging stream has
an ID of 10, it has a default raw historical table
named raw10_table.

Using the Archive File Tool 61

Configuring OE History
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Option Description
Compression Displays the compression rate of the Dataset or
archive file selected. A compression rate of 0s
indicates the file has a raw compression rate. A
compression rate of 3600s would indicate the file
has a compression rate of 1 hour.
File Name Displays the name of the archive file, which the
system creates using the following format.

Figure 4-10. Archive File Name Format

Option Description
10 Indicates the unique ID of the logging group (here,
10) used to create this archive.
0s Indicates the compression rate for this dataset. 0s
indicates a raw dataset, which has no compression.
Any other numeric value preceding the s indicates a
compressed dataset.
20020304053913 Indicates the year (2002), month (03), day (04), and
time (05:39:13) the system created this archive.
12599 Indicates, in seconds, the timespan for the archive
(here, 12,599 seconds).
310 Indicates the archive’s serial numeric value in terms
of other archives created for this dataset. Here, 310
identifies this is as the 310th archive created for this
arch Indicates the extension for the file. OE gives all
archive files an .arch filename extension.
File Path Displays the path for the location of the archive file
on the server, as defined by the Online Directory and
Offline Directory fields in the Historical
Configuration tool.
Description Displays a more detailed explanation of the archive
Creation Time Displays when the system created the archive file.
Start Time Displays the archive’s start time, or the time of the
first data sample in the archive.
End Time Displays the archive’s end time, or the time of the
last data sample in the archive.
Status Displays any information relevant to the current
offline or online status of the archive file.
Close Click to close this dialog and return to the Archive
File tools dialog.

62 Using the Archive File Tool

Configuring OE History
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4.4 Online Properties

When you click Add Archives on the Archive File tool dialog, the system displays the
Archive File Import dialog. Click OK on the Archive File Import dialog to display the
Online Properties dialog, which provides information about the archive you have
selected to bring online and allows you to set a time when the system either takes the
archive offline or keeps in online indefinitely.

Figure 4-11. Archive File tool: Online Properties dialog

Option Description
Table This display-only field shows the source table for the
archive file.
Control This display-only field shows the logging stream’s
unique ID number.
Archive File Displays the archive files (and associated dataset)
you have chosen to bring online.
Keep Online Indicates how long the selected file remains online.
Indefinitely Select this option to keep the archive file online
indefinitely until you manually move it offline.
For Select this option to specify a time duration for the
file to remain online. After this span of time, the
system takes the archive offline. Click  and to
select hours, minutes, and seconds.
Until Select this option to specify a date and time at
which the system moves the archive file offline.
Click  in the date file to display a calendar you use
to specify the date. Click  and in the time field to

Using the Archive File Tool 63

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Option Description
specify a time in hours, minutes, and seconds.
OK Click to direct the Archive File Manager to bring the
selected archive online.
Cancel Click to close the dialog and cancel this operation.
Help Click to access the online help system for

4.5 Archive File Tool: Select Data

Click Select Data on the Archive File tool dialog to display the Select Data dialog. Use
it to define a source table, logging group, dataset, and time period parameters which
the Archive File tool uses to bring archives online.

Figure 4-12. Archive File tool: Select Data dialog

Option Description
Table Click  to display the source tables the Historian
module currently uses to collect logged data. You
must select a source column.
Name Column Displays the name column for the selected source
table. This is the table’s primary key.
Name Selects the signal(s) included in this control group.
The system activates this field if you leave the Log
All Objects option unselected on the first page of
the Historical Configuration wizard. Then, when you
create a control group, the system activates User
Enabling, which allows you to select specific signals
for this control group.
This option allows the Archive File tool to find the
correct control group for an object, but you must
indicate the object of interest.

64 Using the Archive File Tool

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Option Description
When you click the browse button at the right of
this field, the system displays the Browse for Object
dialog (see Figure 4-13). That dialog displays a list of
all objects belonging to the user-enabled control
groups. See Browse For Objects Dialog for further
Control Click  to display the logging control groups that
contain the object selected in the Name field.
Compression Click  to display all the datasets defined the
currently selected control group.
Start Time/End Time Specifies a time period for which you need the
system to bring archive files online. Click  in the
date file to display a calendar you use to specify the
date. Click  and in the time field to specify a time
in hours, minutes, and seconds
Note: The system enables this field when you select
a compression value.
Bring Online Click to display a verification dialog showing the
number of archive files the system found which
match the selection criteria defined in this dialog.
Click Yes in this verification dialog to direct the
Archive File tool to bring the selected archive files
Cancel Click to close the dialog and cancel the operation.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

Using the Archive File Tool 65

Configuring OE History
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4.5.1 Browse for Objects Dialog

The system displays this dialog when you click the browse button on the Select Data

Figure 4-13. Archive File tool: Browse for Object dialog

A “Filter grid”: enter filter criteria here

B Click Refresh to display list of objects here

Option Description
Filter Enables you to filter the list of objects by selecting
one or more fields. You can define multiple filters.
The example in Figure 4-16 shows the beginning of a
signal name followed by an asterisk (*PV*). The
asterisks act as “wildcards,” allowing the Archive
Configuration tool to search for all signals in the
database beginning with the provided string. You
can also use a question mark (?) as a single-letter
Once you select objects, click Refresh. The system
displays the results of your query.
Objects listing Displays the results of the query initiated when you
click Refresh. The number of objects shown is
determined by the filters defined in the filter grid
and the value in the Retrieve Objects field on the
Options dialog.

66 Using the Archive File Tool

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May 2016

Option Description
Refresh Click to update the displayed list of objects.
Options Click to display an Options dialog. Use this dialog to
set a maximum number of objects to display in the
object list on the Browse for Objects dialog.
Next 100 Click to re-query the database based on the filters
defined in the filter grid and the value in the Retrieve
Objects field on the Options dialog.
Note: The system reflects the value you enter in the
Retrieve Objects file in the label for this button. 100
is the default value.
OK Click to pass the correct control group for the
selected signals to the Control field of the Select
Data dialog.
Cancel Click to cancel the operation and close the dialog.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

Figure 4-14. Browse for Objects: Options dialog

The system displays this dialog when you click Options on the Browse for Objects

Option Description
Prompt for Filter Before Requires the Archive File tool to display a cautionary
Querying Database message at the top of the objects list before running
a query if the resulting query contains a large
number of objects.
Retrieve Defines the number of objects which each
successive query can retrieve. 100 is the default
OK Click to apply the retrieval parameters to the Browse
for Objects dialog.
Cancel Click to cancel the operation and close the dialog. -

4.6 Archive File Import

Use this dialog (which displays when you click Add Archives on the Archive File tool
dialog) to display a list of files that do not currently exist in the Archive Catalogue. You
can then select them for inclusion in the catalogue.

Using the Archive File Tool 67

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Figure 4-15. Archive File tool: Archive File Import dialog

Option Description
Online Directory This display-only field shows the designated online
archive file directory.
Note: To set up the archive file import functionality
on the archive file server, you must ensure that the
workstations can access the actual online and offline
directories over the OE LAN by sharing and mapping
these directories to a common drive on the server.
For example, suppose the OpenEnterprise server has
its online and offline folders on a physical D: drive in
the directories D:\Archive Files\Online Archives and
D:\Archive Files\Offline Archives. Share the D:\Archive
Files directory across the network, then map this
shared directory on the server to, for example, a
logical G: drive. All historical logging streams should
then have their online directory specified in the
database as G:\Online Archives, and all offline
streams should have their offline directory specified
as G:\Offline Archives. Finally, all workstations need
to have a mapped drive G:, which looks at the
\\Server\Archive Files shared directory.
Please select the files Displays any archives found in the configured
you wish to import archive directories which are not in the archive
catalogue. Use this field to select files for
importation, You can select multiple contiguous
files by holding the Shift key as you select files with
the mouse. You can select multiple non-contiguous
files may be selected by holding the Control key as
you select the files with the mouse.

68 Using the Archive File Tool

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Option Description
Keep files online after Select this option to keep files online after the
they are imported importation. When files enter the archive catalogue,
the system brings them online momentarily.
Selecting this option keeps those files online. If you
do not select this option, the system takes the files
offline immediately after the import.
OK Click to direct the Archive File Manager to begin
adding the selected file(s) to the archive catalogue,
which displays them on the archive tree and brings
them online. During the process, the system
displays a confirmation message that it is adding the
archive to the catalogue.
Cancel Click to close the dialog and cancel the operation.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

4.7 Backups
Use this tab to automate the creation of backups for archive files.

Figure 4-16. Archive File tool dialog Backups tab

A Schedule element
B Backup item
C Backup set
D Backup list pane

Using the Archive File Tool 69

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Option Description
Backup List pane Displays the currently configured list of backup sets.
Schedule element Contains the name of the backup set and the details
of how the system creates it.
Properties Click to display the Properties dialog.
If you select a backup set on the Backup List pane,
the system displays the Backup Set Properties
dialog; if you select a backup item, the system
displays the Backup Item Properties dialog.
Add Click to display an empty Backup Item Properties
dialog. Use it to define a new backup item.
Delete Click to remove the selected dataset from the
backup list. The system first displays a verification

Click Yes to complete the deletion; select No to

cancel the operation.
Refresh Click to refresh the display in the Backup List pane.

4.7.1 Backup Set Properties Dialog

This dialog displays data concerning the actual backup method used for this backup
set along with a list of backup items included in the set. This is a multi-use dialog. If
you click Add on the Archive File tool’s Backup tab, the system displays this dialog
with the Name field empty and editable. If you click Properties (after choosing a
backup item or a backup set), you can modify anything except the backup set’s

70 Using the Archive File Tool

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Figure 4-17. Backup Set Properties dialog

Option Description
Name Indicates the name of the backup set. If you opened
this dialog by clicking Add, you can edit this field. If
you opened this dialog by clicking Properties, you
cannot edit this field.
Description Provides a description of the backup set.
Scheme Controls how the system manages archive files for
this set.
On Creation Backs up archive files to the specified backup
directory on the server when the files are initially
created. The system places a copy of the archive file
into the designed archive backup directory along
with the original file, which the system places in the
designed online or offline directory.
When Offline Places a copy of the archive file in the designated
backup directory when the system moves the file
from online to offline status.
Move File Enables you to move the archive file from the online
directory to the backup directory without making a
copy of it.
Note: This option applies only if you click When
Timed Using Diary Identifies a diary which governs when the system
creates a backup of the archives. The system places

Using the Archive File Tool 71

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Option Description
the copies in the designated backup directory. Click
 to display all selectable diaries.
Backup Items Displays the current datasets included in the
selected backup set.
Properties Click to display the Backup Items Properties dialog.
Note: The system activates this button when you
select a dataset from the Backup Items list.
Add Click to display an empty Backup Item Properties
dialog, which you use to create a new backup item.
Delete Click to delete a dataset you have selected in the
Backup Items list. The system displays a verification

Click Yes to delete the dataset or No to cancel the

OK Click to close the dialog; the system sends any
configuration changes to the database.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send
any configuration changes to the database.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

4.7.2 Backup Item Properties Dialog

Use this dialog to configure backup items. If you clicked Add to display this dialog, the
dialog is empty. (Refer to Creating a New Backup Item for further information.) If you
selected a backup item from the Backup List pane and then clicked Properties, the
dialog displays the details of the backup item you selected.

72 Using the Archive File Tool

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4-18. Backup Item Properties dialog

Option Description
Description Provides additional descriptive information about
the backup item. Enter text as necessary.
Logging Group Shows the logging group associated with this
backup item. Click  to display all available
historical logging groups. You can change this value
Table This display-only field shows the table associated
with the selected logging group. You cannot modify
this value.
Rate Click  to display a drop-down list which displays
the datasets available for the control group
specified in the Logging Group field. You can change
this value later.
Source Folder Indicates the folder from which the system takes the
backup set.
Target Folder Indicates the folder to which the system copies the
archive files.
OK Click to create the backup item. The system
redisplays the Archive File tool screen’s Backup tab.
Cancel Click to close the dialog and cancel the operation.
Help Click to access the online help system for OE.

4.7.3 Backup Item File Browse Buttons

The browse buttons included to the right of the Source Folder and Target Folder fields
enable you to browse directories for source and target backup files.

However, the source folder is actually on the server. You cannot browse the network
for this folder, since selecting it places a network address into the field and the
Archive File Manager needs the folder path as it appears locally on the server. We
recommend that you first create on the workstation an identical directory structure

Using the Archive File Tool 73

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for the online, offline, and backup directories that mimics the structure on the server.
You can then use the browse buttons to select the folders on the workstation.
Without this mimicked folder structure, you have to enter the directory name exactly
as it appears on the server.

74 Using the Archive File Tool

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5 Using the Archive File Manager

In conjunction with the Scheduler, the Historian module, and the Archive File tool, the
Archive File Manager controls:

 Moving archive files online and offline

 Moving files to and from the online and offline directories
 Creating backup copies of the archive files in the specified backup directory

5.1 How the Archive File Manager Works

The Archive File Manager knows how to bring archive files online, take archives offline,
copies or moves archive files and makes backup copies of archive files. To do this, the
Archive File Manager must know three things:

1. Where to keep the archives

2. When to act on the archives
3. How to back up the archives

5.1.1 Special Directories

By default, the system stores archives in the same directory as the designated Data
directory of the database. However, you can configure alternative directories for each
historical logging group using the Historical Configuration tool.

While you do not need to know about the database schema to create online and offline
directories for your archive files, the Archive File Manager knows which offline and
online directory to use based on attribute information in the following tables:
 For the archive online directory, specified in the archdirectory attribute of the
LogData table.

 For the archive offline directory, specified in the archofflinedirectory attribute of the
OELogDataExtension table.

5.1.2 When to Act

The Archive File Manager moves archives when certain attributes within the
ArchiveCatalogue table are set to True:
 Bringing Files Online

Bringing files online manually requires that the BringOnLine attribute of the
ArchiveCatalogue table for the archive is set to True. You can normally accomplish
this by selecting an offline archive and using the Archive File tool to bring it online.
The Archive File Manager automatically brings online any archives that the
Historian automatically has created, limited by the number set in the
ArchiveNumber attribute of the OELogData table.

Using the Archive File Manager 75

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 Taking Files Offline

The Archive File Manager takes files offline when the TakeOffline attribute of the
ArchiveCatalogue table for the archive is set to True. You can accomplish this
manually by selecting the online file in the Archive File tool and clicking Take
Offline. If you brought a file online and defined a time at which it should move
offline, the Scheduler acts and takes the files offline. Finally, the Archive File
Manager takes files offline if the number set in the ArchiveNumber attribute for
automatically created archives is exceeded. The Archive File Manager then moves
the oldest automatically created archive offline.

5.1.3 Backing up Archives

The Archive File Manager knows when to backup archives when the DoBackup attribute
of the ArchiveBackupSet table is set to True.
 Creating Backup Regimes

You create backup regimes using the Backups tab of the Archive File tool. The tool
makes the necessary entries in the ArchiveBackupSet and ArchiveBackupItem tables,
which tell the Archive File Manager where to find the archive files and which backup
directory to use. The Archive File tool also creates a diary for the backup set, based
on the configurations you set. The Scheduler then sets the DoBackup attribute,
indicating when the backup time is due.

5.1.4 Dependencies
The Scheduler informs the Archive File Manager about timing information such as:

 When files should be brought offline

 When backup copies should be made (if a timed backup with a diary is specified)
Important: OpenEnterprise Archive File Management requires that you run both the
Archive File Manager and the Scheduler within the Sessions pane on the OpenEnterprise

5.2 Command Line Parameters

You can start the Archive File Manager either from the Run command or by the Session
Manager service as part of an OpenEnterprise session. In either case, you must use the
command line parameter. If you use the Session Manager service to start the Archive
File Manager, you must configure a task for it with an Arguments value. The Arguments
line for the Archive File Manager is the dataservice parameter of the Task pane.

Note: Typing double pipes around the text in an argument is a method of referencing
an OE parameter (for example, ||DATASERVICE||).

76 Using the Archive File Manager

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Figure 5-1. Archive File Manager: Task Properties pane

If you do not specify the dataservice, the system defaults to rtrdb1. When operating on
a redundant OE server system we recommended that you run the Archive File Manager
on both the Standby and the Master servers and that you specify the dataservice as
rtrdb1[active,standby]. The [active,standby] argument ensures that the Archive File
Manager connects to the local database on both the Master and Standby servers.

5.3 User Interface

The Archive File Manager has a simple user interface that enables you to configure
some of its settings through menus. The interface indicates its connection status in the
status bar at the bottom of the screen (Figure 5-2).

Using the Archive File Manager 77

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Figure 5-2. Archive File Manager User Interface

Option Description
File Exit is the only option.
View Changes certain aspects of the interface and provides
diagnostic information.

Toolbar Toggles the tool bar on and off.

Status Bar Toggles the status bar (in the lower right corner of the screen)
on and off.
Diagnostics Opens a Diagnostics page (Figure 5-3) displaying statistical
information on datasets, archive files, and archive backups.

78 Using the Archive File Manager

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Figure 5-3. Archive File Manager: Diagnostics

Option Description
Options Opens an Option dialog. See Options.
Help Accesses the OpenEnterprise About box. This provides
information about the version of Archive File Manager that is
running on the server along with contact information.

5.3.1 Options
The Archive File Manager writes a log file for all the database transactions it initiates,
which can be a helpful diagnostic tool. The Archive File Manager writes this log to
<ApplicationData>\Emerson\OpenEnterprise\Output Files\OEArchiveFileManager.txt.

Figure 5-4. Archive File Manager: Options dialog

Using the Archive File Manager 79

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Option Description
Log File Displays options for saving the Archive File Manager’s log file.
Click  to display all valid options.
Note: For the options that create a log file, the Archive File
Manager names the log file according to the mode chosen for
its creation. If you select Single Log File, the system names the
file OEArchiveFileManager.txt, and additional logs add to that
file. If you select New Log File Each Day, the system names the
files OEArchiveFileManager yyyy-mm-dd.txt, where yyyy is the
current year, mm is the current month, and dd is today's date.
No Log File Creates no log file.
Single Log File Creates a single log file. The system keeps adding subsequent
log entries to this one file. Manage this file by either
occasionally deleting it or moving the file to another location
when it gets too large so that the File Archive Manager can
start a new file.
New Log File Creates a new log file for each day. Selecting this option also
Each Day activates the Keep For field. Use it to indicate how long the
Archive File Manager keeps this file before deleting it and
starting another.
Keep For Indicates the number of days the Archive File Manager saves
its daily log file. After that period, the Archive File Manager
deletes the log file and creates a new set of daily log files. the
log files will be deleted and a new group of daily log files will
be created.
Note: This system disables this option if you select either the
No Log File or the Single Log File option.
OK Click to close the dialog; the system sends any configuration
changes to the database.
Cancel Click to close the dialog; the system does not send any
configuration changes to the database.

5.3.2 Connection Status

The system displays a icon in the right corner of the screen to indicate connectivity to
the database.

Figure 5-5. Archive File Manager: Connection Status bar

A green background indicates the Archive File Manager is connected to the database.
Red indicates that no connection has occurred.

By default, the Archive File Manager attempts to connect to the local database rtrdb1
unless you have configured that connection differently in Sessions or through a
command line parameter.

80 Using the Archive File Manager

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Appendix A. Glossary

ACCOL ACCOL™ is an acronym for Advanced Communications and Control-Oriented
Language, the library of function blocks used in ControlWave Designer to
program ControlWave and Bristol33xx devices.
Access Area Every device, plant area and signal in the OpenEnterprise database belongs to an
access area. Access Area security controls what objects within a table can be
viewed by the User. Users must be granted the access area of an object in order
to view it in the HMI. Access area security is configured using the Security
Configuration tool.
Active Query Type of query the OpenEnterprise database supports that reports changes in
data back to the client as those changes occur (without polling) . This
mechanism is very fast and efficient.
AMS Device Manager An Emerson software component which allows interaction with HART devices in
the RAS RTU network. The Device Manager uses the RAS host system interface
(HIS) to display device hierarchy and HART device data using the static HART
device description information (stored in DD files) and to communicate with
HART devices.
API Application Programming Interface, the collection of protocols and associated
tools used to build software applications.
Archive File Manager A server-based software tool that enables you to manage the process of moving
archive files online and offline.
Archive File Configuration A software tool that enables you to quickly configure archive files.

Background Query A background query is used to get specific values back from the database. You
can configure calculations and workflows to run (“trigger”) when a database value
changes. Background queries can also pre-query data (usually non-signal data) to
be used in calculations.
Baud Rate Unit of signaling speed derived from the number of events per second (normally
bits per second). However if each event has more than one bit associated with it
the baud rate and bits per second are not equal.
BSAP Bristol Synchronous/Asynchronous Communication Protocol; the protocol OE
uses to communicate with ControlWave RTUs.

Calendar A yearly time template.
CC Communications Controller. A suite of software components that provides port
sharing and protocol sharing for OE applications when communicating with RTUs.
CL Control Language; a scripting language contained within the Polyhedra database.
CPU Central Processing Unit.
CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check error checking.

Appendix A: Glossary 81
Configuring OE History
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CW ControlWave

DA Data Access
Data Bits Sets the number (typically 8) of data bits contained in an asynchronous byte, or
Data Cache A “data cache” is a term for all the values held in memory that have been queried
by background queries.
DD Device Descriptor. A DD for a HART-enabled field device provides AMS with all the
parameters and capabilities of that device, as provided by the manufacturer,
including the device icon that OE displays on the device tree graphic.
Deadband A value that defines an inactive zone above the low limits and below the high
limits. The deadband prevents a value (such as an alarm) from being set and
cleared continuously when the input value oscillates around the specified limit.
Defining a deadband also prevents the logs or data storage locations from being
over-filled with non-significant data.
Device A device in the OE database that maps to a physical RTU.
Device Template A device in the OE database that can be used to create (“clone”) a new device.
Diagnostic Logging If enabled, this allows logging of communications to and from wired HART® and
WirelessHART® devices.
Diary A time frame that may act as a “container” for a pattern. The diary has an assigned
beginning and ending time. The Scheduler (which must be running in order for
scheduled diaries to work) automatically starts the diary at the specified time. You
can configure a diary to repeat continuously, to run for a specified number of
times, or run just once.
DNP3 DNP3 is a robust protocol used in process control systems such as OE. Providing
communication between control equipment and data acquisition devices, DNP3
was originally developed for use in electric and water utility SCADA systems.

EFM Electronic Flow Metering or Measurement

FF Foundation Fieldbus
Field device An RTU which has been added to the OE database…
Field Tools™ A software product from Remote Automation Solutions. Technicians at the
wellhead use Field Tools to connect with RTUs and HART transmitters in order to
set up, tune, and perform field maintenance work for the SCADA network. Field
Tools interfaces with the AMS HART Device Configurator (a limited release of AMS
Device Manager that accesses device menus and icons, and launches the AMS
Device Manager device screens from an external tool). Field Tools also provides an
interface to the RAS network of HART devices.

82 Appendix A: Glossary
Configuring OE History
May 2016

FloBoss 107 A microprocessor-based device that provides flow calculations, remote
monitoring, and remote control. A FloBoss is a type of ROC.

HART® Highway Addressable Remote Transducer.
HART/IP “HART over IP”: a method to transport HART communications to an IP address that
is running a HART server.
HCF HART Communications Foundation, the standards development and support
organization for the HART communication protocol.
HDA Historical Data Access
Historian module A software component that creates historical data.
HMI Human Machine Interface. Basically, the data that is presented to the control room
operator from the processing plant.
HSI Host System Interface. Specific software that allows AMS Device Manager to
communicate with the OpenEnterprise system.

IBP Internet Bristol Protocol over UDP
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IEC 62591 Standard from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) that specifies
an interoperable self-organizing mesh technology in which field devices form
wireless networks that dynamically mitigate obstacles in the process environment.
The Remote Automation Solutions’ IEC62591 Interface module provides ROC,
FloBoss, and ControlWave Micro devices with this functionality.

Lists Collections of ACCOL signals. Each signal list is assigned a number from 1 to 255.
Signals within the signal list are referenced by their position in the list. Each list can
contain any mixture of analog, analog alarm, logical, logical alarm, or string
List view Part of the HMI that displays list content.
Local Alarm Local alarms can be raised depending on numerical or digital attribute values in the
Note: String and Date/Time attributes cannot generate alarms.

MIS Management Information System. A computer system, usually based on a
mainframe or minicomputer, that provides management personnel with up-to-
date information (such as sales and inventory) on an organisation's performance.

Appendix A: Glossary 83
Configuring OE History
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MIS output information in a form that is useable by managers at all organisational
levels (strategic, tactical, and operational).
Modbus A popular device communications protocol developed by Gould Modicon.
MSD Signal address. A two-byte numerical address for a signal within a ControlWave
RTU. Also referred to as PDD.

Network Configuration The component of the AMS Device Manager software designed to maintain all
Utility parameters you can change for an OpenEnterprise network including
communication settings.
nw3000 The Network3000 range of RTUs for which the BSAP RDI was first developed.
.NET Microsoft technology that abstracts coding away from the operating system and
provides a library of objects for use within an application. Also takes care of
memory de-allocation. .NET is the technology of choice for OpenEnterprise
Version 3.x applications

OE OpenEnterprise™, the SCADA application from Emerson Process Management
Remote Automation Solution.
OE Language Pack A file that contains the translations for a particular language for a given build of
OpenEnterprise. This can be installed via the Translation Manager.
OEStore The application file store for Workstation views and other related files. OEStore is a
substituted directory created during the installation of an OE Workstation. OE
maps the folder C:\ProgramData\Emerson\OpenEnterprise\OEStore to the drive
letter O. (This is the default location but can be changed using the SettingsEditor).
OPC Object linking and embedding for Process Control applications; a set of seven open
standards for connectivity and interoperability of industrial automation and the
enterprise systems.

Pattern Templates that OE uses to change the value of an analog or digital signal over a
period of time.
PI Suite of applications including Enterprise Historian, Asset Framework, Calculation
Engine, Notification and Visualization manufactured by OSISoft Inc.
Polling The act of collecting data from an RTU. This can occur either manually or
Product Translations Translations required for customer-specific strings (such as the name of a pump or
a well).
Project Translations Translations required for customer-specific strings (such as the name of a pump or
a well).
Protocol A set of standards that enables communication or file transfers between two
computers. Protocol parameters include baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bit, and

84 Appendix A: Glossary
Configuring OE History
May 2016

the type of duplex.
Protocol Bridge Device A HART device (such as the HART Multiplexer or 1420 Smart wireless gateway) that
has other devices connected to it either wired or wirelessly.

RAS Remote Automation Solutions, a business unit of Emerson Process Management,
focused on serving the oil and gas industry.
RBE Report By Exception
RCC Remote Comm Controller, a machine running the Remote Comm Manager which
allows the OE client server to manage the machine’s devices and communications.
RDB Remote Database Access
RDI Remote Device Interface; a program that communicates with the control program
in the device to obtain data.
Redundant device pair The ControlWave/Bristol 33xx redundant control systems use communications
redundancy and dual CPUs and power supplies. This redundant system monitors
primary and hot standby CPUs, automatically detects failures, and triggers a
switchover from the primary CPU to the hot standby CPU. The process also
switches all communication channels and automatically transfers data, alarms, and
historical information.
ROC Remote Operations Controller, a microprocessor-based unit that provides remote
monitoring and control.
ROCLINK 800 Microsoft® Windows®-based software used to configure functionality in ROC,
DL8000, or FloBoss devices.
rtrdb1 The default database DATSERVICE name for the OpenEnterprise database.
RTU Remote Terminal Unit. A device which interfaces objects in the physical world to a
SCADA system by transmitting telemetry data to the system and/or altering the
state of connected objects based on control messages received from the system.

SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition; a type of industrial control system (ICS).
Industrial control systems are computer-controlled systems that monitor and
control industrial processes that exist in the physical world. SCADA systems
historically distinguish themselves from other ICS systems by being large-scale
processes that can include multiple sites and large distances.
Signals The data points placed in or collected from a device.

Template In OE, a physical device which is used as a pattern to simplify the process of adding
new physical devices to a network. You apply the template – and its associated
data configurations – to the new device to quickly configure it. Additionally, you

Appendix A: Glossary 85
Configuring OE History
May 2016

can configure the new device to reflect any changes you may make to the
template device.
TLP Type (of point), Logical (or point) number, and Parameter number. You reference
data in the ROC800 or FloBoss by type, location or logical, and parameter (TLP).
Type refers to the number of the point type. The location or logical number is a
value based on physical input or output. A parameter is a numeric value assigned
to each piece of data contained in a given point.
Tokens Tokens determine workstation security. Specific Human Machine Interface (HMI)
functionality is allowed or denied through tokens. Tokens are required for file
access, OPC write access, built in application context menus and custom menus.
Token security is configured using the Security Configuration tool.

Unicode Computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and
handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. Storage of each
character is stored in more than one byte and therefore characters from
languages other than English are available. However the wider characters mean
that Unicode text needs to be treated differently in code from ASCII.
Update mask A configuration tool that identifies specific portions of a device’s configuration to
address when updates occur. A mask can prevent or facilitate updates.
UTC Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), a worldwide civil time standard.

WHA WirelessHART® Adapter
Wizard A series of software screens that guides you through a specific task.

86 Appendix A: Glossary
Configuring OE History
May 2016

Appendix B. Creating a Logging Group

This appendix provides a step-by-step tutorial describing how to create a logging group
using the Historical Configuration tool. When finished, the logging group logs the value
column of user-specified signals in the RealAnalog table, taking a sample when the value
of the signal changes in the database. This example logging group has one raw dataset
and one compressed dataset. The compressed dataset records the minimum,
maximum, and average values (based on the raw values) hourly and daily.

The example shows how you would define the logging group using the software wizard
the Historical Configuration tool provides.

1. Adding a New Logging Group

From the Administrative Tools pane:

1. Open the Historical Configuration tool. The system displays the Historical
Configuration dialog.

2. Click Add. The system displays the first page of the Historical Configuration wizard.

Figure B-1. Historical Configuration wizard: Logging Group screen

2. Defining Logging Group Parameters

3. In the Source table frame, click  to display available source tables and select
realanalog. Leave the Name Column field at its default attribute (Name); the system
automatically includes this attribute as one of the logged attributes.

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 87

Configuring OE History
May 2016

4. In the Group Information frame, set the Group Id as 20, a unique number for this
example. Add a meaningful description in the Description field.

5. In the Logging frame, provide an estimate of the number of objects (10) you need to
log. This value enables the Historical Configuration tool to calculate the size of the
log file needed to contain the data. Since this logging group does not log all objects
in the specified source table, do not select the Log All Objects option.

Note: You select the specific objects to log later in the process.

6. Click Next. The wizard displays the Select Fields page.

3. Selecting Fields
Use this page of the wizard to identify the particular fields the system logs.

Figure B-2. Logging Groups: Select Fields step

7. Select a field in the Available Fields column. For this example, we select the readvalue
field (rather than value) because readvalue reflects the value within the RTU. The
system activates the move button ( ) to the immediate right of the Available
Fields column.

8. Click to move the selected field into the Fields to be Logged column. Based on
the field’s value, the system moves the field into the Analog Fields section.

After placing the field in the Analog Fields section, the system selects raw data as a
default, but we also choose the Max, Min, and Avg algorithms for compressed datasets.
By default, the system selects the Raw column as the field for indexing, which indicates
that we intend to use the Archive File Manager to manage our archives. We have also
included the text/date field accessarea as a field to be logged, and have typed in a

88 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

length of 10, which enables the Historical Configuration tool to calculate the size of log
files for our datasets.

9. Click Next. The wizard displays the Name Fields page.

4. Identifying Data Access Columns

Use this page of the wizard to change the name of logged fields. In this example, we
leave everything at the default settings. The Historical Configuration tool supplies
names for the historical output, which are adequate for our needs.

Figure B-3. Name Fields

10. Click Next to continue. The system displays the Define Datasets page of the wizard.

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 89

Configuring OE History
May 2016

5. Defining Datasets
Use this page (and its associated dialogs) to add and then define datasets.

Figure B-4. Define Datasets

11. Click Add. The system displays the Historical Configuration screen, showing the
Dataset Configuration tab.

90 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-5. Historical Configuration: Dataset Configuration tab

12. Complete the following fields on this page.

Option Description
Fed From Dataset The system disables this field for raw datasets,
which cannot be “fed” from another dataset.
Description Enter a short description for the dataset.
Collect Data When Select this option because we only want to sample
Triggered data from this dataset when an attribute belonging
to one of the objects in the dataset changes.
By Column Identifies the readvalue column as the trigger
attributes for our historical data collect. Whenever
the readvalue for any of the selected objects
changes, the system enters an historical sample in
to the raw dataset for that object. (This is the
equivalent of an RTU’s “collection by exception”.)
Note that the system disables the Collect Data by
Polling option, since we have selected to collect
data by triggers.

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 91

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Option Description
Keep For At Least Indicates how many iterations of data the system
retains. This value is an important component in
the system’s calculation of the size of the log file.

When you select triggering as the method for

taking historical samples, each sample is
considered a “generation.” Entering 1500 in this
field assumes – under normal operation – that the
signal changes value every 20 seconds. Our log file
then contains about eight hours of data, or one
working shift.
Maximum Unsaved Indicates the maximum number of generations of
Data data we can possibly lose. Rather than writing each
change to disk as it occurs (an intense use of
system resources), you can group the generations
of changes together and then write the group of
changes to disk at one time.
Log Directory Defines where the system stores the log files. If you
do not specify a value here, OE uses the default
directory (the data directory of the database).

13. Click OK to save the values on this page and then select the Archive Configuration

92 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-6. Historical Configuration: Archive Configuration tab

Use this tab to configure archive files.

14. Complete the following fields on this page.

Option Description
Timed Archive Leave this field blank; we have not used timed
archives for this example because archiving by
percentage ensures that the system creates
archives before the log file begins overwriting itself
and that the log files are uniform in size.
Online Archives/ Since we have specified both online and offline
Offline Archives directories for the archives, we must ensure that
we run the Archive File Manager as part of our OE
session. When the system either automatically
creates an archive as a result of the automatic
archive creation regime or when an archive is
brought online, the system places the archive in
the online directory specified here. Likewise, when
an archive is taken offline, the system moves it to
the offline directory.

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 93

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Option Description
Auto Archive Indicates the percentage of unarchived data in a
log file that triggers archiving. Here, that occurs
when 95% of the log file is unarchived.
This is probably the safest method of archiving,
particularly when value changes trigger historical
sampling. It is possible that our estimate of 500
generations is too small, and the log file fills in
under the expected 7 to 8 hours. In that case, if we
only archive every 7 or 8 hours, we risk losing some
data, since the Historian module starts overwriting
data before we take an archive. In our example,
when 95 percent of the log file is full of unarchived
data, the Historian module creates an archive of
that unarchived data. The system continues to use
the log file until it is full, and then begins writing
data to the beginning of the file. When the log file
is again 95 percent full of unarchived data, the
Historian again creates a new archive, and so on.
Automatically Online Indicates the number of automatically generated
Archives archives to left online (here, 10). When the
number of archives exceeds this value, the
Historian moves the oldest automatically
generated archive offline and replaces it with the
latest archive.
Maximum Online Indicates the maximum number of archives
Archives allowed to be online at any one time (here, 50).
This value includes both archives brought online
automatically and archives brought online
manually using the Archive File Manager. Setting
this value ensures that we do not exceed the
server’s memory resources with excessive online
Archive Cataloguing Select to allow the Archive File Manager to bring
archive files online and take them offline manually.
Note: By default, the system enables this option for
every archive configuration.

15. Click OK to save the values on this page. The system redisplays the Define Datasets
page, which we can now use to define compressed datasets.

6. Creating an Hourly Compressed Dataset

Once we have created our raw dataset and defined its archiving behaviour, the wizard
allows us to create a compressed dataset and define its sampling rates. Note that when
the system redisplays the Define Datasets page, the system automatically selects the
raw dataset. This ensures that any new datasets we create for this logging group are
compressed datasets.

94 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-7. Define Dataset: Creating compressed datasets

16. Click Add to add a compressed dataset. The system displays the Historical
Configuration screen, showing the Dataset Configuration tab.

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 95

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-8. Hourly Compressed Dataset

17. Complete the following fields on this screen to create an hourly sample.

Option Description
Fed From Dataset Indicates the raw dataset source for this
compressed dataset. 0s in this field indicates the
raw dataset.
Description Enter an appropriate description for the dataset.
Collect Data by Polling Indicates the polling frequency. Enter a value (1) in
the first portion of the Every field and click  to
display a drop-down menu to select a frequency
(here, Hours). The system then samples the raw
database once each hour and applies the
compression algorithms defined on the Select
Fields dialog (Section B.3, Selecting Fields) to
produce the minimum signal value, maximum
signal value, and average signal value for that

96 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Option Description
Since the system collects compressed data by
polling, it disables the Collect Data When
Triggered option.
Starting From Select to activate a time-based collection. The
system does not collect data for this dataset until
the time specified is past. For example, if the
current time is 10:30AM and you want collection
to occur on the hour, set this field to 10:00:00. To
create an archive at midnight, enter 00:00:00.

The Start Time defaults to the current local time. If

the configuration occurs on an OE workstation,
ensure that the workstation is time-synchronized
with the OE server.

Note: if you do not choose this option, timing for

the collection begins as soon as you create the
logging group.
Keep For At Least Defines how long the system keeps the
compressed sample. Since we need to create a
daily archive as well, we enter 1 and click  to
select Days.
Maximum Unsaved Defines the size of the log buffer (the amount of
Data log data kept in RAM that the system has not yet
written to a log file on a disk). If you set this value
to 12 hours, that means RAM can contain up to 12
hours of data. You can then save data twice a day.
If a power failure occurs, you could lose 12 hours of
data from the log buffer.

While it seems to make sense to set a low value (to

minimize the data you could lose), this could
negatively affect system performance and prevent
you from adding additional signals during future
system expansions. Remember that the buffer size
is fixed and cannot be changed.
For this reason, set the Maximum Unsaved Data
value to 5 to 10 times the Collect Data by Polling
rate specified for this dataset, and never less than
twice that value.

Note: A system feature called “database

persistence” can reduce the amount of data lost in
power failures. Refer to the online help for Session
Manager for more information.
Log Directory Indicates the directory to which the system saves
the log files. The system provides this default
value, which is in the database’s Data directory.

18. Click OK to save the values on this page.

Next, we configure a timed archive to hold the compressed dataset samples.

19. Select the Archive Configuration tab.

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 97

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-9. Configure Hourly Rate Archiving

20. Click Add. The system displays the Create new Timed Archive dialog.

98 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-10. Create new Timed Archive Dialog

21. Complete the following fields.

Option Description
Description Enter a description of the archive (here, Hourly
Rate Archiving). The system displays this value on
the Historical Configuration screen.
Start Time Defines the time at which archiving for the hourly
compressed dataset occurs. Enter a specific value
or click  and  to set a particular time. Use the
date field to set a particular date on which
archiving begins. For this example, archiving
occurs at midnight (00:00:00) starting 10 May
2015. The system displays this value on the
Historical Configuration screen.
Repeat Interval Indicates how often the system repeats the
creation of this archive. Click  to select a value
(here, Daily). The system displays this value on the
Historical Configuration screen.
Offsets Enables you to specify how long the system delays
from the value in the Start Time before creating
the archive. This example accepts the default (0
hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds), which means that
the system creates the archive beginning at
midnight each day.

22. Click OK to save the values on this dialog. The system redisplays the Historical
Configuration screen, which now displays the new archive.

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 99

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-11. Configure Hourly Rate Archiving

Refer to step 12 for a description of the remaining fields on this screen.

23. Click OK to save the values on this screen. The system displays the next page of the
wizard, the Dataset – View Names page.

7. Viewing Dataset Names

Once you have configured the datasets, the wizard displays the Dataset – View Names
page. This gives you the opportunity to change the names of the views the system
creates for your datasets once you complete the configuration of the logging group.
For this example, we leave the view names at their defaults.

100 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-12. Dataset - View Name

24. Click Next. The system displays the Logging Group – Select Objects page of the

8. Selecting Objects
Since we did not select the Log All Objects option on the first page of the wizard, the
system now displays a Select Objects page. Use this page to specify the objects to
include in our logging group.

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 101

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Figure B-13. Logging Group – Select Objects page

23. Select one or more objects from the Browse Objects column. The system activates
the “move” button ( ) in the center of the page. Click it to move the selected
objects into the Logged Objects column. For each object we select, the system
appends this logging group’s Id number to each object’s dataset attribute. In this
example, we select three objects to be logged

24. Click Next to continue. The system displays the wizard’s View Summary page.

9. Viewing the Summary

The Summary page is the final page of the Logging Group wizard. It gives you a chance
to check that the configuration details are correct before you create the Logging Group.
If the configuration details are what you expected, click Finish. The wizard closes and
inserts the logging group into the OE database. If you are not sure about any value, click
Back to make changes.

102 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Logging Group – Summary step

Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group 103

Configuring OE History
May 2016

104 Appendix B: Creating a Logging Group

Configuring OE History
May 2016

Administrative Tools Available Objects List ........................................... 46
Archive File Tool ......................................... 51, 69 Backup Directory ................................................. 11
Advanced Settings Backup Item Properties Dialog ............................. 72
Enable Column ................................................. 24 Backup Item Rate ................................................. 73
Rate Column..................................................... 25 Backup Set Properties Dialog ............................... 70
TimeStamp Column .......................................... 24 Backup Sets ................................................... 11, 70
Alarm view ............................................................ 3 Backups
AND .................................................................... 32 Main dialog ....................................................... 69
Archive ................................................................ 10 Bringing archive files online ................................... 9
Archive Cataloguing ........................................ 9, 42 Button
Archive Configuration.......................................... 40 Add ................................................................... 70
Archive Configuration Dialog ............................... 40 Add Archives ..................................................... 55
Archive data .......................................................... 2 Add Dataset ...................................................... 34
Archive File Manager ............................................. 1 Add Timed Archive ............................................ 40
Diagnostics....................................................... 78 Advanced .......................................................... 23
Help ................................................................. 79 Apply .................................................... 38, 42, 56
Interface ........................................................... 77 Back .................................................................. 23
Keep For log option .......................................... 80 Back .................................................................. 35
Log File ............................................................. 80 Bring Online ................................................ 54, 65
Options ............................................................ 79 Browse .............................................................. 73
Role .................................................................. 12 Cancel.... 23, 35, 38, 42, 43, 48, 56, 58, 64, 65, 67,
Status Bar ......................................................... 78 69, 72, 73, 80
Toolbar ............................................................. 78 Close................................................................. 62
View Menu ....................................................... 78 Dataset ............................................................. 46
Archive File tool ..................................................... 2 Delete ......................................................... 40, 70
Archive File Tool .................................................. 51 Delete (Dataset) ............................................... 34
Archive File Tool Properties dialog ....................... 61 Help . 23, 35, 38, 42, 43, 56, 58, 64, 65, 67, 69, 72,
Archive files 73
moving online/offline ......................................... 9 Modify .............................................................. 40
online and offline ................................................ 5 Modify (Dataset) ............................................... 35
Overview ............................................................ 5 Move Fields ....................................................... 26
Archive Tool Next ............................................................ 23, 35
Archived Data tab ............................................. 51 Next 100 ........................................................... 67
Backups tab ...................................................... 69 OK .... 38, 42, 43, 48, 56, 58, 64, 67, 69, 72, 73, 80
Archives .............................................................. 11 Options ............................................................. 67
Maximum online ................................................. 8 Options ............................................................. 46
Offline ........................................................ 11, 53 Properties ................................................... 54, 70
Online (automatic) ........................................... 53 Refresh ....................................................... 67, 70
Online (manual) ................................................ 53 Refresh ....................................................... 46, 55
Unavailable ....................................................... 54 Remove Fields ................................................... 26
Auto Archive........................................................ 41 Remove Objects From Dataset .......................... 46
Automatic Archiving .............................................. 8 Select Data ................................................. 10, 55
Automatically Online Archives ......................... 8, 41 Select Dataset Objects ...................................... 46
Available Fields .................................................... 26 Show All Objects ............................................... 46

Index 105
Configuring OE History
May 2016

Take Offline ...................................................... 55 2-3. Archive File Tool – Archived Data tab ............ 9
Collect Data......................................................... 36 2-4. Confirmation dialog ................................... 10
Collect Data When Triggered............................... 37 2-5. Archive File Tool – Select Data dialog .........10
Command Line Parameters ................................. 76 2-6. Sessions pane (Archive File Manager running)
Compressed data .................................................. 2 ..................................................................... 12
Compressed Data Table Field............................... 22 2-7. Sessions pane (Scheduler running) .............14
Compression options 3-1. Historical Configuration tool ......................16
Analog .............................................................. 30 3-2. Historical Configuration File menu .............17
Boolean ............................................................ 31 3-3. SQL Export dialog ....................................... 17
Text/Date ......................................................... 29 3-4. Historical Configuration View menu ...........18
Connection Status ............................................... 80 3-5. Historical Configuration Options dialog ......19
Count .................................................................. 32 3-6. Historical Configuration About menu .........20
Create New Timed Archive .................................. 42 3-7. Historical Configuration Wizard (page1) ....21
Create New Timed Archive Dialog........................ 42 3-8. Historical Advanced Setting dialog .............23
Creating .............................................................. 11 3-9. Logging Group Wizard ............................... 26
Creating a Logging Group (example) ................... 87 3-10. Logging Group Wizard – Fields to be logged
Data Access Column ............................................ 33 ..................................................................... 27
Data Collection Polling Rate................................. 36 3-11. Compression detail for fields to be logged 28
Data generations ................................................. 39 3-12. Compression dataset ............................... 28
Database object view ............................................ 4 3-13. Text/Date fields – compression options....29
Dataset - View Names .......................................... 43 3-14. Analog fields – compression options ........30
Dataset Configuration ......................................... 35 3-15. Boolean fields – compression options ......31
Dataset Configuration Dialog .............................. 35 3-16. Logging Group Name fields ......................33
Dataset Tree View ............................................... 34 3-17. Logging Group – Define datasets dialog ...34
Date Fields........................................................... 26 3-18. Dataset Configuration – Dataset
Define Datasets Page ........................................... 34 configuration ................................................ 36
Define Source Page ............................................. 21 3-19. Dataset Configuration – Archive
Dialog configuration ................................................ 40
Archive Configuration ....................................... 40 3-20. Create New Timed Archive dialog.............42
Archive File Tool – Select Data .......................... 10 3-21. Dataset – View Names ............................. 44
Archive File Tool Properties ............................... 61 3-22. Logging Group Select Objects dialog ........45
Backup Item Properties ..................................... 72 3-23. Options dialog ......................................... 47
Confirmation .................................................... 10 3-24. Logging Group – Summary ......................49
Historical Configuration -Archive Configuration 4-1. Archive Field tool – Archive Data tab ..........52
tab .................................................................. 7 4-2. Archive Field tool – buttons ........................ 54
Historical Configuration Tool ............................ 16 4-3. Dataset Properties dialog ........................... 57
Online Properties .............................................. 63 4-4. Properties dialog – View by and Order by
Direct Selection ................................................... 10 fields ............................................................. 58
Duration .................................................. 29, 31, 32 4-5. Settings Editor – Database view .................59
Estimated Number .............................................. 22 4-6. Dataset Properties dialog – View by drop-
Objects ............................................................. 22 down ............................................................. 59
Field 4-7. Historical Configuration tool ......................60
Dataset Description .......................................... 36 4-8. Dataset Properties dialog – Order by drop-
Fed From Dataset Field ..................................... 36 down ............................................................. 60
Figures 4-9. Archive File tool – Archive Properties dialog61
2-1. Archive File Management System Structure . 6 4-10. Archive File name format ......................... 62
2-2. Historical Configuration dialog Archive 4-11. Archive File tool – Online Properties dialog
Configuration tab............................................ 7 ..................................................................... 63

106 Index
Configuring OE History
May 2016

4-12. Archive File tool – Select Data dialog ........ 64 Log All Objects option .......................................... 22
4-13. Archive File tool – Browse for Object dialog Log Directory Field ............................................... 38
..................................................................... 66 Log files ................................................................. 2
4-14. Browse for Objects Options dialog ........... 67 Logged Fields Grid ............................................... 33
4-15. Archive File tool Archive File Import dialog Logged Objects List.............................................. 46
..................................................................... 68 Logging ........... 21, 22, 25, 27, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45, 48
4-16. Archive File tool Backups tab .................... 69 Enabled option.................................................. 23
4-17. Backup Set Properties dialog.................... 71 Group Description............................................. 22
4-18. Backup Item Properties dialog ................. 73 Group Wizard................. 21, 25, 33, 34, 43, 45, 48
5-1. Archive File Manager Task Properties pane . 77 Rate Field .......................................................... 44
5-2. Archive File Manager User Interface ........... 78 Type Fields ........................................................ 27
5-3. Archive File Manager Diagnostics ............... 79 Logging Group ..................................................... 21
5-4. Archive File Manager Options dialog .......... 79 Creating (Example) ........................................... 87
5-5. Archive File Manager Connection Status bar Maximum Number of online archives ..................... 8
..................................................................... 80 Maximum Online Archives ................................... 41
Filter Before Querying Database .......................... 47 Maximum Unsaved Data Fields ............................ 37
Prompt ....................................................... 19, 47 Menu
First Compression .................................... 29, 30, 31 Configuration Tool
Group Description ............................................... 22 Help .................................................................. 20
Logging ............................................................ 22 View .................................................................. 18
Group ID .............................................................. 21 File
Group Wizard ......................... 21, 25, 33, 34, 43, 48 Historical Configuration Tool ............................. 17
Logging ............................... 21, 25, 33, 34, 43, 48 Move Fields Button .............................................. 26
Historian module ................................................... 2 Move File ............................................................. 71
Historical Advanced Settings Dialog .................... 23 Moving archive files offline ..................................... 9
Historical Configuration tool ........................ 1, 6, 15 Moving Files ......................................................... 13
Historical Configuration Tool Name Fields Page ................................................. 33
Add Button ....................................................... 17 Number ......................................................... 20, 48
Close Button ..................................................... 17 Objects ....................................................... 20, 48
Delete Button ................................................... 17 Occurrence Times .................................... 29, 31, 32
File Menu .......................................................... 17 Offline and online
Help Button ...................................................... 17 archive files ......................................................... 5
Help Menu ........................................................ 20 Offline Archive Directory ........................................ 8
Modify Button .................................................. 17 Offlining archives ................................................. 11
View Menu ....................................................... 18 Online Archive Directory ........................................ 8
Historical Configuration Tool Dialog .................... 16 Online Archives ...................................................... 8
Historical data ....................................................... 1 OnLine Archives Directory Field ............................ 40
Historical Logging Group List ............................... 17 Online help system ................................................ 1
Historical sampling ................................................ 2 Online Properties Dialog ...................................... 63
Indexed Fields...................................................... 30 Options Dialog ............................................... 18, 47
Interface OR ....................................................................... 32
Archive File Manager ........................................ 77 Overview
Keep Data............................................................ 39 Archive File Manager ......................................... 75
Last Compression .................................... 29, 30, 31 Archive files ........................................................ 5
Least Fields .......................................................... 39 History ................................................................ 1
Length Field ......................................................... 29 Percent ................................................................ 32
Limit Online Archive Files ..................................... 58 Polled data ........................................................... 39
Log ...................................................................... 22 Polling ................................................................. 36

Index 107
Configuring OE History
May 2016

Prompt .......................................................... 19, 47 SQL Export Dialog ................................................ 17

Filter Before Querying Database ................. 19, 47 Start Polling From Time........................................ 37
Rate Field ............................................................ 44 Sticky options ...................................................... 59
Logging ............................................................ 44 Summary Page..................................................... 48
Raw data ............................................................... 2 Take Offline Timeout Setting ............................... 56
Raw Data Table Field............................................ 22 Text ..................................................................... 26
Raw Logging ............................................ 29, 30, 31 Timed Archive Description ................................... 43
Remove Fields button .......................................... 26 Timed Archive List................................................ 40
Retrieve Field................................................. 20, 48 Timed Archive Offsets .......................................... 43
Role Timed Archive Repeat Interval ............................. 43
Archive File Manager ........................................ 12 Timed Archive Start Time ..................................... 43
Scheduler ......................................................... 14 Timed Archiving..................................................... 7
RTU-assisted historical logging .............................. 3 Tool
Scheduler ........................................................ 5, 14 Archive File ............................................... 1, 9, 51
Scheme (Regime) ................................................ 11 Archive File Manager ....................................... 1, 5
Scheme Section ................................................... 71 Historical Configuration ............................ 1, 5, 15
Select Data Button............................................... 10 Trend view ............................................................. 4
Select Fields Page .......................................... 25, 26 Trigger Column.................................................... 37
Select Objects ..................................................... 46 Type Fields ........................................................... 27
Select Objects Dialog........................................... 45 Logging ............................................................ 27
Sessions .............................................................. 12 View
Setting Alarm .................................................................. 3
Take ................................................................. 56 Database Object ................................................. 4
Setting Local Polling Time Correctly ..................... 37 Trend .................................................................. 4
Setting the Local Polling Time .............................. 38 View Name Field .................................................. 44
Source Table Name Column ................................ 21 View Names Page ................................................ 43
SQL client .............................................................. 4 Virtual tables ......................................................... 3

108 Index
Configuring OE History
May 2016

Index 109
Configuring OE History
May 2016

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