Curva de Abatimiento

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Exercise 6.1 A pump testis carried out to determine the hydraulic conductivity of a confined aquifer, as shown in Figure P6.1 on page 128. Show that the equation for k is, Solution 6.1 ain(2) k= saath, — Ip) Observation wells | Pumping well 6 EH s bon Initial groundwater level ey intial Dramdown curve + 1 i | i i i i Imperius eo Exel Determine the pressure head, elevation head, and total head at A, B, and C for the arrangement shown in Fig. P6.2. Take the water level at exit as datum. Hint: You need to convert the pressure 10 kPa to head. Solution 6. {4 [0.5 maia0.5 meln0.6 mreeO.5 me | ] = exit Datum 0.5m As we are interested in the heads at A, write Bernoulli’s equation between points B and A. 10 kPa P, OSA 5 0.9m =—* +0.25m + hyp a) 1 9.81 KN/m> Yo He For hyp... Write Bernoulli’s equation from point B to point C: 10 kPa OTE 5 0.9m = 0.0m + 0.0m + h, 9.81 KN/m = 1.02 + 0.9m = 1.92m 2 The head loss is linear in the system. Hence, after moving through half of the length of the soil, half of the head loss has occurred. hhuga.ay = 1.92 m/2= 0.96 m. Now, insert this result back into (1): 10 kPa +09m P, 9.81 N/m ¥ +0.25m + 0.96 m 1.02m + 0.9m — 0.25m = 0.96m = 0.71m Ys Present all results in a table: Point Elev. Head (m) | Pressure Head (m) | Total Head (m) A 0.25 O71 0.96 B 0.90 1.02 1.92 C (datum) 0.0. 0.0 0.0. 6. Exel ‘The groundwater level in a soil layer 10 m thick is located at 3 m below the surface. (a) Plot the distribution of hydrostatic pressure with depth. (b) If the groundwater were to rise to the surface, plot on the same graph as (a), using a different line type, the distribution of hydrostatic pressure with depth. (c) Repeat (b), but the groundwater is now 2 m above the ground surface (flood condition). Interpret and discuss these plots with respect to the effects of fluctuating groundwater levels. Solution 6.3 Hydrostatic pressure = y« x depth Increase in groundwater elevation decrease the effective stresses (6' hydrostatic pressure. —u) where w= Exercise 6.4: In a constant-head permeability test, a sample of soil 12 cm long and 6 cm in diameter discharged 1.5 x 10 m? of water in 10 minutes. The head difference in two manometers A and B located at | cm and I cm, respectively, from the bottom of the sample is 2 cm. Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the soil. What is the soil type tested? Solution 6.4 no? _ x6 Cross sectional area of soil Area = 28.26 cm Although the length of the soil sample is 12cm, the distance over which the head was measured is 1-1 = 10cm ‘Therefore, the hydraulic gradient, aH 2 4) L 10 Q 1500 tx Axi 10X60 X 28.26 x 0.2 .44.em/sec ‘The constant head permeability test is used to determine the hydraulic conductivity of coarse- grained soils. Soil types: clean sands, clean sand and gravel mixtures. Exercise 6, A constant-head test was conducted on a sample of soil 15 cm long and 60 cm? in cross- sectional area. The quantity of water collected was 50 cm? in 20 seconds under a head difference of 24 cm. Calculate the hydraulic conductivity. If the porosity of the sand were 35%, calculate the average velocity and the seepage velocity. Estimate the hydraulic conductivity of a similar soil with a porosity of 35% from the results of this tes. Solution 6: 24cm _ '"T5em 50.em 6x 600m? = TE kx 1.6 x 600m 3.33 = 96k . k = 0.0347 em/sec Velocity = v = ki = 0.0347 x 1.6 = 0.0555 Si locity = v, = 2 = OS eo tcan/: epage velocity = v, === = o.tem/sec ‘This test was completed at n = 0.55. For sands, Taylor (1948) presented a relationship between k and the void ratio, e. + or k = (constant) le Ite Solving for the constant, we get constant = 4.24 x 10° cm/sec Hence, for the same soil at another void ratio, the same constant may be used. Hence, the following is calculated for k at a porosity of 0.35 (e = 0.54): 054° 140. k = (4.24x107 cm/sec) = 434x107 cm/sec. Exercise 6. A falling-head permeability test was carried out on a clay soil of diameter 100 mm and length 150 mm. In 1 hour the head in the standpipe of diameter 5 mm dropped from 680 to 502 mm. Calculate the hydraulic conductivity of this clay. Solution 6.6 Cross sectional area of soil; 4 '8.54em? Standpipe cross sectional area; rd? X05 een? m a=y 7 scm 0.196 x 15 ~7a54x 240" Exercise Calculate the equivalent hydraulic conductivity for the soil profile shown in Fig. P6.7. Solution 6.7 10m k,= 8x 107 cm/s k= 5.7 x 104 cmis, k, = 25.5 x 104 cm/s 10m k, = 9.2 x 107 em/s { k, = 27 x 107 emis Equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity (20+2+10)m 2m 5.7x10-4 cm/sec Tom Z3x 10-2 m/sec 10 52x 10-7 cm/sec 22m _ (435 + 3509 + 10.9 x 105)m=sec/em — .02 x 10-6 cm/sec ‘You should observe that the flow in this case is controlled (primarily) by the layer with the lowest hydraulic conductivity — the bottom layer. Equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivit brea ziki Odea FS _ (8x10? cn/sec)(10m) + (25.5 x 10-4 em/sec)(2m) + (27 x 10-7 em/sec)(10m) - (10 +2 + 10)m = 0.0366 cm/sec You should observe that the flow is controlled (primarily) by the layer with the highest hydraulic conductivity — the top layer. [0036S DOD we -. Keq = |(Kxdea* (kedeq = V0.0366 x 2.02 10 = 2.72 x 10-4 cm/sec Exercise 6.8: A pumping test was carried out to determine the average hydraulic conductivity of a sand deposit 20 m thick overlying impermeable clay. The discharge from the pumping well was 10 x 107° m'/s, Drawdowns in the observation wells located 15 m and 30 m from the centerline of the pumping well were 2.1 m and 1.6 m, respectively. Groundwater table was reached at 3.2 m below the ground surface. Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the sand. Estimate the effective grain size using Hazen’s equation, Solution 6.8 Use simple well formu! my = 15 m, r= 30m, hy = 14.7 m, hy = 15.2m 12x 10-in (Fe FEDS aa 72) = 177 x 10-*m/sec = 0.0177 cm/sec Effective 1 size (Dio) kz = CDyg cm/sec Assume C 0.13mm Exercise ‘An excavation is proposed for a square area near the bend of a river as shown in Fig. P69. It is expected that the flow of water into the excavation will come through the silt layer. Pumping tests reveal an average horizontal hydraulic conductivity of 2 x 10” em/s in the silt layer. The excavation has to be kept dry. Determine the flow rate (g,) into the excavation, Solution 6.9 Cross section a-a, Not to scale o|& W 2 Flow will occur from two sides of excavation ‘The average width is 8 + 2 (1.2.x 1) = 10.4m Area =(10.4 x 2) x2=41.6m?;k=2x 107 mis (= Aki = 41.6 x 2x 1077 x 0.19 = 15.8 x 10-7 m3/sec = 0.137 m3 /day Exercise 6.10: Groundwater is pumped for domestic use from an unconfined aquifer sand layer. The thickness of the clay layer above the sand layer is 20 m and its initial porosity is 40%. After 10 years of pumping, the porosity is reduced to 30%. Determine the subsidence of the clay surface. Solution 6.10 ‘The subsidence is due to the change in void ratio and since the Volume of solids remains constant, we can write: 1p llide fy hh), hy _ tes hhh), yd Ve, A, where e is the void ratio, h is the thickness of the layer, i = vis the voids itial, f = final, s = solids and hy 20 subsidence = 20 —17.14 = 2.86m Alternatively, I-n, h h h 1-03 20 hy =17.14m subsidence = 20 -17.14 = 2.86m Exercise 6.11 ‘A canal is dug parallel to a river as shown in Fig. P6.11. A sandy-silt seam of average thickness 0.5 m cuts across the otherwise impermeable clay. The average vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivities are 1.5 x 10 cm/s and 15 x 10° cm/s respectively. Assume a 1 m length of canal, determine the flow rate of water from the canal to the river. Solution 6.11 ‘Sandy-silt seam 0.5 m (average) Equivalent hydraulic conductivity: Keog = (Bz X hy = V5 10-5)(A5 x 10-8) = 4.74 x 10-8 cm/sec Select B as Datum Heads at B Elevation head: hp = 0 Pressure head: hpp = 98 - 96.48 = 1.52 m Total head at B = 1.52 m Heads at A Elevation head : hy, = 99 - 96.48 = 2.52 m Pressure head: hp, = 0.5 m Total head at A = 3.02 m A (cross-sectional area) per | m length = 0.5x1=0.Sm? 4g (flow rate) = Kia = (4.74% 10° /100)(0.0498)(0.5) = 1.1810 Exercise 6.12 An excavation is made for a canal that is fed by a stream, as shown in Figure P6.12. The measured flow into the canal is 0.25 x 104 m/s per unit area, Two porewater pressure transducers, A and B, placed along a line parallel to the slope and approximately at the canal mid height gave readings of 3 kPa and 2.5 kPa. Assuming flow parallel to the slope, estimate the hydraulic conductivity. FIGURE P6.12 Solution 6.12 Ah, = Pressure head difference = Ap/yy = (3-2.5)/9.8 = 0.051m Let 6 be the slope angle in radians 0.051 +0=—— +6 = 0.01275 +6 0.25 x 10- 0.01275 +6 0.25 x 10-* k= ee = 0.69 x 10~m/s 0.01275 + 20x" Exercise 6.13: A well, 0.1 m radius, is part of a wellpoint network to keep an excavation dry (Fig 6.13). The groundwater at the far edge of the excavation must be 0.5 m below the base. a) Calculate the radius of influence. ) Calculate the maximum drawdown, c) Plot the drawdown curve. d) For the radius of influence in (a), (i) calculate the discharge if the well radius increases to 0.2 m and (ii) compare it to the discharge for the 0.1 m radius well. ‘Original GWL Excavation Drawdown k=58x 10% ms _ w= 132 x 107 mis Impermeable Solution 6.13 a) Radius of influence ‘The drawdown at a radius of 9.1 m is 2.5 m lown ata radius ¢ Inc dane Ne Ad 13.2107 In RG) 2.5=8-y[s? 58x10 Rs 430m 1b) Maximum Drawdown occurs at well face, i.e. at r f, = 0.1m ge 22x 20%in (82) kt \ 58x 10 Sn -46in (c) Drawdown curve Gwe 0.00132 | m/s R 436 |m k 0.000058 | m/s Rie 4360, 2180 1090 545, 272.5 | 136.25 | 68.125 | 34.0625 d 6.2 5.1 43 3.7 3.2 27 22 18)m a 0 = bao 6 5.0 «e 4) For the same radium of influence and a well radius on 0.2 m Assume the drawdown at the well radius is the same. i) Gu = 143.710 mt Is ( ‘The ratio of the flow is 143.7 x 10°/13 x10t

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