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Rīkī:A Renowned Poet

The land and plains are very vast and spacious in Chagai. The White Plains and black
fields are spread where; there is no animal or human beings on distance of miles. For a
drop of water, the heart beats and the eyes dry, but thirst never quenches. More than a
half year, in the desert and plains, the dust and soil, fog and dusty winds are making
difficulties for the humans. In the wide desert of Chagai, we can rarely see a tree. They
are tamarisks and thorny trees. Therefore, the heat-strokes and cold winds are pushing the
trees and the people of Chagai are also enduring the slaps of it. Several years of the
hardness of famine, people are still expecting a spring season.
But the deserts and the wide plains, and the long, bared and pure fields of sands, the
places of antimony-colored mountains are full of mysteries. The work of God is not
wisdom less. This is wrong, that the black plains, the bald fields, the darkened rocks and
the dried skeleton people of Chagai are created for nothing. This waterless and
quenchless land, mountains and plains is full of minerals and treasures. No body knows
and guesses that in the forthcoming days, how the shape of this land will be changed?
Now body imagines that in the coming days how the future of the distressed people of
this land will be changed then that of today? Come what may, but this is acceptable that
the nature and geography of Chagai has affected the people because the life of people is
not empty of mysteries. On this land, the people had been mysterious in the past. The
bitterness and sourness of time taught them how to survive themselves in the ups and
downs of life.
From this land, actually, intellectuals, knowledge-full, and enlightened thinking people
raised up. And their fame rose up and enlightened, it has a lot reasons.
First thing is this, which Chagai is situated on the west and long border of the Indo
subcontinent, which has been the transit route of historical nations. The Greeks, Turks
and Iranian nations used to attack on the subcontinent from this route.
The attacks, quarrels, and threats of nations has showed the people of Chagai that how to
survive in such sort of time. And how step forward the life through.
On this land, different kinds of nations came and went and laid multi-colored cultures and
the civil life of this area has been developed.
These things improved the political awareness of people in this area. That is why; the
involvement of the people of Chagai in the political and national movements has been a
great part of it and they have done a lot of productive works.
In the field of literature and literary works people of Chagai has not been remained
backward. They have also earned names according to their capacity in this field. The old
intellectual, enlightened person and nation-loving poet Rīkī, was one of famous
personalities of Chagai, who researched on the plains and desserts of Chagai and spread
the light of light of pearls every where.
Riki is the poet of that age, when the tribal life was surviving. Everywhere the tribes were
free in Balochistan. Every tribe was free and autonomous in its boundaries. They have
passed the tough life of and gotten prosperity. Every powerful tribe had attacked on the
weak tribes and encroach their fields. Lastly each tribe settled on its land and accepted
the rights of each other. In the age of environment of peace and tranquility, the culture,
knowledge, literature and poetry improved. Riki had passed his youth in such an
environment. His wisdom increased and knowledge enhanced. He earned name in poetry
and produced fame.
In this regard, the sub-continent was occupied by a foreign imperialist (English) power
and came to the pure land of Balochistan to prey it. Each and every peaceful tribe did
sacrifice their heads against the impure imperialists to protect their liberated land from
the impure paws of the imperialists. But in this time, in the economical structure a class
has been produced, where we have separated from its interests and benefits. This class
has separated itself from the tribal bonds and seeking assistants for the prosperity to other
nations after the deterioration and suffocating his nation to get back from it. And he will
tighten his grip over the rights of the people of Balochistan to restrict the way of the
nation where the people cannot approach further and do not lose the authority of this
Riki was a well-aware person of the Baloch nation. He was well aware of the fat
encroachers of tribal system and the hidden problems of the nation, and embezzlement of
the national interests. His main purpose of nationalism and loyalty was this, that to
inform the nation about the evil doings of imperialists and the liberation of Balochistan.
And calls the nation to rise up against the imperialists and get their liberation.
These words of Riki show that how his sense was so fast. How his thinking much
developed. And how was he aware of the matters of his time. Riki knew that how the
imperialists have the interest taking groups of Sardars and how providing the benefits and
interests to them. And how they bought freedom of Balochistan and treasures from the
Sardars. They have opened the way for imperialists and now they are constructing
bridges form at Bolan. And they are passing their armies from passages, which stabilizes
its power in the territory. Riki knows that the interests of Sardars and the nation of
Balochistan contrast with each other. And they never meet together. Sardars, for
maintaining their authorities and prosperous life, will always make alliance with such sort
of forces and support them. Sardars took away the facilities of nation, therefore to loot
the whites and blacks and treasures of the country. Riki was well aware of these things,
and did not fear to inform his nation clearly.
Riki has told the Sardars and their sons ironically, that they are more intelligent then their
forefathers. And there forefathers were the part of grievances of their tribes. That’s why,
they were not yet rich. But their children have found the Englishmen and made them their
kins (relatives) to support them for looting the national treasures shoulder by shoulder.
Riki was on of the biggest learned men of his age in the Chagai area. The enlightened
thinking of Riki shows that the nationalists and freedom fighters like, Riki, Rahm Ali
and Mazar rise up and protect the nation from the lootings of foreign imperialists and
Sardars and protect the national rights from deterioration and raise voice to maintain the
rights of people.
Riki, Rahm Ali and Mazar have found a way which leads the intellectuals of Balochistan
and the youngsters to protect the rights of their nation and this path always take them to
success and achievements.

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