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What are the three things you’ll change based upon your peers’

responses? Why will you change each one?

1. I will be adding more commas to prevent any run-on sentences I

have in my essay.
2. I will be changing some of my words to synonyms because I
repeated the same words a lot throughout my essay.
3. I will be adding more emphasis and proof to my statement about
the constitution because I did not cite any sources.

What are three things you’ll keep despite your peers’ responses? Why
will you keep each one?

1. I will keep my genre on the constitution.

2. I will keep the part where I talk about the different sections of
the constitution.
3. I will keep the topics mentioned and elaborate on those.

What work do you have left to do after today to successfully complete

the project?

1. I have to start an outline for my 2nd draft.

2. Start my 2nd draft.
3. Use all the feedback given to make my essay better.
4. Look over my essay to make sure everything makes sense.
5. Check my grammar and punctuation.
6. Turn it in.




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