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Filed on 5/4/2022 1:17:21 PM

22cv3409 (SDNY) (11)

United States District Court
For the Southern District of New York
Ware v. USA, et al.
Submitted by:
/s/ Ulysses T. Ware
The Office of Ulysses T. Ware
123 Linden Blvd.
Ste 9-L
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 844-1260
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Ulysses T. Ware’s Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 5:00 pm Deadline to Damian
Williams and the United States to Disclose its “Principal Witness” in U.S. v.
Ware, 05cr1115 (SDNY), Jeremy Jones’ Concealed and Suppressed Brady
Exculpatory Actual Innocent USSG 5k Perjury Contracts, Cooperation
Agreements, Rule 11 Plea Contract, and other Exculpatory Documents.

Service: Counsel for the government was served via email to: and
AUSA Jun Xiang,

Additional service via email was made to the parties listed below:

cc: Thomas A. Leghorn for Baker & McKenzie, LLP

The Garland Law Firm (Atlanta, GA)
Kilpatrick, Townsend, & Stockton, LLP (Atlanta, GA)

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Wednesday, May 4, 2022
(11) 05.04.22 re: Gov’t litigation position in regard to Dkt. 28 (Motion to Dismiss) and Dkt 32
(Motion to Recuse).
The State Bar of Georgia, Office of the General Counsel (Atlanta, GA)
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court (NDGA)
Marlon G. Kirton, Esq.
Breon Peace (EDNY)
Merrick B. Garland
Edgardo Ramos and Laura Taylor-Swain

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Wednesday, May 4, 2022
(11) 05.04.22 re: Gov’t litigation position in regard to Dkt. 28 (Motion to Dismiss) and Dkt 32
(Motion to Recuse).
The Office of Ulysses T. Ware
123 Linden Blvd.
Ste 9-L
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 844-1260

May 04, 2022

Damian Williams
Office of the United States Attorney (SDNY)
1 St. Andrews Plaza
New York, NY 10007

RE: Ware v. United States, et al., 22cv03409 (SDNY) (ER)(OTW)

28 USC 2241(a) actual innocent habeas corpus petition: (1) Motion to Recuse and
Disqualify Judge Ramos, Dkt 32, (2) Motion to Dismiss U.S. v. Ware, 04cr1224 (SDNY)
Indictment with prejudice, Dkt. 28, and (3) Brady Court Order full compliance.

AUSA Jun Xiang:

Mr. Ware writes regarding the pending matters noted above, Dkt. 28 and Dkt. 32.
Specifically, Mr. Ware is inquiring,
(i) whether or not the Government intends to oppose in good faith Dkt. 28 (the
“Motion to Dismiss”), given the decision in Adar Bays v. Genesys ID, Inc., 18-
3023cv (2d Cir.), March 15, 2022, opinion?; and

Page 3 of 5
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
(11) 05.04.22 re: Gov’t litigation position in regard to Dkt. 28 (Motion to Dismiss) and Dkt 32
(Motion to Recuse).
(ii) its good faith intentions regarding Dkt. 32 (the “Recusal Motion”) given Judge
Ramos is named on the face of the 2241 habeas petition as an adverse party-
opponent, and also named in the verified Declaration of Actual Innocent Facts?
(iii) Mr. Ware further writes to inquiry on you and the Government when “all” Brady
and Giglio exculpatory and impeachment evidence in the ‘actual’ or ‘constructive’
possession of the Government will be disclosed to Mr. Ware?
(iv) Specifically, the immediate disclosure of the Government’s “principal witness” in
05cr1115 Jeremy Jones’ USSG 5k perjury contract, the perjury contract Rule 11
plea, allocution, USSG 5k cooperation “letter” admitted by Marlon G. Kirton, Esq.,
see Dkt. 1 (the habeas petition), Exhibits 29 that Jones received from the
Government, and all debriefings’ notes, transcripts, travel arrangements,
payments, and other agreements for the forgiveness of debts owed by Jones,
collectively, (the “Jones’ Brady Exculpatory Actual Innocent Evidence”).

AUSA Xiang, please notify the undersigned not later than 5:00 pm on May 04, 2022, time
of the essence, regarding the Government’s Article II litigation position with respect to the above
matters. Else, Mr. Ware will report to the Court the Government does not intend to oppose the
requested relief concerning Dkt. 28 and Dkt. 32.
Furthermore, Mr. Ware will bring before the Court an urgent Brady order enforcement
proceeding where you, Damian Williams, and others will be requested to show cause why you
shall not be held in civil and willful criminal contempt, 18 USC 401(2) and 401(3), of the 04cr1224
and 05cr1224 Brady Court Orders unless the Government discloses the Jones’ Brady Exculpatory
Actual Innocent Evidence and other Brady evidence not later than 5:00 pm on May 04, 2022,
time of the essence.


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Wednesday, May 4, 2022
(11) 05.04.22 re: Gov’t litigation position in regard to Dkt. 28 (Motion to Dismiss) and Dkt 32
(Motion to Recuse).
/s/ Ulysses T. Ware
cc: Damian Williams
Jeffrey R. Ragsdale )DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility)
Office of the Inspector General (DOJ)

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Wednesday, May 4, 2022
(11) 05.04.22 re: Gov’t litigation position in regard to Dkt. 28 (Motion to Dismiss) and Dkt 32
(Motion to Recuse).

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