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RE103 – 1 Catechesis on Church and Sacraments

Marion John L. Uy Mr. Marco Discarga

BSBA – Financial Management II SLMCS – HED

Module 7: The Sacraments of Healing

Life Experience: Activity 1: Forgiveness

Direction: Kindly share your story on how you forgive someone or how someone forgives
you. Please do not disclose the names.

An untypical boy: The Bully (Dennis A.K.A “Den”)

As I remembered way back in Junior High School, there was this boy who really hate me
because of my sexuality or rather my gender orientation of being a gay. He thinks that being a
gay is a mortal sin and something that do not fit in this Earthly world. He easily gets mad
whenever I want to make friends with him, that’s why in order not to make any trouble into him I
always keep myself distance towards him. So we come now to the saddest part of this story, it’s
unexpected that he always makes fun of me even though I didn’t do anything to him at all and
the worst is he insulted me like my whole life is affected because of what he did to me. He
posted something on social media about my true identity, bad and harshly comments, edited
pictures and so many more. That time, I was emotionally scared of what he did to me because
my fellow classmates and the other students began to backstab me, criticized me, humiliates me
and embarrassed me to the whole campus. I can’t stand myself of what happened to me, I kept
crying all over again feels like it blow my. That’s why my Mama and Papa started to do some act
regarding this offensive manner or cyber bullying. Until the school principal informed about this
she immediately called the student and his parents who is responsible of everything. She said that
if the boy didn’t delete and say sorry to me, he will end up suspended or yet expelled. The boy
begs for forgiveness of what he did to me, but I know it’s not that easy however, he promised to
me that he wouldn’t do it again not only me, as well as the other student. Since I heard his words
and promises I forgive him though it’s hard to do, but I know that everyone needs a second
chance to start a new life and to become a good person. Having that guilt and hate are wrong
because it means that the evilness wins but in the end the goodness is always prevails.
“Forgiving someone is forgiving myself and let go all the negativity around me.”

Questions to Reflect:

1. What is Reconciliation? Penance? And Anointing of the Sick?

The Reconciliation gives the love of God to the sinner, and the one who unifies
will be restored to God. Whoever lives by God's gracious love is willing to react to the
Lord's calling to go; first, reconcile with your brother. The Penance becomes the defining
moment of the penitent and consecrates the personal and ecclesial stages of conversion,
penance, and satisfaction of the Christian sinner. Furthermore, the Anointing of the Sick
serves in uniting individuals who suffer with Jesus' saving and healing power. People
acquire forgiveness for their sins and relief in their suffering; they are spiritually healed,
and occasionally they even recover health and wellbeing. The Anointing of the Sick is
just not a sacrament for those alone who are on the verge of death; so, as soon as any of
the faithful starts to be in danger of death through illness or old age, the appropriate
moment for him just to accept this sacrament has absolutely touched down.
2. How are these Sacraments celebrated?
The Penance and Reconciliation are celebrated by a liturgical action. The
components of the celebration are ordinarily these: a greeting and blessing from the
priest, having read the word of God to highlight the conscience and express contrition,
and an invocation to forgiveness; the confession, which recognizes sins and tends to
make them known to the priest; the sanctions and acceptance of a penance; the priest's
absolution; a prayer of thanksgiving and praise; and exclusion with the priest's blessing.
Participating often strengthens our connections with God and the Church, bringing peace
and healing throughout our lives and our world. If we have committed grave sin, the
Church mandates that we celebrate the sacrament at least once a year. The Anointing of
the Sick is a religious and community celebration that might take place in the family
home, a monastery, or a church, for a single sick person or a group of sick people. It is
very appropriate to commemorate it within the Eucharist, the remembrance of the Lord's
Supper. If indeed the situation demands, the sacrament can be followed by the sacrament
of Penance and followed by the sacrament of the Eucharist.
3. Why do we need healing?
We need healing in our lives because it may help us become more mindful and
responsive to life. Healing encourages repentance and obedience. Healing welcomes gifts
of sincerity and faith. It awakens our hearts to the vast mysteries of truth, beauty,
divinity, and grace. Ours is a healing goal as members of the Church of Jesus Christ, with
a mission to bind the pain and relieve the agony of those who suffer. I ask Christ's
healing power onto a world burdened with greed and controversy, upon communities
troubled by grievance and ego, towards people burdened with sin, hardships, and
tragedies. Someone requires your attention, your outreach, and your assistance in healing.
We may not know who it is at the moment, but you may provide hope and
encouragement. You can support in the healing of injuries caused by confusion and
misunderstanding. You may help the Lord Healer by helping other people.
4. How does the sacrament of penance strengthen our spiritual life?
The sacrament of penance enriches our spiritual life because it cleanses us of
original sin, the idea that we are all born with sin. As a result, it reconnects us with God.
Regarding this, mankind continue to sin. As an outcome, Catholics confess their sins on a
frequent basis. We are restored to connection with God through the sacrament of
penance. Our sins divide and destroy our bond with our Lord, because through this the
most powerful sacrament that we heal and strengthen our faith in the Lord. Only God can
forgive sin. However, as Christ's followers and carriers, priests have been granted the
power to offer that forgiveness.
5. What is the difference between the anointing of the sick and the viaticum?
The difference between the two is that the Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament for
the living, whereas the Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament for the deceased. This
sacrament is performed to those among the faithful whose condition has been badly
harmed by illness or old age. Illness can manifest as physical, mental, or spiritual illness.
Laying on of hands and anointing with oil, the individual is pray over. The Viaticum, on
the other hand, is a Catholic funeral rite. In the hope that he or she may recover, a very ill
person receives the sacrament of the sick. The Eucharist, the Body of Christ, gives
Viaticum to a dying person to guide and walk with them on the safe travel from this
world to new life in Heaven.
6. How do you live out the sacrament of healing in your everyday life?
I personally practice the sacrament of healing in my everyday life because I feel
that in order to maintain my strong trust in God, I must live in conformity with this
sacrament of healing, particularly the sacrament of penance and reconciliation, as long as
I am alive and in this world. Every genuine act of worship or prayer, whether it is reading
scriptures, praying the liturgy of the times, or praying the Lord's Prayer, brings to life the
spirit of conversion and repentance with me and exposes to the forgiveness of my sins.
He empowers me from my actions and encourages me to fulfill the conversion to Christ
that cures my sins and replaces my inner connections with Him, with the grace of the
Priest and God. Sin has affected my connection with God, as well as my relationships
with my family, friends, and others.
7. What core value of our school you need to practice to continuously share the mission
of Christ through the Healing?
The Commitment to Vincentian Excellence is what I need to practice to continuously
share the mission of Christ through the healing because through this it reflects how I
should deal with my inner and outer self. The things that I often do in my life as a student
either good or bad, mostly the bad ones which whatever I do I must always ask God’s
forgiveness throughout everything that I done because admitting myself in my right or
wrong intentions, all I want is to offer everything to Him by His healing power and His
divine encouragement can make it happen. In order for me to start a new self, of course
as a Vincentian student I am expected to achieve goodness in every single doing and as a
true Christian I will entrust God in any minute and in anywhere around me.
Activity 2: Healing Towards Conversion

A meaningful reflection, in the previous section, you were able to know meaningfully the
two sacraments of healing. It is indeed that we belong to a community of faith as we believe
in the healing grace of God towards communal change and conversion. At this point, please
answer the next activity to apply what you learned in the discussion.

Directions: Cite three different stories from the Bible where Jesus manifested the healing
grace of God and connect each story to your own or personal experiences of conversion or

My 3 Biblical Stories where Jesus manifested the Healing Grace of God:

1. Jesus Heals the Blind Man: Story of Bartimaeus

Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who called out to Jesus for mercy and healing. The
faith of Bartimaeus is seen in how he addresses Jesus as the Son of God. While the crowd
tells the blind man to be quiet, Bartimaeus just became louder! When Jesus tells his disciples
to bring the blind man over, a miracle happens because of his faith.

My own/personal experience:

This biblical story is somehow relates to myself as to how I see the world differently as
what I expected to believed. As I remembered, I was buying something at the mall then I
suddenly noticed that the man is secretly doing something to the old woman and I thought
she was with that man so I decided it was all nothing. However, I saw him continuously
following the old lady whenever it goes and he was suspicious so that time I began to realize
that the man is a stranger and he is a thief. Before he does something to the old lady I go after
the old lady and act as a concerned citizen and become friendly with her in order to prevent
what the man wants to do to the old lady. After that I immediately report to the security
guard about what happened. In reality, there are some cases where some people don’t want to
get involved in this particular situation, they are blind on what is happening around them, but
for me you must not be scared to help or to do the right thing or something because it’s a
matter of life and death. Act what you think is right and never tolerate evilness in the world.
A simple act of goodness can change and save someone’s life.

2. Jesus Heals the Bleeding Woman

Now there was a woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years;
and though she had spent all she had on physicians, no one could cure her. She came up
behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his clothes, and immediately her hemorrhage stopped.
Then Jesus asked, ‘Who touched me?’ When all denied it, Peter said, ‘Master, the crowds
surround you and press in on you.’ But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me; for I noticed that
power had gone out from me.’ When the woman saw that she could not remain hidden, she
came trembling; and falling down before him, she declared in the presence of all the people
why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. He said to her,
‘Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace. – Luke 8:43-48

My own/personal experience:

In this biblical story is quite relevant to my own experience regarding with my health
and physical wellbeing. Whenever I get sick or ill, I feel the pain is all over my whole body
and I suffered a lot. Whether headache, stomach ache, body ache or whatever it was it is
really something to make a serious act regarding this matter. As I remembered, during the
times that I was laying on my bed and couldn’t move because of it, I feel like my condition is
getting worst I was crying over and over and my parents were really scared. My mama told
me that whatever I am feeling right now, the only way to make it good and to lessen the pain
is always putting your faith with God. Before I go to sleep, I get up and get my Holy Rosary
and start to pray wholeheartedly with God and I offer to Him all my sin and what I am
feeling or experiencing that time. I put my faith first and I believed that through His healing
power and ask God’s forgiveness. After that, when I wake up in the morning the pain was
still there, but I feel that the pain inside me is not that much. I was relieved and I continue to
praise the Lord, I always thank Him for what He did to me and I will never ever forget what
the Lord teaches me, especially on that time. Now it is true that in time like that, no matter
what we do or happened in our everyday lives, the Lord is always there for us in times of our

3. Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man

And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at
home. And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the
door. And he was preaching the word to them. And they came, bringing to him a paralytic
carried by four men. And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they
removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on
which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your
sins are forgiven." Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts,
"Why does this man speak like that? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God
alone?" And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus questioned within
themselves, said to them, "Why do you question these things in your hearts? Which is easier,
to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise, take up your bed and walk'?
But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"--he said to
the paralytic-- "I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, and go home." And he rose and
immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all, so that they were all amazed
and glorified God, saying, "We never saw anything like this!" – Mark 2:1-12
My own/personal experience:

On this biblical story, this somehow similar to what I experience back then because as
I remember, my Uncle was paralyzed because of an unexpected accident 2 years ago, the
year 2020. We were shock when we heard about that incident happened to him and also to
his family can’t believe his condition. The doctor said that there was some part of his body
was paralyzed and that they can’t do anything anymore. A couple of days, my Uncle died
because he didn’t survive anymore. Our family was in deep sorrow and it happened so fast
that his family wasn’t ready to deal with it. I feel sorry for them because I know how it feels
of having someone being passed away. However, our family was busy doing the Funeral
Mass and offer Vigil prayer and services to our Uncle. I know my story is opposite on the
biblical story of Jesus, but what matter the most is it is important that we do not forget God in
our life and we always seek to His grace to protect us, heals us and loves us. In reality, we
can’t control life, that’s why we need God in our side.

Life Response: Activity 3: We are All Sinners

Direction: Do examination of conscience at the end of the day and if possible, ask/give
forgiveness to someone if you are ready.



1. You shall have no other gods besides the Lord your God.

As a Christian, I have no any other Gods besides the Lord our God.

Do I love God above all things?

As a Christian, I loved God with all my heart above all things.

Is He number one in my life or do I put myself before God?

As a Christian, I always put God before any others.

Have money and pleasure become more important to me than the God who created me
for Himself?

As a Christian, I know that the most important thing in this world is our Lord God, but as an
ordinary person living in this world I also need money and pleasure in order to survive yet
that doesn’t mean that it’s the most important than the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do I pray often? Have I neglected my friendship with God by neglecting prayer?

As a Christian, I must always pray in order for me to have a good friendship with God.
Have I been involved with occult or superstitious practices, i.e., fortune telling?

As a Christian, sometimes I get involved with occult or superstitious practices, fortune telling

Have I ever received Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin?

As a Christian, I never received Holy Communion in the state of a mortal sin. In order to
receive Holy Communion I must reconcile with God and ask for His forgiveness.

Have I told a lie in confession or deliberately withheld confessing a mortal sin?

As a Christian, I never lie during the confession or deliberately withheld confessing a mortal

2. You shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain.

As a Christian, I never take the Lord God’s name in vain.

Have I ever committed perjury that is, lied under oath in a court of law?

As a Christian, I have never been in that situation.

Have I ever lied after "swearing to God" that I am telling the truth?

As a Christian, I never lied and always telling the truth.

Have I ever used God's name out of anger, that is, as a curse?

As a Christian, sometimes I used God’s name when I’m out of anger or else as a curse.

3. Keep the Sabbath day holy.

As a Christian, I keep the Sabbath day Holy.

Have I deliberately missed Holy Mass on the Sabbath (Saturday evening through

As a Christian, sometimes I do missed Holy Mass on the Sabbath.

Have I ever missed Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation?

As a Christian, sometimes I do miss Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation.

4. Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long and flourish.

As a Christian, I honor my father and mother.

Do I disobey my parents? Do I fail to respect them?

As a Christian, sometimes I disobey my parents and sometimes I fail to respect them.

Do I swear at them? Am I ashamed of them?

As a Christian, I never swear at them and I never ashamed of them.

Do I let them know I love them? Do I lie to them?

As a Christian, I tell them that I love them and sometimes I do lie to them.

Do I steal from them? Am I obeying and honoring those in place of my parents, such as
teachers and principals? Do I skip class? Do I lie to my teachers? Do I swear at them?

As a Christian, I don’t steal from them. I obey and honor my teachers and principals. I never
skipped class and I never lie to my teachers. I never swear at them.

5. You shall not kill.

As a Christian, I will never kill anyone.

Am I spreading rumors or keeping rumors alive by passing them on? Do I nurse anger
against anyone?

As a Christian, I don’t spread rumors or keeping rumors alive by passing them on. I am not
angry against anyone.

Hold a grudge? Refuse to forgive another? Have I cursed anyone?

As a Christian, I never hold a grudge and never refuse to forgive another. I never cursed.

6. You shall not commit adultery.

As a Christian, I never commit adultery.

Have I ever freely and deliberately entertained impure thoughts?

As a Christian, I sometimes I freely and deliberately entertained impure thoughts.

7. You shall not steal.

As a Christian, I never steal anything from anyone.

Do I steal from my parents? Do I steal from friends? Have I ever stolen from a

As a Christian, I never steal from my parents nor from friends or a stranger.

Have I stolen any property from a store? In other words, have I ever taken what
rightfully belongs to another? Do I gamble excessively? Do I seek to share what I have
with the poor and needy?

As a Christian, I never stole any property from a store or anything.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

As a Christian, I have never been in that situation.

Am I a liar? Am I guilty of detraction, that is, making known the faults of others?

As a Christian, sometimes I lie and sometimes guilty of something.

Am I guilty of slander, that is, spreading lies about someone?

As a Christian, I have never been in that situation.

Do I gossip about others? Do I reveal information that should be confidential?

As a Christian, sometimes I gossip about others. I never reveal information about anything.

Am I "two-faced", that is, have I been a certain kind of person to some people, but a
completely different kind of person to others?

As a Christian, I am not a two-faced person. It’s scary.

9. & 10. You shall not envy your neighbor’s wife and goods.

As a Christian, I have never been in that situation.

Am I envious of others? Do I wish that others be deprived of the goods or talents that
are theirs? Am I jealous of others? Do I harbor unforgiveness and grudges against

As a Christian, I am not envious of others. I never deprived them and I am not jealous at
them. I never harbor unforgiveness and grudges against others.

Am I a resentful person? Do I put down others?

As a Christian, I am not a resentful person and I do not put down others.

Let Us Reflect: A new lesson has been discussed… a fresh knowledge has been
learned… and a vibrant call for passionate service is once again achieved. Now, it’s time
for you to share what you have learned… write what you have realized and inscribe
what you have resolved in and about yourself.

As a Christian, I realized that I wasn't alone in my sorrows, damaged sentiments, and

need to heal my wounds. Mary encourages me to listen and feel the grief and hurt inside me
with the healing grace, a blessing given freely to me by God. God is actively listening to me,
watching for me to confess and put my sins behind. God intended that I be free. Healing is all
about developing the potential of grace healing the wounded life and allowing one to go
forward in faith and courage. The sacrament of healing is the potential of light in my
spirituality's emptiness of nothingness. The sacrament of healing enters the quests of self that
have been covered by toxic ideas and lifetimes of sad senseless belief systems of despair and
spiritual deprivation. Forgiveness is not mine to give; rather, it is mine to receive. I can't
make it, and all I know is that's beyond me, in the sense that it's beyond my power, beyond
my strength to will it into being. Forgiveness and healing are only possible when will is
substituted by willingness; it is the effect of humility rather than struggle. Healing and
purifying give me the power and knowledge to take full responsibility for my life as a human
being made in God's image and likeness. Confession is the correct way of seeking God for
forgiveness, which opens the door to a fresh beginning, and conversion becomes my life's
turning point. I was raised and saved by Jesus, the Divine Healer.


Dear Heavenly Father, You reveal us the road of life and in Your presence is richness of joy,
and at Your two hands is eternal happiness. We wish to delight as Your child, underneath
Your protection, in Your existence. May we grow faithful in all aspects of our lives on Earth.
Allow that soon anything from Your kingdom, from Your Heaven, would surround us like a
blessing, allowing us to strive on with gladness and wonderment. We dedicate ourselves to
You, our loving and faithful God, as we thank You. Amen

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