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Daet, Camarines Norte


Name of Student: EVA D. LUKBAN Class Schedule: MW- 8:30-10:00

Course/ Year: BEED-II Instructor: Patricia Jean A. Fajilago

Activity 4:

Describe the instructional material below.

The Instructional Material is…

1. Colorful

2. Clear

3. Attractive


Answer the following questions. These questions will help you fully
understand the topic of our lesson. 

1. What do you think are the guidelines in choosing instructional


In my point of view, the guidelines in choosing instructional materials are; if

the materials worth the time, expenses and effort involved. If it is more
effective than any other less expensive and less demanding instructional

1 | P a g e M C M a t h 2 ( Teaching Math at the Intermediate Grades )

material that can take its place or if there is a better substitute. And, the
materials give a true picture of the ideas presented.

2. What about the guidelines you should follow when creating your own
instructional  materials? 

I would say that the guidelines that I should follow when creating my own
instructional materials are if it is relevant to the lesson. It is suitable to the
students age. Well- designed and the right quality. The objective and the
equipment is easy to operate.


Firstly, before you decide to create instructional material, always bear in

mind that these  instructional materials can be prepared out of almost anything
that facilitates learning. They can be any locally available materials such as a
ball, an empty box, pieces of thread, buttons, thread, pieces of cloth or rubber,
match sticks, cotton, leaves, vegetables, fruits, and so on. 

Such three-dimensional objects help children to learn several concepts

through real  experiences. For other experiences, instructional materials
include readiness materials in large  print, diagrams, maps, arithmetic tables,
model “solved” arithmetic problems, geometric shapes and figures, number
charts, number counting facilitating charts, and so on. 


CONTRAST ✓ It is preferable
to have a light
background while
using dark colors
for writing.

✓ White on black,
or yellow on dark
green color

2 | P a g e M C M a t h 2 ( Teaching Math at the Intermediate Grades )

SIZE ✓At least 2 inches
big letters to ensure
that the IMs can be
read from anywhere
of the classroom 

✓ When printed,
at least 72 font size 

✓Should not be
too big for easy

TACTILITY ✓ Utilizes the sense

of touch of learners;
process of

✓ Realia or actual
materials allows
learners to have  
real experiences 

✓ Especially
important if you
have students who
have  visual

✓ Must not have

sharp edges for

CLARITY ✓ Use headings

and subheading
when preparing

✓ Use bigger
font size in titles

3 | P a g e M C M a t h 2 ( Teaching Math at the Intermediate Grades )

than the body

✓ Use easy
to read
font sizes such
as Arial,  

DURABILITY ✓ If possible, must

covered to avoid
getting wet and

✓ Materials must
be made with
cheap but durable  
materials such as  
cardboard and the

AGE   ✓ Make it colorful

APPROPRIATENESS and attractive since
kids love colors 

✓ Make sure that

colors complement
with each other to
avoid distractions


4 | P a g e M C M a t h 2 ( Teaching Math at the Intermediate Grades )

Answer this exit slip.

3 Things I learned today that we always consider the learners'

conditions and capability, so that we know how to catch their
attention to engage them in the class through the instructional
materials we present.

2 Things I found interesting are on how to prepare instructional

materials in a creative way and to be more attractive to the
children to motivate them to engage in the class.

1 Question I still have is how if the materials I presented to my

students are not effective even if I already consider the
guidelines in selecting and creating instructional materials.

5 | P a g e M C M a t h 2 ( Teaching Math at the Intermediate Grades )

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